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Created November 18, 2017 13:42
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Sheep's Advanced Auto Limb v1
Developed by Justin Pedersen
5:35 PM
string $Ver = "v1";
string $WinName = ("AutoLimb_" + $Ver);
if (`window -exists ("AutoLimb_" + $Ver)`)
deleteUI ("AutoLimb_" + $Ver);
window -title ("AutoLimb." + $Ver) -rtf true ("AutoLimb_" + $Ver);
frameLayout -w 200-h 195 ("Sheep's Auto Limb " + $Ver);
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 200;
//all UI sits in here////////////////////////
tabLayout tabList;
//begin contents of first tab///////////////
string $tab1 = `columnLayout -w 200 -h 210 firstTab`;
//create frame for first tab contents///////
frameLayout -w 200 Creation_Prefs_Arm;
//create layout for new frame///////////////
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 190;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfRows 1 ;
checkBox -label "IK/FK" Arm_IKFK_Check;
checkBox -label "Hand" Arm_Hand_Check;
setParent ..;
optionMenu -label "Rotate Order" ArmRoo;
menuItem -label "Choose" -en 0;
menuItem -label "xyz";
menuItem -label "yzx";
menuItem -label "zxy";
menuItem -label "xzy";
menuItem -label "yxz";
menuItem -label "zyx";
separator -height 4 -style "out";
button -label "CREATE LOCS" -c ArmCreateLOCS CreateArmLocs;
separator -height 4 -style "out";
button -label "CREATE ARM" -c CreateArm CreateArm;
separator -height 4 -style "out";
rowColumnLayout -numberOfRows 1;
button -l "Mirror" -w 95 -c MirrorArmSetup;
button -l "Delete Setup" -w 95 -c DeleteSetupArm;
separator -height 4 -style "out";
//begin contents of second tab//////////////
string $tab2 = `columnLayout -w 200 -h 240 secondTab`;
frameLayout -w 200 Creation_Prefs_Leg;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 190;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfRows 1 ;
checkBox -label "IK/FK" Leg_IKFK_Check;
checkBox -label "Foot" Leg_Foot_Check;
setParent ..;
optionMenu -label "Rotate Order" LegRoo;
menuItem -label "Choose" -en 0;
menuItem -label "xyz";
menuItem -label "yzx";
menuItem -label "zxy";
menuItem -label "xzy";
menuItem -label "yxz";
menuItem -label "zyx";
separator -height 4 -style "out";
button -label "CREATE LOCS" -c LegCreateLOCS CreateLegLocs;
separator -height 4 -style "out";
button -label "CREATE LEG" -c CreateLeg CreateLeg;
separator -height 4 -style "out";
rowColumnLayout -numberOfRows 1;
button -l "Mirror" -w 95 -c MirrorLegSetup;
button -l "Delete Setup" -w 95 -c DeleteSetupLeg;
//return to masterLayout////////////////////
//label tabs and build//////////////////
tabLayout -edit
-tabLabel $tab1 "Arm"
-tabLabel $tab2 "Leg"
showWindow $WinName;
// Arm PROCs
proc ArmCreateLOCS(){
string $LR = "L_";
string $LocNameShoulder = ($LR + "arm_IK_Shoulder_LOC");
string $LocNameElbow = ($LR + "arm_IK_Elbow_LOC");
string $LocNameWrist = ($LR + "arm_IK_Wrist_LOC");
string $CTRLdistLocName = ($LR + "arm_CTRLdist_LOC");
string $SoftBlendLocName = ($LR + "arm_softBlend_LOC");
if( `objExists $LocNameShoulder` ){
warning "Locators Already Created";
} else {
select -cl ;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameShoulder -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 20 60 0;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameElbow -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 40 60 -5;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameWrist -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 60 60 0;
select -r $LocNameShoulder;
select -add $LocNameElbow;
select -add $LocNameWrist;
string $BoneLocs[]=`ls -sl`;
int $amount=`size($BoneLocs)`;
for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleX") 5;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleY") 5;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleZ") 5;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideColor") 17;
proc CreateArm(){
string $AllRoo[] = {"xyz", "xyz", "yzx", "zxy", "xzy", "yxz", "zyx" };
int $A_RooIndex = `optionMenu -q -sl ArmRoo`;
string $LR = "L_";
string $LocNameShoulder = ($LR + "arm_IK_Shoulder_LOC");
string $LocNameElbow = ($LR + "arm_IK_Elbow_LOC");
string $LocNameWrist = ($LR + "arm_IK_Wrist_LOC");
string $CTRLdistLocName = ($LR + "arm_CTRLdist_LOC");
string $SoftBlendLocName = ($LR + "arm_softBlend_LOC");
// Joint Sting names
string $JT1 = ($LR + "arm_IK_Shoulder_01");
string $JT2 = ($LR + "arm_IK_Elbow_01");
string $JT3 = ($LR + "arm_IK_Wrist_01");
// Attrib Naming Strings
string $SlideName = ($LR + "arm_slideP");
string $StretchName = ($LR + "arm_stretchP");
string $SoftName = ($LR + "arm_softP");
string $PinName = ($LR + "arm_pinP");
// Misc String Names
string $ArmCtrl = ($LR + "arm_IK_CTRL");
string $ElbowCtrl = ($LR + "elbow_IK_CTRL");
string $L_RootName = "L_arm_Root";
// Distance tool Name strings (-DT distance tool)
string $ControlDistDT = ($LR + "arm_controlDist");
string $SoftDistDT = ($LR + "arm_softDist");
string $ShoulderDistDT = ($LR + "arm_shoulderDist");
string $ElbowDistDT = ($LR + "arm_elbowDist");
string $StretchDistDT = ($LR + "arm_stretchDist");
// Node Name Strings
//Cnd Nodes
string $Cnd1 = ($LR + "arm_Cond1");
string $Cnd2 = ($LR + "arm_Cond2");
// Pin CND Nodes
string $Cnd3 = ($LR + "arm_Cond3");
string $Cnd4 = ($LR + "arm_Cond4");
// Slide CND Node
string $Cnd5 = ($LR + "arm_Cond5");
string $Cnd6 = ($LR + "arm_Cond6");
//PMA nodes
string $PMA1 = ($LR + "arm_PMA1");
string $PMA2 = ($LR + "arm_PMA2");
string $PMA3 = ($LR + "arm_PMA3");
// Pma nodes for Stretch soft IK
string $PMA4 = ($LR + "arm_PMA4");
string $PMA5 = ($LR + "arm_PMA5");
// Pma nodes for Slide
string $PMA6 = ($LR + "arm_PMA6");
string $PMA7 = ($LR + "arm_PMA7");
string $PMA8 = ($LR + "arm_PMA8");
string $PMA9 = ($LR + "arm_PMA9");
//Multiply Divide Nodes
string $MD1 = ($LR + "arm_MD1");
string $MD2 = ($LR + "arm_MD2");
string $MD3 = ($LR + "arm_MD3");
string $MD4 = ($LR + "arm_MD4");
string $MD5 = ($LR + "arm_MD5");
string $MD6 = ($LR + "arm_MD6");
//Multiply Divide Nodes for Stretch Soft IK
string $MD7 = ($LR + "arm_MD7");
string $MD8 = ($LR + "arm_MD8");
string $MD9 = ($LR + "arm_MD9");
