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TypeScript definitions for Capacitor, adapted for use in projects that use the namespace ("internal modules") convention.
* TypeScript type definitions for Capacitor, adapted from the ones included
* in the @capacitor/core package (version 2.2.1).
* Useful if your project uses TypeScript namespaces ("internal modules")
* instead of the newer ES2015 module ("external modules") convention.
declare module CapTypes {
//#region @capacitor/core/dist/esm/core-plugin-definitions.d.ts
export interface PluginRegistry {
Accessibility: AccessibilityPlugin;
App: AppPlugin;
BackgroundTask: BackgroundTaskPlugin;
Browser: BrowserPlugin;
Camera: CameraPlugin;
Clipboard: ClipboardPlugin;
Device: DevicePlugin;
Filesystem: FilesystemPlugin;
Geolocation: GeolocationPlugin;
Haptics: HapticsPlugin;
Keyboard: KeyboardPlugin;
LocalNotifications: LocalNotificationsPlugin;
Modals: ModalsPlugin;
Motion: MotionPlugin;
Network: NetworkPlugin;
Permissions: PermissionsPlugin;
Photos: PhotosPlugin;
PushNotifications: PushNotificationsPlugin;
Share: SharePlugin;
SplashScreen: SplashScreenPlugin;
StatusBar: StatusBarPlugin;
Storage: StoragePlugin;
Toast: ToastPlugin;
WebView: WebViewPlugin;
[pluginName: string]: {
[prop: string]: any;
export /*declare*/ type ISODateString = string;
export /*declare*/ type CallbackID = string;
* CancellableCallback is a simple wrapper that a method will
* return to make it easy to cancel any repeated callback the method
* might have set up. For example: a geolocation watch.
export interface CancellableCallback {
* The cancel function for this method
cancel: Function;
export interface AccessibilityPlugin {
* Check if a screen reader is enabled on the device
isScreenReaderEnabled(): Promise<ScreenReaderEnabledResult>;
* Speak a string with a connected screen reader.
* @param value the string to speak
speak(options: AccessibilitySpeakOptions): Promise<void>;
* Listen for screen reader state change (on/off)
addListener(eventName: 'accessibilityScreenReaderStateChange', listenerFunc: ScreenReaderStateChangeCallback): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface AccessibilitySpeakOptions {
* The string to speak
value: string;
* The language to speak the string in, as its [ISO 639-1 Code]( (ex: "en").
* Currently only supported on Android.
language?: string;
export interface ScreenReaderEnabledResult {
value: boolean;
export /*declare*/ type ScreenReaderStateChangeCallback = (state: ScreenReaderEnabledResult) => void;
export interface AppPlugin extends Plugin {
* Force exit the app. This should only be used in conjunction with the `backButton` handler for Android to
* exit the app when navigation is complete.
* Ionic handles this itself so you shouldn't need to call this if using Ionic
exitApp(): never;
* Check if an app can be opened with the given URL
canOpenUrl(options: {
url: string;
}): Promise<{
value: boolean;
* Open an app with the given URL
openUrl(options: {
url: string;
}): Promise<{
completed: boolean;
* Gets the current app state
getState(): Promise<AppState>;
* Get the URL the app was launched with, if any
getLaunchUrl(): Promise<AppLaunchUrl>;
* Listen for changes in the App's active state (whether the app is in the foreground or background)
addListener(eventName: 'appStateChange', listenerFunc: (state: AppState) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Listen for url open events for the app. This handles both custom URL scheme links as well
* as URLs your app handles (Universal Links on iOS and App Links on Android)
addListener(eventName: 'appUrlOpen', listenerFunc: (data: AppUrlOpen) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* If the app was launched with previously persisted plugin call data, such as on Android
* when an activity returns to an app that was closed, this call will return any data
* the app was launched with, converted into the form of a result from a plugin call.
addListener(eventName: 'appRestoredResult', listenerFunc: (data: AppRestoredResult) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Listen for the hardware back button event (Android only). Listening for this event will disable the
* default back button behaviour, so you might want to call `window.history.back()` manually.
* If you want to close the app, call `App.exitApp()`.
addListener(eventName: 'backButton', listenerFunc: (data: AppUrlOpen) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface AppState {
isActive: boolean;
export interface AppUrlOpen {
* The URL the app was opened with
url: string;
* The source application opening the app (iOS only)
iosSourceApplication?: any;
* Whether the app should open the passed document in-place
* or must copy it first.
iosOpenInPlace?: boolean;
export interface AppLaunchUrl {
url: string;
export interface AppRestoredResult {
* The pluginId this result corresponds to. For example, `Camera`.
pluginId: string;
* The methodName this result corresponds to. For example, `getPhoto`
methodName: string;
* The result data passed from the plugin. This would be the result you'd
* expect from normally calling the plugin method. For example, `CameraPhoto`
data?: any;
* Boolean indicating if the plugin call succeeded
success: boolean;
* If the plugin call didn't succeed, it will contain the error message
error?: {
message: string;
export interface BackgroundTaskPlugin extends Plugin {
* When the app is backgrounded, this method allows you to run a short-lived
* background task that will ensure that you
* can finish any work your app needs to do (such as finishing an upload
* or network request). This is especially important on iOS as any operations
* would normally be suspended without initiating a background task.
