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Created January 26, 2024 18:03
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[18:43:04] [ServerMain/INFO]: [STDERR]: You have used the Spigot command line EULA agreement flag.
[18:43:04] [ServerMain/INFO]: [STDERR]: By using this setting you are indicating your agreement to Mojang's EULA (
[18:43:04] [ServerMain/INFO]: [STDERR]: If you do not agree to the above EULA please stop your server and remove this flag immediately.
[18:43:04] [ServerMain/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[18:43:06] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[18:43:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1
[18:43:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[18:43:08] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-196 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 773dd72)
[18:43:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[18:43:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[18:43:09] [Server thread/WARN]: [!] The timings profiler has been enabled but has been scheduled for removal from Paper in the future.
We recommend installing the spark profiler as a replacement:
For more information please visit:
[18:43:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads
[18:43:09] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[18:43:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[18:43:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
[18:43:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[18:43:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity.
[18:43:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity.
[18:43:11] [Server thread/WARN]: [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.legacy.CraftLegacy] Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
[18:43:17] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin ServerUtils v1.2.1 does not specify an api-version.
[18:43:17] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin VoidWorld v1.0 does not specify an api-version.
[18:43:17] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin YouTuberSystem v1.0 does not specify an api-version.
[18:43:17] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin RottenFleshToLeather v1.0 does not specify an api-version.
[18:43:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading server plugin ViaVersion v4.9.2
[18:43:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion 4.9.2 is now loaded. Registering protocol transformers and injecting...
[18:43:18] [Via-Mappingloader-0/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading block connection mappings ...
[18:43:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading translations...
[18:43:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Registering protocols...
[18:43:18] [Via-Mappingloader-0/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Using FastUtil Long2ObjectOpenHashMap for block connections
[18:43:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading server plugin LuckPerms v5.4.102
[18:43:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading server plugin Vault v1.7.3-b131
[18:43:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861
[18:43:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Loading server plugin PlaceholderAPI v2.11.5
[18:43:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Loading server plugin DeluxeHub v3.5.5
[18:43:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading server plugin WorldEdit v7.3.0-beta-03+d6d222e
[18:43:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@11ec3a51]
[18:43:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading server plugin ProtocolLib v5.1.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading server plugin Essentials v2.20.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading server plugin WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading server plugin ViaBackwards v4.9.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Loading server plugin DecentHolograms v2.8.6
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading server plugin EssentialsChat v2.20.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Loading server plugin PlayerPoints v3.2.6
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [BlockLocker] Loading server plugin BlockLocker v1.12.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Loading server plugin AdvancedBan v2.3.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerUtils] Loading server plugin ServerUtils v1.2.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skulls] Loading server plugin Skulls v3.12.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [TAB] Loading server plugin TAB v4.1.2
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Loading server plugin GSit v1.7.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleScore] Loading server plugin SimpleScore v3.12.5
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Loading server plugin Graves v4.9
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into WorldGuard 7.0.9+5934e49.
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chunky] Loading server plugin Chunky v1.3.92
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Loading server plugin CoreProtect v22.2
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Inventories v4.2.6
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [DoorsReloaded] Loading server plugin DoorsReloaded v1.3.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Loading server plugin VoidWorld v1.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Loading server plugin SkinsRestorer v15.0.4
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [LifeSteal-Smp-Plugin] Loading server plugin LifeSteal-Smp-Plugin v2.3.21
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Loading server plugin DeluxeMenus v1.14.0-Release
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] NMS hook has been setup successfully!
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Loading server plugin AdvancedRegionMarket v3.5.3
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [YouTuberSystem] Loading server plugin YouTuberSystem v1.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] Loading server plugin BetterTeams v4.8.3
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] Checking if the file config.yml is up to date
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] File is up to date
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Loading server plugin TerraformGenerator v13.0.3
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] Loading server plugin EconomyShopGUI v6.3.2
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading server plugin EssentialsSpawn v2.20.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Loading server plugin SuperVanish v6.2.18
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Portals v4.2.3
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Watson] Loading server plugin Watson v1.0.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Loading server plugin ChestShop v3.12.2 (build 353)
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] BlockLocker version 1.12.1 loaded.