string $MD10 = ($LR + "arm_MD10");
string $MD11 = ($LR + "arm_MD11");
string $MD12 = ($LR + "arm_MD12");
// Special MD nodes for stretch
string $MD13 = ($LR + "arm_MD_ShoulderByChainLen");
string $MD14 = ($LR + "arm_MD_ElbowByChainLen");
// Pin MD nodes
string $MD15 = ($LR + "arm_MD15");
string $MD16 = ($LR + "arm_MD16");
// Slide MD nodes
string $MD17 = ($LR + "arm_MD17");
string $MD18 = ($LR + "arm_MD18");
string $MD19 = ($LR + "arm_MD19");
string $MD20 = ($LR + "arm_MD20");
string $MD21 = ($LR + "arm_MD21");
// Pin Blend ATTR nodes
string $B2A1 = ($LR + "arm_BL2Atr01");
string $B2A2 = ($LR + "arm_BL2Atr02");
// creation of joins on locators
// Bound Arm names
string $Bn1 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Shoulder_01");
string $Bn2 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Elbow_01");
string $Bn3 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Wrist_01");
// FK Arm names
string $FK1 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Shoulder_01");
string $FK2 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Elbow_01");
string $FK3 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Wrist_01");
if ( `objExists $L_RootName`){
warning "Arm has already been created";
if ( `objExists $LocNameShoulder`){
select -r $LocNameShoulder;
select -add $LocNameElbow;
select -add $LocNameWrist;
string $BoneLocs[]=`ls -sl`;
int $amount=`size($BoneLocs)`;
for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 0;
select -cl ;
float $Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameShoulder`;
float $Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameElbow`;
float $Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameWrist`;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $JT1;
rename "joint2" $JT2;
rename "joint3" $JT3;
//Setting the Joint Roo according to the user defined box
xform -roo $AllRoo[$A_RooIndex-1] $JT1;
xform -roo $AllRoo[$A_RooIndex-1] $JT2;
xform -roo $AllRoo[$A_RooIndex-1] $JT3;
// Creating the Arm Control
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 0 -n $ArmCtrl;
// adding atributes to the Arm CTRL
addAttr -ln "Ik_Controls" -at double -dv 0 -k true;
setAttr -lock true ($ArmCtrl + ".Ik_Controls");
addAttr -ln $SlideName -nn "Slide" -at double -max 1 -min -1 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $StretchName -nn "Stretch" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $SoftName -nn "Soft" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $PinName -nn "Pin" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
xform -ro 0 0 -90 $ArmCtrl;
setAttr ($ArmCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($ArmCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
// creating wrist control dist Loc
spaceLocator -n $CTRLdistLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "arm_CTRLdist_LOC") $ArmCtrl;
spaceLocator -n $SoftBlendLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "arm_softBlend_LOC") $ArmCtrl;
// moving CTRL to wrist
select -r $LocNameWrist;
select -add $ArmCtrl;
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -n CTRLtoWristConst;
select -r CTRLtoWristConst;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 $ArmCtrl;
// create Root node
group -em -n $L_RootName;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($L_RootName + ".scaleY");
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($L_RootName + ".scaleZ");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($L_RootName + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($L_RootName + ".sz");
// Parenting all the things
parent $JT1 $LocNameShoulder;
parent $LocNameWrist $LocNameShoulder;
parent $LocNameShoulder $L_RootName;
parent $LocNameElbow $L_RootName;
parent $SoftBlendLocName $L_RootName;
parent $ArmCtrl $L_RootName;
ikHandle -n ($LR + "arm_IK") -sj $JT1 -ee $JT3;
poleVectorConstraint $LocNameElbow ($LR + "arm_IK");
parent ($LR + "arm_IK") $SoftBlendLocName;
// aim constrain the Shoulder loc to the Hand CTRL
// aim for Left hand side
aimConstraint -mo -weight 1 -aimVector 1 0 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "objectrotation" -worldUpVector 0 1 0 -worldUpObject $L_RootName $ArmCtrl $LocNameShoulder;
// aim for Right hand mirrored side
// creation of distance tools
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -100 -ep 50 0 -100 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -90 -ep 50 0 -90 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -80 -ep 50 0 -80 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -70 -ep 50 0 -70 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -60 -ep 50 0 -60 ;
rename "distanceDimension1" $ControlDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension2" $SoftDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension3" $ShoulderDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension4" $ElbowDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension5" $StretchDistDT;
connectAttr -f ($LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($CTRLdistLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameWrist + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameElbow + ".worldPosition[0]")($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameElbow + ".worldPosition[0]")($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
// This will cause problems if any of these are already in the scene.
select -r locator1 locator2 locator3 locator4 locator5 locator6 locator7 locator8 locator9 locator10 ;
select -r $ControlDistDT $SoftDistDT $ShoulderDistDT $ElbowDistDT $StretchDistDT;
group -n ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP");
parent ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP") $L_RootName;
setAttr ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP" + ".visibility") 0;
// finding the chain length
float $ShoulderDist = `getAttr ($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ElbowDist = `getAttr ($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ChainLength = ($ShoulderDist + $ElbowDist);
//print $ChainLength;
// Creating all the nodes
Normalising the Root Scale And working that into the node network.
