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Last active March 6, 2021 18:48
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Valheim Installation Scripts

Valheim Plus Install Script

This script was created to make installing and updating the latest version of Valheim plus as simple as possible.

Shortcut Method

To make a shortcut:

  1. Right Click Desktop -> New Shortcut


  1. Paste the following into the shortcut box
powershell.exe -command "iwr -useb '' | iex;sleep 5"
  1. Name the shortcut whatever you want (I recommend Valheim Plus Updater)
  2. Click OK
  3. Click the shortcut. You may need to Right Click -> Run as Administrator

Command Line Method

  1. Open an admin powershel prompt on your computer:
  • Press the windows key
  • type 'powershell'
  • Type ctrl-shift-Enter to start powershell in admin mode (this is required because Valheim is typically stored in a location that requires admin access)
  1. Copy and paste the following into the window
iwr -useb '' | iex
  1. Latest version of valheim plus should automatically install InstallDemo

Advanced Usage

Install to pre-existing dedicated server. It will auto-detect the dedicated server valheim-server.exe and download the correct bits

. ([scriptblock]::Create((iwr -useb ''))) -Path C:\path\to\my\server
param (
#Path to the valheim root directory, for case of using an alternate installation such as a server
#Name of the release if you want to download a specific version e.g. 0.9.3
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
#region Helpers
function get-SteamInstallPath {
try {
Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\Software\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam' InstallPath
} catch {
throw 'Could not find Steam on your computer. Is it installed?'
function get-SteamLibraryPaths {
$libraryPaths = @()
$libraryPaths += get-steamInstallPath
$baseSteamAppsPath = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $(get-SteamInstallPath) 'steamapps')
$libraryManifest = Join-Path $baseSteamAppsPath 'libraryfolders.vdf'
if (Test-Path $libraryManifest) {
Get-Content $libraryManifest |
Where-Object { $PSItem -match '^\t\"\d+\"' } |
ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Header 'blank','index','blank2','path' |
Select-Object -Expand Path |
ForEach-Object {
$candidatePath = [Regex]::Unescape($PSItem)
if (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $candidatePath 'steamapps'))) {
Write-Warning "Library $candidatePath was detected in $libraryManifest but we could not find it. Did you delete it? We will ignore it in the search."
} else {
$libraryPaths += $candidatePath #Warning this may not be foolproof!
return $libraryPaths
function convertFrom-SteamAppState {
if ($steamAppInfo -notmatch '^AppState') { throw [FormatException]'This is not a steam AppState file' }
function get-SteamAppInstallDir ([int]$AppId) {
[String[]]$appManifestPath = foreach ($libraryPath in (get-SteamLibraryPaths)) {
$appManifestFolderPath = Join-Path $libraryPath 'steamapps'
Get-Item (Join-Path $appManifestFolderPath "appmanifest_$AppId.acf") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $appManifestPath) { throw "Steam App with ID $AppId was not found in any of the following detected Steam libraries: $((get-SteamLibraryPaths) -join ',')" }
if ($appManifestPath.count -gt 1) { throw "Multiple installations of the app with ID $AppId were found: $($appManifestPath -join ','). This should not happen, you need to clean up your folders!" }
[String]$appFolderName = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^\t\"installdir\"\t+\"(.+?)\"') {
return $matches[1]
if (-not $appFolderName) { throw [InvalidFormatException]"$appManifestPath does not appear to be a valid app manifest (missing or invalid installdir property)" }
$candidateAppPath = [IO.Path]::Combine(
(Split-Path $appManifestPath),
try {
return Resolve-Path $candidateAppPath
} catch {
throw "$candidateAppPath was detected as the app path for $AppId, but the actual folder was not found. Did you delete it?"
function get-GithubReleaseFileUri ([String]$user,[String]$repoName,[String]$assetName,[String]$tag) {
$releaseInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -useb "$user/$repoName/releases"
if ($tag) {
$release = $releaseInfo | Where-Object tag -EQ $tag
if (-not $release) { throw "Release $tag not found in $user/$repoName" }
} else {
$release = $releaseInfo[0]
if (-not $release) { throw "No releases have been published in $user/$reponame yet" }
$asset = $release.assets | Where-Object name -EQ $assetName
if (-not $asset) { throw "Artifact $assetName not found in release $($" }
return $asset.browser_download_url
#endregion Helpers
#region Main
Write-Progress 'Detecting Valheim Directory'
$assetName = ''
[int]$ValheimAppId = 892970
if (-not $Path) {$Path = get-SteamAppInstallDir $ValheimAppId}
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $Path 'valheim_server.exe')) {
Write-Host -fore Cyan "Valhalla Dedicated Server detected, installing server release"
$assetName = ''
} else {
if (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $Path 'valheim.exe'))) {throw "Valheim Steam Install folder detected at $Path but valheim.exe was not present. Is it corrupted or did you specify the wrong path override with -Path?"}
Write-Host -Fore Green "Found Valheim at $Path"
#Download latest V+ release
Write-Progress "Getting Release"
if ($Server) {$assetName = ''}
$releaseUri = get-GithubReleaseFileUri -User valheimPlus -repoName ValheimPlus -assetName '' -tag $release
Write-Progress "Downloading Release"
$tempZipPath = Join-Path ([io.path]::GetTempPath()) "$(New-Guid).zip"
try {
$configToProtect = Get-ChildItem "$Path\BepInEx\config" -Exclude '*.bak' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Copy-Item $PSItem.FullName -Destination "$($PSItem.fullname).bak" -Force
Invoke-RestMethod -useb $releaseUri -OutFile $tempZipPath
Write-Progress "Installing to $Path"
Expand-Archive -Path $tempZipPath -DestinationPath $Path -Force
Write-Host -fore green '==========='
Write-Host -fore green "Installed Valheim Plus $assetName to $Path succsesfully!"
Write-Host -fore green "Customize your experience by editing config $Pat0\BepInEx\config\valheim_plus.cfg"
Write-Host -fore green '==========='
} catch {
} finally {
Copy-Item "$($PSItem.fullname).bak" $PSItem.fullname -Force
Remove-Item $tempZipPath -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#endregion Main
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