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redis cache
public class JsonSerializer<V> implements ObjectSerializer<String, V> {
public String serialize(V value) {
return JsonUtil.toJson(value);
public V deseralize(String bs, Class<?> clz) {
return (V) JsonUtil.fromJson(bs, clz);
* K-List缓存定义
* @author easezhang
* 2015年11月5日
* @param <K> Key类型
* @param <V> List存放对象类型
public interface KListCache<K, V> {
public List<V> get(K key);
public void del(K key);
public int size(K key);
public Page<V> getPage(K key, int pageNo, int pageSize);
* KV缓存
* @author easezhang
* 无需提供set方法,只要发现数据变更调用del方法即可
* 2015年11月6日
* @param <K> Key类型
* @param <V> Value类型
public interface KVCache<K, V> {
* 获取key对应的value,内置absent的获取逻辑
* @param key
* @return
public V get(K key);
* 删除key对应的value,当数据有更新的时候调用的方法
* @param key
* @return 0 成功 其他:失败
public int del(K key);
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* 在KVCache之上增加了批量get,批量del接口
* @author easezhang
* 2015年12月11日
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
public interface KVCacheEx<K, V> extends KVCache<K, V> {
* 批量获取多个key对应的value
* @param keys
* @return
public Map<K, V> multiGets(List<K> keys);
* 批量删除多个key
* @param keys
public void multiDels(List<K> keys);
* 在KVCache之上增加了批量set,get接口
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
public interface KVCacheSimple<K, V> extends KVCache<K, V> {
* 简单的插入一条记录
* @param key
* @param v
public void set(K key,V v);
import java.util.List;
import com.nyonline.sp2p.client.RedisClient;
import com.nyonline.util.BizLogger;
import com.nyonline.util.StringUtil;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class NumKVCacheEx {
private final String cacheName;
private final int expireSec;
private final String keyPrefix;
public NumKVCacheEx(String cacheName, int expireSec, String keyPrefix) {
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expireSec = expireSec;
this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix;
private String key(String k) {
return keyPrefix+k;
public long get(String key, long def) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String v = jedis.get(key(key));
if(StringUtil.isEmpty(v)) {
return def;
return StringUtil.convertLong(v, def);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
BizLogger.error(e, "broken");
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return def;
public Long change(String key, long delta, long def) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.incrBy(key(key), delta);
p.expire(key(key), this.expireSec);
List<Object> list = p.syncAndReturnAll();
if(list.size() > 0) {
return StringUtil.convertLong(String.valueOf(list.get(0)), def);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
BizLogger.error(e, "broken");
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return null;
public static void main(String ...args) {
NumKVCacheEx cache = new NumKVCacheEx("iplimit", 43200, "ipl");
System.out.println(cache.get("", 0));
* 对象序列化生成器
* @author easezhang
* 2015年11月5日
* @param <S> 序列化后的类型
* @param <V> 原始值类型
public interface ObjectSerializer<S, V> {
public S serialize(V value);
public V deseralize(S bs, Class<?> clz);
* protobuf序列器
* @author easezhang
* 2015年12月11日
* @param <V>
public abstract class PbSerializer<V extends GeneratedMessage> implements ObjectSerializer<byte[], V> {
public byte[] serialize(V value) {
return value.toByteArray();
public abstract V deseralize(byte[] bs, Class<?> clz);
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
* redis存放kv的缓存,key用string类型,value用v类型
* @author easezhang
* 2015年12月11日
* @param <V>
public class RedisJsonKVCache<V> implements KVCache<String, V> {
protected ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer;
protected final Class<V> clz;
protected final String cacheName;
protected final int expireSec;
public RedisJsonKVCache(ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer, Class<V> clz,
String cacheName, int expireSec) {
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
this.clz = clz;
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expireSec = expireSec;
private void setValue(Jedis jedis, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.set(key, value);
p.expire(key, this.expireSec);
public V get(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String value = jedis.get(key);
if(StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
V v = onAbsent(key);
if(v!=null) {
value = valueSerializer.serialize(v);
setValue(jedis, key, value);
return v;
else {
return valueSerializer.deseralize(value, this.clz);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return null;
public int del(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
return ReturnValue.OK;
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return ReturnValue.REDIS_ERR;
* 当value不存在时候,从哪里可以获取到value,子类需重载
* @param key
* @return
protected V onAbsent(String key) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public final String getPrefix() {
return AppConfig.get("redis."+this.cacheName+".keyprefix", "");
public static void main(String ...args) {
RedisJsonKVCache<String> cache = new RedisJsonKVCache<String>(new StringSerializer(), String.class, "userbankcard", 1000) {
