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Last active November 2, 2021 21:16
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AutoMock: Record Powershell Command Output to Replay in Pester Tests Offline
#requires -module Indented.StubCommand
function Enable-AutoMockRecord ([Switch]$Append) {
$env:AUTOMOCK_RECORD = $true
if ($Append) {$env:AUTOMOCK_APPEND = $true}
function Disable-AutoMockRecord {
Remove-Item env:AUTOMOCK_RECORD -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item env:AUTOMOCK_APPEND -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function AutoMock {
Mock a command and record the output stream to cache files, then replay on request
By default this runs in "replay mode", meaning that it will error if a matching mock for the command is not found.
Set $DebugPreference='continue' to view when mocks have been recorded or replayed.
AutoMock Invoke-RestMethod -Record
PS>Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''
Record a command for later playback
PS>AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod
#This command will return the cached result
PS>Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''
#This command will error with a "mock not found" error
PS>Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''
param (
#The name of the command or commands to record for AutoMock
#Location to store and replay. Uses your default temporary directory by default.
[String]$Path = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath(),
#Record all outputs, overwriting any existing outputs
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Record')][Switch]$Record = ([bool]$ENV:AUTOMOCK_RECORD),
#Only record items that have not been recorded before, and replay otherwise. Not recommended.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Record')][Switch]$Append = ([bool]$ENV:AUTOMOCK_APPEND),
#Specify this if you want to disable automock functionality. Useful for "live" testing or acceptance testing without having to write separate code
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Disable')][Switch]$Disable = ([bool]$ENV:AUTOMOCK_DISABLE),
#Clear any previously stored cache items first. This will clear ALL cache, not just for the command you specified.
#To clear cache for specific entries, watch the debug output and remove those specific files.
begin {
#Some environment variables for use when running with pester or in an environment
#ParameterSet doesn't change even if variable default is set via environment variable
if ($Record -or $Append -or $Reset) {
$AutoMockRecordMode = $true
write-debug "AutoMock: Running in Record mode"
} elseif ($Disable) {
write-debug "AutoMock: Running in Disabled mode"
} else {
write-debug "AutoMock: Running in Replay mode"
if (-not $Disable -and -not $AutoMockRecordMode -and -not (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $Path '*.clixml'))) {
throw "No AutoMocks were found in $Path. Did you run this command with -Record first to record outputs?"
process {
if (-not $CommandName) {continue}
$AutoMockBaseName = 'AutoMock'
$AutoMockFunctionName = "Invoke-$AutoMockBaseName-$(New-Guid)"
$AutoMockBaseFileName = "$AutoMockBaseName-$CommandName".Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
$ReplayStubPath = (Join-Path $Path "$AutoMockBaseFileName.ps1")
#Replace any invalid filename characters
$ReplayStubPath = $ReplayStubPath
#Detect if automocked already
$ExistingAlias = Get-Alias $CommandName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($ExistingAlias) {
if ($ExistingAlias.Definition.StartsWith('Invoke-AutoMock')) {
if ($Disable) {
write-debug "AutoMock: DISABLING $CommandName"
} else {
write-warning "$CommandName has already been AutoMocked, replacing the existing mock"
Remove-Item "Alias:/$CommandName"
Remove-Item "Function:/$($ExistingAlias.Definition)"
} else {
throw "It appears you are attempting to automock $CommandName which is currently an alias. This is not supported by AutoMock. Please mock $($ExistingAlias.Definition) instead"
#If disabled, move on without action
if ($Disable) {continue}
#Replay Mode: Fetch the command and import it
if (-not $AutoMockRecordMode) {
if (-not (Test-Path $ReplayStubPath)) {
throw "AutoMock: Mock for $CommandName not found at $ReplayStubPath. HINT: Did you specify the correct -Path argument, and did you run -Record first?"
Write-Debug "AutoMock: Replay Mock Definition found for $CommandName at $ReplayStubPath. Loading..."