// Create the Fith Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD5;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD5 + ".input2X");
// Create the Sixth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD6;
setAttr ($MD6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD5 + ".outputX") ($MD6 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ControlDistDT + "Shape.distance") ($MD6 + ".input1X");
// create the First condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd1;
setAttr ($Cnd1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".firstTerm");
// create the First plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA1;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".input1D[0]") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($PMA1 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($Cnd1 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// create the Second condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd2;
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($Cnd2 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
// create the Second plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA2;
setAttr ($PMA2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($PMA2 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($PMA2 + ".input1D[1]");
// Create the Fist Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD1;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD1 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($PMA2 + ".output1D") ($MD1 + ".input1X");
// Create the Second Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD2;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".input1X") -1;
connectAttr -f ($MD1 + ".outputX") ($MD2 + ".input2X");
// Create the Third Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".operation") 3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".input1X") 2.718282;
connectAttr -f ($MD2 + ".outputX")($MD3 + ".input2X");
// Create the Forth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD4;
setAttr ($MD4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD4 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD3 + ".outputX") ($MD4 + ".input2X");
// create the third plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA3;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".input1D[0]")$ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD4 + ".outputX") ($PMA3 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA3 + ".output1D") ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// Finishing the nested condition nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd2 + ".outColorR") ($Cnd1 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ($LocNameWrist + ".translateX");
// point constraining the SoftBlend Loc to Both WristLOC and Arm CTRL
select -cl ;
select -r $LocNameWrist;
select -add $ArmCtrl;
select -add $SoftBlendLocName;
pointConstraint -tl -n ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01");
select -cl ;
// creating set driven keys on the Soft blend loc and Stretch vlaues
setAttr ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 1;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $LocNameWrist + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $ArmCtrl + "W1") 1;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $LocNameWrist + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $ArmCtrl + "W1");
setAttr ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 0;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $LocNameWrist + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $ArmCtrl + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $LocNameWrist + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $ArmCtrl + "W1");
// Creating the Stretch soft IK setup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD7;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD7 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD7 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD8;
setAttr ($MD8 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD8 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($SoftDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD8 + ".input2X");
// Special Node 1
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD13;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input1X") $ShoulderDist;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
// Special Node 2
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD14;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input1X") $ElbowDist;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD9;
setAttr ($MD9 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD10;
setAttr ($MD10 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD11;
setAttr ($MD11 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD9 + ".outputX") ($MD11 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD11 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD12;
setAttr ($MD12 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD10 + ".outputX") ($MD12 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD12 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA4;
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD11 + ".outputX") ($PMA4 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".input1D[1]")$ShoulderDist;
// $B2A1 is later connected to $JT2
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($JT2 + ".translateX");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA5;
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD12 + ".outputX") ($PMA5 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".input1D[1]")$ElbowDist;
// Connected to $B2A2 Later
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Pin atribute
//Pin setup for upper arm
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD15;
setAttr ($MD15 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD15 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD15 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd3;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm") $ShoulderDist;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ShoulderDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A1;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd3 + ".outColorR") ($B2A1 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A1 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A1 + ".output") ($JT2 + ".translateX");
// pin setup for lowwer arm
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD16;
setAttr ($MD16 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD16 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ElbowDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD16 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd4;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm") $ElbowDist;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ElbowDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A2;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd4 + ".outColorR") ($B2A2 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A2 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A2 + ".output") ($JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Slide atribute
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD17;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD17 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD18;
setAttr ($MD18 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD18 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($MD17 + ".outputX") ($MD18 + ".input1X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD19;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD19 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD20;
setAttr ($MD20 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD19 + ".outputX") ($MD20 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD20 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd5;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".operation") 4;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".secondTerm") 0;
connectAttr -f ($MD18 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfFalseR");
connectAttr -f ($MD20 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($Cnd5 + ".firstTerm");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA6;
setAttr ($PMA6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[1]");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA7;
setAttr ($PMA7 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA6 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA7 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
// Cleanup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD21;
setAttr ($MD21 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($StretchDistDT + "Shape"+ "." + "distance") ($MD21 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD21 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd6;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".secondTerm") $ChainLength;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".firstTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// connecting cond 6 to other mult nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD17 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD19 + ".input1X");
// making so that slide works with pinning
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA8;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".input1D[0]") $ElbowDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA8 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA9;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".input1D[0]") $ShoulderDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA9 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// Setting IK RP solver tolerance
setAttr ikRPsolver.tolerance 1e-007;
// Creating The Elbow CTRL
curve -d 1 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -p -1 1.732051 0 -p 1 1.732051 0 -p 2 9.93411e-009 0 -p 1 -1.732051 0 -p -1 -1.732051 0 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -1 1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 1 1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 2 9.93411e-009 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 1 -1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -1 -1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -n $ElbowCtrl ;
setAttr ($ElbowCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($ElbowCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
xform -t $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2];
pointConstraint -mo -weight 1 $ElbowCtrl $LocNameElbow;
xform -t $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] ($Loc2[2] - 15);
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
parent $ElbowCtrl $L_RootName;
select -cl;
int $Arm_IKFK_CB = `checkBox -q -v Arm_IKFK_Check`;
if ($Arm_IKFK_CB == 1){
// Creating the IKFK Grear
/// Creat GEAR control
curve -d 1 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954337 -p 1.341144 0 -9.938909 -p 1.780851 0 -7.269811 -p 3.678533 0 -6.513824 -p 5.961923 0 -8.079797 -p 7.890462 0 -6.197544 -p 6.30906 0 -4.022152 -p 7.203902 0 -2.078185 -p 9.880714 0 -1.599907 -p 9.993845 0 1.032165 -p 7.353172 0 1.453142 -p 6.553317 0 3.642221 -p 8.128883 0 5.924288 -p 6.369816 0 7.795225 -p 4.211166 0 6.221865 -p 1.945528 0 7.247696 -p 1.442053 0 9.953875 -p -1.094204 0 9.985343 -p -1.496984 0 7.367271 -p -3.901078 0 6.416962 -p -6.135249 0 7.958855 -p -7.92888 0 6.184105 -p -6.349226 0 4.006574 -p -7.305829 0 1.671708 -p -9.961661 0 1.1997 -p -9.936487 0 -1.38061 -p -7.280655 0 -1.802271 -p -6.361813 0 -3.967214 -p -7.878532 0 -6.188799 -p -6.028261 0 -8.032777 -p -3.819263 0 -6.44683 -p -1.811656 0 -7.25239 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954336 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -n ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
