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Created November 8, 2015 06:24
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Save Justasic/908ef5f4fa162f15b3b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a python script to generate client OpenVPN configuration files. This is based mostly on the easyrsa script and is much simpler to understand.
import os
import socket
from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
# OpenVPN is fairly simple since it works on OpenSSL. The OpenVPN server contains
# a root certificate authority that can sign sub-certificates. The certificates
# have very little or no information on who they belong to besides a filename
# and any required information. Everything else is omitted or blank.
# The client certificate and private key are inserted into the .ovpn file
# which contains some settins as well and the entire thing is then ready for
# the user.
# EasyRSA generates a standard unsigned certificate, certificate request, and private key.
# It then signs the certificate against the CA then dumps the certificate request in the trash.
# The now signed certificate and private key are returned.
# Create a new keypair of specified algorithm and number of bits.
def make_keypair(algorithm=crypto.TYPE_RSA, numbits=2048):
pkey = crypto.PKey()
pkey.generate_key(algorithm, numbits)
return pkey
# Creates a certificate signing request (CSR) given the specified subject attributes.
def make_csr(pkey, CN, C=None, ST=None, L=None, O=None, OU=None, emailAddress=None, hashalgorithm='sha256WithRSAEncryption'):
req = crypto.X509Req()
subj = req.get_subject()
if C:
subj.C = C
if ST:
subj.ST = ST
if L:
subj.L = L
if O:
subj.O = O
if OU:
subj.OU = OU
if CN:
subj.CN = CN
if emailAddress:
subj.emailAddress = emailAddress
req.sign(pkey, hashalgorithm)
return req
# Create a certificate authority (if we need one)
def create_ca(CN, C="", ST="", L="", O="", OU="", emailAddress="", hashalgorithm='sha256WithRSAEncryption'):
cakey = make_keypair()
careq = make_csr(cakey, cn=CN)
cacert = crypto.X509()
cacert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60*60*24*365*10) # 10 yrs - hard to beat this kind of cert!
# Set the extensions in two passes
crypto.X509Extension('basicConstraints', True,'CA:TRUE'),
crypto.X509Extension('subjectKeyIdentifier' , True , 'hash', subject=cacert)
# ... now we can set the authority key since it depends on the subject key
crypto.X509Extension('authorityKeyIdentifier' , False, 'issuer:always, keyid:always', issuer=cacert, subject=cacert)
cacert.sign(cakey, hashalgorithm)
return (cacert, cakey)
# Create a new slave cert.
def create_slave_certificate(csr, cakey, cacert, serial):
cert = crypto.X509()
cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60*60*24*365*10) # 10 yrs - hard to beat this kind of cert!
extensions = []
extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('basicConstraints', False ,'CA:FALSE'))
extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('subjectKeyIdentifier' , False , 'hash', subject=cert))
extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('authorityKeyIdentifier' , False, 'keyid:always,issuer:always', subject=cacert, issuer=cacert))
cert.sign(cakey, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption')
return cert
# Dumps content to a string
def dump_file_in_mem(material, format=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM):
dump_func = None
if isinstance(material, crypto.X509):
dump_func = crypto.dump_certificate
elif isinstance(material, crypto.PKey):
dump_func = crypto.dump_privatekey
elif isinstance(material, crypto.X509Req):
dump_func = crypto.dump_certificate_request
raise Exception("Don't know how to dump content type to file: %s (%r)" % (type(material), material))
return dump_func(format, material)
# Loads the file into the appropriate openssl object type.
def load_from_file(materialfile, objtype, format=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM):
if objtype is crypto.X509:
load_func = crypto.load_certificate
elif objtype is crypto.X509Req:
load_func = crypto.load_certificate_request
elif objtype is crypto.PKey:
load_func = crypto.load_privatekey
raise Exception("Unsupported material type: %s" % (objtype,))
with open(materialfile, 'r') as fp:
buf =
material = load_func(format, buf)
return material
def retrieve_key_from_file(keyfile):
return load_from_file(keyfile, crypto.PKey)
def retrieve_csr_from_file(csrfile):
return load_from_file(csrfile, crypto.X509Req)
def retrieve_cert_from_file(certfile):
return load_from_file(certfile, crypto.X509)
def make_new_ovpn_file(ca_cert, ca_key, clientname, serial, commonoptspath, filepath):
# Read our common options file first
f = open(commonoptspath, 'r')
common =
cacert = retrieve_cert_from_file(ca_cert)
cakey = retrieve_key_from_file(ca_key)
# Generate a new private key pair for a new certificate.
key = make_keypair()
# Generate a certificate request
csr = make_csr(key, clientname)
# Sign the certificate with the new csr
crt = create_slave_certificate(csr, cakey, cacert, serial)
# Now we have a successfully signed certificate. We must now
# create a .ovpn file and then dump it somewhere.
clientkey = dump_file_in_mem(key)
clientcert = dump_file_in_mem(crt)
cacertdump = dump_file_in_mem(cacert)
ovpn = "%s<ca>\n%s</ca>\n<cert>\n%s</cert>\n<key>\n%s</key>\n" % (common, cacertdump, clientcert, clientkey)
# Write our file.
f = open(filepath, 'w')
if __name__ == "__main__":
make_new_ovpn_file("ca.crt", "ca.key", "justasictest", 0x0C, "common.txt", "justastictest.ovpn")
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Nice Thanks I'll copy past some tricks here :)
but, please use Python convention to write your script next time ... pylint is yelling a lot and my eyes are bleeding !!

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Should probably not be code reviewing free stuff that saves you time and effort for an arbitrary thing like your linting settings. Otherwise, this is a collaboration website, if it bothers you, commit/fork :D

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Should I just run this or what should I do to get the config file.

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Not entirely sure why this script has gotten so much attention lately, I've not used OpenVPN since Wireguard has come out.

The script was basically just crap code I wrote quickly to get a job done so there's no real user interface for it. You have to modify line #170 for your needs following the arguments listed on line #139. I have no intention on updating or maintaining this script and there's lots of other guides out there on how to use OpenVPN. If you're using this script inside a python program, I would suggest just taking a look at PKI in general since openvpn just uses self-signed openssl certificates for authentication.

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I have this error

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'common.txt'

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Is common.txt my server.conf or should i filter comments first?

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I have this error

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'common.txt'

same error

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