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Last active July 22, 2020 17:16
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  • Save Jun-Dai/1dd3b154918d37a76bd515efafa25acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jun-Dai/1dd3b154918d37a76bd515efafa25acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zsh script to use vim + Dropbox for random notes.
# Set NOTE_FOLDER to where you want to store the notes
# Add a line to your .zshrc with the appropriate path:
# source path/to/
# note -> lists all notes
# note -n foo -> creates a new note named, where 2020-07-10 is today's date
# (if there's a note today already with the same name, it will just open it)
# note foo -> if there's a single note with the substring "foo", it will open it
# (if there are none, it will fail. If there is more than one it will fail--and it will list the matching notes)
# note -l foo -> it will open the most recent note with the substring "foo"
# -c will open it using code (VS Code). Else it will open it using whatever $NOTE_EDITOR is set to (default: vim)
# -p just prints the name of the file (if you want to use it for something else)
# -C copies the contents of the file to the clipboard using pbcopy (in case you just want to paste the note somewhere)
# -d puts out some useful debugging for this dang script.
export NOTE_FOLDER="$HOME/Dropbox (Personal)/vim/notes"
echo "$NOTE_FOLDER/`date +%Y-%m-%d`-$"
note() {
if [[ ! -v NOTE_EDITOR ]]; then NOTE_EDITOR=vim; fi
unset list_notes use_last create_new just_print_path copy_to_clipboard debug_mode
while getopts "dlLnpcCh" opt; do
case ${opt} in
l )
local use_last=true ;;
L )
local list_notes=true ;;
n )
local create_new=true ;;
p )
local just_print_path=true ;;
c )
local NOTE_EDITOR=code ;;
d )
local debug_mode=true ;;
C )
local copy_to_clipboard=true ;;
h )
echo "Usage:"
echo " note -- lists all notes"
echo " note foo -- if there's one note with the name containing 'foo', opens that note"
echo " note -L foo -- prints the paths for all notes containing 'foo'"
echo " note -n foo -- creates a new note named 'foo'"
echo " -c -- opens using \`code\` (VS Code) instead of vim. Or set NOTE_EDITOR if you want to use another editor"
echo " -C -- copies the contents of the note to the clipboard with pbcopy instead of opening it for edit"
echo " -l -- opens the most recent matching note (useful if the substring matches multiple notes"
echo " -p -- prints out the file path rather than opening the file"
return 0
\? )
echo "Invalid option(s) specified: $@" 1>&2
return 1
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [[ -v debug_mode ]]; then
echo "Use last: $use_last"
echo "Create new: $create_new"
echo "Just print: $just_print_path"
echo "copy to clipboard: $copy_to_clipboard"
echo "Arg1: $1, Arg2: $2, Arg3: $3, Arg4: $3, Arg@: $@"
if [[ -v create_new ]]; then
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
$NOTE_EDITOR "`new-notefile $1`"
return 0
>&2 echo "Cannot create a new notefile if you don't specify a name for the note."
return 1
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
matches=`ls -r1 $NOTE_FOLDER | grep -i $1`
if [[ -v use_last ]]; then matches=`echo $matches | head -1`; fi
if [[ -v debug_mode ]]; then echo "matches: $matches"; fi
if [[ -v list_notes ]]; then
echo "$matches"
return 0
if [[ -v copy_to_clipboard ]]; then
2&> echo "I can't copy a file to clipboard if you don't specify a file!"
return 1
echo "`ls -r1 $NOTE_FOLDER`"
return 0
notecount=`echo -n "$matches" | grep -c '^'`
if [[ -v debug_mode ]]; then echo "notecount: $notecount"; fi
if [[ $notecount -eq 0 ]]; then
>&2 echo "No notes matching \"$1\" found!"
>&2 echo " Use -n if you want to create a new note named $1"
return 1
elif [[ $notecount -gt 1 ]]; then
>&2 echo "Found $notecount notes matching \"$1\"."
>&2 echo " Use a more specific pattern, or the -l option if you just want the last one."
echo $matches
return 2
if [[ -v just_print_path ]]; then
echo "$NOTE_FOLDER/$matches"
elif [[ -v copy_to_clipboard ]]; then
cat "$NOTE_FOLDER/$matches" | pbcopy
echo "Copied $NOTE_FOLDER/$matches to Clipboard! `wc -l < $NOTE_FOLDER/$matches` lines"
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