//rename "curveShape1" ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL_shape");
addAttr -ln "IK_FK" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
setAttr -e-keyable true ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL.IK_FK");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// F
curve -d 1 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 0.4 -p -1 0 0.4 -p -1 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -n ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
// I
curve -d 1 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -n ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// K
curve -d 1 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -0.2 -p 3.2 0 -2.4 -p 4.2 0 -2.4 -p 2.2 0 0 -p 4.2 0 2.4 -p 3.2 0 2.4 -p 1.4 0 0.2 -p 1.4 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -n ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
parent ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
xform -r -t 30 0 -30 -s 0.5 0.5 0.5 ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
// creating Bound arm
select -cl ;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $Bn1;
rename "joint2" $Bn2;
rename "joint3" $Bn3;
// creating FK arm
select -cl ;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $FK1;
rename "joint2" $FK2;
rename "joint3" $FK3;
// creating FK arm CTRLs
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK1 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK1 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK1;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK1 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK2 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK2 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK2;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK2 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK3 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK3 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK3;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK3 + "CTRL");
// Parenting the Bound to IK and FK arm;
select -r $JT1 $FK1 $Bn1;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn1 + "ParConst");
select -r $JT2 $FK2 $Bn2;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn2 + "ParConst");
select -r $JT3 $FK3 $Bn3;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn3 + "ParConst");
// SDK IK FK mode
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 0;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
select -cl;
//Cleanup of IK FK arm setup
parent $Bn1 $L_RootName ;
parent $FK1 $L_RootName ;
parent ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL") $L_RootName ;
int $Arm_Hand_CB = `checkBox -q -v Arm_Hand_Check`;
if ($Arm_Hand_CB == 1){
print "Hand Coming SOON \n";
warning "Must Create LOCS first";
proc MirrorArmSetup(){
string $L_RootName = "L_arm_Root";
if( `objExists $L_RootName` ){
string $LR = "R_";
string $LocNameShoulder = "L_arm_IK_Shoulder_LOC";
string $LocNameElbow = "L_arm_IK_Elbow_LOC";
string $LocNameWrist = "L_arm_IK_Wrist_LOC";
string $CTRLdistLocName = "L_arm_CTRLdist_LOC";
string $SoftBlendLocName = "L_arm_softBlend_LOC";
// Joint Sting names
string $RP_JT1 = "R_PROX_arm_IK_Shoulder_01";
string $RP_JT2 = "R_PROX_arm_IK_Elbow_01";
string $RP_JT3 = "R_PROX_arm_IK_Wrist_01";
// Attrib Naming Strings
string $SlideName = ($LR + "arm_slideP");
string $StretchName = ($LR + "arm_stretchP");
string $SoftName = ($LR + "arm_softP");
string $PinName = ($LR + "arm_pinP");
// Misc String Names
string $R_ArmCtrl = "R_arm_IK_CTRL";
string $R_ElbowCtrl = ($LR + "elbow_IK_CTRL");
string $R_RootName = "R_arm_Root";
// Distance tool Name strings (-DT distance tool)
string $ControlDistDT = ($LR + "arm_controlDist");
string $SoftDistDT = ($LR + "arm_softDist");
string $ShoulderDistDT = ($LR + "arm_shoulderDist");
string $ElbowDistDT = ($LR + "arm_elbowDist");
string $StretchDistDT = ($LR + "arm_stretchDist");
// Node Name Strings
//Cnd Nodes
string $Cnd1 = ($LR + "arm_Cond1");
string $Cnd2 = ($LR + "arm_Cond2");
// Pin CND Nodes
string $Cnd3 = ($LR + "arm_Cond3");
string $Cnd4 = ($LR + "arm_Cond4");
// Slide CND Node
string $Cnd5 = ($LR + "arm_Cond5");
string $Cnd6 = ($LR + "arm_Cond6");
//PMA nodes
string $PMA1 = ($LR + "arm_PMA1");
string $PMA2 = ($LR + "arm_PMA2");
string $PMA3 = ($LR + "arm_PMA3");
// Pma nodes for Stretch soft IK
string $PMA4 = ($LR + "arm_PMA4");
string $PMA5 = ($LR + "arm_PMA5");
// Pma nodes for Slide
string $PMA6 = ($LR + "arm_PMA6");
string $PMA7 = ($LR + "arm_PMA7");
string $PMA8 = ($LR + "arm_PMA8");
string $PMA9 = ($LR + "arm_PMA9");
//Multiply Divide Nodes
string $MD1 = ($LR + "arm_MD1");
string $MD2 = ($LR + "arm_MD2");
string $MD3 = ($LR + "arm_MD3");
string $MD4 = ($LR + "arm_MD4");
string $MD5 = ($LR + "arm_MD5");
string $MD6 = ($LR + "arm_MD6");
//Multiply Divide Nodes for Stretch Soft IK
string $MD7 = ($LR + "arm_MD7");
string $MD8 = ($LR + "arm_MD8");
string $MD9 = ($LR + "arm_MD9");
string $MD10 = ($LR + "arm_MD10");
string $MD11 = ($LR + "arm_MD11");
string $MD12 = ($LR + "arm_MD12");
// Special MD nodes for stretch
string $MD13 = ($LR + "arm_MD_ShoulderByChainLen");
string $MD14 = ($LR + "arm_MD_ElbowByChainLen");
// Pin MD nodes
string $MD15 = ($LR + "arm_MD15");
string $MD16 = ($LR + "arm_MD16");
// Slide MD nodes
string $MD17 = ($LR + "arm_MD17");
string $MD18 = ($LR + "arm_MD18");
string $MD19 = ($LR + "arm_MD19");
string $MD20 = ($LR + "arm_MD20");
string $MD21 = ($LR + "arm_MD21");
// Pin Blend ATTR nodes
string $B2A1 = ($LR + "arm_BL2Atr01");
string $B2A2 = ($LR + "arm_BL2Atr02");
// new mirrored Locs
string $R_LocNameShoulder = "R_arm_IK_Shoulder_LOC";
string $R_LocNameElbow = "R_arm_IK_Elbow_LOC";
string $R_LocNameWrist = "R_arm_IK_Wrist_LOC";
string $R_CTRLdistLocName = "R_arm_CTRLdist_LOC";
string $R_SoftBlendLocName = "R_arm_softBlend_LOC";
// new Joint Sting names
string $R_JT1 = "R_arm_IK_Shoulder_01";
string $R_JT2 = "R_arm_IK_Elbow_01";
string $R_JT3 = "R_arm_IK_Wrist_01";
// New strings to apend
// Bound Arm names
string $Bn1 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Shoulder_01");
string $Bn2 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Elbow_01");
string $Bn3 = ($LR + "arm_Bound_Wrist_01");
// FK Arm names
string $FK1 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Shoulder_01");
string $FK2 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Elbow_01");
string $FK3 = ($LR + "arm_FK_Wrist_01");
float $R_Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameShoulder`;
float $R_Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameElbow`;
float $R_Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameWrist`;
float $Loc1Invrs = ($R_Loc1[0] * -1);
float $Loc2Invrs = ($R_Loc2[0] * -1);
float $Loc3Invrs = ($R_Loc3[0] * -1);
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameShoulder -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc1Invrs $R_Loc1[1] $R_Loc1[2];
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameElbow -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc2Invrs $R_Loc2[1] ($R_Loc2[2] + 15);
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameWrist -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc3Invrs $R_Loc3[1] $R_Loc3[2];
select -r $R_LocNameShoulder;
select -add $R_LocNameElbow;
select -add $R_LocNameWrist;
string $R_BoneLocs[]=`ls -sl`;
int $R_amount=`size($R_BoneLocs)`;
for ($R_n=0; $R_n<$R_amount; $R_n++) {
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleX") 5;
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleY") 5;
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleZ") 5;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideColor") 17;
// creation of joins on locators
select -cl ;
float $Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameShoulder`;
float $Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameElbow`;
float $Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameWrist`;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] ($Loc2[2] + 15) ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $RP_JT1;
rename "joint2" $RP_JT2;
rename "joint3" $RP_JT3;
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_" "R_";
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_arm_IK" "R_arm_Bound";
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_arm_IK" "R_arm_FK";
delete R_PROX_arm_IK_Shoulder_01;
// Creating the Arm Control
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 0 -n $R_ArmCtrl;
// adding atributes to the Arm CTRL
addAttr -ln "Ik_Controls" -at double -dv 0 -k true;
setAttr -lock true ($R_ArmCtrl + ".Ik_Controls");
addAttr -ln $SlideName -nn "Slide" -at double -max 1 -min -1 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $StretchName -nn "Stretch" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $SoftName -nn "Soft" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $PinName -nn "Pin" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
xform -ro 0 0 -90 $R_ArmCtrl;
setAttr ($R_ArmCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($R_ArmCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
// creating wrist control dist Loc
spaceLocator -n $R_CTRLdistLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "arm_CTRLdist_LOC") $R_ArmCtrl;
spaceLocator -n $R_SoftBlendLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "arm_softBlend_LOC") $R_ArmCtrl;
// moving CTRL to wrist
select -r $R_LocNameWrist;
select -add $R_ArmCtrl;
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -n CTRLtoWristConst;
select -r CTRLtoWristConst;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 $R_ArmCtrl;
// create Root node
group -em -n $R_RootName;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($R_RootName + ".scaleY");
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($R_RootName + ".scaleZ");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($R_RootName + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($R_RootName + ".sz");
// Parenting all the things
parent $R_JT1 $R_LocNameShoulder;
parent $R_LocNameWrist $R_LocNameShoulder;
parent $R_LocNameShoulder $R_RootName;
parent $R_LocNameElbow $R_RootName;
parent $R_SoftBlendLocName $R_RootName;
parent $R_ArmCtrl $R_RootName;
ikHandle -n ($LR + "arm_IK") -sj $R_JT1 -ee $R_JT3;
poleVectorConstraint $R_LocNameElbow ($LR + "arm_IK");
parent ($LR + "arm_IK") $R_SoftBlendLocName;
// aim constrain the Shoulder loc to the Hand CTRL
aimConstraint -mo -weight 1 -aimVector -1 0 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "objectrotation" -worldUpVector 0 1 0 -worldUpObject $R_RootName $R_ArmCtrl $R_LocNameShoulder;
// creation of distance tools
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -100 -ep 50 0 -100 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -90 -ep 50 0 -90 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -80 -ep 50 0 -80 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -70 -ep 50 0 -70 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -60 -ep 50 0 -60 ;
rename "distanceDimension1" $ControlDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension2" $SoftDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension3" $ShoulderDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension4" $ElbowDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension5" $StretchDistDT;
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_CTRLdistLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameWrist + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameElbow + ".worldPosition[0]")($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameElbow + ".worldPosition[0]")($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameShoulder + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
// This will cause problems if any of these are already in the scene.