protected String onAbsent(String key) {
return "hi";
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class RedisJsonKVCacheEx<V> extends RedisJsonKVCache<V> implements KVCacheEx<String, V>{
public RedisJsonKVCacheEx(ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer, Class<V> clz, String cacheName,
int expireSec) {
super(valueSerializer, clz, cacheName, expireSec);
private static String [] getKeys(List<String> keys) {
String [] strs = new String[keys.size()];
return keys.toArray(strs);
private void mset(String [] kvs, Jedis jedis) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
for(int i=0;i<kvs.length;i+=2) {
jedis.expire(kvs[i], this.expireSec);
public Map<String, V> multiGets(List<String> keys) {
Jedis jedis = null;
Map<String, V> map = new HashMap<String, V>();
if(Utils.isEmpty(keys)) {
return map;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
List<String> strs = jedis.mget(getKeys(keys));
V detail = null;
for(String str : strs) {
if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(str)) {
detail = JsonUtil.fromJson(str, this.clz);
map.put(key(detail), detail);
List<String> absentBids = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String key : keys) {
if(map.get(key) == null) {
if(absentBids.isEmpty()) return map;
Map<String, V> absentDetails = this.onAbsents(absentBids);
if(Utils.isEmpty(absentDetails)) return map;
String [] kvs = new String[absentDetails.size()*2];
int index = 0;
for(String key: absentDetails.keySet()) {
kvs[index++] = key;
kvs[index++] = JsonUtil.toJson(absentDetails.get(key));
mset(kvs, jedis);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
BizLogger.error(e, "broken");
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return map;
protected String key(V v) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected Map<String, V> onAbsents(List<String> keys) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void multiDels(List<String> keys) {
Jedis jedis = null;
if(Utils.isEmpty(keys)) {
return ;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
String [] tmpKeys = new String[keys.size()];
tmpKeys = keys.toArray(tmpKeys);"del keys", Arrays.toString(tmpKeys));
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
BizLogger.error(e, "broken");
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
public static void main(String ...args) {
ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
String [] tmps = new String[s.size()];
String [] k = s.toArray(tmps);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class RedisJsonKVCacheSimple<V> extends RedisJsonKVCache<V> implements KVCacheSimple<String, V>{
public RedisJsonKVCacheSimple(ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer, Class<V> clz, String cacheName,
int expireSec) {
super(valueSerializer, clz, cacheName, expireSec);
public void set(String key, V v) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String value = valueSerializer.serialize(v);
setValue(jedis, key, value);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
public V get(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String value = jedis.get(key);
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
return valueSerializer.deseralize(value, this.clz);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return null;
private void setValue(Jedis jedis, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.set(key, value);
p.expire(key, this.expireSec);
public static void main(String ...args) {
ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
String [] tmps = new String[s.size()];
String [] k = s.toArray(tmps);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.Response;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class RedisKJsonListCache<V> implements KListCache<String, V>{
private final ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer;
private final Class<V> clz;
private final String cacheName;
private final int expretSec;
* 缓存构造
* @param valueSerializer value序列者
* @param keySerializer key序列者
* @param clz value对应的class
* @param cacheName 缓存名称,配置在redis.config
* @param expireSec 过期秒数
public RedisKJsonListCache( Class<V> clz, String cacheName, int expireSec) {
this.valueSerializer = new JsonSerializer<V>();
this.clz = clz;
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expretSec = expireSec;
private List<String> serialize(List<V> list) {
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) return new ArrayList<String>(0);
List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(list.size());
for(V v:list) {
return retList;
private List<V> deserialize(List<String> list) {
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) return new ArrayList<V>(0);
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(list.size());
for(String v:list) {
retList.add(valueSerializer.deseralize(v, clz));
return retList;
private void setValue(Jedis jedis, String bkey, String[]value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.rpush(bkey, value);
p.expire(bkey, this.expretSec);
public List<V> get(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(0);
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String bkey = key;
long len = jedis.llen(bkey);
