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Created November 2, 2020 01:45
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Azure Retail Pricing API Proof of Concept
function Get-AzSpotPrice {
param (
#VM SKU (e.g. Standard_F8s)
#Azure Region (e.g. brazilsouth)
#ODATA filter to use on the data
#Maximum number of records to retrieve, or specify 'Unlimited' for all records. Defaults to 100. This behaves like the Exchange Cmdlets
#Path to the prices API. You usually do not need to specify this.
[UriBuilder]$Uri = ''
$SpotFilter = @("contains(skuName,'Spot')")
if ($Filter) {
$SpotFilter += $Filter
if ($Region) {
$SpotFilter += $Region.foreach{
"armRegionName eq '$PSItem'"
if ($Sku) {
$SpotFilter += $Sku.foreach{
"armSkuName eq '$PSItem'"
$queryFilter = $SpotFilter -join ' and '
$AzRetailPriceParams = @{
Filter = $QueryFilter
if ($ResultSize) {$AzRetailPriceParams.ResultSize = $ResultSize}
Get-AzRetailPrice @AzRetailPriceParams
function Get-AzRetailPrice {
#ODATA filter to use on the data
#Maximum number of records to retrieve, or specify 'Unlimited' for all records. Defaults to 100. This behaves like the Exchange Cmdlets
#Path to the prices API. You usually do not need to specify this.
[UriBuilder]$Uri = ''
#The query builder object has to be initialized indirectly
$query = [Web.HTTPUtility]::ParseQueryString('')
if ($Filter) {
if ($ResultSize -ne '' -and $ResultSize -ne 'Unlimited') {
#TODO: Add case insensitivity to the query
$result = $null
do {
if ($result.NextPageLink) {
if ($ResultSize -ne '') {
Write-Warning "Only returning the first 100 prices by default for safety. Adjust the -ResultSetSize parameter if you wish to retrieve more."
$Uri = [uribuilder]$result.NextPageLink
} else {
$Uri.Query = $query.ToString()
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri.uri
} until (
$result.count -lt 100 -or
#TODO: This is a quirk for if you specify exactly 100 records, maybe should track this clientside instead
$result.NextPageLink -notmatch 'skip=\d+$'
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