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Last active September 21, 2022 09:34
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Powershell Debug Anywhere Design
#Exposes the Powershell Remoting Protocol via a TCP Port
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
using namespace Renci.SshNet
using namespace System.Net.Sockets
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks
using namespace System.IO.Pipes
using namespace System.IO
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Server')]
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Client')][String]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Client')][String]$PipeName = $("PSHost.$ComputerName.$(New-Guid)"),
[Int]$Port = 7073,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Server')][ipaddress]$ListenAddress = '',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Server')][Switch]$AllowRemoteConnections,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Server')][Switch]$NoSSHRelay,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Server')][String]$SSHRelayHost = '',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Server')][Int]$SSHRelayPort = 2222
if ($AllowRemoteConnections) { $ListenAddress = '' }
function Get-PSRemotingNamedPipe ($ID = $PID) {
Gets the PSRemoting autogenerated named pipe of the specified process
Reimplementation of internal powershell method NamedPipeUtils.CreateProcessPipeName
$process = Get-Process -Id $ID -ErrorAction Stop
$processStartTime = $process.starttime.tofiletime()
$processStartId = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $isWindows) {
} else {
$processStartTime.ToString('X8').Substring(1, 8)
# $pipeNamePrefix = 'PSHost'
# if (-not ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $isWindows)) {
# $pipeNamePrefix = "CoreFxPipe_$pipeNamePrefix"
# }
return (@(
) -join '.').ToString([cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture)
function Connect-PSRemotingNamedPipe ([String]$Name = (Get-PSRemotingNamedPipe), [String]$ComputerName = '.') {
#Connect the debug pipe
$pipeclient = [NamedPipeClientStream]::new(
$ComputerName, #string serverName
$Name, #string pipeName
[PipeDirection]::InOut, #PipeDirection direction
[PipeOptions]::Asynchronous #PipeOptions options
Write-Host -NoNewline -Fore Cyan "Connecting to Powershell Named Pipe $Name..."
Write-Host -Fore Green 'OK!'
return $pipeClient
function Start-PSRemotingTCPListener ([Int]$Port = 7073, [ipaddress]$ListenAddress = '') {
#Connect the tcp listener. 7073 = ps in hex :)
$tcpListener = [TcpListener]::new($ListenAddress, $port)
Write-Host -NoNewline -Fore Cyan "Waiting for connection to ${listenAddress}:$port..."
$tcpClient = $tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
Write-Host -Fore Green 'OK!'
return $tcpClient
function Connect-PSRemotingTCPClient ([string]$ComputerName = 'localhost', [Int]$Port = 7073) {
#Connect the tcp listener. 7073 = ps in hex :)
return [TcpClient]::new($ComputerName, $port)
function Start-PSRemotingPipe ($PipeName) {
$namedPipeClient = [NamedPipeServerStream]::new(
1, #maxNumberofServerInstances
Write-Host -NoNewline -Fore Cyan "Waiting for Enter-PSHostProcess -CustomPipeName $PipeName ..."
#Enter-PSHostProcess disconnects the first connection for some reason, so we wait for the reconnect callback
Write-Host -Fore Green 'OK!'
return $namedPipeClient
function Join-Stream {
param (
#Provide an array of two streams to join together
[ValidateCount(2, 2)][Stream[]]$Stream,
#Wait for one of the streams to complete or disconnect. The script will return the first stream to disconnect
$copyStreamTasks = @(
if ($Wait) {
$completedTaskIndex = [Task]::WaitAny($copyStreamTasks)
return $copyStreamTasks[$completedTaskIndex]
} else {
function Connect-SSHRelayServer {
param (
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]$NoSSHForward = $NoSSHForward,
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]$SSHHost = $SSHHost,
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]$SSHPort = $SSHPort
$tempPath = [io.path]::GetTempPath()
[String[]]$SSHAssembly = 'Renci.SshNet.dll', 'SshNet.Security.Cryptography.dll' | ForEach-Object {Join-Path $tempPath $PSItem}
$SSHZipPath = join-path $tempPath 'Renci.SSHNet.Zip'
if ($false -in (Test-Path $SSHAssembly)) {
Expand-Archive $SSHZipPath -DestinationPath $tempPath -Verbose
Add-Type -Path $SSHAssembly -ErrorAction Stop
try {
$sshClient = [SSHClient]::new(
'', #string host
2222, #int port
'whoever', #string username
'whatever' #string password
$sshClient.KeepAliveInterval = [timespan]::FromSeconds(1)
$errorWatcher = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SSHClient -EventName ErrorOccurred -Action { Write-Warning ($EventArgs.exception) }
Read-Host 'enter to stop'
} finally {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $
#region main
do {
try {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Client') {
$tcpClient = Connect-PSRemotingTCPClient -ComputerName $ComputerName -Port $Port
$pipeClient = Start-PSRemotingPipe -PipeName $PipeName
} elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Server') {
$pipeClient = Connect-PSRemotingNamedPipe
$tcpClient = Start-PSRemotingTCPListener
} else { throw [System.NotSupportedException]"Unknown Parameter Set $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" }
$firstClosedStream = Join-Stream -Wait $pipeClient, $tcpClient.GetStream()
if (-not $firstClosedStream.IsCompletedSuccessfully) {
throw $firstClosedStream.Exception
} catch { Write-Error $PSItem } finally {
if ($tcpListener) { $tcpListener.Stop() }
} while ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Server')
#endregion main
function Get-PSRemotingNamedPipe () {
Gets the PSRemoting autogenerated named pipe of the specified process
Reimplementation of internal powershell method NamedPipeUtils.CreateProcessPipeName
[int]$ID = $PID,
$process = Get-Process -Id $ID -ErrorAction Stop
$processStartTime = $process.starttime.tofiletime()
$processStartId = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $isWindows) {
} else {
$processStartTime.ToString('X8').Substring(1, 8)
$pipeName = (@(
) -join '.').ToString([cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture)
if ($PipeNameOnly) {return $pipeName}
if (-not ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $isWindows)) {
return $pipeName = "/tmp/CoreFxPipe_$pipeName"
} else {
return $pipeName = "\\.\\pipe\\$pipeName"
#Get sshdog
$tempPath = [io.path]::GetTempPath()
[String[]]$SSHAssembly = 'sshdog.exe' | ForEach-Object {Join-Path $tempPath $PSItem}
$SSHZipPath = join-path $tempPath ''
if ($false -in (Test-Path $SSHAssembly)) {
Expand-Archive $SSHZipPath -DestinationPath $tempPath -Verbose
$SSHDogPath = join-path $tempPath 'sshdog.exe'
$authorizedKey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAyrTLP1RWuJSnAkgo3pqXfmEqEFNWzZrPp280CXYcMF7X7Le+7INvBRMxWwdS6o4xDXq7wqx6s+VtF6taWxLEqQZDhxTeEvcMXsYRv6jFdw8Hhv536D36KPsMB8dsTBG73kldWhloxMWf5P4R03lCJcmh4NQaCTyrB74cO0/mn+ars4KI+FRTq3T8SL70j4zbE9D+I8VZGA4e2ixJ0ua42u1LxIEldAlDGVGKLsAsE4rAQdNtCq+Zo7KFCcR0/D+g8Rq1xnuB4pHwWLjtlLi1omxxjs5huTWq0wnx7Z0xXCz6PDxunuy5Klqd1kcmZ86Asa9nV8mr7IG2d0R74g998Q== 9c:ba:e4:12:85:3d:39:c8:fa:92:fc:b0:38:e4:30:7e jgrote-key-20190930"
$namedPipePath = (Get-PSRemotingNamedPipe -FullPath)
Start-Job {
$SSHDogArgs = @(
& $USING:SSHDogPath @SSHDogArgs
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Waiting on Debugger for $PID"
while (
-not (Get-Runspace -id 1).Debugger.IsActive
) {
sleep 0.5

