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Last active July 30, 2021 03:05
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High Performance DNS Resolver in Powershell
using namespace System.Net
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Test-DNSName ([String[]]$hostnames, [int]$Timeout = 3000) {
Given a list of DNS names, returns the ones that actually resolve to an actual name
#A dictionary allows us to be strong typed as well as perform faster
$taskIndex = [Dictionary[String,Task]]::new()
#Because GetHostAddresses doesn't remember the origin, we have to use a hashtable to remember which request is which
[Task[]]$dnsNames = $hostnames.foreach{
#This returns immediately with a task object, which we save to the dictionary and then output in order to then wait on.
$task = [net.dns]::GetHostAddressesAsync($PSItem)
try {
#Wait for the tasks to complete or the timeout is reached, whichever comes first
} catch [MethodInvocationException] {
Write-Debug "WaitAll Error: $PSItem"
#Loop through the available keys and only return items that had an actual result (rather than errored)
write-debug $PSItem
if ($taskIndex[$PSItem].Result) {$PSItem}
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