* This method should finish in less than 3 minutes or your app risks
* being terminated by the OS.
* When you are finished, this callback _must_ call `BackgroundTask.finish({ taskId })`
* where `taskId` is the value returned from `BackgroundTask.beforeExit()`
* @param cb the task to run when the app is backgrounded but before it is terminated
beforeExit(cb: Function): CallbackID;
* Notify the OS that the given task is finished and the OS can continue
* backgrounding the app.
finish(options: {
taskId: CallbackID;
}): void;
export interface BrowserPlugin extends Plugin {
* Open a page with the given URL
open(options: BrowserOpenOptions): Promise<void>;
* Hint to the browser that the given URLs will be accessed
* to improve initial loading times.
* Only functional on Android, is a no-op on iOS
prefetch(options: BrowserPrefetchOptions): Promise<void>;
* Close an open browser. Only works on iOS and Web environment, otherwise is a no-op
close(): Promise<void>;
addListener(eventName: 'browserFinished', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'browserPageLoaded', listenerFunc: (info: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface BrowserOpenOptions {
* The URL to open the browser to
url: string;
* Web only: Optional target for browser open. Follows
* the `target` property for Defaults
* to _blank
windowName?: string;
* A hex color to set the toolbar color to.
toolbarColor?: string;
* iOS only: The presentation style of the browser. Defaults to fullscreen.
presentationStyle?: 'fullscreen' | 'popover';
export interface BrowserPrefetchOptions {
urls: string[];
export interface CameraPlugin extends Plugin {
* Prompt the user to pick a photo from an album, or take a new photo
* with the camera.
getPhoto(options: CameraOptions): Promise<CameraPhoto>;
export interface CameraOptions {
* The quality of image to return as JPEG, from 0-100
quality?: number;
* Whether to allow the user to crop or make small edits (platform specific)
allowEditing?: boolean;
* How the data should be returned. Currently, only 'Base64', 'DataUrl' or 'Uri' is supported
resultType: CameraResultType;
* Whether to save the photo to the gallery.
* If the photo was picked from the gallery, it will only be saved if edited.
* Default: false
saveToGallery?: boolean;
* The width of the saved image
width?: number;
* The height of the saved image
height?: number;
* Whether to automatically rotate the image "up" to correct for orientation
* in portrait mode
* Default: true
correctOrientation?: boolean;
* The source to get the photo from. By default this prompts the user to select
* either the photo album or take a photo.
* Default: CameraSource.Prompt
source?: CameraSource;
* iOS only: The default camera direction. By default the rear camera.
* Default: CameraDirection.Rear
direction?: CameraDirection;
* iOS only: The presentation style of the Camera. Defaults to fullscreen.
presentationStyle?: 'fullscreen' | 'popover';
* If use CameraSource.Prompt only, can change Prompt label.
* default:
* promptLabelHeader : 'Photo' // iOS only
* promptLabelCancel : 'Cancel' // iOS only
* promptLabelPhoto : 'From Photos'
* promptLabelPicture : 'Take Picture'
promptLabelHeader?: string;
promptLabelCancel?: string;
promptLabelPhoto?: string;
promptLabelPicture?: string;
export /*declare*/ const enum CameraSource {
Prompt = "PROMPT",
Camera = "CAMERA",
Photos = "PHOTOS"
export /*declare*/ const enum CameraDirection {
Rear = "REAR",
Front = "FRONT"
export interface CameraPhoto {
* The base64 encoded string representation of the image, if using CameraResultType.Base64.
base64String?: string;
* The url starting with 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' and the base64 encoded string representation of the image, if using CameraResultType.DataUrl.
dataUrl?: string;
* If using CameraResultType.Uri, the path will contain a full,
* platform-specific file URL that can be read later using the Filsystem API.
path?: string;
* webPath returns a path that can be used to set the src attribute of an image for efficient
* loading and rendering.
webPath?: string;
* Exif data, if any, retrieved from the image
exif?: any;
* The format of the image. Currently, only "jpeg" is supported.
format: string;
export /*declare*/ const enum CameraResultType {
Uri = "uri",
Base64 = "base64",
DataUrl = "dataUrl"
export interface ClipboardPlugin extends Plugin {
* Write a value to the clipboard (the "copy" action)
write(options: ClipboardWrite): Promise<void>;
* Read a value from the clipboard (the "paste" action)
read(): Promise<ClipboardReadResult>;
export interface ClipboardWrite {
string?: string;
image?: string;
url?: string;
label?: string;
export interface ClipboardReadResult {
value: string;
type: string;
export interface DevicePlugin extends Plugin {
* Return information about the underlying device/os/platform
getInfo(): Promise<DeviceInfo>;
* Return information about the battery
getBatteryInfo(): Promise<DeviceBatteryInfo>;
* Get the device's current language locale code
getLanguageCode(): Promise<DeviceLanguageCodeResult>;
export /*declare*/ type OperatingSystem = 'ios' | 'android' | 'windows' | 'mac' | 'unknown';
export interface DeviceInfo {
* Note: this property is iOS only.
