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Created April 27, 2017 13:46
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// TwitterSpy.js
// npm install twitter
// npm install prompt
var requestCooldown = 5; // in seconds
var Twitter = require('Twitter');
var prompt = require('prompt');
// Provide your Twitter API keys in this object
var client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: '',
consumer_secret: '',
access_token_key: '',
access_token_secret: ''
function sleep(seconds) {
var waitTill = new Date(new Date().getTime() + seconds * 1000);
while (waitTill > new Date()) {}
function performSearch(u1, u2) {
var u1followers = [ ];
var u1followings = [ ];
var u2id;
console.log("Downloading u1's followers...");
var followersHandling = function(error, followers, response) {
if (error) throw error;
u1followers = u1followers.concat(followers.ids);
if (followers.next_cursor != 0) {
client.get("followers/ids", { screen_name: u1, cursor: followers.next_cursor }, followersHandling);
} else {
console.log("Downloading u1's followings...");
var followingsHandling = function(error, followings, response) {
if (error) throw error;
u1followings = u1followings.concat(followings.ids);
if (followings.next_cursor != 0) {
client.get("friends/ids", { screen_name: u1, cursor: followings.next_cursor }, followingsHandling);
} else {
console.log("Resolving u2's id...");
client.get("users/show", { screen_name: u2 }, function(error, user, response) {
if (error) throw error;
u2id =;
if (u1followings.findIndex(function(v, i, o) { return v == u2id }) != -1) {
console.log(u1 + " follows " + u2);
if (u1followers.findIndex(function(v, i, o) { return v == u2id }) != -1) {
console.log(u2 + " follows " + u1);
client.get("friends/ids", { screen_name: u1 }, followingsHandling);
client.get("followers/ids", { screen_name: u1 }, followersHandling);
console.log("The application will use userOne as a base.");
console.log("Please make sure userOne is not private.");
prompt.get(['userOne', 'userTwo'], function (err, result) {
performSearch(result.userOne, result.userTwo);
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