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Last active June 13, 2018 17:02
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Snapshot of my hostable src/UserList.elm
module UserList exposing (users)
users : List (String, List String)
users =
[ ("LacyRayAnne", ["4-6000kpbs"])
, ("RCJackman", [])
, ("BeebsTW", [])
, ("KnightJvor", [])
, ("FoxQueen", [])
, ("Grizzlybeer77", ["sometimes music"])
, ("TheReadPanda", [])
, ("SES_Adam", [])
, ("SES_dev", [])
, ("Tsukisumarasu", ["not talking as much?"])
, ("Ashilikia", [])
, ("Vulcan_210", [])
, ("tyrannasauruslex", [])
, ("DreamHarvestGames", [])
, ("HonneyPlay", [])
, ("Naysayer88", [])
, ("WPMarshall", [])
, ("danielbenmergui", [])
, ("Willium_Bob_Cole", ["swearing"])
, ("kewilson397", ["low music", "rare swearing"])
, ("cypher_king", [])
, ("alexcail27", ["swears a bit"])
, ("eternalangelgames", [])
, ("abookcase", ["quietish"])
, ("brok3nprodigy", ["music"])
, ("thesaltybaron", [])
, ("secretless", ["pretty quiet"])
, ("raziugde", ["vr", "music", "swears"])
, ("million_lights", [])
, ("Butter_man7683", [])
, ("chaoscat", [])
, ("theredlemming", [])
, ("DropTrooperColo", [])
, ("anno_nimus", ["low res"])
, ("kairazy", [])
, ("poorjonny", [])
, ("gemithe", [])
, ("themeich", ["some swearing"])
, ("thegamingdroid9000", ["music", "6000Kbps"])
, ("TheKurlyKrew", ["music"])
, ("catalystrawr", [])
, ("vgcafe", [])
, ("ashewyn", [])
, ("1jellybean", ["6000Kbps", "music?"])
, ("wyvyrias", ["4500kbps", "music"])
, ("granger_b", [])
, ("phyrefli", ["5000kbps"])
, ("pladd", ["swearing"])
, ("pakratt0013", [])
, ("CaptainQ", ["great voice"])
, ("icecat1326", ["18+ light swearing"])
, ("shinyranger", [])
, ("kainplaysgames", ["some swearing"])
, ("tinypixxels", ["light swearing"])
, ("thetruejas", [])
, ("yugianbushido", [])
, ("gamersiren", ["light swearing"])
, ("bodacious_budah", [])
, ("ashkatom", ["swears in chat"])
, ("tillyexalted", ["music"])
, ("retropixelboy", [])
, ("haxandsnax", [])
, ("fatherbacon", ["some swearing"])
, ("lightsinspace", ["swearing"])
, ("epsilondelta099", [])
, ("teanerystheunicorn", ["background noise", "5000Kbps"])
, ("uhightide", ["lots of swearing"])
, ("the_colorman", ["music"])
, ("doc_c_live", [])
, ("shleby8008", ["low music"])
, ("announc3r", [])
, ("justdawsongaming", [])
, ("careless_rex", [])
, ("gamingpiixiie", ["music"])
, ("sopherion", ["some swearing", "music"])
, ("northstargamestv", [])
, ("RayneCloudz", ["hosted me, low game match"])
, ("j05hi05", [])
, ("poubom", [])
, ("nielandron", [])
, ("caracandraco", ["swearing", "biologist"])
, ("eef309", [])
, ("mcloutier87", ["swearing"])
, ("justdazack", [])
, ("doompigeongaming", [])
, ("kelethdragon", ["some swearing"])
, ("videocoin", [])
, ("morguezombie", [])
, ("tinbears", [])
, ("ladympire", [])
, ("inkiepls", ["music", "some swearing"])
, ("deamonox", [])
, ("houseofdoggus", ["music"])
, ("fgsquared", [])
, ("darktwinge", [])
, ("meluist", [])
, ("absurdides", [])
, ("the_timo", [])
, ("cowsheepo", [])
, ("sirmeerkatgaming", [])
, ("ossorakgaming", [])
, ("justchilledgames", ["some swearing"])
, ("datcollie", ["music"])
, ("iamnoone7", ["low music"])
, ("eadra", [])
, ("masterofmelee", [])
, ("mittenmarauder", [])
, ("nexitem",[])
, ("kyleblaneplays", ["low music"])
, ("mcgrime_", [])
, ("doginlake", [])
, ("miver91", ["RESTREAM, no cross chat"])
, ("ziptie24", ["low music"])
, ("matrenn", [])
