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Manageable Device Pester Tests
#requires -module Pester,PoshRSJob,SharpSNMP
A set of Pester Tests for determining if a device is remotely manageable.
#region Params
param (
$ComputerName = 'localhost',
$SNMPCommunity = 'public',
$SNMPPort = '161',
$Timeout = 10,
$ShowTestOutputs = $true
#endregion Params
#region Includes
function Test-TCPPort {
Does a TCP connection on specified port (135 by default)
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Create TCP Client
$tcpclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
# Tell TCP Client to connect to machine on Port
$iar = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($ComputerName,$Port,$null,$null)
# Set the wait time
$wait = $iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($Timeout*1000,$false)
# Check to see if the connection is done
# Close the connection and report timeout
if($verbose){Write-verbose "Connection Timeout"}
Return $false
# Close the connection and report the error if there is one
$tcpclient.EndConnect($iar) | out-Null
if(!$?){if($verbose){write-verbose $error[0]};$failed = $true}
# Return $true if connection Establish else $False
if($failed){return $false}else{return $true}
} #Test-TCPPort
function Get-ComputerVirtualStatus {
Validate if a remote server is virtual or physical
Uses wmi (along with an optional credential) to determine if a remote computers, or list of remote computers are virtual.
If found to be virtual, a best guess effort is done on which type of virtual platform it is running on.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Computer or IP address of machine
.PARAMETER Credential
Provide an alternate credential
$Credential = Get-Credential
Get-RemoteServerVirtualStatus 'Server1','Server2' -Credential $Credential | select ComputerName,IsVirtual,VirtualType | ft
Using an alternate credential, determine if server1 and server2 are virtual. Return the results along with the type of virtual machine it might be.
(Get-RemoteServerVirtualStatus server1).IsVirtual
Determine if server1 is virtual and returns either true or false.
Name : Get-RemoteServerVirtualStatus
Version : 1.1.0 12/09/2014
- Removed prompt for credential
- Refactored some of the code a bit.
1.0.0 07/27/2013
- First release
Author : Zachary Loeber
[cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
[parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage="Computer or IP address of machine to test")]
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[parameter(HelpMessage="Pass an alternate credential")]
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $null
begin {
$WMISplat = @{}
if ($Credential -ne $null) {
$WMISplat.Credential = $Credential
$results = @()
$computernames = @()
process {
$computernames += $ComputerName
end {
foreach($computer in $computernames) {
$WMISplat.ComputerName = $computer
try {
$wmibios = Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS @WMISplat -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object version,serialnumber
$wmisystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem @WMISplat -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object model,manufacturer
$ResultProps = @{
ComputerName = $computer
BIOSVersion = $wmibios.Version
SerialNumber = $wmibios.serialnumber
Manufacturer = $wmisystem.manufacturer
Model = $wmisystem.model
IsVirtual = $false
VirtualType = $null
if ($wmibios.SerialNumber -like "*VMware*") {
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - VMWare"
else {
switch -wildcard ($wmibios.Version) {
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - Hyper-V"
'A M I' {
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - Virtual PC"
'*Xen*' {
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - Xen"
if (-not $ResultProps.IsVirtual) {
if (($wmisystem.manufacturer -like "*Microsoft*") -and ($wmisystem.model -notmatch "Surface"))
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - Hyper-V"
elseif ($wmisystem.manufacturer -like "*VMWare*")
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Virtual - VMWare"