List<String> list = jedis.lrange(bkey, 0, len-1);
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) {
retList = this.onAbsent(key);
list = serialize(retList);
if(!Utils.isEmpty(list)) {
String [] strs = new String[list.size()];
setValue(jedis, bkey, strs);
else {
retList = deserialize(list);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return retList;
public void del(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
public int size(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
long size = jedis.llen(key);
if(size > 0) return (int)size;
else {
List<V> list = this.get(key);
return list.size();
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return 0;
public Page<V> getPage(String key, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(pageSize);
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String bkey = key;
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
Response<Long> len = p.llen(bkey);
Response<List<String>> list = p.lrange(bkey, (pageNo-1)*pageSize, pageNo*pageSize-1);
long total = len.get();
if(total > 0) {
retList = deserialize(list.get());
else {
List<V> allList = this.onAbsent(key);
total = allList.size();
if(!Utils.isEmpty(allList)) {
String [] strs = new String[allList.size()];
int index = 0;
for(V v:allList) {
strs[index++] = valueSerializer.serialize(v);
setValue(jedis, bkey, strs);
retList.addAll(allList.subList(Math.min((pageNo-1)*pageSize, allList.size()), Math.min(pageNo*pageSize, allList.size())));
return new Page<V>(retList, (int)total, pageNo, pageSize);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return new Page<V>(retList, 0, pageNo, pageSize);
* 当key在缓存不存在的时候,从持久介质获取,禁止返回空
* @param key
* @return
protected List<V> onAbsent(String key) {
return new ArrayList<V>(0);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.Response;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
* Redis Key-List<V> 类型缓存<br/>
* List里的数据不建议太多<br/>
* V采用pb进行序列化和反序列化 <br/>
* 无需提供set方法,只要发现数据变更调用del方法即可,适用于带着数据持久化功能的缓存
* @author easezhang
* 2015年11月5日
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
public class RedisKListCache<K, V extends GeneratedMessage> implements KListCache<K, V> {
private final PbSerializer<V> valueSerializer;
private final SimpleSerializer keySerializer;
private final Class<V> clz;
private final String cacheName;
private final int expretSec;
* 缓存构造
* @param valueSerializer value序列者
* @param keySerializer key序列者
* @param clz value对应的class
* @param cacheName 缓存名称,配置在redis.config
* @param expireSec 过期秒数
public RedisKListCache(PbSerializer<V> valueSerializer, SimpleSerializer keySerializer, Class<V> clz, String cacheName, int expireSec) {
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
this.clz = clz;
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expretSec = expireSec;
private List<byte[]> serialize(List<V> list) {
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) return new ArrayList<byte[]>(0);
List<byte[]> retList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(list.size());
for(V v:list) {
return retList;
private List<V> deserialize(List<byte[]> list) {
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) return new ArrayList<V>(0);
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(list.size());
for(byte[] v:list) {
retList.add(valueSerializer.deseralize(v, clz));
return retList;
private void setValue(Jedis jedis, byte[] bkey, byte[][]value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.rpush(bkey, value);
p.expire(bkey, this.expretSec);
public List<V> get(K key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(0);
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
byte[] bkey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
long len = jedis.llen(bkey);
List<byte[]> list = jedis.lrange(bkey, 0, len-1);
if(Utils.isEmpty(list)) {
retList = this.onAbsent(key);
list = serialize(retList);
if(!Utils.isEmpty(list)) {
setValue(jedis, bkey, Utils.asBytesArray(list));
else {
retList = deserialize(list);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return retList;
public void del(K key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
byte[] bkey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
public int size(K key) {
List<V> list = this.get(key);
return list.size();
public Page<V> getPage(K key, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(pageSize);
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
byte[] bkey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
Response<Long> len = p.llen(bkey);
Response<List<byte[]>> list = p.lrange(bkey, (pageNo-1)*pageSize, pageNo*pageSize-1);
long total = len.get();
if(total > 0) {
retList = deserialize(list.get());
else {
List<V> allList = this.onAbsent(key);
total = allList.size();
if(!Utils.isEmpty(allList)) {
setValue(jedis, bkey, Utils.asBytesArray(serialize(allList)));
retList.addAll(allList.subList(Math.min((pageNo-1)*pageSize, allList.size()), Math.min(pageNo*pageSize, allList.size())));
return new Page<V>(retList, (int)total, pageNo, pageSize);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return new Page<V>(retList, 0, pageNo, pageSize);
* 当key在缓存不存在的时候,从持久介质获取,禁止返回空