. $ReplayStubPath
} else {
if ($Reset) {
try {
Write-Debug "AutoMock: resetting $CommandName cache at $Path"
Remove-Item "$Path/$AutoMockBaseName-$CommandName-*.clixml" -ErrorAction Stop
Remove-Item $ReplayStubPath -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {}
$stubDefinition = New-StubCommand -CommandName $CommandName -FunctionBody {
begin {
$SCRIPT:AutoMockPipelineInput = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
$Path = ${PATH}
$record = ${RECORD}
$append = ${APPEND}
$CommandName = ${COMMANDNAME}
process {
#Collect the pipeline input to be used by steppable pipeline later
end {
function Get-ObjectHash ($InputObject, $Depth = 5) {
Get a JSON representation of an object and take the hash of it
This is meant to be like GetObjectHash() but cross-platform and cross-version
$ObjectSerialization = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -Compress
write-debug "AutoMock: Hash JSON - $ObjectSerialization"
$InputStream = [IO.MemoryStream]::new(
(Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1 -InputStream $InputStream).hash
$commandString = $CommandName + [Environment]::NewLine + ($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)
write-debug "AutoMock: Attempting to mock $CommandString"
$commandHash = Get-ObjectHash @(
$MockFileName = "AutoMock-$CommandName-$commandHash.clixml".Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
$MockPath = Join-Path $Path $MockFileName
if (Test-Path $MockPath) {
if (-not $Record -or $Append) {
Write-Debug "AutoMock: FOUND at $MockPath"
return (Import-Clixml $MockPath)
} else {
if (-not $Record) {
throw ("AutoMock: NOT FOUND at $MockPath for the following command:" + [Environment]::NewLine + $CommandString)
#RECORD: If we get this far, record the output
function Invoke-SteppablePipeline {
We have to wrap the steppable pipeline in a function in order to handle the return output, since it hands off to the parent function to handle by default
#Fetch the command we are mocking for invocation
[String[]]$commandTypeFilter = [Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::GetNames([Management.Automation.CommandTypes]).where{$_ -notmatch 'All|Alias|Application|Workflow|Configuration'}
$MockedCommand = Get-Command $Command -CommandType $commandTypeFilter -ErrorAction stop
$scriptCmd = { &($MockedCommand) @BoundParameters }
$steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline()
if ($AutoMockPipelineInput) { $ExpectingPipelineInput = $true }
$steppablePipeline.Begin($ExpectingPipelineInput, $ExecutionContext)
Foreach ($AutoMockPipelineItem in $AutoMockPipelineInput) {
try {
Invoke-SteppablePipeline -Command $CommandName -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -AutoMockPipelineInput $AutoMockPipelineInput -OutVariable AutoMockResult
} catch {
Write-Debug "AutoMock: ERROR Captured - $PSItem"
Write-Debug "Saving Error in $CommandName to $MockPath"
$PSItem | Export-Clixml $MockPath
Write-Debug "AutoMock: RECORD $CommandName to $MockPath"
$AutoMockResult | Export-Clixml $MockPath
#TODO: Fix this hacky pipeline fix for Implicitly remoted commands
if ($stubDefinition -match 'ValueFromPipeline') {
$LineRemoveRegex = [Regex]::Escape('if ($AutoMockPipelineInput) { $ExpectingPipelineInput = $true }')
$stubdefinition = $stubDefinition -replace $LineRemoveRegex,'$AutoMockPipeLineInput=$null;if ($AutoMockPipelineInput) { $ExpectingPipelineInput = $true }'
#Set the redirection alias for the command
$AliasDefinition = "New-Alias -Name '$CommandName' -Value '$AutoMockFunctionName' -Force -Scope SCRIPT"
# Import the 'Record' function into the global scope and substitute common settings
$CommandNameRegexMatch = [Regex]::Escape("function $CommandName {")
$stubDefinition = $stubDefinition -replace "^$CommandNameRegexMatch","function SCRIPT:$AutoMockFunctionName {"
$stubdefinition = $stubdefinition -replace '\${COMMANDNAME}', "'$CommandName'"
#Write the "Replay" function to the automock folder
if ($Record) {
$replayStubDefinition = $stubDefinition
$replayStubDefinition = $replayStubDefinition -replace '\${PATH}', '$PSScriptRoot'
$replayStubDefinition = $replayStubDefinition -replace '{RECORD}', "$false"
$replayStubDefinition = $replayStubDefinition -replace '{APPEND}', "$false"
Write-Debug "AutoMock: Saving Replay AutoMock for $CommandName to $ReplayStubPath"