* The name of the device. For example, "John's iPhone"
name?: string;
* The device model. For example, "iPhone"
model: string;
* The device platform (lowercase).
platform: 'ios' | 'android' | 'electron' | 'web';
* The UUID of the device as available to the app. This identifier may change
* on modern mobile platforms that only allow per-app install UUIDs.
uuid: string;
* The current bundle verison of the app
appVersion: string;
* The current bundle build of the app
appBuild: string;
* The operating system of the device
operatingSystem: OperatingSystem;
* The version of the device OS
osVersion: string;
* The manufacturer of the device
manufacturer: string;
* Whether the app is running in a simulator/emulator
isVirtual: boolean;
* Approximate memory used by the current app, in bytes. Divide by
* 1048576 to get the number of MBs used.
memUsed?: number;
* How much free disk space is available on the the normal data storage
* path for the os, in bytes
diskFree?: number;
* The total size of the normal data storage path for the OS, in bytes
diskTotal?: number;
export interface DeviceBatteryInfo {
* A percentage (0 to 1) indicating how much the battery is charged
batteryLevel?: number;
* Whether the device is charging
isCharging?: boolean;
export interface DeviceLanguageCodeResult {
value: string;
export interface FilesystemPlugin extends Plugin {
* Read a file from disk
* @param options options for the file read
* @return a promise that resolves with the read file data result
readFile(options: FileReadOptions): Promise<FileReadResult>;
* Write a file to disk in the specified location on device
* @param options options for the file write
* @return a promise that resolves with the file write result
writeFile(options: FileWriteOptions): Promise<FileWriteResult>;
* Append to a file on disk in the specified location on device
* @param options options for the file append
* @return a promise that resolves with the file write result
appendFile(options: FileAppendOptions): Promise<FileAppendResult>;
* Delete a file from disk
* @param options options for the file delete
* @return a promise that resolves with the deleted file data result
deleteFile(options: FileDeleteOptions): Promise<FileDeleteResult>;
* Create a directory.
* @param options options for the mkdir
* @return a promise that resolves with the mkdir result
mkdir(options: MkdirOptions): Promise<MkdirResult>;
* Remove a directory
* @param options the options for the directory remove
rmdir(options: RmdirOptions): Promise<RmdirResult>;
* Return a list of files from the directory (not recursive)
* @param options the options for the readdir operation
* @return a promise that resolves with the readdir directory listing result
readdir(options: ReaddirOptions): Promise<ReaddirResult>;
* Return full File URI for a path and directory
* @param options the options for the stat operation
* @return a promise that resolves with the file stat result
getUri(options: GetUriOptions): Promise<GetUriResult>;
* Return data about a file
* @param options the options for the stat operation
* @return a promise that resolves with the file stat result
stat(options: StatOptions): Promise<StatResult>;
* Rename a file or directory
* @param options the options for the rename operation
* @return a promise that resolves with the rename result
rename(options: RenameOptions): Promise<RenameResult>;
* Copy a file or directory
* @param options the options for the copy operation
* @return a promise that resolves with the copy result
copy(options: CopyOptions): Promise<CopyResult>;
export /*declare*/ const enum FilesystemDirectory {
* The Documents directory
* On iOS it's the app's documents directory.
* Use this directory to store user-generated content.
* On Android it's the Public Documents folder, so it's accessible from other apps.
* It's not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage
* by adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` in the `application` tag
* in the `AndroidManifest.xml`
Documents = "DOCUMENTS",
* The Data directory
* On iOS it will use the Documents directory
* On Android it's the directory holding application files.
* Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.
Data = "DATA",
* The Cache directory
* Can be deleted in cases of low memory, so use this directory to write app-specific files
* that your app can re-create easily.
Cache = "CACHE",
* The external directory
* On iOS it will use the Documents directory
* On Android it's the directory on the primary shared/external
* storage device where the application can place persistent files it owns.
* These files are internal to the applications, and not typically visible
* to the user as media.
* Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.
External = "EXTERNAL",
* The external storage directory
* On iOS it will use the Documents directory
* On Android it's the primary shared/external storage directory.
* It's not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage
* by adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` in the `application` tag
* in the `AndroidManifest.xml`
ExternalStorage = "EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
export /*declare*/ const enum FilesystemEncoding {
UTF8 = "utf8",
ASCII = "ascii",
UTF16 = "utf16"
export interface FileWriteOptions {
* The filename to write
path: string;
* The data to write
data: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to store the file in
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* The encoding to write the file in. If not provided, data
* is written as base64 encoded data.
* Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to write data as string
encoding?: FilesystemEncoding;
* Whether to create any missing parent directories.
* Defaults to false
recursive?: boolean;
export interface FileAppendOptions {
* The filename to write
path: string;
* The data to write
data: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to store the file in
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* The encoding to write the file in. If not provided, data
* is written as base64 encoded data.
* Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to write data as string
encoding?: FilesystemEncoding;
export interface FileReadOptions {
* The filename to read
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to read the file from
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* The encoding to read the file in, if not provided, data
* is read as binary and returned as base64 encoded data.
* Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to read data as string
encoding?: FilesystemEncoding;
export interface FileDeleteOptions {
* The filename to delete
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to delete the file from
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
export interface MkdirOptions {
* The path of the new directory
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to make the new directory in
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* Whether to create any missing parent directories as well.
* Defaults to false
recursive?: boolean;
export interface RmdirOptions {
* The path of the directory to remove
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to remove the directory from
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* Whether to recursively remove the contents of the directory
* Defaults to false
recursive?: boolean;
export interface ReaddirOptions {
* The path of the directory to read
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to list files from
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
export interface GetUriOptions {
* The path of the file to get the URI for
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to get the file under
directory: FilesystemDirectory;
export interface StatOptions {
* The path of the file to get data about
path: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory to get the file under
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
export interface CopyOptions {
* The existing file or directory
from: string;
* The destination file or directory
to: string;
* The FilesystemDirectory containing the existing file or directory
directory?: FilesystemDirectory;
* The FilesystemDirectory containing the destination file or directory. If not supplied will use the 'directory'
* parameter as the destination
toDirectory?: FilesystemDirectory;
export interface RenameOptions extends CopyOptions {
export interface FileReadResult {
data: string;
export interface FileDeleteResult {
export interface FileWriteResult {
uri: string;
export interface FileAppendResult {
export interface MkdirResult {
export interface RmdirResult {
export interface RenameResult {
export interface CopyResult {
export interface ReaddirResult {
files: string[];
export interface GetUriResult {
uri: string;
export interface StatResult {
type: string;
size: number;
ctime: number;
mtime: number;
uri: string;
export interface GeolocationPlugin extends Plugin {
* Get the current GPS location of the device
getCurrentPosition(options?: GeolocationOptions): Promise<GeolocationPosition>;
* Set up a watch for location changes. Note that watching for location changes
* can consume a large amount of energy. Be smart about listening only when you need to.
watchPosition(options: GeolocationOptions, callback: GeolocationWatchCallback): CallbackID;
* Clear a given watch
clearWatch(options: {
id: string;
}): Promise<void>;
export interface GeolocationPosition {
* Creation timestamp for coords
timestamp: number;
* The GPS coordinates along with the accuracy of the data
coords: {
* Latitude in decimal degrees
latitude: number;
* longitude in decimal degrees
longitude: number;
* Accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters
accuracy: number;
* Accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters (if available)
altitudeAccuracy?: number;
* The altitude the user is at (if available)
altitude?: number;
* The speed the user is traveling (if available)
speed?: number;
* The heading the user is facing (if available)
heading?: number;
export interface GeolocationOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
maximumAge?: number;
export /*declare*/ type GeolocationWatchCallback = (position: GeolocationPosition, err?: any) => void;
export interface HapticsPlugin extends Plugin {
* Trigger a haptics "impact" feedback
impact(options: HapticsImpactOptions): void;
* Trigger a haptics "notification" feedback
notification(options: HapticsNotificationOptions): void;
* Vibrate the device
vibrate(): void;
* Trigger a selection started haptic hint
selectionStart(): void;
* Trigger a selection changed haptic hint. If a selection was
* started already, this will cause the device to provide haptic
* feedback
selectionChanged(): void;
* If selectionStart() was called, selectionEnd() ends the selection.
* For example, call this when a user has lifted their finger from a control
selectionEnd(): void;
export interface HapticsImpactOptions {
style: HapticsImpactStyle;
export /*declare*/ const enum HapticsImpactStyle {
Heavy = "HEAVY",
Medium = "MEDIUM",
Light = "LIGHT"
export interface HapticsNotificationOptions {
type: HapticsNotificationType;
export /*declare*/ const enum HapticsNotificationType {
export interface VibrateOptions {
duration?: number;
export interface KeyboardPlugin extends Plugin {
* Show the keyboard. This method is alpha and may have issues
show(): Promise<void>;
* Hide the keyboard.