select -r locator1 locator2 locator3 locator4 locator5 locator6 locator7 locator8 locator9 locator10 ;
select -r $ControlDistDT $SoftDistDT $ShoulderDistDT $ElbowDistDT $StretchDistDT;
group -n ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP");
parent ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP") $R_RootName;
setAttr ($LR + "arm_DistTools_GRP" + ".visibility") 0;
// finding the chain length
float $ShoulderDist = `getAttr ($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ElbowDist = `getAttr ($ElbowDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ChainLength = ($ShoulderDist + $ElbowDist);
// Creating all the nodes
Normalising the Root Scale And working that into the node network.
// Create the Fith Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD5;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD5 + ".input2X");
// Create the Sixth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD6;
setAttr ($MD6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD5 + ".outputX") ($MD6 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ControlDistDT + "Shape.distance") ($MD6 + ".input1X");
// create the First condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd1;
setAttr ($Cnd1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".firstTerm");
// create the First plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA1;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".input1D[0]") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($PMA1 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($Cnd1 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// create the Second condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd2;
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($Cnd2 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
// create the Second plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA2;
setAttr ($PMA2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($PMA2 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($PMA2 + ".input1D[1]");
// Create the Fist Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD1;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD1 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($PMA2 + ".output1D") ($MD1 + ".input1X");
// Create the Second Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD2;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".input1X") -1;
connectAttr -f ($MD1 + ".outputX") ($MD2 + ".input2X");
// Create the Third Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".operation") 3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".input1X") 2.718282;
connectAttr -f ($MD2 + ".outputX")($MD3 + ".input2X");
// Create the Forth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD4;
setAttr ($MD4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD4 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD3 + ".outputX") ($MD4 + ".input2X");
// create the third plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA3;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".input1D[0]")$ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD4 + ".outputX") ($PMA3 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA3 + ".output1D") ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// Finishing the nested condition nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd2 + ".outColorR") ($Cnd1 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ($R_LocNameWrist + ".translateX");
// point constraining the SoftBlend Loc to Both WristLOC and Arm CTRL
select -cl ;
select -r $R_LocNameWrist;
select -add $R_ArmCtrl;
select -add $R_SoftBlendLocName;
pointConstraint -tl -n ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01");
select -cl ;
// creating set driven keys on the Soft blend loc and Stretch vlaues
setAttr ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 1;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_LocNameWrist + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_ArmCtrl + "W1") 1;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_LocNameWrist + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_ArmCtrl + "W1");
setAttr ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 0;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_LocNameWrist + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_ArmCtrl + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_LocNameWrist + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_ArmCtrl + "W1");
// Creating the Stretch soft IK setup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD7;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD7 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD7 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD8;
setAttr ($MD8 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD8 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($SoftDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD8 + ".input2X");
// Special Node 1
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD13;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input1X") $ShoulderDist;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
// Special Node 2
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD14;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input1X") $ElbowDist;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD9;
setAttr ($MD9 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD10;
setAttr ($MD10 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD11;
setAttr ($MD11 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD9 + ".outputX") ($MD11 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD11 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD12;
setAttr ($MD12 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD10 + ".outputX") ($MD12 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD12 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA4;
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD11 + ".outputX") ($PMA4 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".input1D[1]")$ShoulderDist;
// $B2A1 is later connected to $R_JT2
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($R_JT2 + ".translateX");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA5;
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD12 + ".outputX") ($PMA5 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".input1D[1]")$ElbowDist;
// Connected to $B2A2 Later
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($R_JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Pin atribute
//Pin setup for upper arm
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD15;
setAttr ($MD15 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD15 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ShoulderDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD15 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd3;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm") $ShoulderDist;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ShoulderDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A1;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd3 + ".outColorR") ($B2A1 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A1 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A1 + ".output") ($R_JT2 + ".translateX");
// pin setup for lowwer arm
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD16;
setAttr ($MD16 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD16 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ElbowDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD16 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd4;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm") $ElbowDist;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ElbowDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A2;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd4 + ".outColorR") ($B2A2 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A2 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A2 + ".output") ($R_JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Slide atribute
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD17;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD17 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD18;
setAttr ($MD18 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD18 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($MD17 + ".outputX") ($MD18 + ".input1X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD19;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD19 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD20;
