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Last active February 9, 2022 13:28
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AnimeRater Privacy Policy

AnimeRater Privacy Policy

What information is stored?

If you have submitted your anime list to be added by using /link_mal, your MyAnimeList username will be stored for referencing purposes

If consent was denied for the username to be used publicly, it will still be stored and referenced internally for updating and removal purposes but will not appear on any publicly facing interface related to AnimeRater

Anime lists stored with AnimeRater will be linked to a Discord User ID for ease of unlinking and to prevent issues related to multiple accounts being linked to one discord user.

This consent for public usage can be changed by running /update_consent and will be updated within seven days

When a command is used, only the command name and timestamp is logged for activity purposes

The Automatic Recommender records server and channel IDs of opted-in servers for referencing purposes. The Auto Recommender reads the server and channel IDs to know where to send the recommendation messages to. Only the channel that the recommender is linked to is stored. You can view which channel is currently stored by entering the command /auto_recommend Get Channel (Requires the executing user to have the Manage Server permission)

Who has access to this information?

If consent for public usage was granted, the MyAnimeList account username might appear on any command output under certain circumstances.

If consent for public usage was denied. Only AnimeRater administrators have access to the information and a generic identifier is shown in its place, this identifier is the only way to publicly reference the model and is not static. If an identifier has changed, it is possible to get it sent to you by getting in contact

Only AnimeRater Administrators have access to stored server and channel IDs of the Automatic Recommender. Server members with the Manage Server permission are able to view and change this information at any time through the /auto_recommend command.

Information that is recorded and/or stored is not shared to any third parties.

Information Removal

After running /unlink_mal All information related to the MyAnimeList account that might be stored inside AnimeRater will be removed alongside the assigned AI model. This includes any other information related to the account that may be stored internally (See section What information is stored?).

If consent for public usage was originally granted, the username might be visible in responses to commands executed before deletion, however no information related to the MyAnimeList account will appear in any responses to commands executed after deletion.

Manual removal of stored server and channel IDs can be done by opting-out of the recommender /auto_recommend Opt-out (Requires the executing user to have the Manage Server permission) Stored server and channel IDs are removed automatically if the server or channel no longer exists/cannot be viewed or accessed by AnimeRater. This happens when the Automatic Recommender is run (00:00 GMT+1, 23:00 UTC) this only happens if AnimeRater is not in the server, the server has been deleted, the channel has been deleted or the channel is no longer visible to AnimeRater. Anything that would cause a channel mention <#ID> to show #invalid-channel

Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns, AnimeRater Administrators can be easily contacted through AnimeRater's official support server

This privacy policy might be changed at later dates as new features are developed

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