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Podbean Podcast Transcription to Storage Account
#requires -module Az.CognitiveServices
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.CognitiveServices.Models
function Get-PodBeanPodcast ($Name = 'powershellpodcast') {
#region Base
function Connect-AzSpeech {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
$location = $CognitiveServicesAccount.Location
$apiVersion = '3.2-preview.1'
$baseUri = "https://$$apiVersion/"
$endpoint = 'transcriptions'
$uri = $baseUri + $endpoint
$key = $CognitiveServicesAccount | Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountKey | Select-Object -Expand Key1
$key ??= (throw 'Cannot retrieve key from cognitive service')
$script:__AzSpeechContext = @{
baseUri = $baseUri
key = $key
class AzSpeechContext {
[hashtable] $IrmParams
[string] $BaseUri
function Get-AzSpeechContext {
$script:__AzSpeechContext ??= $(throw 'You must run Connect-AzSpeech first')
IrmParams = @{
Headers = @{
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $script:__AzSpeechContext.key
ContentType = 'application/json'
BaseUri = $script:__AzSpeechContext.baseUri
function Invoke-AzSpeech {
#Either parameter
[string]$Method = $Body ? 'POST' : 'GET',
$Context ??= Get-AzSpeechContext
$Uri ??= $Context.BaseUri + $Endpoint
$irmParams = $Context.IrmParams
$irmParams.Verbose = $false #Response message is not helpful
Write-Debug "Invoking Speech $Method $Uri"
Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -Method $Method -Body (ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $Body) -Uri $Uri
#endRegion Base
class TranscriptCreateRequest {
[string[]] $contentUrls
[string] $contentContainerUrl
[string] $displayName
[int[]] $channels
[string] $locale = 'en-US'
[hashtable] $properties = @{
diarizationEnabled = $false
channels = @(0)
diarization = @{
speakers = @{
minCount = 1
maxCount = 5
function Start-AzSpeechTranscription {
#The content urls to transcribe
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByUrl')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByDestinationContainer')]
[string]$DisplayName = [Guid]::NewGuid(),
#Specify 0,1 to analyze both stereo channels
[int[]]$Channels = 0,
#Identify Speakers if specified
$body = [TranscriptCreateRequest]::new()
if ($contentContainerUrl) {
$body.contentContainerUrl = $contentContainerUrl
} else {
$body.contentUrls = $contentUrl
$body.displayName = $DisplayName
$ = $Channels
$ = $Diarization.IsPresent
Invoke-AzSpeech -Endpoint 'transcriptions' -Body $Body
filter Get-AzSpeechTranscription {
#The cognitive service account to run the request against
if ($null -eq $Response) {
return (Invoke-AzSpeech 'transcriptions').values
if (-not $Response.self) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription response'
Invoke-AzSpeech -Uri $Response.Self
filter Wait-AzSpeechTranscription {
#The cognitive service account to run the request against
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$Response,
#How often to check for updates
$CheckInterval = 1
if (-not $Response.self) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription response'
$Response = Invoke-AzSpeech -Uri $Response.Self
while ($Response.status -notmatch 'Succeeded|Failed') {
Write-Verbose "Transcription Job $($Response.displayName) is currently $($Response.status)"
$Response = Invoke-AzSpeech -Uri $Response.Self
Start-Sleep -Seconds $CheckInterval
return $Response
filter Get-AzSpeechTranscriptionFile {
#The cognitive service account to run the request against
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$Response
if (-not $Response.self) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription response'
(Invoke-AzSpeech -Uri ($Response.Self + '/files')).values
filter Get-AzSpeechTranscriptionFileContent {
#The list of files received
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$Response
if (-not $Response.links.contentUrl) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription file'
foreach ($url in $Response.links.contentUrl) {
Invoke-AzSpeech -Uri $Response.links.contentUrl
filter Get-AzSpeechTranscript {
#The list of files received
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$Response
if (-not $Response.self) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription'
| Get-AzSpeechTranscriptionFile
| Where-Object kind -EQ 'transcription'
| Get-AzSpeechTranscriptionFileContent
filter Get-AzSpeechRecognizedPhrase {
#A regex filter for the phrase you are looking for
#The transcription result de-jsonified from the transcript.json file
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$TranscriptFileContent
if (-not $TranscriptFileContent.recognizedPhrases.count -gt 0) {
throw 'Response must be a transcription result'
| Where-Object { $_.nBest.lexical -match $Filter }
| Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Transcript' -NotePropertyValue $TranscriptFileContent -PassThru -Force #Makes it easier to get the referenced data
# Play an audio mp3 file from a particular duration to a particular end point
filter Start-TranscriptClip {
#The phrase snippet to play
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]$RecognizedPhrase,
#How much Before context to play
[int]$BeforeSeconds = 0,
#How much after context to play
[int]$AfterSeconds = 0
if (-not $RecognizedPhrase.Transcript -or -not $RecognizedPhrase.offset -or -not $RecognizedPhrase.duration) {
throw 'Response must be a recognized phrase with a transcript attached'
$source = $RecognizedPhrase.Transcript.source.split('?')[0]
[float]$start = [Xml.XmlConvert]::ToTimeSpan($RecognizedPhrase.offset).TotalSeconds - $BeforeSeconds
[float]$duration = [Xml.XmlConvert]::ToTimeSpan($RecognizedPhrase.duration).TotalSeconds + $AfterSeconds
Write-Verbose "Playing $source from $start for $duration seconds"
Write-Verbose "Transcript Contents: $($RecognizedPhrase.nBest.display)"
& vlc $source --play-and-exit --start-time $start --run-time $duration
filter Get-PSPodcastMentionLeaderBoard([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]$Name, [Object[]]$Transcripts) {
Name = $Name
Mentions = ($Transcripts | Get-AzSpeechRecognizedPhrase -Filter $Name).count
# #Main
function Get-PSPodcastEgoBoost ($Name,$Transcript) {
$Transcript ??= Get-AzSpeechTranscription
| Get-AzSpeechTranscript
| Get-AzSpeechRecognizedPhrase -Filter $Name
| Get-Random -Count 1
| Start-TranscriptClip
#Get Podcasts
#Get-PodBeanPodcast | sort episode -descending |% -Throttle 5 -Parallel {iwr $_.enclosure.url -outfile "$HOME/downloads/podcasts/psp-s$($_.season ?? 0)e$($_.episode).mp3"}
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