hide(): Promise<void>;
* Set whether the accessory bar should be visible on the keyboard. We recommend disabling
* the accessory bar for short forms (login, signup, etc.) to provide a cleaner UI
setAccessoryBarVisible(options: {
isVisible: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
* Programmatically enable or disable the WebView scroll
setScroll(options: {
isDisabled: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
* Programmatically set the keyboard style
setStyle(options: KeyboardStyleOptions): Promise<void>;
* Programmatically set the resize mode
setResizeMode(options: KeyboardResizeOptions): Promise<void>;
addListener(eventName: 'keyboardWillShow', listenerFunc: (info: KeyboardInfo) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'keyboardDidShow', listenerFunc: (info: KeyboardInfo) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'keyboardWillHide', listenerFunc: () => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'keyboardDidHide', listenerFunc: () => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface KeyboardInfo {
keyboardHeight: number;
export interface KeyboardStyleOptions {
style: KeyboardStyle;
export /*declare*/ const enum KeyboardStyle {
Dark = "DARK",
Light = "LIGHT"
export interface KeyboardResizeOptions {
mode: KeyboardResize;
export /*declare*/ const enum KeyboardResize {
Body = "body",
Ionic = "ionic",
Native = "native",
None = "none"
export interface LocalNotificationRequest {
id: string;
export interface LocalNotificationPendingList {
notifications: LocalNotificationRequest[];
export interface LocalNotificationScheduleResult extends LocalNotificationPendingList {
export interface LocalNotificationActionType {
id: string;
actions?: LocalNotificationAction[];
iosHiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder?: string;
iosCustomDismissAction?: boolean;
iosAllowInCarPlay?: boolean;
iosHiddenPreviewsShowTitle?: boolean;
iosHiddenPreviewsShowSubtitle?: boolean;
export interface LocalNotificationAction {
id: string;
title: string;
requiresAuthentication?: boolean;
foreground?: boolean;
destructive?: boolean;
input?: boolean;
inputButtonTitle?: string;
inputPlaceholder?: string;
export interface LocalNotificationAttachment {
id: string;
url: string;
options?: LocalNotificationAttachmentOptions;
export interface LocalNotificationAttachmentOptions {
iosUNNotificationAttachmentOptionsTypeHintKey?: string;
iosUNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey?: string;
iosUNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey?: string;
iosUNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailTimeKey?: string;
export interface LocalNotification {
title: string;
body: string;
id: number;
schedule?: LocalNotificationSchedule;
* Name of the audio file with extension.
* On iOS the file should be in the app bundle.
* On Android the file should be on res/raw folder.
* Doesn't work on Android version 26+ (Android O and newer), for
* Recommended format is .wav because is supported by both platforms.
sound?: string;
* Android-only: set a custom statusbar icon.
* If set, it overrides default icon from capacitor.config.json
smallIcon?: string;
* Android only: set the color of the notification icon
iconColor?: string;
attachments?: LocalNotificationAttachment[];
actionTypeId?: string;
extra?: any;
* iOS only: set the thread identifier for notification grouping
threadIdentifier?: string;
* iOS 12+ only: set the summary argument for notification grouping
summaryArgument?: string;
* Android only: set the group identifier for notification grouping, like
* threadIdentifier on iOS.
group?: string;
* Android only: designate this notification as the summary for a group
* (should be used with the `group` property).
groupSummary?: boolean;
* Android only: set the notification channel on which local notification
* will generate. If channel with the given name does not exist then the
* notification will not fire. If not provided, it will use the default channel.
channelId?: string;
export interface LocalNotificationSchedule {
at?: Date;
repeats?: boolean;
every?: 'year' | 'month' | 'two-weeks' | 'week' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second';
count?: number;
on?: {
year?: number;
month?: number;
day?: number;
hour?: number;
minute?: number;
export interface LocalNotificationActionPerformed {
actionId: string;
inputValue?: string;
notification: LocalNotification;
export interface LocalNotificationEnabledResult {
* Whether the device has Local Notifications enabled or not
value: boolean;
export interface NotificationPermissionResponse {
granted: boolean;
export interface LocalNotificationsPlugin extends Plugin {
schedule(options: {
notifications: LocalNotification[];
}): Promise<LocalNotificationScheduleResult>;
getPending(): Promise<LocalNotificationPendingList>;
registerActionTypes(options: {
types: LocalNotificationActionType[];
}): Promise<void>;
cancel(pending: LocalNotificationPendingList): Promise<void>;
areEnabled(): Promise<LocalNotificationEnabledResult>;
createChannel(channel: NotificationChannel): Promise<void>;
deleteChannel(channel: NotificationChannel): Promise<void>;
listChannels(): Promise<NotificationChannelList>;
requestPermission(): Promise<NotificationPermissionResponse>;
addListener(eventName: 'localNotificationReceived', listenerFunc: (notification: LocalNotification) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
addListener(eventName: 'localNotificationActionPerformed', listenerFunc: (notificationAction: LocalNotificationActionPerformed) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface ModalsPlugin extends Plugin {
* Show an alert modal
alert(options: AlertOptions): Promise<void>;
* Show a prompt modal
prompt(options: PromptOptions): Promise<PromptResult>;
* Show a confirmation modal
confirm(options: ConfirmOptions): Promise<ConfirmResult>;
* Show an Action Sheet style modal with various options for the user
* to select.