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] WorldGuard version 7.0.9+5934e49 loaded.
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Loading server plugin BetterRTP v3.6.12
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [RottenFleshToLeather] Loading server plugin RottenFleshToLeather v1.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Loading server plugin ServerListPlus v3.5.0
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Loading server plugin spark v1.10.34
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Loading server plugin VeinMiner v2.1.1
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Found WorldGuard. Registering custom region flag.
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loading server plugin AureliumSkills vBeta 1.3.24
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Loading server plugin MyCommand v5.7.4
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[18:43:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v5.4.102
[18:43:25] [Server thread/INFO]: __
[18:43:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.102
[18:43:25] [Server thread/INFO]: |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper
[18:43:25] [Server thread/INFO]:
[18:43:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading configuration...
[18:43:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading storage provider... [H2]
[18:43:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading internal permission managers...
[18:43:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Performing initial data load...
[18:43:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Successfully enabled. (took 7015ms)
[18:43:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Registered Vault permission & chat hook.
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v7.3.0-beta-03+d6d222e
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[18:43:31] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Vault detected! Using Vault for permissions
[18:43:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.v1_20_R1.PaperweightAdapter as the Bukkit adapter
[18:43:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v5.1.0
[18:43:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Enabling PlayerPoints v3.2.6
[18:43:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Initializing using RoseGarden v1.2.5
[18:43:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Data handler connected using SQLite.
[18:43:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [BlockLocker] Enabling BlockLocker v1.12.1
[18:43:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Enabling VoidWorld v1.0*
[18:43:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Enabling SkinsRestorer v15.0.4
[18:43:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Detected Minecraft v1_20_R1, using MappingSpigotSkinRefresher.
[18:43:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: skinsrestorer [15.0.4]
[18:43:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] PlaceholderAPI expansion registered!
[18:43:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Using paper join listener!
[18:43:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Enabling TerraformGenerator v13.0.3
[18:43:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Custom Logger Initialized
[18:43:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] bStats Metrics enabled.
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] +==================+
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] | SkinsRestorer |
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] |------------------|
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] | Standalone Mode |
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] +==================+
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Version: 15.0.4
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Commit: 677e967
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] This is the latest version!
[18:43:37] [Folia Async Scheduler Thread #1/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
[18:43:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerraformGenerator] Detected version: v1_20_R1, number: 20.1
[18:43:37] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[18:43:37] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[18:43:37] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
[18:43:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
[18:43:37] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:37] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error loading saved data: scoreboard
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -1 is negative
at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.readScoreboard( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at ~[?:?]
[18:43:38] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:39] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[18:43:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 669 ms
[18:43:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether
[18:43:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 205 ms
[18:43:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end
[18:43:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 199 ms
[18:43:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Enabling ViaVersion v4.9.2
[18:43:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion detected server version: 1.20/1.20.1 (763)
[18:43:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861
[18:43:40] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] "Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent on method "public void com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener.entityPortalCreate(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main--].
[18:43:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] §aWe are aware of the warning about the deprecated event. There is no alternative that allows us to do what we need to do and performance impact is negligible. It is safe to ignore.
[18:43:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:testing
[18:43:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 294 ms
[18:43:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:mapworld
[18:43:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 199 ms
[18:43:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:pvp
[18:43:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 178 ms
[18:43:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:district
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 91 ms
[18:43:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MapSerializer] Could not deserialize key short_grass into class at [entities, spawning, alt-item-despawn-rate, items]
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:voidworld
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 588 ms
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 8 - World(s) loaded.
[18:43:43] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Buscript failed to load! The script command will be disabled! If you would like not to see this message, use `/mv conf enablebuscript false` to disable Buscript from loading.
