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Created June 28, 2017 17:03
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TypeScript definitions for the Braintree Web SDK (version 2.22.2)
* Types for Braintree's Client SDK for Web.
declare namespace BraintreeClientWeb {
interface BraintreeClientWebStatic {
api: API;
interface API {
Client: Client;
interface Client {
new (options: ClientOptions);
tokenizeCard(cardOptions: CardOptions, callback: (error: any, nonce: string, result: TokenizeCardResult) => void);
addCreditCard(cardOptions: CardOptions, callback: (error: any, nonce: string) => void);
getCreditCards(callback: (error: any, nonce: string) => void);
interface ClientOptions {
clientToken: string;
interface CardOptions {
number: string;
cardholderName: string;
* Year and month: "10/16"
expirationDate?: string;
* Month number: "10"
expirationMonth?: string;
* Year: "2016"
expirationYear?: string;
cvv?: string;
* Address to validate if validation is enabled.
billingAddress?: {
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
postalCode?: string;
interface TokenizeCardResult {
type: string;
details: {
lastTwo: string;
cardType: string;
declare var braintree: BraintreeClientWeb.BraintreeClientWebStatic;
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