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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save JustinMcNamara74/ec1fd320f224c89fc111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#MSSQL Creates all items necessary for SQL Server Encryption/Decryption
A few notes:
- Remember the DB Master Key!!
- When creating certificates/keys be descriptive, as there may be many on your instance of SQL Server
IF (select Count(*) from sys.symmetric_keys where name like '%DatabaseMasterKey%') = 0
CREATE master key Encryption by password = 'SomePassword';
IF (select Count(*) from sys.certificates where name = 'CertificateName') = 0
CREATE CERTIFICATE CertificateName with subject = 'Description Of Encryption';
IF (select count(*) from sys.symmetric_keys where name = 'EncrytionKeyName') = 0
-- Algorithm Options: DES,Triple DES,TRIPLE_DES_3KEY,RC2,RC4,128-bit RC4,DESX,128-bit AES,192-bit AES,256-bit AES.
CREATE symmetric key EncryptionKeyName with algorithm=TRIPLE_DES Encryption by certificate CertificateName;
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