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 4.3.1-b861 (API v24) Enabled - By dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
[18:43:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.11.5
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Enabling DeluxeHub v3.5.5
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] _ _ _ _ _
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] | \ |_ | | | \/ |_ |_| | | |_) _)
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] |_/ |_ |_ |_| /\ |_ | | |_| |_) _)
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub]
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Version: 3.5.5
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Author: ItsLewizzz
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub]
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Loaded custom menu 'minigames'.
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Loaded custom menu 'serverselector'.
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R1! Trying to find NMS support
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R1' loaded!
[18:43:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'DeluxeHub' to create a bStats instance!
[18:43:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Loaded 13 plugin modules.
[18:43:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub]
[18:43:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeHub] Successfully loaded in 1002ms
[18:43:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.20.1
[18:43:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml
[18:43:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] No kits found to migrate.
[18:43:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loaded 38132 items from items.json.
[18:43:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using locale en_US
[18:43:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] ServerListPingEvent: Spigot iterator API
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (LuckPerms)
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (testing) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (testing) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (testing) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (testing) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'testing'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (mapworld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (mapworld) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (mapworld) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (mapworld) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'mapworld'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (pvp) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (pvp) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (pvp) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (pvp) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'pvp'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (District) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (District) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (District) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (District) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'District'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (voidworld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (voidworld) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (voidworld) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (voidworld) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'voidworld'
[18:43:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
[18:43:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Enabling ViaBackwards v4.9.1
[18:43:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Enabling DecentHolograms v2.8.6
[18:43:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.20.1
[18:43:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[18:43:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Enabling AdvancedBan v2.3.0
[18:43:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [] HikariPool-1 - Starting...
[18:43:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [] HikariPool-1 - Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (feature not supported)
[18:43:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [] HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]:
[]=====[Enabling AdvancedBan]=====[]
| Information:
| Name: AdvancedBan
| Developer: Leoko
| Version: 2.3.0
| Storage: HSQLDB (local)
| Support:
| Github:
| Discord:
| Twitter: @LeokoGar
| Update:
| You have the newest version
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerUtils] Enabling ServerUtils v1.2.1*
[18:43:53] [Server thread/WARN]: [ServerUtils] Could not save messages.yml to plugins/ServerUtils/messages.yml because messages.yml already exists.
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerUtils] Plugin enabled.
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skulls] Enabling Skulls v3.12.0
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]:
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: =============================
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Skulls v3.12.0 by Tweetzy
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Developer: Kiran Hart
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [FlightCore] Enabling metrics for Skulls
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: =============================
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]:
[18:43:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [TAB] Enabling TAB v4.1.2
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: tab [4.1.2]
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [TAB] Enabled in 684ms
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Enabling GSit v1.7.0
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] The plugin was successfully enabled.
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Link with PlaceholderAPI successful!
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: gsit [1.7.0]
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Link with ViaVersion successful!
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GSit] Link with WorldGuard successful!
