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Last active September 7, 2023 10:48
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Powershell Universal BootStrap

Powershell Universal Dashboard Bootstrap

This script will get you up and running quickly with Universal Dashboard, and create per-folder data instances so you can rapidly prototype different dashboards

Quick Start

  1. Open an empty folder or a folder with dashboard .ps1 files.
  2. Run iex (iwr -useb
  3. That's it! Dashboard will autostart and open in your browser Note: If you are on Powershell 6+ you can omit the -useb


Make a self-executable dashboard

You can make a self-executable dashboard by adding this line to the dashboard configuration if (-not $EndpointService) {& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((iwr -reset;return}


Advanced Usage

Several parameters are supported, it's recommend to bring down the bootstrap as a function for ease of use:

New-Item function:/Start-UD -Value ([String](iwr -force

help Start-UD

Bootstraps the Powershell Universal Dashboard with per-folder configurations on a random port
Saves a copy of Universal Dashboard to the LocalAppData/UniversalDashboard folder and starts it for the current folder.
This is useful for rapid testing, or integrating into scripts for easy deployment
Start-UD -DashboardVersion 1.2.9
Bootstraps version 1.2.9 of the dashboard specifically
Start-UD -Wait -NoStart
Starts Universal Dashboard but does not open in a separate process, and does not open a separate browser window
Start-UD -Port 5555
Starts Universal Dashboard on a consistent port
Start-UD -Reset
"Factory Reset" of universal dashboard, wiping all metadata for the current folder.
Start-UD -Reinstall
Redownloads Universal Dashboard to the local AppData folder, use this command to upgrade to new versions as well
#requires -version 5.1
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
param (
#Specify one or more dashboards to load. By default it will load all dashboard files in the current directory (does not recurse)
[String[]]$Path = $(Get-ChildItem "*.ps1"),
#Version of the dashboard to download. Defaults to latest available version.
[Version]$DashboardVersion = $([string](Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing '')),
#TCP Port to start the dashboard on. Defaults to a random port between 5000 and 5999
[Int]$Port = $(get-random -min 5000 -max 5999),
#Don't split out Universal Dashboard to another process
#Factory reset the dashboard settings
#Delete Everything
#Don't open web browser links for each dashboard
#Your current operating system. This is autodetected as either 'win' or 'linux'
[String]$OS = $(if ($isLinux) {'linux'} else {'win'}),
#URI of the dashboard version you wish to download. You do not normally need to change this
[String]$DashboardDownloadPath = "$dashboardVersion/Universal.$OS-x64.$",
#Where Universal Dashboard should be installed. Defaults to LocalAppData/UniversalDashboard
[String]$DashboardDestination = (Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData')) "UniversalDashboard"),
#Path where the Dashboard zip should be downloaded
[String]$DashboardTempZipPath = "${DashboardDestination}.zip",
#Path to where settings should be stored. Defaults to .universal folder in current directory
[String]$SettingsPath = "$PWD/.universal",
#Path to where Universal Dashboard data (database, dashboard templates, etc.) should be stored. Defaults to data folder in the settings directory
[String]$DataPath = "$SettingsPath/data",
#Path to the dashboard .ps1 files. Defaults to current directory
[String]$RepositoryPath = $PWD,
#When to timeout if there is no progress in starting universal dashboard, in milliseconds
[Int]$Timeout = 10000
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if ($UDExecutionService) {
throw 'BOOM'
Write-Debug "Universal Dashboard is running. Exiting Bootstrap."
#Clear logs for log watching
try {
$LogPath = "$DataPath/log-*.txt"
if (Test-Path $LogPath) {
Get-Item "$DataPath/log-*.txt" | Foreach {Rename-Item -Path $PSItem.fullname -NewName "$($PSItem.fullname).old"}
} catch [IO.IOException] {
throw 'Universal Dashboard is already running here, please end it or specify a different SettingsPath with the -SettingsPath parameter'
if ($Reset -and (Test-Path $SettingsPath)) {Remove-Item $SettingsPath -Force -ErrorAction stop}
if ($Reinstall -and (Test-Path $DashboardDestination)) {Remove-Item $DashboardDestination -Force -ErrorAction stop}
if ($Reinstall -and (Test-Path $DashboardTempZipPath)) {Remove-Item $DashboardTempZipPath -Force -ErrorAction stop}