elseif ($wmisystem.model -like "*Virtual*") {
$ResultProps.IsVirtual = $true
$ResultProps.VirtualType = "Unknown Virtual Machine"
$results += New-Object PsObject -Property $ResultProps
catch {
Throw "Cannot connect to $computer"
return $results
} #Get-ComputerVirtualStatus
#region Main
Describe "Host Networking" {
It "Responds to ICMP Ping" {
Test-Connection -Quiet -Count 2 -ComputerName $ComputerName | Should Be $true
Describe "Windows Remote Management" {
It "Responds to RPC TCP Port within $Timeout seconds" {
Test-TCPPort -ComputerName $ComputerName -Timeout $Timeout -Port 135 | Should Be $true
It "Responds to RDP TCP Port within $Timeout seconds" {
Test-TCPPort -ComputerName $ComputerName -Timeout $Timeout -Port 3389 | Should Be $true
It "Returns a WMI Computer Manufacturer and Model within $Timeout seconds" {
$Script:MakeModelResult = Start-Job {Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Using:ComputerName Win32_ComputerSystem} |
Wait-Job -Timeout $Timeout |
$MakeModelResult.Manufacturer | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$MakeModelResult.Model | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
#Show Make and Model Output if enabled and present
if ($ShowTestOutputs) {
It -skip:(!$MakeModelResult) " OUTPUT: WMI Computer Manufacturer: $($MakeModelResult.Manufacturer)" {
#Workaround to keep Pester from marking the test as "Pending"
$null = $null
It -skip:(!$MakeModelResult) " OUTPUT: WMI Computer Model: $($MakeModelResult.Model)" {
#Workaround to keep Pester from marking the test as "Pending"
$null = $null
It "Reports whether it is a physical or virtual machine" {
$Script:ComputerIsVirtual = (Get-ComputerVirtualStatus $ComputerName).IsVirtual
$ComputerIsVirtual | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShowTestOutputs) {
It -skip:(!$ComputerIsVirtual) " OUTPUT: Is a Virtual Machine?: $ComputerIsVirtual" {
#Workaround to keep Pester from marking the test as "Pending"
$null = $null
Describe "Host SNMP" {
It "Responds to an SNMPv2 Get Query for System.SysUptime.0 within $Timeout seconds" {
Set-Variable SNMPUptimeOID -option ReadOnly -value ''
$Script:SNMPUptimeResult = (Invoke-SnmpGet -ComputerName $ComputerName -Community $SNMPCommunity -UDPport $SNMPPort -ObjectIdentifier $SNMPUptimeOID -Timeout ($Timeout*1000)).data
$SNMPUptimeResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Reports at least one MIB-2 Interface" {
Set-Variable SNMPIfCountOID -option ReadOnly -value ''
$Script:SNMPIfCountResult = (Invoke-SnmpGet -ComputerName $ComputerName -Community $SNMPCommunity -UDPport $SNMPPort -ObjectIdentifier $SNMPUptimeOID -Timeout ($Timeout*1000)).data
$SNMPIFCountResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Reports Host Resources MIB CPU Utilization" {
Set-Variable SNMPHostResCPUOID -option ReadOnly -value '.'
$Script:SNMPHostResCPUResult = (Invoke-SnmpGet -ComputerName $ComputerName -Community $SNMPCommunity -UDPport $SNMPPort -ObjectIdentifier $SNMPUptimeOID -Timeout ($Timeout*1000)).data
$SNMPHostResCPUResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "Windows SNMP Service" {
It "Windows SNMP Service is Installed" {
$WMIResult = Start-Job {Get-WMIObject -Computername $Using:ComputerName Win32_Service -Filter "Name='snmp'"} |
wait-job -timeout $Timeout |
Receive-Job |
Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Windows SNMP Service is Running" {
$WMIResult = Start-Job {Get-WMIObject -Computername $Using:ComputerName Win32_Service -Filter "Name='snmp'"} |
wait-job -timeout $Timeout |
$WmiResult.State | Should Be "Running"
write-verbose "Host SNMP Windows Service State: $($WmiResult.State)"
#endregion Main
param (
#List of Computers to Test
foreach ($ComputerNameItem in $ComputerName) {
$ManageDeviceTestParams = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerNameItem
SNMPCommunity = 'public'
SNMPPort = '161'
Timeout = 10
ShowTestOutputs = $true
Invoke-Pester -TestName $TestName -Script @{
Path = "$(Split-path $MyInvocation.InvocationName -Parent)"
Parameters = $ManageDeviceTestParams
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