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Created June 1, 2016 16:50
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  • Save Jun-Dai/c25868b4fe6740591f4a848aff865c4d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Trying to force TLS v1.2
trigger seeding of SecureRandom
done seeding SecureRandom
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Ignoring unavailable cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Allow unsafe renegotiation: false
Allow legacy hello messages: true
Is initial handshake: true
Is secure renegotiation: false
%% No cached client session
*** ClientHello, TLSv1.1
RandomCookie: GMT: 1464799477 bytes = { 108, 242, 198, 59, 116, 22, 86, 179, 106, 102, 240, 44, 225, 4, 213, 202, 26, 145, 100, 229, 208, 74, 243, 149, 184, 232, 249, 131 }
Session ID: {}
Compression Methods: { 0 }
Extension elliptic_curves, curve names: {secp256r1, sect163k1, sect163r2, secp192r1, secp224r1, sect233k1, sect233r1, sect283k1, sect283r1, secp384r1, sect409k1, sect409r1, secp521r1, sect571k1, sect571r1, secp160k1, secp160r1, secp160r2, sect163r1, secp192k1, sect193r1, sect193r2, secp224k1, sect239k1, secp256k1}
Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed]
Extension server_name, server_name: [type=host_name (0),]
main, WRITE: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 160
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 91
*** ServerHello, TLSv1.1
RandomCookie: GMT: 1464799477 bytes = { 48, 181, 218, 76, 58, 87, 84, 105, 131, 159, 156, 21, 13, 123, 169, 113, 162, 115, 49, 159, 124, 87, 133, 156, 104, 4, 216, 38 }
Session ID: {97, 185, 150, 167, 120, 111, 51, 202, 145, 34, 169, 38, 173, 77, 115, 221, 145, 13, 114, 42, 50, 140, 155, 198, 162, 10, 16, 28, 193, 87, 162, 90}
Compression Method: 0
Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>
Extension server_name, server_name:
Extension ec_point_formats, formats: [uncompressed]
%% Initialized: [Session-1, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 3081
*** Certificate chain
chain [0] = [
Version: V3
Subject:, O=Google Inc, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US
Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
Key: Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
modulus: 25091216501597266261601334607592658060481360619679847706034754713192593085681528725718698349631728000721429936581500993642594187200125154831030712656190855166634935234250891944414293954623294553555481018646074314822309941257382906864579655471597944454889581188246178991179168421971300052278040685489356352398699993432490914973668942793837392054329241321878882668806308959988605833808202954272584034009504907924889361003342503613650604400997085921075328929721547490435165994291702230943123772468409940399543061324950280333138377657648582321822351357518744736829262765823458255190117084312869558612186591540801140606787
public exponent: 65537
Validity: [From: Wed May 18 11:59:02 BST 2016,
To: Wed Aug 10 11:46:00 BST 2016]
Issuer: CN=Google Internet Authority G2, O=Google Inc, C=US
SerialNumber: [ 71d315c9 4a8b0095]
Certificate Extensions: 8
[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityInfoAccess [
accessMethod: caIssuers
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accessMethod: ocsp
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[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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0000: 4A DD 06 16 1B BC F6 68 B5 76 F5 81 B6 BB 62 1A J......h.v....b.
0010: BA 5A 81 2F .Z./
[3]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
PathLen: undefined
[4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[5]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[CertificatePolicyId: []
[] ]
[CertificatePolicyId: []
[] ]
[6]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[7]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[8]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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KeyIdentifier [
0000: CA A5 9B 39 04 2C 2A 9E A3 29 B3 4D 92 6D D3 38 ...9.,*..).M.m.8
0010: 00 B1 11 6E ...n
Algorithm: [SHA256withRSA]
0000: 1B E4 6A 18 7A 64 0E 07 1F 86 DD 00 DE B2 E8 5B ..j.zd.........[
0010: FF DD 26 EC 46 42 39 B4 69 48 A0 58 24 76 2A B1 ..&.FB9.iH.X$v*.