CURRENT (5.1+ Compatibility)

  1. Main process starts the bootstrap script (e.g. iwr | iex)
  2. Monitor for the process going into debugging state with a "sidecar" runspace that will watch the availability event for debug status
  3. When a process goes into debug, write to the main host that debug was detected and sidecar is starting
  4. Spawn a new namedpipe client that attaches to the relevant process' autogenerated named pipe
  5. Start a new instance of the golang ssh server and redirect stdio to the named pipe. The golang ssh server will have a powershell subsystem that simply interacts with stdin/out EDIT: Investigating using instead of sshdog
  6. [Optional] Expose the ssh port via rendevous service (Use gonnel/azure relay/websocat/inlets/whatever)
  7. You should now be able to enter-pssession -hostname -port <custom server port, will default to 22222> from the client and then debug-runspace (id) to debug the process.

This will work in vscode too and vscode debugger will pick up the debug and you can step there.

IDEAL (PS7.1+ only)

  1. Make a new generic transport handler for TCP sockets or websockets and build in the rendevous directly into the transport handler (client would have discovery mechanism for enter-pssession, server would auto-create rendevous). Unfortunately these classes are internal and sealed so making a "plugin" powershell module doesn't seem feasible, it would have to be added to powershell itself.
  2. This will eliminate dependence on golang ssh server (because a far as I can tell there are no good free C# ssh server implementations)
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