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Created July 30, 2023 06:26
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Text QuasiQuoter
module Quoter where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
data ParserState =
| Break
| Line
deriving (Show, Eq)
parse :: String -> String
parse s = parse_ Start s
parse_ _ [] = []
parse_ Start ('\n':cs) = parse_ Break cs
parse_ Start cs = parse_ Break cs
parse_ Break (c:cs) | isSpace c = parse_ Break cs
| otherwise = c : parse_ Line cs
parse_ Line ('\n':[]) = []
parse_ Line ('\n':cs) = '\n' : parse_ Break cs
parse_ Line (c:cs) = c : parse_ Line cs
quoteExpr :: String -> Q Exp
quoteExpr s = pure $ LitE $ StringL $ parse s
text :: QuasiQuoter
text = QuasiQuoter quoteExpr notSupported notSupported notSupported
notSupported _ = fail "Text quoter in this context is not supported"
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