* @param key
* @return
protected List<V> onAbsent(K key) {
return new ArrayList<V>(0);
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class RedisKVCache<K, V extends GeneratedMessage> implements KVCache<K, V> {
private final PbSerializer<V> valueSerializer;
private final SimpleSerializer keySerializer;
private final Class<V> clz;
private final String cacheName;
private final int expireSec;
public RedisKVCache(PbSerializer<V> valueSerializer, SimpleSerializer keySerializer, Class<V> clz,
String cacheName, int expireSec) {
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
this.clz = clz;
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expireSec = expireSec;
private void setValue(Jedis jedis, byte[] bkey, byte[]value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.set(bkey, value);
p.expire(bkey, this.expireSec);
public V get(K key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
byte[] bkey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
byte[] value = jedis.get(bkey);
if(value == null || value.length == 0) {
V v = onAbsent(key);
if(v!=null) {
value = valueSerializer.serialize(v);
setValue(jedis, bkey, value);
return v;
else {
return valueSerializer.deseralize(value, this.clz);
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return null;
public int del(K key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
byte[] bkey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
return ReturnValue.OK;
catch(JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
catch(Throwable th) {
finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return ReturnValue.REDIS_ERR;
protected V onAbsent(K key) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.Response;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
public class SimpleRedisKJsonListCache<V> {
private final ObjectSerializer<String, V> valueSerializer;
private final Class<V> clz;
private final String cacheName;
private final int expretSec;
public SimpleRedisKJsonListCache(Class<V> clz, String cacheName, int expireSec) {
this.valueSerializer = new JsonSerializer<V>();
this.clz = clz;
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.expretSec = expireSec;
private List<String> serialize(List<V> list) {
if (Utils.isEmpty(list))
return new ArrayList<String>(0);
List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(list.size());
for (V v : list) {
return retList;
private List<V> deserialize(List<String> list) {
if (Utils.isEmpty(list))
return new ArrayList<V>(0);
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(list.size());
for (String v : list) {
retList.add(valueSerializer.deseralize(v, clz));
return retList;
private V deserialize(String v) {
return valueSerializer.deseralize(v, clz);
private void addValue(Jedis jedis, String bkey, String[] value) {
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
p.rpush(bkey, value);
public void add(String key, V v) {
List<V> list = new ArrayList<V>(1);
addByList(key, list);
public void addByList(String key, List<V> valueList) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String bkey = key;
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list = serialize(valueList);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(list)) {
String[] strs = new String[list.size()];
addValue(jedis, bkey, strs);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
public V popHead(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String bkey = key;
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
Response<String> valueRs = p.lpop(bkey);
String value = valueRs.get();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
return deserialize(value);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return null;
public Page<V> getPage(String key, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
List<V> retList = new ArrayList<V>(pageSize);
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
String bkey = key;
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
Response<Long> len = p.llen(bkey);
Response<List<String>> list = p.lrange(bkey, (pageNo - 1) * pageSize, pageNo * pageSize - 1);
long total = len.get();
if (total > 0) {
retList = deserialize(list.get());
return new Page<V>(retList, (int) total, pageNo, pageSize);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
return new Page<V>(retList, 0, pageNo, pageSize);
public void del(String key) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = RedisClient.getInstance(this.cacheName);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
broken = true;
} catch (Throwable th) {
} finally {
RedisClient.returnInstance(this.cacheName, jedis, broken);
import com.nyonline.util.StringUtil;
public class SimpleSerializer implements ObjectSerializer<byte[], Object> {
public byte[] serialize(Object value) {
return StringUtil.toUtf8Bytes(String.valueOf(value));
public Object deseralize(byte[] bs, Class<?> clz) {
return StringUtil.fromUtf8Bytes(bs);
public class StringSerializer implements ObjectSerializer<String, String> {
public String serialize(String value) {
return value;
public String deseralize(String bs, Class<?> clz) {
return bs;
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