($replayStubDefinition + [Environment]::NewLine + $AliasDefinition) > $ReplayStubPath
$stubdefinition = $stubdefinition -replace '\${PATH}', "'$Path'"
$stubdefinition = $stubdefinition -replace '{RECORD}', "$Record"
$stubdefinition = $stubdefinition -replace '{APPEND}', "$Append"
($stubDefinition + [Environment]::NewLine + $AliasDefinition) | Invoke-Expression
#Run this to clear cache:
#remove-item "$([io.path]::GetTempPath())\PesterMock-*.clixml"
Describe "AutoMock Examples" {
. ./AutoMock.ps1
Context "Clear" {
It "Should Clear Existing Mocks when -Reset is set" {
$item = New-Item 'TestDrive:/AutoMock-Invoke-Restmethod-PesterGUID.clixml'
AutoMock Invoke-RestMethod -Path TestDrive:/ -Reset
Test-Path $Item | Should -Be $false
Context "=== Record/Append Behavior: Record if not found, replay if found ===" {
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Path TestDrive:/ -Record -Append
It "Should show a recording message above with DebugPreference enabled (when first run)" {
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
It "Should show a replay message above with DebugPreference enabled (didn't actually go to the internet, read from cache instead)" {
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
Context "=== Record Behavior: Records and overwrites existing mock cache ===" {
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Path TestDrive:/ -Record
It "Should show a recording message above with DebugPreference enabled" {
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
It "Should still show a recording message above with DebugPreference enabled, because record is set" {
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
Context "=== Default Behavior - Replay Mode: Never Records and Fails if a mocked cache is not found. ===" {
It "Should show a replay message above with DebugPreference enabled" {
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Record -Path TestDrive:/
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Path TestDrive:/
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
It "Should throw an error because this doesn't exist in cache" {
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Record -Path TestDrive:/
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
AutoMock Invoke-Restmethod -Path TestDrive:/
try {
Invoke-Restmethod "" | % ip | should -be ''
} catch {
$errorMessage = [String]$PSItem
$errorMessage | Should -Match 'No matching recorded AutoMock found'
Context "Mock a remoted Exchange Online command with complicated output, like Get-DistributionGroup" {
if (-not (get-command get-distributiongroup)) {
$ExchangeTestSkip = $true
if (-not $ExchangeTestSkip) {
AutoMock Get-DistributionGroup -Record -Path TestDrive:/
It "Should show a record message above (the first time)" -Skip:$ExchangeTestSkip {
Get-DistributionGroup -resultsize 500
It "Should still show a record message above (because it's different parameters)" -Skip:$ExchangeTestSkip {
Get-DistributionGroup -resultsize 499
if (-not $ExchangeTestSkip) {
AutoMock Get-DistributionGroup -Path TestDrive:/
It "Pulls from cache and reads result count as 500" -Skip:$ExchangeTestSkip {
(Get-DistributionGroup -resultsize 500).count | should -be '500'
It "Pulls from cache and reads result count as 499" -Skip:$ExchangeTestSkip {
(Get-DistributionGroup -resultsize 499).count | should -be '499'
write-host -fore Green @'
Try running the following 3 commands in order:
Invoke-Pester ./zDemo.Tests.ps1 <--- it will fail saying "Mock for Invoke-RestMethod not found"
$env:AUTOMOCK_RECORD = $true
Invoke-Pester ./zDemo.Tests.ps1 <--- it will record the mocks and save them to your temp drive
Remove-Item env:AUTOMOCK_RECORD (and optionally, disconnect your network!)
Invoke-Pester ./zDemo.Tests.ps1 <--- It will succeed and run much faster because it is pulling from the offline cache!
Try again with $debugpreference='continue'
. $PSScriptRoot/AutoMock.ps1
Describe "AutoMock Examples" {
AutoMock Invoke-RestMethod
It 'Records Slow Sites' {
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '').timezone | Should -Be 'America/Chicago'
It 'Also works via pipeline' {
@{test=5} | Invoke-RestMethod -method post -uri '' | % json | % test | should -be 5
It "Aliases that reference the original command get mocked too" {
(irm '').postal | Should -Be '71203'
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