[18:43:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleScore] Enabling SimpleScore v3.12.5
[18:43:55] [Server thread/ERROR]: Cannot load configuration from stream
org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException: while scanning for the next token
found character '\t(TAB)' that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)
in 'reader', line 39, column 1:
type: EQUALS
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.load( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.utils.configs.ConfigFile.<init>(ConfigFile.kt:27) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.configs.ConfigUpdater.<init>(ConfigUpdater.kt:15) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.SimpleScore$Api.init$SimpleScore(SimpleScore.kt:66) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.SimpleScore.onEnable(SimpleScore.kt:21) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerException: while scanning for the next token
found character '\t(TAB)' that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)
in 'reader', line 39, column 1:
type: EQUALS
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingValue.produce( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector$1.peek( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector$1.peek( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector.collectEvents( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector.collectEvents( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeScalarNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeKeyNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingChildren( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.compose( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
... 18 more
[18:43:55] [Server thread/ERROR]: Cannot load configuration from stream
org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException: while scanning for the next token
found character '\t(TAB)' that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)
in 'reader', line 39, column 1:
type: EQUALS
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration.load( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.utils.configs.ConfigFile.<init>(ConfigFile.kt:27) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.configs.ConditionsConfig.<init>(ConditionsConfig.kt:9) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.configs.MainConfig.<init>(MainConfig.kt:21) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.SimpleScore$Api.init$SimpleScore(SimpleScore.kt:72) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at com.r4g3baby.simplescore.SimpleScore.onEnable(SimpleScore.kt:21) ~[SimpleScore-3.12.5.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerException: while scanning for the next token
found character '\t(TAB)' that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)
in 'reader', line 39, column 1:
type: EQUALS
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingValue.produce( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector$1.peek( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector$1.peek( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector.collectEvents( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.comments.CommentEventsCollector.collectEvents( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeScalarNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeKeyNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingChildren( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.compose( ~[snakeyaml-2.0.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration.loadFromString( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
... 19 more
[18:43:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: SimpleScore [3.12.5]
[18:43:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Enabling Graves v4.9
[18:43:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into Vault 1.7.3-b131.
[18:43:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into ProtocolLib 5.1.0.
[18:43:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Debug: Saving WorldEdit schematics.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Debug: Loading schematic grave_default
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Debug: Loading schematic grave_snow
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Debug: Loading schematic grave_wither
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into WorldEdit 7.3.0-beta-03+d6d222e.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into WorldGuard 7.0.9+5934e49.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into MiniMessage.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: graves [4.9]
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Integration: Hooked into PlaceholderAPI 2.11.5.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Compatibility: Essentials Detected, make sure you don't have the essentials.keepinv or essentials.keepxp permissions.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Graves] Debug: Added recipe basic
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chunky] Enabling Chunky v1.3.92
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Enabling CoreProtect v22.2
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] CoreProtect has been successfully enabled!
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Using SQLite for data storage.
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: --------------------
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Enjoy CoreProtect? Join our Discord!
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Discord:
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: --------------------
[18:43:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Enabling Multiverse-Inventories v4.2.6
[18:43:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories 4.2.6] enabled.
[18:43:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [DoorsReloaded] Enabling DoorsReloaded v1.3.1
[18:43:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [LifeSteal-Smp-Plugin] Enabling LifeSteal-Smp-Plugin v2.3.21
[18:43:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: lssmp [1.0.0]
[18:44:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Enabling DeluxeMenus v1.14.0-Release
[18:44:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Successfully hooked into PlaceholderAPI!
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] 5 GUI menus loaded!
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] You are running the latest version of DeluxeMenus!
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Successfully hooked into Vault!
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: deluxemenus [1.14.0-Release]
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Enabling AdvancedRegionMarket v3.5.3
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Using WorldGuard7 adapter
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Using WorldEdit7 adapter
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Using MC 1.20 adapter
[18:44:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Regions loaded!
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] Programmed by Alex9849
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedRegionMarket] I'm always searching for better translations of AdvancedRegionMarket. If you've translated the plugin it would be very nice if you would send me your translation via spigot private message! :)
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [YouTuberSystem] Enabling YouTuberSystem v1.0*
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] Enabling BetterTeams v4.8.3
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] Checking if the file messages.yml is up to date
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTeams] File is up to date
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: betterTeams [4.8.3]
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Display team name config value: prefix
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading below name. Type: PREFIX
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: teamManagement declared:
[18:44:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] Enabling EconomyShopGUI v6.3.2
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Using lang-en.yml as language file.
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Completed loading 16 section configs from /sections/
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Completed loading 16 shop configs from /shops/
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Updating Shop settings...
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Successfully hooked into Vault
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Completed loading 1 economy provider(s) for all 14 shop sections.
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Using minecraft version 1.20.1...
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Spawner provider set to AUTO in config
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Automatically searching for compatible spawner provider....
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Failed to automatically find compatible spawner provider, using default...