0020: 95 88 6E 4B D4 F3 EB EE 23 1C 89 44 D7 02 FF EB ..nK....#..D....
0030: 7D A1 FE C7 FE 50 E5 46 92 AD 85 E5 D5 81 6E 49 .....P.F......nI
0040: 42 D0 73 E2 95 16 4C 64 26 D2 E1 6F 0E 8E 17 A0 B.s...Ld&..o....
0050: 0B FC 0F FC BF 18 F6 4F 51 8C CF C8 87 B1 9C 68 .......OQ......h
0060: 79 D5 28 9D 06 FB E8 9D AF 87 47 C8 F1 71 DD 50 y.(.......G..q.P
0070: 7C D1 56 CF 3D 13 A4 DA 60 5B 33 BB A9 69 7F E0 ..V.=...`[3..i..
0080: 10 F0 43 6F EE 1A C3 A2 34 BD 3E 22 42 7D 25 88 ..Co....4.>"B.%.
0090: 9A 1B B3 B7 A9 78 A5 8B 80 9D 83 37 FC DC 35 2D .....x.....7..5-
00A0: 94 A7 68 5C CA B6 BF AC 08 64 20 C6 31 74 DB 30 ..h\.....d .1t.0
00B0: FA BF 26 3F C2 0E 8E 53 3D E2 C6 7E 9D 8A 05 D3 ..&?...S=.......
00C0: B0 52 9E 8D 4D DB 27 59 82 18 22 85 74 9F E3 2E .R..M.'Y..".t...
00D0: 79 2D 66 CA 1F BF 33 01 0D 68 0F 18 3B 15 97 75 y-f...3..h..;..u
00E0: E1 37 42 FB 4F C6 5B E3 F2 BD 37 8C F7 5A 0C 8B .7B.O.[...7..Z..
00F0: 3A 64 B4 A7 71 E0 57 06 36 D8 DE A8 B1 AA 1F AD :d..q.W.6.......
chain [1] = [
Version: V3
Subject: CN=Google Internet Authority G2, O=Google Inc, C=US
Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
Key: Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
modulus: 19713895149719550196537065661910573762693934593220985668782860735427060889140793885919063737778303548724916253252606564904177491762533295616984617709378739783748100146882543612565825906799282133510087546060971220666055151463898734279731009956582933624646298029265838127046200538496591314458940937082185029845612274584845875286257057247598474925565775989866310636633768255501748172403430876460228793912189332026189491067186811703150477068536877439284697584041860237489395099402658887745588613142391209024263265842301844868193180477031165936332420984796347731387363914950895491332976177715889375379088870580457661428329
public exponent: 65537
Validity: [From: Fri Apr 05 16:15:56 BST 2013,
To: Sat Dec 31 23:59:59 GMT 2016]
Issuer: CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US
SerialNumber: [ 023a83]
Certificate Extensions: 7
[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityInfoAccess [
accessMethod: ocsp
accessLocation: URIName:
[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: C0 7A 98 68 8D 89 FB AB 05 64 0C 11 7D AA 7D 65 .z.h.....d.....e
0010: B8 CA CC 4E ...N
[3]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
[4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[5]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CertificatePolicies [
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[6]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
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[7]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 4A DD 06 16 1B BC F6 68 B5 76 F5 81 B6 BB 62 1A J......h.v....b.
0010: BA 5A 81 2F .Z./
Algorithm: [SHA256withRSA]
0000: AA FA A9 20 CD 6A 67 83 ED 5E D4 7E DE 1D C4 7F ... .jg..^......
0010: E0 25 06 00 C5 24 FB A9 C8 2D 6D 7E DE 9D 82 65 .%...$...-m....e
0020: 2C 81 63 34 66 3E E9 52 C2 08 B4 CB 2F F7 5F 99 ,.c4f>.R..../._.
0030: 3A 6A 9C 50 7A 85 05 8C 7D D1 2A 48 84 D3 09 6C :j.Pz.....*H...l
0040: 7C C2 CD 35 9F F3 82 EE 52 DE 68 5F E4 00 8A 17 ...5....R.h_....