, ("adamgonder", ["swearing"])
, ("bodhisattva108", [])
, ("mistrbluesky", [])
, ("chuggaming", ["music"])
, ("ravagingowl", ["dance music"])
, ("risibly", ["some swearing"])
, ("coruscating", [])
, ("03f001", [])
, ("gameageddon", [])
, ("glyciant", ["music"])
, ("redreddington", ["very low music", "swearing"])
, ("lastofavari", [])
, ("stori_stryder", ["low music", "some swearing"])
, ("joltjab", ["music", "frame"])
, ("born2phil", ["music"])
, ("startbootstrap", ["music"])
, ("gamesplusjames", ["music"])
, ("ArgFive", ["hosted me", "6000Kbps"])
, ("mscottdoyle", [])
, ("outrightblissanity", ["poor audio"])
, ("kubillium", [])
, ("thepanstyle", ["FR/EN", "stepmania keyboard"])
, ("cyclopsdragon", ["guitar hero"])
, ("nathanauckett", ["swearing", "music"])
, ("soulsorcerers", [])
, ("omegaalden", [])
, ("eviecodes", [])
, ("mr_tuddles", ["only seen in multiplayer", "low music", "some swearing"])
, ("captainmack_", ["swearing"])
, ("videogarver", ["low music", "some swearing"])
, ("roasted_squid", [])
, ("sgtkeeneye", [])
, ("jedah5000", [])
, ("craze_team", ["esports team", "music"])
, ("kayaldren", [])
, ("pixelthegreat", ["big frame", "5000kbps"])
, ("obsjim", ["OBS Developer"])
, ("plasmaminer", ["music"])
, ("epsilooooon", ["swearing", "only seen in multiplayer", "no vods"])
, ("theseltzer", [])
, ("gr3m1yn", ["only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("tsoding", ["low music", "occasional swearing"])
, ("draconianessence", ["lots of swearing", "music"])
, ("akabane101", ["music"])
, ("unintendedbias", ["low music"])
, ("worstbestfriends", ["non-dance swearing"])
, ("viper717", ["low music", "swearing"])
, ("funky_kak", ["only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("reyuzenfold", ["only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("jonashalborg", [])
, ("zermisttv", [])
, ("poweredq", ["music"])
, ("im_am_sven", ["music"])
, ("kesler343", ["decent game match", "lots of swearing", "music"])
, ("itzcascadexx", ["only seen in multiplayer", "low music"])
, ("colesygaming", ["duocast"])
, ("geektechmedia", [])
, ("anzariel", ["some swearing"])
, ("seriouslystressedgamer", [])
, ("funyyunz", [])
, ("vekoboy", [])
, ("g0hst_reaper", [])
, ("nockscitney", [])
, ("haskentv", ["hosted me", "little talking"])
, ("destructively_phased", [])
, ("kryrano", ["hosted me", "music"])
, ("thronezilla", ["not observed"])
, ("katnox", ["6000kbps", "swearing", "lightly observed", "katnox"])
, ("StormyIceLeopard", ["not observed"])
, ("mario1230", ["5500Kbps", "audio balance a little off"])
, ("dromeivirpio", [])
, ("lordsmooches", ["some swearing"])
, ("hokagesama", ["some swearing", "voice chat"])
, ("x_deadly_taco_x", ["music", "some swearing", "no vods", "hosted me"])
, ("bro_zelly_gaming", ["youtube main"])
, ("norab7", ["some swearing", "only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("grnwitxp", ["music"])
, ("zedcell", [])
, ("plagueclaw", ["low music"])
, ("rocketsquid3d", ["5000kbps", "swearing"])
, ("terminalhunter", ["some swearing"])
, ("krisbjornsen", [])
, ("akayohei", [])
, ("the_music_man27", [])
, ("stormblessed17", ["only seen in voice chat"])
, ("hipstertrout", ["no videos", "some swearing"])
, ("tyrantnomad", ["no videos"])
, ("gatheringbard", ["no videos"])
, ("nikkilinka", ["swearing", "6000kbps"])
, ("mrspeedy3108", [])
, ("TorkelDrought", [])
, ("specialbreh", ["some swearing"])