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Debug mode is enabled.
[18:44:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Loading all items...
[18:44:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [EconomyShopGUI] [INFO]: Initialized - Took 2002ms to complete
[18:44:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.20.1
[18:44:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
[18:44:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Enabling SuperVanish v6.2.18
[18:44:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into PaperSpigot for server list ping support
[18:44:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: supervanish [6.2.18]
[18:44:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI
[18:44:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Hooked into Essentials
[18:44:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Enabling Multiverse-Portals v4.2.3
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Failed Parsing World for: OverPort (World Error, World did not exist or was not imported into Multiverse-Core!)
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Portal OverPort has an invalid LOCATION!
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Portal 'OverPort' not loaded due to invalid location!
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Failed Parsing World for: overport2 (World Error, World did not exist or was not imported into Multiverse-Core!)
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Portal overport2 has an invalid LOCATION!
[18:44:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Portals] Portal 'overport2' not loaded due to invalid location!
[18:44:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] 13 - Portals(s) loaded
[18:44:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections.
[18:44:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals 4.2.3] Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
[18:44:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Watson] Enabling Watson v1.0.1
[18:44:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Enabling ChestShop v3.12.2 (build 353)
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Loading configuration config.yml
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] DEBUG: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] TURN_OFF_UPDATES: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] TURN_OFF_DEV_UPDATE_NOTIFIER: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] INCLUDE_SETTINGS_IN_METRICS: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] CACHE_SIZE: 1000
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: "en"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] USE_CLIENT_LOCALE: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOP_CONTAINERS:
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOP_INTERACTION_INTERVAL: 250
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] IGNORE_CREATIVE_MODE: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] IGNORE_ACCESS_PERMS: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REVERSE_BUTTONS: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHIFT_SELLS_IN_STACKS: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHIFT_SELLS_EVERYTHING: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHIFT_ALLOWS: "ALL"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ALLOW_SIGN_CHEST_OPEN: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SIGN_DYING: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ALLOW_LEFT_CLICK_DESTROYING: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REMOVE_EMPTY_SHOPS: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REMOVE_EMPTY_CHESTS: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REMOVE_EMPTY_WORLDS:
- "world1"
- "world2"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ADMIN_SHOP_NAME: "SUPER ADMIN"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] FORCE_UNLIMITED_ADMIN_SHOP: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SERVER_ECONOMY_ACCOUNT: ""
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SERVER_ECONOMY_ACCOUNT_UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] TAX_AMOUNT: 3
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SERVER_TAX_AMOUNT: 0
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOP_CREATION_PRICE: 5
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOP_REFUND_PRICE: 5
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] PRICE_PRECISION: 2
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ENSURE_CORRECT_PLAYERID: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] VALID_PLAYERNAME_REGEXP: "^\\w+$"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] BLOCK_SHOPS_WITH_SELL_PRICE_HIGHER_THAN_BUY_PRICE: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] MAX_SHOP_AMOUNT: 3456
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SHOPS_AT_ONE_BLOCK: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ALLOW_PARTIAL_TRANSACTIONS: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] ALLOW_AUTO_ITEM_FILL: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] BUNGEECORD_MESSAGES: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOW_MESSAGE_OUT_OF_STOCK: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOW_MESSAGE_FULL_SHOP: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_COOLDOWN: 10
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_OUT_OF_STOCK: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] CSTOGGLE_TOGGLES_FULL_SHOP: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLIENT: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOW_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_OWNER: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LOG_TO_FILE: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LOG_TO_CONSOLE: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LOG_ALL_SHOP_REMOVALS: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] STACK_TO_64: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] USE_BUILT_IN_PROTECTION: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] STICK_SIGNS_TO_CHESTS: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] TURN_OFF_SIGN_PROTECTION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] TURN_OFF_HOPPER_PROTECTION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] CHECK_ACCESS_FOR_SHOP_USE: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] PROTECT_CHEST_WITH_LWC: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LWC_CHEST_PROTECTION_TYPE: "PRIVATE"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] PROTECT_SIGN_WITH_LWC: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LWC_SIGN_PROTECTION_TYPE: "PRIVATE"
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REMOVE_LWC_PROTECTION_AUTOMATICALLY: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] LWC_LIMITS_BLOCK_CREATION: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] WORLDGUARD_INTEGRATION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] WORLDGUARD_USE_FLAG: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] WORLDGUARD_USE_PROTECTION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] GRIEFPREVENTION_INTEGRATION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] REDPROTECT_INTEGRATION: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] AUTHME_HOOK: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] AUTHME_ALLOW_UNREGISTERED: false
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] HEROES_EXP: 100.0
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] SHOWITEM_MESSAGE: true
[18:44:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] USE_STOCK_COUNTER: false
[18:44:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Found locales ar, it, es, el, hu, fr, pl, cs, pt_br, ja, sv, da, es_mx, sr, tr, nl, zh_tw, af, ko, no, vi, ro, he, ru, ca, zh, de, fi, en, uk
[18:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] BlockLocker version 1.12.1 loaded.