0050: 20 96 F7 29 8D 9A 4D CB A8 DE 86 C8 0D 6F 56 87 ..)..M......oV.
0060: 03 7D 03 3F DC FA 79 7D 21 19 F9 C8 3A 2F 51 76 ...?..y.!...:/Qv
0070: 8C C7 41 92 71 8F 25 CE 37 F8 4A 4C 00 23 EF C4 ..A.q.%.7.JL.#..
0080: 35 10 AE E0 23 80 73 7C 4D 34 2E C8 6E 90 D6 10 5...#.s.M4..n...
0090: 1E 99 84 73 1A 70 F2 ED 55 0E EE 17 06 EA 67 EE ...s.p..U.....g.
00A0: 32 EB 2C DD 67 07 3F F6 8B C2 70 DE 5B 00 E6 BB 2.,.g.?...p.[...
00B0: 1B D3 36 1A 22 6C 6C B0 35 42 6C 90 09 3D 93 E9 ..6."ll.5Bl..=..
00C0: 64 09 22 0E 85 06 9F C2 73 21 D3 E6 5F 80 E4 8D d.".....s!.._...
00D0: 85 22 3A 73 03 B1 60 8E AE 68 E2 F4 3E 97 E7 60 .":s..`..h..>..`
00E0: 12 09 68 36 DE 3A D6 E2 43 95 5B 37 81 92 81 1F ..h6.:..C.[7....
00F0: BB 8D D7 AD 52 64 16 57 96 D9 5E 34 7E C8 35 D8 ....Rd.W..^4..5.
chain [2] = [
Version: V3
Subject: CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US
Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
Key: Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
modulus: 27620593608073140957439440929253438012688864718977347268272053725994928948867769687165112265058896553974818505070806430256424431940072485024407486246475597522063246121214348496326377341879755851197260401080498544606788760407243324127929930612201002157618691487713632251700065187865963692723720912135393438861302779432180613616167225206519123176430362410262429702404863434904116727055203524505580952824336979641923534005571504410997292144760317953739063178352809680844232935574095508445145910310675421726257114605895831426222686272114090063230017292595425393719031924942422176213538487957041730136782988405751614792953
public exponent: 65537
Validity: [From: Tue May 21 05:00:00 BST 2002,
To: Tue Aug 21 05:00:00 BST 2018]
Issuer: OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority, O=Equifax, C=US
SerialNumber: [ 12bbe6]
Certificate Extensions: 6
[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 48 E6 68 F9 2B D2 B2 95 D7 47 D8 23 20 10 4F 33 H.h.+....G.# .O3
0010: 98 90 9F D4 ....
[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
[3]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CRLDistributionPoints [
[4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
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[CertificatePolicyId: []
[PolicyQualifierInfo: [
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0010: 6F 74 72 75 73 74 2E 63 6F 6D 2F 72 65 73 6F 75
0020: 72 63 65 73 2F 72 65 70 6F 73 69 74 6F 72 79 rces/repository
]] ]
[5]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
KeyUsage [
[6]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: C0 7A 98 68 8D 89 FB AB 05 64 0C 11 7D AA 7D 65 .z.h.....d.....e
0010: B8 CA CC 4E ...N
Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
0000: 76 E1 12 6E 4E 4B 16 12 86 30 06 B2 81 08 CF F0 v..nNK...0......
0010: 08 C7 C7 71 7E 66 EE C2 ED D4 3B 1F FF F0 F0 C8 ...q.f....;.....
0020: 4E D6 43 38 B0 B9 30 7D 18 D0 55 83 A2 6A CB 36 N.C8..0...U..j.6
0030: 11 9C E8 48 66 A3 6D 7F B8 13 D4 47 FE 8B 5A 5C ...Hf.m....G..Z\
0040: 73 FC AE D9 1B 32 19 38 AB 97 34 14 AA 96 D2 EB s....2.8..4.....