showActions(options: ActionSheetOptions): Promise<ActionSheetResult>;
export interface AlertOptions {
title: string;
message: string;
buttonTitle?: string;
export interface PromptOptions {
title: string;
message: string;
okButtonTitle?: string;
cancelButtonTitle?: string;
inputPlaceholder?: string;
inputText?: string;
export interface ConfirmOptions {
title: string;
message: string;
okButtonTitle?: string;
cancelButtonTitle?: string;
export interface PromptResult {
value: string;
cancelled: boolean;
export interface ConfirmResult {
value: boolean;
export interface ActionSheetOptions {
title: string;
* iOS only
message?: string;
options: ActionSheetOption[];
export /*declare*/ const enum ActionSheetOptionStyle {
Default = "DEFAULT",
Destructive = "DESTRUCTIVE",
Cancel = "CANCEL"
export interface ActionSheetOption {
title: string;
style?: ActionSheetOptionStyle;
* Icon for web (ionicon naming convention)
icon?: string;
export interface ActionSheetResult {
index: number;
export interface MotionPlugin extends Plugin {
* Listen for accelerometer data
addListener(eventName: 'accel', listenerFunc: (event: MotionEventResult) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Listen for device orientation change (compass heading, etc.)
addListener(eventName: 'orientation', listenerFunc: (event: MotionOrientationEventResult) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export /*declare*/ type MotionWatchOrientationCallback = (accel: MotionOrientationEventResult) => void;
export /*declare*/ type MotionWatchAccelCallback = (accel: MotionEventResult) => void;
export interface MotionOrientationEventResult {
alpha: number;
beta: number;
gamma: number;
export interface MotionEventResult {
acceleration: {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
accelerationIncludingGravity: {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
rotationRate: {
alpha: number;
beta: number;
gamma: number;
interval: number;
export interface NetworkPlugin extends Plugin {
* Query the current network status
getStatus(): Promise<NetworkStatus>;
* Listen for network status change events
addListener(eventName: 'networkStatusChange', listenerFunc: (status: NetworkStatus) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface NetworkStatus {
connected: boolean;
connectionType: 'wifi' | 'cellular' | 'none' | 'unknown';
export /*declare*/ type NetworkStatusChangeCallback = (status: NetworkStatus) => void;
export /*declare*/ const enum PermissionType {
Camera = "camera",
Photos = "photos",
Geolocation = "geolocation",
Notifications = "notifications",
ClipboardRead = "clipboard-read",
ClipboardWrite = "clipboard-write",
Microphone = "microphone"
export interface PermissionsOptions {
name: PermissionType;
export interface PermissionResult {
state: 'granted' | 'denied' | 'prompt';
export interface PermissionsPlugin extends Plugin {
query(options: PermissionsOptions): Promise<PermissionResult>;
export interface PhotosPlugin extends Plugin {
* Get photos from the user's photo library
getPhotos(options?: PhotosFetchOptions): Promise<PhotosResult>;
* Get albums from the user's photo library
getAlbums(options?: PhotosAlbumsFetchOptions): Promise<PhotosAlbumsResult>;
* Save a photo the the user's photo library
savePhoto(options?: PhotosSaveOptions): Promise<PhotosSaveResult>;
* Create an album in the user's photo library
createAlbum(options: PhotosCreateAlbumOptions): Promise<void>;
export interface PhotosFetchOptions {
* The number of photos to fetch, sorted by last created date descending
quantity?: number;
* The width of thumbnail to return
thumbnailWidth?: number;
* The height of thumbnail to return
thumbnailHeight?: number;
* The quality of thumbnail to return as JPEG (0-100)
thumbnailQuality?: number;
* Which types of assets to return (currently only supports "photos")
types?: string;
* Which album identifier to query in (get identifier with getAlbums())
albumIdentifier?: string;
export interface PhotoAsset {
* Platform-specific identifier
identifier: string;
* Data for a photo asset as a base64 encoded string (JPEG only supported)
data: string;
* ISO date string for creation date of asset
creationDate: string;
* Full width of original asset
fullWidth: number;
* Full height of original asset
fullHeight: number;
* Width of thumbnail preview
thumbnailWidth: number;
* Height of thumbnail preview
thumbnailHeight: number;
* Location metadata for the asset
location: PhotoLocation;
export interface PhotoLocation {
* GPS latitude image was taken at
latitude: number;
* GPS longitude image was taken at
longitude: number;
* Heading of user at time image was taken
heading: number;
* Altitude of user at time image was taken
altitude: number;
* Speed of user at time image was taken
speed: number;
export interface PhotosResult {
* The list of photos returned from the library
photos: PhotoAsset[];
export interface PhotosSaveOptions {
* The base64-encoded JPEG data for a photo (note: do not add HTML data-uri type prefix)
data: string;
* The optional album identifier to save this photo in
albumIdentifier?: string;
export interface PhotosSaveResult {
* Whether the photo was created
success: boolean;
export interface PhotosAlbumsFetchOptions {
* Whether to load cloud shared albums
loadShared: boolean;
export interface PhotosAlbumsResult {
* The list of albums returned from the query
albums: PhotosAlbum[];
export interface PhotosAlbum {
* Local identifier for the album
identifier: string;
* Name of the album
name: string;
* Number of items in the album
count: number;
* The type of album
type: PhotosAlbumType;
export interface PhotosCreateAlbumOptions {
name: string;
export /*declare*/ const enum PhotosAlbumType {
* Album is a "smart" album (such as Favorites or Recently Added)
Smart = "smart",
* Album is a cloud-shared album
Shared = "shared",
* Album is a user-created album
User = "user"
export interface PushNotification {
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
body?: string;
id: string;
badge?: number;
notification?: any;
data: any;
click_action?: string;
link?: string;
* Android only: set the group identifier for notification grouping, like
* threadIdentifier on iOS.