[18:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Using EssentialsX Economy as the Economy provider now.
[18:44:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Vault loaded!
[18:44:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Using Paper's BlockDestroyEvent instead of the BlockPhysicsEvent!
[18:44:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Enabling BetterRTP v3.6.12
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Loading Overrides...
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Loading World Types...
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] - World Type for 'world' set to 'NORMAL'
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] - World Type for 'world_nether' set to 'NETHER'
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] - World Type for 'world_the_end' set to 'NORMAL'
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Loading Defaults...
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Loading Custom Worlds...
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] [WARN] - Custom World 'custom_world_1' was not registered because world does NOT exist
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterRTP] [WARN] - Custom World 'other_custom_world' was not registered because world does NOT exist
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: betterrtp [3.6.12]
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [RottenFleshToLeather] Enabling RottenFleshToLeather v1.0*
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.Throwable: Warning: A plugin is creating a recipe using a Deprecated method. This will cause you to receive warnings stating 'Tried to load unrecognized recipe: bukkit:<ID>'. Please ask the author to give their recipe a static key using NamespacedKey.
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe.<init>(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at RottenFleshToLeather-S9285-33445.jar//assossa.plugins.rftl.Main.onEnable(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.e(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
[18:44:14] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/
[18:44:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Enabling ServerListPlus v3.5.0
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Reloading configuration...
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Loaded configuration: ServerStatusConf
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Loaded configuration: PluginConf
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Loaded configuration: BukkitConf
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Reloading saved player identities...
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Successfully loaded!
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerListPlus] ServerListPlus v3.5.0 enabled.
[18:44:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Enabling spark v1.10.34
[18:44:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Using Paper ServerTickStartEvent for tick monitoring
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: spark [1.10.34]
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Registered PlaceholderAPI placeholders
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Enabling VeinMiner v2.1.1
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Using SQLITE for persistent storage.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Loading configuration options to local memory
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Added 13 aliases.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registered category with id "Axe" holding 6 unique items and 26 unique blocks.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registered category with id "Hoe" holding 6 unique items and 10 unique blocks.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registered category with id "Pickaxe" holding 6 unique items and 23 unique blocks.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registered category with id "Shears" holding 1 unique items and 27 unique blocks.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registered category with id "Shovel" holding 6 unique items and 10 unique blocks.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registering commands
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Performing an update check!
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registering events
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: veinminer [2.1.1]
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Vault found. Attempting to enable economy support...
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Economy found! Hooked successfully.
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Enabling Plugin Metrics
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Thanks for enabling Metrics! The anonymous stats are appreciated
[18:44:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Enabling AureliumSkills vBeta 1.3.24
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] WorldGuard Support Enabled!
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: aureliumskills [Beta 1.3.24]
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] PlaceholderAPI Support Enabled!
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Vault Support Enabled!