0050: A3 1C 14 08 49 B6 BB E5 91 EF 83 36 EB 1D 56 6F ....I......6..Vo
0060: CA DA BC 73 63 90 E4 7F 7B 3E 22 CB 3D 07 ED 5F>".=.._
0070: 38 74 9C E3 03 50 4E A1 AF 98 EE 61 F2 84 3F 12 8t...PN....a..?.
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 331
*** ECDH ServerKeyExchange
Server key: Sun EC public key, 256 bits
public x coord: 18119566256774333712908860956116194019583855090156387138417234204590531403784
public y coord: 95903739065419197886070185236274551733293917264315242225269858950363913658023
parameters: secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1] (1.2.840.10045.3.1.7)
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 4
*** ServerHelloDone
*** ECDHClientKeyExchange
ECDH Public value: { 4, 174, 199, 97, 19, 120, 130, 245, 79, 164, 152, 201, 222, 0, 177, 154, 73, 223, 58, 39, 129, 211, 198, 126, 51, 100, 222, 120, 221, 247, 121, 139, 55, 41, 226, 235, 17, 28, 34, 163, 48, 226, 160, 25, 63, 37, 121, 251, 173, 13, 174, 64, 17, 28, 32, 19, 246, 96, 112, 53, 14, 152, 171, 79, 15 }
main, WRITE: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 70
PreMaster Secret:
0000: 30 6E 33 3C BC D8 53 AC 24 E1 4D C6 21 89 60 44 0n3<..S.$.M.!.`D
0010: 0E 61 F8 F5 E7 71 0D 73 68 65 84 A4 F7 F2 B5 3F .a...q.she.....?
Client Nonce:
0000: 57 4F 11 F5 6C F2 C6 3B 74 16 56 B3 6A 66 F0 2C WO..l..;t.V.jf.,
0010: E1 04 D5 CA 1A 91 64 E5 D0 4A F3 95 B8 E8 F9 83 ......d..J......
Server Nonce:
0000: 57 4F 11 F5 30 B5 DA 4C 3A 57 54 69 83 9F 9C 15 WO..0..L:WTi....
0010: 0D 7B A9 71 A2 73 31 9F 7C 57 85 9C 68 04 D8 26 ...q.s1..W..h..&
Master Secret:
0000: 07 54 90 63 93 C4 37 64 E9 DA 53 30 D4 70 B9 DD .T.c..7d..S0.p..
0010: 9D B3 C0 C6 01 0C E3 C3 C0 44 A5 E0 70 6A 7C 7E .........D..pj..
0020: C8 D5 6C A1 F7 80 07 5C 65 2B C4 00 CD FD 6C 5E ..l....\e+....l^
Client MAC write Secret:
0000: EA 5C 57 5B DD E9 A6 29 F9 DC 95 8F C5 01 2E 79 .\W[...).......y
0010: 8C D0 05 AD ....
Server MAC write Secret:
0000: 90 64 22 B1 49 A2 19 60 92 33 F9 35 79 9F 13 90 .d".I..`.3.5y...
0010: 4E AE 76 40 N.v@
Client write key:
0000: 6A D3 32 78 AC 4C 86 38 26 47 8F C8 1D 76 06 D1 j.2x.L.8&G...v..
Server write key:
0000: FC FD FD 6A 2E 4C 02 09 C9 7E 64 B1 1B 87 BB 97 ...j.L....d.....
... no IV derived for this protocol
main, WRITE: TLSv1.1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
*** Finished
verify_data: { 144, 170, 26, 213, 149, 242, 125, 202, 36, 224, 33, 252 }
main, WRITE: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 64
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Handshake, length = 64
*** Finished
verify_data: { 217, 229, 253, 39, 125, 130, 87, 57, 4, 193, 106, 96 }
%% Cached client session: [Session-1, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
main, WRITE: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 192
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 816
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 256
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 224
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
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main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 864
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 160
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 688
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 272
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 1360
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 736
main, READ: TLSv1.1 Application Data, length = 112
Process finished with exit code 0
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