setAttr ($MD20 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD19 + ".outputX") ($MD20 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD20 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd5;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".operation") 4;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".secondTerm") 0;
connectAttr -f ($MD18 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfFalseR");
connectAttr -f ($MD20 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($R_ArmCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($Cnd5 + ".firstTerm");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA6;
setAttr ($PMA6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[1]");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA7;
setAttr ($PMA7 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA6 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA7 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
// Cleanup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD21;
setAttr ($MD21 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($StretchDistDT + "Shape"+ "." + "distance") ($MD21 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD21 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd6;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".secondTerm") $ChainLength;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".firstTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// connecting cond 6 to other mult nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD17 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD19 + ".input1X");
// making so that slide works with pinning
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA8;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".input1D[0]") $ElbowDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA8 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA9;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".input1D[0]") $ShoulderDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA9 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// Adding a last MD node so that mirroring works
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n R_arm_MD_MirrorResult;
setAttr "R_arm_MD_MirrorResult.input1X" -1;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ("R_arm_MD_MirrorResult" + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ("R_arm_MD_MirrorResult" + ".outputX") ($R_LocNameWrist + ".translateX");
// Creating The Elbow CTRL
curve -d 1 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -p -1 1.732051 0 -p 1 1.732051 0 -p 2 9.93411e-009 0 -p 1 -1.732051 0 -p -1 -1.732051 0 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -1 1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 1 1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 2 9.93411e-009 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p 1 -1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -1 -1.732051 0 -p 3.97364e-008 9.93411e-009 -4 -p -2 -2.88089e-007 0 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -n $R_ElbowCtrl ;
setAttr ($R_ElbowCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($R_ElbowCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 -n ($R_ElbowCtrl + "TEMP_const") $R_LocNameElbow $R_ElbowCtrl;
delete ($R_ElbowCtrl + "TEMP_const");
pointConstraint -mo -weight 1 $R_ElbowCtrl $R_LocNameElbow;
float $MirrorElbowPos[] = `xform -q -t $R_LocNameElbow`;
xform -t $MirrorElbowPos[0] $MirrorElbowPos[1] ($MirrorElbowPos[2] - 15);
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
parent $R_ElbowCtrl $R_RootName;
select -cl;
// checking if the user want IK FK setup upon mirror
int $Arm_IKFK_CB = `checkBox -q -v Arm_IKFK_Check`;
if ($Arm_IKFK_CB == 1){
// creation of Bound Chain on Position of Locs
// Creating the IKFK Grear
/// Creat GEAR control
curve -d 1 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954337 -p 1.341144 0 -9.938909 -p 1.780851 0 -7.269811 -p 3.678533 0 -6.513824 -p 5.961923 0 -8.079797 -p 7.890462 0 -6.197544 -p 6.30906 0 -4.022152 -p 7.203902 0 -2.078185 -p 9.880714 0 -1.599907 -p 9.993845 0 1.032165 -p 7.353172 0 1.453142 -p 6.553317 0 3.642221 -p 8.128883 0 5.924288 -p 6.369816 0 7.795225 -p 4.211166 0 6.221865 -p 1.945528 0 7.247696 -p 1.442053 0 9.953875 -p -1.094204 0 9.985343 -p -1.496984 0 7.367271 -p -3.901078 0 6.416962 -p -6.135249 0 7.958855 -p -7.92888 0 6.184105 -p -6.349226 0 4.006574 -p -7.305829 0 1.671708 -p -9.961661 0 1.1997 -p -9.936487 0 -1.38061 -p -7.280655 0 -1.802271 -p -6.361813 0 -3.967214 -p -7.878532 0 -6.188799 -p -6.028261 0 -8.032777 -p -3.819263 0 -6.44683 -p -1.811656 0 -7.25239 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954336 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -n ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
//rename "curveShape1" ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL_shape");
addAttr -ln "IK_FK" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
setAttr -e-keyable true ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL.IK_FK");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// F
curve -d 1 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 0.4 -p -1 0 0.4 -p -1 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -n ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
// I
curve -d 1 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -n ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// K
curve -d 1 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -0.2 -p 3.2 0 -2.4 -p 4.2 0 -2.4 -p 2.2 0 0 -p 4.2 0 2.4 -p 3.2 0 2.4 -p 1.4 0 0.2 -p 1.4 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -n ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
parent ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
xform -r -t -30 0 -30 -s 0.5 0.5 0.5 ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL");
// creating FK arm CTRLs
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK1 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK1 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK1;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK1 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK2 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK2 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK2;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK2 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK3 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK3 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK3;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK3 + "CTRL");
// Parenting the Bound to IK and FK arm;
select -r $R_JT1 $FK1 $Bn1;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn1 + "ParConst");
select -r $R_JT2 $FK2 $Bn2;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn2 + "ParConst");
select -r $R_JT3 $FK3 $Bn3;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn3 + "ParConst");
// SDK IK FK mode
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
setAttr ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 0;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
select -cl;
//Cleanup of IK FK arm setup
parent $Bn1 $R_RootName ;
parent $FK1 $R_RootName ;
parent ($LR + "arm_GEAR_CTRL") $R_RootName ;
} else {
delete $Bn1;
delete $FK1;
warning "Must Create Arm Before Mirroring";
proc DeleteSetupArm(){
string $DeleteConfirm = `confirmDialog -title "Delete Arm" -message "Are you sure?"
-button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes"
-cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
if ($DeleteConfirm == "Yes"){
string $R_RootName = "R_arm_Root";
if( `objExists $R_RootName` ) {
select -r $R_RootName;
select -cl;
string $L_RootName = "L_arm_Root";
if( `objExists $L_RootName` ) {
select -r $L_RootName;
select -cl;
} else {
warning("Setup Does not Exist");
proc LegCreateLOCS(){
string $LR = "L_";
string $LocNameHip = ($LR + "leg_IK_Hip_LOC");
string $LocNameKnee = ($LR + "leg_IK_Knee_LOC");
string $LocNameAnkle = ($LR + "leg_IK_Ankle_LOC");
string $CTRLdistLocName = ($LR + "leg_CTRLdist_LOC");
string $SoftBlendLocName = ($LR + "leg_softBlend_LOC");
if( `objExists $LocNameHip` ){
warning "Locators Already Created";
} else {
select -cl ;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameHip -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 10 30 0;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameKnee -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 10 20 5;
