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Created August 10, 2016 02:30
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  • Save JustinGrote/b98ba81cd6f3cb2c6c7212ccfee22ae3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Get VMware Guest Disk Utilization Report of Virtual Machines
#requires -version 3.0
#requires -pssnapin vmware.vimautomation.core
#Uncomment this on first run for initial connection. Unnecessary for re-runs
#connect-viserver d1vm-vc01,d2vm-vc01,d1vm-vcvdi01,d2vm-vcvdi01 -credential (get-credential)
$noDiskInfoVMs = @()
$vm = get-vm
$vm |
where guestid -notmatch 'windows7_64Guest' |
foreach {
$vmItem = $PSItem
$vmName = $vmItem.Name
if (!($vmItem.ExtensionData.Guest.Disk)) {write-error "$vmName disk info invalid";$noDiskInfoVMs += $vmItem; return}
foreach ($vmDiskItem in $vmItem.ExtensionData.Guest.Disk) {
Name = $vmName
Diskpath = $vmDiskItem.DiskPath
UsedMB = [int][math]::Round(($vmDiskItem.Capacity - $vmDiskItem.FreeSpace)/1MB)
CapacityMB = [int][math]::Round($vmDiskItem.Capacity/1MB)
UsedPct = [math]::Round((1-($vmDiskItem.FreeSpace / $vmDiskItem.Capacity))),2
FreeMB = [int][math]::Round($vmDiskItem.FreeSpace/1MB)
} |
sort name,diskpath |
export-csv -notypeinformation $home\Desktop\VMGuestDiskUsage.csv
$noDiskInfoVMs | select name,powerstate,
@{Name="GuestState";Expression={$_.extensiondata.guest.gueststate}} |
sort name | export-csv -NoTypeInformation $home\Desktop\VMGuestNoDiskInfo.csv
$noStorageInfoVMs = @()
$vm |
where guestid -notmatch 'windows7_64Guest' |
foreach {
$vmItem = $PSItem
$vmName = $vmItem.Name
if (!($vmItem.ExtensionData.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage)) {write-error "$vmName storage info invalid";$noStorageInfoVMs += $vmItem; return}
foreach ($vmDSItem in $vmItem.ExtensionData.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage) {
Name = $vmName
Datastore = $vmDSItem.Datastore
AllocatedMB = [Math]::Round(($vmDSItem.UnCommitted + $vmDSItem.Committed) / 1MB)
UsedMB = [Math]::Round($vmDSItem.Committed / 1MB)
} | export-csv -NoTypeInformation $home\desktop\VirtualMachineDatastoreUsage.csv
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