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Created July 26, 2019 17:35
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Quickly remove old duplicate modules within each module-specific folder. Supports -whatif and confirms by default
#requires -version 5
function Remove-OldModule {
param (
#Include deleting old versions of modules that might "ship" with modules
#Exclude Specified modules. Must match the module name exactly
#ModuleBase is used so that only duplicates within the same modules folder are removed. This avoids deleting your system PSReadline if you have a user module psreadline, for instance.
$candidateModules = gmo -listavailable | where name -notin $Exclude | select name, version, modulebase, @{N = "moduledir"; E = { (Get-Item $PSItem.modulebase).parent.parent.fullname } } | group name,moduledir | where count -gt 1
foreach ($moduleItem in ($candidateModules)) {
$latestmodule = $ | sort version -descending | select -first 1
Write-Host -fore Green "Removing Old versions of $($latestmodule.Name). Latest Version: $($latestmodule.Version)"
foreach ($moduleToRemoveItem in ($ | sort version -descending | select -skip 1)) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($moduleToRemoveItem.ModuleBase)) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $moduleToRemoveItem.modulebase
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