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Last active April 15, 2023 02:07
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Aliaser - Autogenerate shorthand aliases for powershell functions
param (
#Provide a list of commands to alias. You can supply strings, modules, or commands from Get-Command. Only Noun-Verb commands will be processed.
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][Object[]]$InputObject = (Get-Command '*-*' -CommandType Alias,Cmdlet,Function | Sort-Object Source,Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique ),
begin {
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
#Generated in Powershell 7 for Powershell 5.1 compatibility
$PSAliases = @{
Add = 'a'
Approve = 'ap'
Assert = 'as'
Backup = 'ba'
Block = 'bl'
Build = 'bd'
Checkpoint = 'ch'
Clear = 'cl'
Close = 'cs'
Compare = 'cr'
Complete = 'cmp'
Compress = 'cm'
Confirm = 'cn'
Connect = 'cc'
Convert = 'cv'
ConvertFrom = 'cf'
ConvertTo = 'ct'
Copy = 'cp'
Debug = 'db'
Deny = 'dn'
Deploy = 'dp'
Disable = 'd'
Disconnect = 'dc'
Dismount = 'dm'
Edit = 'ed'
Enable = 'e'
Enter = 'et'
Exit = 'ex'
Expand = 'en'
Export = 'ep'
Find = 'fd'
Format = 'f'
Get = 'g'
Grant = 'gr'
Group = 'gp'
Hide = 'h'
Import = 'ip'
Initialize = 'in'
Install = 'is'
Invoke = 'i'
Join = 'j'
Limit = 'l'
Lock = 'lk'
Measure = 'ms'
Merge = 'mg'
Mount = 'mt'
Move = 'm'
New = 'n'
Open = 'op'
Optimize = 'om'
Out = 'o'
Ping = 'pi'
Pop = 'pop'
Protect = 'pt'
Publish = 'pb'
Push = 'pu'
Read = 'rd'
Receive = 'rc'
Redo = 're'
Register = 'rg'
Remove = 'r'
Rename = 'rn'
Repair = 'rp'
Request = 'rq'
Reset = 'rs'
Resize = 'rz'
Resolve = 'rv'
Restart = 'rt'
Restore = 'rr'
Resume = 'ru'
Revoke = 'rk'
Save = 'sv'
Search = 'sr'
Select = 'sc'
Send = 'sd'
Set = 's'
Show = 'sh'
Skip = 'sk'
Split = 'sl'
Start = 'sa'
Step = 'st'
Stop = 'sp'
Submit = 'sb'
Suspend = 'ss'
Switch = 'sw'
Sync = 'sy'
Test = 't'
Trace = 'tr'
Unblock = 'ul'
Undo = 'un'
Uninstall = 'us'
Unlock = 'uk'
Unprotect = 'up'
Unpublish = 'ub'
Unregister = 'ur'
Update = 'ud'
Use = 'u'
Wait = 'w'
Watch = 'wc'
Write = 'wr'
} else {
$PSAliases = @{}
(Get-Verb).foreach{$PSAliases[$PSItem.verb] = $PSItem.AliasPrefix}
process {
$commands = if ($InputObject -is [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]) {
} else {
#Noun-Verb Commands Only
$commands = $commands.where{$_ -match '-'} | Sort-Object -Unique
foreach ($commandItem in $commands) {
Write-Debug "START: $commandItem"
$existingAlias = (Get-Alias -Definition $commandItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).name
if ($existingAlias -and $existingAlias -notmatch '-') {
Write-Verbose "Alias $existingAlias for $CommandItem already exists"
$commandParts = $commandItem.split('-')
$verb = $PSAliases[$commandParts[0]]
if (-not $Verb) {
Write-Warning "$commandItem`: $($commandParts[0]) is not a recognized Powershell Verb. Will use full verb for alias"
$verb = $commandParts[0]
$noun = $commandParts[1]
[Char[]]$nounUppers = ($noun | Select-String -Pattern "[A-Z]" -CaseSensitive -AllMatches).matches.value
#Only the lowers after the last word
[Char[]]$nounLowers = ($noun | Select-String -Pattern "[a-z]+$" -CaseSensitive -AllMatches).matches.value
$aliasChars = $nounUppers + $nounLowers
[Text.StringBuilder]$Alias = $verb
$aliasResult = $null
do {
if (-not $aliasChars[$i]) {
Write-Warning "Unable to create an alias for $commandItem, all relevant abbrevations are taken"
try {
$aliasResult = New-Alias -Name (([String]$Alias).tolower()) -Value $CommandItem -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
Write-Debug "Attempt: $aliasResult for $CommandItem CREATED"
if ($PassThru) {$aliasResult}
} catch [Management.Automation.SessionStateException] {
if ($PSItem.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne 'AliasAlreadyExists') {throw}
Write-Debug "Attempt: $(([String]$Alias).tolower()) for $CommandItem EXISTS"
} while (
$null -eq $aliasResult
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