group?: string;
* Android only: designate this notification as the summary for a group
* (should be used with the `group` property).
groupSummary?: boolean;
export interface PushNotificationActionPerformed {
actionId: string;
inputValue?: string;
notification: PushNotification;
export interface PushNotificationToken {
value: string;
export interface PushNotificationDeliveredList {
notifications: PushNotification[];
export interface NotificationChannel {
id: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
sound?: string;
importance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
visibility?: -1 | 0 | 1;
lights?: boolean;
lightColor?: string;
vibration?: boolean;
export interface NotificationChannelList {
channels: NotificationChannel[];
export interface PushNotificationsPlugin extends Plugin {
* Register the app to receive push notifications.
* Will trigger registration event with the push token
* or registrationError if there was some problem.
* Doesn't prompt the user for notification permissions, use requestPermission() first.
register(): Promise<void>;
* On iOS it prompts the user to allow displaying notifications
* and return if the permission was granted or not.
* On Android there is no such prompt, so just return as granted.
requestPermission(): Promise<NotificationPermissionResponse>;
* Returns the notifications that are visible on the notifications screen.
getDeliveredNotifications(): Promise<PushNotificationDeliveredList>;
* Removes the specified notifications from the notifications screen.
* @param delivered list of delivered notifications.
removeDeliveredNotifications(delivered: PushNotificationDeliveredList): Promise<void>;
* Removes all the notifications from the notifications screen.
removeAllDeliveredNotifications(): Promise<void>;
* On Android O or newer (SDK 26+) creates a notification channel.
* @param channel to create.
createChannel(channel: NotificationChannel): Promise<void>;
* On Android O or newer (SDK 26+) deletes a notification channel.
* @param channel to delete.
deleteChannel(channel: NotificationChannel): Promise<void>;
* On Android O or newer (SDK 26+) list the available notification channels.
listChannels(): Promise<NotificationChannelList>;
* Event called when the push notification registration finished without problems.
* Provides the push notification token.
* @param eventName registration.
* @param listenerFunc callback with the push token.
addListener(eventName: 'registration', listenerFunc: (token: PushNotificationToken) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Event called when the push notification registration finished with problems.
* Provides an error with the registration problem.
* @param eventName registrationError.
* @param listenerFunc callback with the registration error.
addListener(eventName: 'registrationError', listenerFunc: (error: any) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Event called when the device receives a push notification.
* @param eventName pushNotificationReceived.
* @param listenerFunc callback with the received notification.
addListener(eventName: 'pushNotificationReceived', listenerFunc: (notification: PushNotification) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Event called when an action is performed on a pusn notification.
* @param eventName pushNotificationActionPerformed.
* @param listenerFunc callback with the notification action.
addListener(eventName: 'pushNotificationActionPerformed', listenerFunc: (notification: PushNotificationActionPerformed) => void): PluginListenerHandle;
* Remove all native listeners for this plugin.