spaceLocator -n $LocNameAnkle -p 0 0 0;
xform -t 10 10 0;
select -r $LocNameHip;
select -add $LocNameKnee;
select -add $LocNameAnkle;
string $BoneLocs[]=`ls -sl`;
int $amount=`size($BoneLocs)`;
for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleX") 5;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleY") 5;
setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".localScaleZ") 5;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideColor") 17;
proc CreateLeg(){
string $AllRoo[] = {"xyz", "xyz", "yzx", "zxy", "xzy", "yxz", "zyx" };
int $L_RooIndex = `optionMenu -q -sl LegRoo`;
string $LR = "L_";
string $LocNameHip = ($LR + "leg_IK_Hip_LOC");
string $LocNameKnee = ($LR + "leg_IK_Knee_LOC");
string $LocNameAnkle = ($LR + "leg_IK_Ankle_LOC");
string $CTRLdistLocName = ($LR + "leg_CTRLdist_LOC");
string $SoftBlendLocName = ($LR + "leg_softBlend_LOC");
// Joint Sting names
string $JT1 = ($LR + "leg_IK_Hip_01");
string $JT2 = ($LR + "leg_IK_Knee_01");
string $JT3 = ($LR + "leg_IK_Ankle_01");
// Attrib Naming Strings
string $SlideName = ($LR + "leg_slideP");
string $StretchName = ($LR + "leg_stretchP");
string $SoftName = ($LR + "leg_softP");
string $PinName = ($LR + "leg_pinP");
// Misc String Names
string $legCtrl = ($LR + "leg_IK_CTRL");
string $L_RootName = "L_leg_Root";
// Distance tool Name strings (-DT distance tool)
string $ControlDistDT = ($LR + "leg_controlDist");
string $SoftDistDT = ($LR + "leg_softDist");
string $HipDistDT = ($LR + "leg_HipDist");
string $KneeDistDT = ($LR + "leg_KneeDist");
string $StretchDistDT = ($LR + "leg_stretchDist");
// Node Name Strings
//Cnd Nodes
string $Cnd1 = ($LR + "leg_Cond1");
string $Cnd2 = ($LR + "leg_Cond2");
// Pin CND Nodes
string $Cnd3 = ($LR + "leg_Cond3");
string $Cnd4 = ($LR + "leg_Cond4");
// Slide CND Node
string $Cnd5 = ($LR + "leg_Cond5");
string $Cnd6 = ($LR + "leg_Cond6");
//PMA nodes
string $PMA1 = ($LR + "leg_PMA1");
string $PMA2 = ($LR + "leg_PMA2");
string $PMA3 = ($LR + "leg_PMA3");
// Pma nodes for Stretch soft IK
string $PMA4 = ($LR + "leg_PMA4");
string $PMA5 = ($LR + "leg_PMA5");
// Pma nodes for Slide
string $PMA6 = ($LR + "leg_PMA6");
string $PMA7 = ($LR + "leg_PMA7");
string $PMA8 = ($LR + "leg_PMA8");
string $PMA9 = ($LR + "leg_PMA9");
//Multiply Divide Nodes
string $MD1 = ($LR + "leg_MD1");
string $MD2 = ($LR + "leg_MD2");
string $MD3 = ($LR + "leg_MD3");
string $MD4 = ($LR + "leg_MD4");
string $MD5 = ($LR + "leg_MD5");
string $MD6 = ($LR + "leg_MD6");
//Multiply Divide Nodes for Stretch Soft IK
string $MD7 = ($LR + "leg_MD7");
string $MD8 = ($LR + "leg_MD8");
string $MD9 = ($LR + "leg_MD9");
string $MD10 = ($LR + "leg_MD10");
string $MD11 = ($LR + "leg_MD11");
string $MD12 = ($LR + "leg_MD12");
// Special MD nodes for stretch
string $MD13 = ($LR + "leg_MD_HipByChainLen");
string $MD14 = ($LR + "leg_MD_KneeByChainLen");
// Pin MD nodes
string $MD15 = ($LR + "leg_MD15");
string $MD16 = ($LR + "leg_MD16");
// Slide MD nodes
string $MD17 = ($LR + "leg_MD17");
string $MD18 = ($LR + "leg_MD18");
string $MD19 = ($LR + "leg_MD19");
string $MD20 = ($LR + "leg_MD20");
string $MD21 = ($LR + "leg_MD21");
string $MD22 = ($LR + "leg_MD22");
// Pin Blend ATTR nodes
string $B2A1 = ($LR + "leg_BL2Atr01");
string $B2A2 = ($LR + "leg_BL2Atr02");
// creation of joins on locators
// Bound leg names
string $Bn1 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Hip_01");
string $Bn2 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Knee_01");
string $Bn3 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Ankle_01");
// FK leg names
string $FK1 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Hip_01");
string $FK2 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Knee_01");
string $FK3 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Ankle_01");
if ( `objExists $L_RootName`){
warning "Leg has already been created";
if( `objExists $LocNameHip`){
select -cl ;
float $Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameHip`;
float $Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameKnee`;
float $Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameAnkle`;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $JT1;
rename "joint2" $JT2;
rename "joint3" $JT3;
// Creating the leg Control
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 0 -n $legCtrl;
// adding atributes to the leg CTRL
addAttr -ln "Ik_Controls" -at double -dv 0 -k true;
setAttr -lock true ($legCtrl + ".Ik_Controls");
addAttr -ln $SlideName -nn "Slide" -at double -max 1 -min -1 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $StretchName -nn "Stretch" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $SoftName -nn "Soft" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $PinName -nn "Pin" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
xform -ro 0 0 -90 $legCtrl;
setAttr ($legCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($legCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
// creating Ankle control dist Loc
spaceLocator -n $CTRLdistLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "leg_CTRLdist_LOC") $legCtrl;
spaceLocator -n $SoftBlendLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "leg_softBlend_LOC") $legCtrl;
// moving CTRL to Ankle
select -r $LocNameAnkle;
select -add $legCtrl;
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -n CTRLtoAnkleConst;
select -r CTRLtoAnkleConst;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 $legCtrl;
// create Root node
group -em -n $L_RootName;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($L_RootName + ".scaleY");
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($L_RootName + ".scaleZ");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($L_RootName + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($L_RootName + ".sz");
// Parenting all the things
parent $JT1 $LocNameHip;
parent $LocNameAnkle $LocNameHip;
parent $LocNameHip $L_RootName;
parent $LocNameKnee $L_RootName;
parent $SoftBlendLocName $L_RootName;
parent $legCtrl $L_RootName;
ikHandle -n ($LR + "leg_IK") -sj $JT1 -ee $JT3;
poleVectorConstraint $LocNameKnee ($LR + "leg_IK");
parent ($LR + "leg_IK") $SoftBlendLocName;
// aim constrain the Hip loc to the Hand CTRL
// aim for Left hand side
aimConstraint -mo -weight 1 -aimVector 0 -1 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "object" -worldUpObject $L_RootName $legCtrl $LocNameHip;
// aim for Right hand mirrored side
// creation of distance tools
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -100 -ep 50 0 -100 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -90 -ep 50 0 -90 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -80 -ep 50 0 -80 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -70 -ep 50 0 -70 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -60 -ep 50 0 -60 ;
rename "distanceDimension1" $ControlDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension2" $SoftDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension3" $HipDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension4" $KneeDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension5" $StretchDistDT;
connectAttr -f ($LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($CTRLdistLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameAnkle + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($HipDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameKnee + ".worldPosition[0]")($HipDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameKnee + ".worldPosition[0]")($KneeDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($KneeDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
// This will cause problems if any of these are already in the scene.
select -r locator1 locator2 locator3 locator4 locator5 locator6 locator7 locator8 locator9 locator10 ;
select -r $ControlDistDT $SoftDistDT $HipDistDT $KneeDistDT $StretchDistDT ;
group -n ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP");
parent ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP") $L_RootName;
setAttr ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP" + ".visibility") 0;
// finding the chain length
float $HipDist = `getAttr ($HipDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $KneeDist = `getAttr ($KneeDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ChainLength = ($HipDist + $KneeDist);
//print $ChainLength;
// Creating all the nodes
Normalising the Root Scale And working that into the node network.
