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Last active August 3, 2021 07:45
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Some bash examples, including how to start a script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
cd `dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}"`
echo test >/dev/null 2>&1 # these
echo test &>/dev/null # all
&>/dev/null echo test # do the same
# echo to stderr
>&2 echo test
function cleanup() {
rm -rf junk
function fail() {
>&2 echo $1 # echo the first arg to stderr
exit ${2:-1} # exit $2 or exit 1
# variables & default values
X=${1:-"default"} # X=$1, or "default" if $1 not set
Y=${2:-} # Y=$2, or nothing (use to bypass nounset)
: ${Z:="default"} # Z="default" if it was unset before
# +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
# | Expression | parameter | parameter | parameter |
# | in script: | Set and Not Null | Set But Null | Unset |
# +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
# | ${parameter:-word} | substitute parameter | substitute word | substitute word |
# | ${parameter-word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | substitute word |
# | ${parameter:=word} | substitute parameter | assign word | assign word |
# | ${parameter=word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | assign word |
# | ${parameter:?word} | substitute parameter | error, exit | error, exit |
# | ${parameter?word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | error, exit |
# | ${parameter:+word} | substitute word | substitute null | substitute null |
# | ${parameter+word} | substitute word | substitute word | substitute null |
# +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
# indirection
C=${!B} # C=one
# test for empty variable
# this is equivalent to `test -z "$Y"`
# so you can get help with `man test`
if [[ -z "${Y:-}" ]]; then
echo "Y not set"
# does a command exist
if ! CMD_PATH=$(command -v commandname); then
fail "commandname is not installed"
# retrieve exit code from individual pipe sections
# '!' bypasses pipefail
! echo "my command" | grep "whatever"
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "grep failed" >&2 # echo to stderr
>&2 echo "grep failed" # works too
# start & stop a background process
sleep 10s &
PID=$! # PID of last started background process
! ps -p $PID &> /dev/null # this will fail if background process failed to start
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then
fail "no background process to kill" 1
kill $PID
# ask for input
read -p "Type a Z (default ${DEFAULT_Z}): " MY_Z
# math
# search and replace in one or more files
! sed -i -- "s|my search|${MY_Z}|g" ${FILELIST} &>/dev/null # ignore both stdout and stderr
# search for a regex in a file, only print the match, trim newline at the end
cat myfile | grep -Eo 'http://[a-zA-Z0-9-]*' | tr -d '\012\015'
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