removeAllListeners(): void;
export interface SharePlugin extends Plugin {
* Show a Share modal for sharing content in your app with other apps
share(options: ShareOptions): Promise<any>;
export interface ShareOptions {
* Set a title for any message. This will be the subject
* if sharing to email
title?: string;
* Set some text to share
text?: string;
* Set a URL to share, can be http, https or file URL
url?: string;
* Set a title for the share modal. Android only
dialogTitle?: string;
export interface SplashScreenPlugin extends Plugin {
* Show the splash screen
show(options?: SplashScreenShowOptions, callback?: Function): Promise<void>;
* Hide the splash screen
hide(options?: SplashScreenHideOptions, callback?: Function): Promise<void>;
export interface SplashScreenShowOptions {
* Whether to auto hide the splash after showDuration
autoHide?: boolean;
* How long (in ms) to fade in. Default is 200ms
fadeInDuration?: number;
* How long (in ms) to fade out. Default is 200ms
fadeOutDuration?: number;
* How long to show the splash screen when autoHide is enabled (in ms)
* Default is 3000ms
showDuration?: number;
export interface SplashScreenHideOptions {
* How long (in ms) to fade out. Default is 200ms
fadeOutDuration?: number;
export interface StatusBarPlugin extends Plugin {
* Set the current style of the status bar
setStyle(options: StatusBarStyleOptions): Promise<void>;
* Set the background color of the status bar
setBackgroundColor(options: StatusBarBackgroundColorOptions): Promise<void>;
* Show the status bar
show(options?: StatusBarAnimationOptions): Promise<void>;
* Hide the status bar
hide(options?: StatusBarAnimationOptions): Promise<void>;
* Get info about the current state of the status bar
getInfo(): Promise<StatusBarInfoResult>;
* Set whether or not the status bar should overlay the webview to allow usage of the space
* around a device "notch"
setOverlaysWebView(options: StatusBarOverlaysWebviewOptions): Promise<void>;
export interface StatusBarStyleOptions {
style: StatusBarStyle;
export /*declare*/ const enum StatusBarStyle {
* Light text for dark backgrounds.
Dark = "DARK",
* Dark text for light backgrounds.
Light = "LIGHT"
export interface StatusBarAnimationOptions {
* iOS only. The type of status bar animation used when showing or hiding.
animation: StatusBarAnimation;
export /*declare*/ const enum StatusBarAnimation {
* No animation during show/hide.
None = "NONE",
* Slide animation during show/hide.
Slide = "SLIDE",
* Fade animation during show/hide.
Fade = "FADE"
export interface StatusBarBackgroundColorOptions {
color: string;
export interface StatusBarInfoResult {
visible: boolean;
style: StatusBarStyle;
color?: string;
overlays?: boolean;
export interface StatusBarOverlaysWebviewOptions {
overlay: boolean;
export interface StoragePlugin extends Plugin {
* Get the value with the given key.
get(options: {
key: string;
}): Promise<{
value: string | null;
* Set the value for the given key
set(options: {
key: string;
value: string;
}): Promise<void>;
* Remove the value for this key (if any)
remove(options: {
key: string;
}): Promise<void>;
* Clear stored keys and values.
clear(): Promise<void>;
* Return the list of known keys
keys(): Promise<{
keys: string[];
export interface ToastPlugin extends Plugin {
show(options: ToastShowOptions): Promise<void>;
export interface ToastShowOptions {
text: string;
* Duration of the toast, either 'short' (2000ms, default) or 'long' (3500ms)
duration?: 'short' | 'long';
position?: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
export interface WebViewPlugin extends Plugin {
setServerBasePath(options: WebViewPath): Promise<void>;
getServerBasePath(): Promise<WebViewPath>;
persistServerBasePath(): Promise<void>;
export interface WebViewPath {
path: string;
//#region @capacitor/core/dist/esm/definitions.d.ts
export interface Plugin {
addListener(eventName: string, listenerFunc: Function): PluginListenerHandle;
requestPermissions?: () => Promise<PermissionsRequestResult>;
export interface PermissionsRequestResult {
results: any[];
export interface PluginListenerHandle {
remove: () => void;
export interface PluginResultData {
[key: string]: any;
export interface PluginResultError {
message: string;
export /*declare*/ type PluginCallback = (error: PluginResultError, data: PluginResultData) => void;
* Data sent over to native
export interface PluginCall {
callbackId: string;
pluginId: string;
methodName: string;
options: any;
* Callback data kept on the client
* to be called after native response
export interface StoredCallback {
callback?: PluginCallback;
resolve?: Function;
reject?: Function;
* Collection of all the callback data
export interface StoredCallbacks {
[callbackId: string]: StoredCallback;
* A resulting call back from the native layer.
export interface PluginResult {
callbackId?: string;
methodName: string;
data: PluginResultData;
success: boolean;
error?: PluginResultError;
export interface PluginConfig {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface Capacitor {
isNative?: boolean;
platform?: string;
isPluginAvailable: (name: string) => boolean;
convertFileSrc: (filePath: string) => string;
getPlatform: () => string;
toNative?: (pluginId: string, methodName: string, options: any, storedCallback?: StoredCallback) => void;
fromNative?: (result: PluginResult) => void;
withPlugin?: (pluginId: string, fn: Function) => void;
nativeCallback?: (pluginId: string, methodName: string, options?: any, callback?: any) => void;
nativePromise?: (pluginId: string, methodName: string, options?: any) => Promise<any>;
handleError?: (error: Error) => void;
handleWindowError?: (msg: string, url: string, lineNo: number, columnNo: number, error: Error) => void;
Plugins?: PluginRegistry;
export interface WindowCapacitor {
capacitor: Capacitor;
androidBridge: {
postMessage: (data: any) => void;
webkit: {
messageHandlers: {
bridge: {
postMessage: (data: any) => void;
console: {
[level: string]: Function;
window: any;
declare var Capacitor: CapTypes.Capacitor;
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