, ("fistmaster2k4", [])
, ("onelastmidnight", ["youtube main"])
, ("arn1e2040", [])
, ("pookiestu", ["no recent videos"])
, ("kenohki2", ["calls out lurkers", "loud volume"])
, ("sangnick", ["6000kbps", "some swearing", "low game match"])
, ("nglgzz", ["not observed", "hosts me"])
, ("littleslug1", ["6000kbps", "low music"])
, ("spyke114", ["no vods", "occasional swearing"])
, ("IndieLeaf", ["no vods", "loud mic"])
, ("kitaelia", [])
, ("strakarix", [])
, ("arbesa89", ["frequenty swearing", "low music"])
, ("striketh", [])
, ("teflonsponge", [])
, ("instantspeedlive", [])
, ("bigpurplebubble", ["no vods", "quietish", "frequent guests"])
, ("phantsyprantz", [])
, ("mekkiepoo", [])
, ("schmuckco", ["rotating streamers"])
, ("pseucrose", [])
, ("onibaddog", ["music"])
, ("soulquaffing", ["some swearing"])
, ("wipeit_", [])
, ("KleiEntertainment", [])
, ("sombraling", ["no vods"])
, ("activateangel", ["few vods"])
, ("carlolzgaming", ["few vods"])
, ("oldhamgaming", [])
, ("philothanic", [])
, ("borealisaurora", ["kitchy overlay"])
, ("xraenboe", [])
, ("nyucleon", ["hosted me", "music", "emote artist"])
, ("miniwolf", ["music", "maybe too quiet"])
, ("joebew42", ["low music"])
, ("rubynovawtd", ["only saw talk show"])
, ("pothead_pete", ["only saw talk show"])
, ("nedmakesgames", ["low music", "chat avatars"])
, ("2laughor2cry", ["low music"])
, ("lizelive", ["hosted me"])
, ("thekillerbits", [])
, ("pureeville1", ["tipped me", "no vods", "bad mic"])
, ("wolvenscar", ["no mic", "music", "ohol active chat"])
, ("phanxgames", ["music"])
, ("241special", ["duocast", "low game match"])
, ("spoonactual", [])
, ("darkmadman187", ["only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("nolic0321", ["music", "youtube main", "busy frame"])
, ("calixenon", ["only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("wolf_trove", ["5000kpbs"])
, ("richardvictorygaming", [])
, ("blutsense", ["swearing"])
, ("whatyouhide", ["not observed"])
, ("michalmuskala", ["low music"])
, ("vfisherv", ["swearing"])
, ("captnharriman", ["music"])
, ("saintharu", ["only seen in multiplayer", "swearing in voice chat"])
, ("hilariusmaximus", [])
, ("samurai_cx", ["duocast", "swearing"])
, ("venom7808", ["few videos", "only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("dinozombiez", ["swearing"])
, ("skoufcodes", ["few videos"])
, ("wynneth", ["low music"])
, ("decthe64th", ["some swearing"])
, ("jesustakethewasd", ["swearing", "only seen in multiplayer"])
, ("twiggles", ["no videos"])
, ("humes", [])
, ("saruwatarishoda", ["some swearing", "no videos"])
, ("pixelogicdev", ["music"])
, ("mathias_bras", ["6000kpbs"])
, ("evilmidgit", ["swearing"])
, ("opifunny", ["low game match"])
, ("townkill", [])
, ("cheesecakesam", ["swearing", "low music"])
, ("gotitdownpat", ["no vidoes", "noisy frame"])
, ("kurokitsune_", ["low volume"])
, ("quantumreflex", ["6000kpbs", "new"])
, ("zekkwalker", ["hosted me", "6000kpbs"])
, ("missxximmortal", ["swearing", "possible griefer"])
, ("viridis_coyote", ["new, now videos"])
, ("sashimie", ["some swearing"])
, ("nybblesio", ["music"])
, ("gman8d", [])
, ("apottzy", [])
, ("kinchmind", ["only seen new at ONI"])
, ("eliceabluebear", ["no videos", "hosted me", "quiet"])
, ("a_little_sleepy", ["some swearing"])
, ("ixavierr_gaming", ["no videos"])
, ("shamorshin", [""])
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