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 194 config options in 1 ms
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 312 sources and 10 tags in 121ms
[18:44:18] [Thread-29/INFO]: [VeinMiner] You are on the latest version of VeinMiner.
[18:44:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] [ACF] Enabled Asynchronous Tab Completion Support!
[18:44:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loading languages...
[18:44:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 17 languages in 4207ms
[18:44:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 30 pattern rewards and 0 level rewards
[18:44:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Disabled 1 Abilities
[18:44:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 78 Ability Options in 4ms
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 6 menus
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 32 loot entries in 4 pools and 2 tables
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Loaded 3 blocked worlds.
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [AureliumSkills] Aurelium Skills has been enabled
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_20_R1! Trying to find NMS support
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_20_R1' loaded!
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'AureliumSkills' to create a bStats instance!
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Enabling MyCommand v5.7.4
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* MyCommand v.5.7.4*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | Hooked on Vault 1.7.3-b131
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | Command file(s) found : 3
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | Config : Ready.
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | ProtocolLib found, features availables (SignMenu)
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: mycommand [1.0.0]
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | Placeholder_API : Hooked, Ok.
[18:44:25] [Server thread/INFO]: | Custom commands loaded : 47
[18:44:26] [Server thread/INFO]: | You're running the latest version of MyCommand.
[18:44:26] [Server thread/INFO]: | by emmerrei a.k.a. ivanfromitaly.
[18:44:26] [Server thread/INFO]: *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Done! *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
[18:44:28] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Thread Query Listener started
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: playerpoints [3.2.6]
[18:44:28] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6 - ViaVersion/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Finished mapping loading, shutting down loader executor!
[18:44:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Essentials found a compatible payment resolution method: Vault Compatibility Layer (v1.7.3-b131)!
[18:44:28] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6 - Essentials/INFO]: [Essentials] Fetching version information...
[18:44:28] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9 - DecentHolograms/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Loading holograms...
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9 - DecentHolograms/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Loaded 10 holograms!
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 14 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 17 - BetterRTP/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Database QUEUE:Queue configured and loaded!
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9 - BetterRTP/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Database PLAYERS:Players configured and loaded!
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 14 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
[18:44:29] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 13 - BetterRTP/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Database CHUNK_DATA:ChunkData configured and loaded!
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Skulls » Loaded 57650 skulls in 35,770.185ms
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] WorldEdit logging successfully initialized.
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] First run!
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: vault [1.8.1]
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: essentials [1.5.2]
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: player [2.0.8]
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered external expansion: worldguard [1.4.2]
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: 4 placeholder hook(s) registered!
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (81.729s)! For help, type "help"
[18:44:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Timings Reset
[18:44:30] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 11 - Skulls/INFO]: Skulls » Loaded 147 history inserts
[18:44:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9 - BetterRTP/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Attempting to queue up some more safe locations...
[18:44:35] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5284ms or 105 ticks behind
[18:44:35] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8 - BetterRTP/INFO]: [BetterRTP] Queueing paused, max queue limit reached!
