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Created November 3, 2023 14:46
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from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, CompositeVideoClip
import random
import glob
def add_title_image(video_path, title_image_path, output_path):
# Load the video file and title image
video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_path)
width, height = video_clip.size
# Set the desired size of the padded video (e.g., video width + padding, video height + padding)
padded_size = (width + 90, height + 90)
# Calculate the position for centering the video within the larger frame
x_position = (padded_size[0] - video_clip.size[0]) / 2
y_position = (padded_size[1] - video_clip.size[1]) / 2
# Create a blue ColorClip as the background
blue_background = ColorClip(padded_size, color=(0, 0, 255))
# Add the video clip on top of the red background
padded_video_clip = CompositeVideoClip([blue_background, video_clip.set_position((x_position, y_position))])
padded_video_clip = padded_video_clip.set_duration(video_clip.duration)
# Load the title image
title_image = ImageClip(title_image_path)
# Set the duration of the title image
title_duration = video_clip.duration
title_image = title_image.set_duration(title_duration)
# Position the title image at the center and resize it to fit the video dimensions
#title_image = title_image.set_position(("left", "top"))
title_image = title_image.set_position((0, -5))
#video_clip.size = (620,620)
title_image = title_image.resize(padded_video_clip.size)
# Position the title image at the center and resize it to fit the video dimensions
#title_image = title_image.set_position(("center", "center")).resize(video_clip.size)
# Create a composite video clip with the title image overlay
composite_clip = CompositeVideoClip([padded_video_clip, title_image])
# Limit the length to 58 seconds
composite_clip = composite_clip.subclip(0, 58)
# Load a random background music
mp_music = random.choice(glob.glob("/mnt/HDD500/collections/Music/*.mp3"))
# Load the background music without setting duration
music_clip = AudioFileClip(mp_music)
music_clip = music_clip.subclip(0, 58)
fade_duration = 1.0
music_clip = music_clip.audio_fadein(fade_duration).audio_fadeout(fade_duration)
# Set the audio of the composite clip to the background music
composite_clip = composite_clip.set_audio(music_clip)
# Export the final video with the background music
# Example usage
video_path = "/home/jack/Desktop/HDD500/to-vid/building/slideshowT.mp4"
title_image_path = "/home/jack/Desktop/EXPER/static/assets/Title_Image02.png"
output_path = "Titled_Final_End.mp4"
add_title_image(video_path, title_image_path, output_path)
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