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Last active December 16, 2018 21:43
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A small script to monitor the progress of Tumblr grab items

Small script to monitor the currently running Tumblr items. Prints the following for each item:

  • Process ID
  • Memory usage (RSS)
  • Size of the WARC file
  • RSS divided by WARC size (a measure for the "memory intensity" of a job)
  • Time elapsed since the item started
  • Number of posts that have been retrieved and the total number of posts on the blog (according to Tumblr's API)
  • Percentage of posts retrieved
  • Number of posts whose notes have been retrieved recently

Uses a cache file to store the Tumblr API responses so it doesn't need to ask for the total post count every time. By default, the cache file is the name of the script plus ".cache" appended, but you can also specify another path by passing it as an argument to the script.

Dependencies: ps, grep, sed, awk, curl, du, cut, date. I can't tell you exactly which implementations are supported. Developed using progps-ng 3.3.9, GNU grep 2.20, GNU sed 4.2.2, mawk 1.3.3, curl 7.38.0, GNU coreutils du/cut/date 8.23.

Example output:

> ./tumblr-monitor
ITEM                            PID    RSS         WARC         RSS/WARC*1000  TIME        POSTS        POSTS%  NOTEPOSTS
tumblr-blog:cadaverscorpse      17288  525127680   6214921554   84.49          0-21:07:58  5321/5677    93.73   224
tumblr-blog:lostcybertronian    17290  579108864   8792712492   65.86          0-21:07:58  9838/81481   12.07   52
tumblr-blog:shroudedexcitement  17293  409849856   2139065756   191.60         0-21:07:56  5936/6091    97.46   525
tumblr-blog:asianmansex         17304  516493312   10359033114  49.86          0-21:07:38  6842/8051    84.98   4
tumblr-blog:yorkpud             20353  1317564416  36079853345  36.52          1-15:53:33  16019/21060  76.06   4
tumblr-blog:cheshirepussy       20363  263147520   3849364523   68.36          1-15:53:30  6053/6051    100.03  76
tumblr-blog:northeastladschavs  21324  133783552   4298256072   31.13          0-19:53:36  5807/5817    99.83   779
tumblr-blog:drawbauchery        22415  577601536   2801735802   206.16         0-19:35:11  9684/12445   77.81   115
tumblr-blog:palm-wines          29153  1207320576  9878352301   122.22         1-13:13:49  13582/45985  29.54   203

If you want the table to be sorted, pipe it to sort. For example, ./tumblr-monitor | sort -k 4,4n sorts by the WARC size (the fourth column).

set -e
## Usage: tumblr-monitor [CACHEFILE]
# The cache file is used for storing the API responses so we don't hammer the Tumblr API.
if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
elif [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
cachefile="$(readlink -f "${0}.cache")"
echo "Invalid arguments"
exit 1
# Ensure that the cache file exists
if [[ ! -e "${cachefile}" ]]
echo "# Cache file of API responses for tumblr-monitor" > "${cachefile}"
ps -C wget-lua --format 'pid,rss,etime,cmd' --no-headers |
grep 'tumblr-blog' |
sed 's,^\s*,,; s,\./wget-lua.* -o \([^ ]\+\) .*--warc-file \([^ ]\+\) .*--warc-header tumblr-blog: \(tumblr-blog:[^ ]\+\).*$,\1 \2.warc.gz \3,' |
awk \
FILENAME != "-" {
# First line is a comment to make sure that awk always learns the filename; there is definitely a more elegant way than this...
# $1 = blog name, $2 = post count per API
cachefilename = FILENAME
if ($1 != "#")
postcounts[$1] = $2
FILENAME == "-" {
pid = $1
rss = $2 * 1024
etime = $3
logfile = $4
warcfile = $5
item = $6
blogname = substr(item, index(item, ":") + 1)
if (index(etime, "-") == 0)
etime = "0-" etime
# Get size of WARC file
cmd = "du -b " warcfile " | cut -f1"
cmd | getline warcsize
# Request post count from Tumblr API if necessary
if (!(blogname in postcounts)) {
cmd = "curl -s -A \"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +; ArchiveTeam)\" \"" blogname "\" | grep -Po \"\\\"posts\\\":\\K\\d+\""
cmd | getline cnt
postcounts[blogname] = cnt
print blogname " " cnt >> cachefilename
# Get retrieved post count
cmd = "grep -Po \"/post/\\d+\" " logfile " | awk \"!seen[\\$0]++{n++} END{print n}\"" # Do you even awk?
cmd | getline postsretrieved
# Get the notes of how many posts have been retrieved recently
cmd = "tail -n 1000 " logfile " | grep -A1000 \"^$(date -d \"-5 minutes\" \"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\")\" | grep -Po \"/notes/\\d+/\" | awk \"!seen[\\$0]++{n++} END{print n}\""
cmd | getline noteposts
# Calculate fractions
if (warcsize > 0) rsswarc = sprintf("%.2f", 1000 * rss / warcsize); else rsswarc = "NaN"
if (postcounts[blogname] > 0) postfrac = sprintf("%.2f", 100 * postsretrieved / postcounts[blogname]); else postfrac = "NaN"
# Print; need to use %.0f for RSS and WARC because the values may be larger than both %d and %u. Double precision can accurately represent integers up to 2^53, so that is not a problem (for now...).
printf "%s %d %.0f %.0f %s %s %d/%d %s %d\n", item, pid, rss, warcsize, rsswarc, etime, postsretrieved, postcounts[blogname], postfrac, noteposts
' "${cachefile}" -
} | column -t
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