[18:45:27] [User Authenticator #0/INFO]: UUID of player JunglTemple is 8b7b476b-804e-3896-a487-b9722d34ffc8
[18:45:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[18:45:30] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple joined the game
[18:45:30] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple[/] logged in with entity id 494 at ([voidworld]-2.4509031357748445, 141.0, 9.153025426267615)
[18:46:04] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]: [Not Secure] |  JunglTemple: oh
[18:46:10] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [Not Secure] |  JunglTemple: eehhh
[18:46:25] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /home megabase
[18:46:28] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /gamemode spectator
[18:46:35] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /gamemode survival
[18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /efeed
[18:47:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5153ms or 103 ticks behind
[18:51:03] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /ec
[18:53:40] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinv
[18:53:47] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvdebug
[18:53:51] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvdebug JunglTemple
[18:54:11] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinv
[18:54:15] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvas
[18:54:19] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvi
[18:54:24] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvaw
[18:54:35] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvimport
[18:54:48] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvimport WorldInventories
[18:54:57] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvimport MultiInv
[18:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvlist
[18:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvs
[18:55:27] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mvinvrs
[18:55:36] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /fly
[18:58:42] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /version
[18:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Villager EntityVillager['Farmer'/104, uuid='527de0cc-1df4-4152-ad3b-2a704ac661cb', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-34.67, y=70.00, z=113.17, cpos=[-3, 7], tl=387488, v=true] died, message: 'Farmer was slain by Zombie'
[18:59:20] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-196 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 773dd72)
You are running the latest version
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: JunglTemple issued server command: /mv version -p
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse-Core Version: 4.3.1-b861
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Bukkit Version: git-Paper-196 (MC: 1.20.1)
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loaded Worlds: [{"MVWorld@1427066054":{"Gen":"null","Type":"NORMAL","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"world"}}, {"MVWorld@437773010":{"Gen":"null","Type":"NORMAL","Env":"THE_END","Name":"world_the_end"}}, {"MVWorld@1060188517":{"Gen":"null","Type":"NORMAL","Env":"NETHER","Name":"world_nether"}}, {"MVWorld@2062619369":{"Gen":"null","Type":"FLAT","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"testing"}}, {"MVWorld@678451649":{"Gen":"VoidWorld","Type":"FLAT","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"mapworld"}}, {"MVWorld@693881684":{"Gen":"null","Type":"FLAT","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"pvp"}}, {"MVWorld@1895022278":{"Gen":"null","Type":"NORMAL","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"District"}}, {"MVWorld@1158192977":{"Gen":"VoidWorld","Type":"FLAT","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"voidworld"}}]
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse Plugins Loaded: 2
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Economy being used: EssentialsX Economy
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Permissions Plugin: Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms)
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Dumping Config Values: (version 2.9)
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] enforceaccess: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] prefixchat: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] prefixchatformat: [%world%]%chat%
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] useasyncchat: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] teleportintercept: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] firstspawnoverride: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] displaypermerrors: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] enablebuscript: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] globaldebug: 0
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] silentstart: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] messagecooldown: 5000
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] version: 2.9
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] firstspawnworld: world
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] teleportcooldown: 1000
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] defaultportalsearch: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] portalsearchradius: 128
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] autopurge: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Special Code: FRN002
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Multiverse-Inventories Version: 4.2.6
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] === Settings ===
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] First Run: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Using Bypass: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Default Ungrouped Worlds: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Save and Load on Log In and Out: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Using GameMode Profiles: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] === Shares ===
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Optionals for Ungrouped Worlds: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Enabled Optionals:
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] === Groups ===
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Inventories] default: {Worlds: [world, world_the_end, world_nether], Shares: [hit_points, economy, food_level, saturation, exhaustion, xp, total_xp, lvl, inventory_contents, armor_contents, bed_spawn, maximum_air, remaining_air, fall_distance, fire_ticks, potion_effects, last_location, ender_chest, off_hand]}
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Multiverse-Portals Version: 4.2.3
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loaded Portals: 11
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Dumping Portal Values: (version 2.7)
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] wand: 271
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] useonmove: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] portalsdefaulttonether: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] enforceportalaccess: true
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] portalcooldown: 1000
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] clearonremove: false
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] framematerials: []
[18:59:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Special Code: FRN001
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL:
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at Multiverse-Core-S390-420035.jar//com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.utils.webpaste.HttpAPIClient.exec(
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at Multiverse-Core-S390-420035.jar//com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.utils.webpaste.BitlyURLShortener.shorten(
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at Multiverse-Core-S390-420035.jar//com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.commands.VersionCommand.postToService(
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at Multiverse-Core-S390-420035.jar//com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.commands.VersionCommand.access$000(
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at Multiverse-Core-S390-420035.jar//com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.commands.VersionCommand$
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/WARN]: at java.base/
[18:59:58] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 27 - Multiverse-Core/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version info dumped here:
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