#TODO: Extract from memory using a stream
$UniversalServerPath = (Join-Path $DashboardDestination 'Universal.Server.Exe')
$DashboardVersionPath = "$DashboardDestination/version.txt"
if (-not (Test-Path $UniversalServerPath)) {
Write-Host -Fore Green "Downloading Universal Dashboard $DashboardVersion from $DashboardDownloadPath"
[void](New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DashboardDestination)
[void](Expand-Archive -Path $DashboardTempZipPath -DestinationPath $DashboardDestination -Force)
$DashboardVersion.ToString(3) > $DashboardVersionPath
[void](Get-ChildItem $DashboardDestination -Recurse | Unblock-File)
if ($isLinux) {chmod +x $UniversalServerPath}
if (-not (Test-Path $DashboardVersionPath)) {
Write-Warning "$DashboardVersionPath not found, cannot detect version change. Consider using -reinstall"
} elseif ($DashboardVersion -gt ([Version](Get-Content -Raw $DashboardVersionPath))) {
Write-Host -fore Yellow "A new version $DashboardVersion of Universal Dashboard is available!"
Write-Host -fore Yellow "To Upgrade: & ([ScriptBlock]::Create((iwr -reinstall"
$Data = New-Item -Path $DataPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
$udSettings = @{
Kestrel__Endpoints__HTTP__URL = "http://*:$Port"
Logging__Path = Join-Path $Data 'log.txt'
Data__RepositoryPath = $RepositoryPath
Data__ConnectionString = Join-Path $Data 'database.db'
UniversalDashboard__AssetsFolder = Join-Path $Data 'Dashboard'
Set-Item -Path "Env:$PSItem" -Value $udSettings.$PSItem
try {
$dashboards = Get-Content $RepositoryPath/.universal/dashboards.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
New-Item -Force $RepositoryPath/.universal/dashboards.ps1 > $null
#Load Modules
$UDModulePath = Join-Path $DashboardDestination 'Cmdlets'
Import-Module -Force (Join-Path $UDModulePath "Universal.psd1")
$dashboardInfo = foreach ($scriptItem in $Path) {
$parsedFile = [Parser]::ParseFile(
(Resolve-Path $scriptItem), #Input
[ref]$null, #tokens
[ref]$null #errors
#Consider it a dashboard if the New-UDDashboard function is used in the script
$dashboardCommand = $parsedfile.findall({$x = $args[0];$x -is [CommandAst] -and $x.CommandElements[0].Value -eq 'New-UDDashboard'},$false)
if ($dashboardCommand) {
$elements = $dashboardCommand.CommandElements
#TODO: Better way to find the index
[bool]$skiprest = $false
[int]$TitleIndex = $elements | ForEach-Object {
if (-not $skipRest) {
if ($PSItem.ParameterName -eq 'Title') {$i;$skipRest=$true}
if (-not $titleIndex) {throw "${scriptItem}: The New-UDDashboard command does not have a -Title parameter"}
$Title = $elements[([int]$titleIndex)+1]
if ($Title.StaticType.Name -ne 'String') {throw "${scriptItem}: The title must be a static string for this bootstrap to work."}
$DashboardName = $Title.Value
$DashboardUri = $DashboardName -replace '[^\w-]',''
$ScriptPath = (Resolve-Path $scriptItem -Relative) -replace '^\.[\\/]',''
#TODO: AST-based handling of this
if ($dashboards -match "-Name `"$DashboardName`"") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "Exists in config: Dashboard $DashboardName - $scriptPath"
} else {
$dashboards += "New-PSUDashboard -Name `"$DashboardName`" -FilePath `"$scriptPath`" -BaseUrl `"/$DashboardUri`" -Framework `"UniversalDashboard:3.0.0-beta7`""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added Dashboard $DashboardName at '/$DashboardUri' - $scriptPath"
Name = $DashboardName
URI = "http://localhost:$Port/$DashboardUri/home"
} else {
Write-Debug "$ScriptItem is not a dashboard"
$dashboards | Out-File -FilePath $SettingsPath/dashboards.ps1
Write-Host -Fore Green "Starting Universal Dashboard at http://$($ENV:COMPUTERNAME):$Port"
Write-Host -Fore Cyan ($dashboardInfo | Format-Table | out-string)
if ($Wait) {
try {
& $UniversalServerPath
} catch {throw} finally {
Remove-Item -Path "Env:$PSItem"
} else {
Start-Process $UniversalServerPath
Write-Host -NoNewLine -Fore DarkCyan "Waiting for Dashboard startup..."
try {
$watcher = [IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new($dataPath,'log-*.txt')
while ($true) {
$result = $watcher.WaitForChanged('All',$Timeout)
if ($result.TimedOut) {throw 'Universal Automation did not start up in the expected timeframe. Check for configuration errors'}
if (Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $DataPath $ | Select-String 'Application Started' -Quiet) {
} catch {throw} finally {
Write-Host -Fore Green 'OK!'
if (-not $Wait -and -not $NoStart) {
Start-Process $PSItem
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