// Create the Fith Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD5;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD5 + ".input2X");
// Create the Sixth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD6;
setAttr ($MD6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD5 + ".outputX") ($MD6 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ControlDistDT + "Shape.distance") ($MD6 + ".input1X");
// create the First condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd1;
setAttr ($Cnd1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".firstTerm");
// create the First plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA1;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".input1D[0]") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($PMA1 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($Cnd1 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// create the Second condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd2;
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($Cnd2 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
// create the Second plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA2;
setAttr ($PMA2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($PMA2 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($PMA2 + ".input1D[1]");
// Create the Fist Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD1;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD1 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($PMA2 + ".output1D") ($MD1 + ".input1X");
// Create the Second Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD2;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".input1X") -1;
connectAttr -f ($MD1 + ".outputX") ($MD2 + ".input2X");
// Create the Third Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".operation") 3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".input1X") 2.718282;
connectAttr -f ($MD2 + ".outputX")($MD3 + ".input2X");
// Create the Forth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD4;
setAttr ($MD4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD4 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD3 + ".outputX") ($MD4 + ".input2X");
// create the third plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA3;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".input1D[0]")$ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD4 + ".outputX") ($PMA3 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA3 + ".output1D") ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// Finishing the nested condition nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd2 + ".outColorR") ($Cnd1 + ".colorIfTrueR");
//connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ($LocNameAnkle + ".translateX");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD22;
setAttr ($MD22+ ".input1X") -1;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ($MD22 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($MD22 + ".outputX") ($LocNameAnkle + ".translateY");
// point constraining the SoftBlend Loc to Both AnkleLOC and leg CTRL
select -cl ;
select -r $LocNameAnkle;
select -add $legCtrl;
select -add $SoftBlendLocName;
pointConstraint -tl -n ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01");
select -cl ;
// creating set driven keys on the Soft blend loc and Stretch vlaues
setAttr ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 1;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $LocNameAnkle + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $legCtrl + "W1") 1;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $LocNameAnkle + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $legCtrl + "W1");
setAttr ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 0;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $LocNameAnkle + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $legCtrl + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $LocNameAnkle + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $legCtrl + "W1");
// Creating the Stretch soft IK setup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD7;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD7 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($L_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD7 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD8;
setAttr ($MD8 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD8 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($SoftDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD8 + ".input2X");
// Special Node 1
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD13;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input1X") $HipDist;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
// Special Node 2
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD14;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input1X") $KneeDist;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD9;
setAttr ($MD9 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD10;
setAttr ($MD10 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD11;
setAttr ($MD11 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD9 + ".outputX") ($MD11 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD11 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD12;
setAttr ($MD12 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD10 + ".outputX") ($MD12 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD12 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA4;
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD11 + ".outputX") ($PMA4 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".input1D[1]")$HipDist;
// $B2A1 is later connected to $JT2
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($JT2 + ".translateX");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA5;
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD12 + ".outputX") ($PMA5 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".input1D[1]")$KneeDist;
// Connected to $B2A2 Later
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Pin atribute
//Pin setup for upper leg
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD15;
setAttr ($MD15 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD15 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($HipDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD15 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd3;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm") $HipDist;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR") $HipDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A1;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd3 + ".outColorR") ($B2A1 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A1 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A1 + ".output") ($JT2 + ".translateX");
// pin setup for lowwer leg
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD16;
setAttr ($MD16 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD16 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($KneeDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD16 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd4;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm") $KneeDist;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR") $KneeDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A2;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd4 + ".outColorR") ($B2A2 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A2 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A2 + ".output") ($JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Slide atribute
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD17;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD17 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD18;
setAttr ($MD18 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD18 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($MD17 + ".outputX") ($MD18 + ".input1X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD19;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD19 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD20;
setAttr ($MD20 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD19 + ".outputX") ($MD20 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD20 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd5;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".operation") 4;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".secondTerm") 0;
connectAttr -f ($MD18 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfFalseR");
connectAttr -f ($MD20 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($Cnd5 + ".firstTerm");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA6;
setAttr ($PMA6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[1]");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA7;
setAttr ($PMA7 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA6 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA7 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
// Cleanup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD21;
setAttr ($MD21 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($StretchDistDT + "Shape"+ "." + "distance") ($MD21 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD21 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd6;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".secondTerm") $ChainLength;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".firstTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// connecting cond 6 to other mult nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD17 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD19 + ".input1X");
// making so that slide works with pinning
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA8;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".input1D[0]") $KneeDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA8 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA9;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".input1D[0]") $HipDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA9 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// Setting IK RP solver tolerance
setAttr ikRPsolver.tolerance 1e-007;
int $Leg_IKFK_CB = `checkBox -q -v Leg_IKFK_Check`;
if ($Leg_IKFK_CB == 1){
// Creating the IKFK Grear
/// Creat GEAR control
curve -d 1 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954337 -p 1.341144 0 -9.938909 -p 1.780851 0 -7.269811 -p 3.678533 0 -6.513824 -p 5.961923 0 -8.079797 -p 7.890462 0 -6.197544 -p 6.30906 0 -4.022152 -p 7.203902 0 -2.078185 -p 9.880714 0 -1.599907 -p 9.993845 0 1.032165 -p 7.353172 0 1.453142 -p 6.553317 0 3.642221 -p 8.128883 0 5.924288 -p 6.369816 0 7.795225 -p 4.211166 0 6.221865 -p 1.945528 0 7.247696 -p 1.442053 0 9.953875 -p -1.094204 0 9.985343 -p -1.496984 0 7.367271 -p -3.901078 0 6.416962 -p -6.135249 0 7.958855 -p -7.92888 0 6.184105 -p -6.349226 0 4.006574 -p -7.305829 0 1.671708 -p -9.961661 0 1.1997 -p -9.936487 0 -1.38061 -p -7.280655 0 -1.802271 -p -6.361813 0 -3.967214 -p -7.878532 0 -6.188799 -p -6.028261 0 -8.032777 -p -3.819263 0 -6.44683 -p -1.811656 0 -7.25239 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954336 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -n ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
//rename "curveShape1" ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL_shape");
addAttr -ln "IK_FK" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
setAttr -e-keyable true ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL.IK_FK");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// F
curve -d 1 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 0.4 -p -1 0 0.4 -p -1 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -n ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
// I
curve -d 1 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -n ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// K
curve -d 1 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -0.2 -p 3.2 0 -2.4 -p 4.2 0 -2.4 -p 2.2 0 0 -p 4.2 0 2.4 -p 3.2 0 2.4 -p 1.4 0 0.2 -p 1.4 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -n ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
parent ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
xform -r -t 30 0 30 -s 0.5 0.5 0.5 ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
// creating Bound leg
select -cl ;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $Bn1;
rename "joint2" $Bn2;
rename "joint3" $Bn3;
// creating FK leg
select -cl ;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $FK1;
rename "joint2" $FK2;
rename "joint3" $FK3;
// creating FK leg CTRLs
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK1 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK1 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK1;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK1 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK2 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK2 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK2;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK2 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK3 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK3 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK3;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK3 + "CTRL");
// Parenting the Bound to IK and FK leg;
select -r $JT1 $FK1 $Bn1;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn1 + "ParConst");
select -r $JT2 $FK2 $Bn2;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn2 + "ParConst");
select -r $JT3 $FK3 $Bn3;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn3 + "ParConst");
// SDK IK FK mode
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 0;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
select -cl;
//Cleanup of IK FK arm setup
parent $Bn1 $L_RootName ;
parent $FK1 $L_RootName ;
parent ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL") $L_RootName ;
int $Leg_Foot_CB = `checkBox -q -v Leg_Foot_Check`;
if ($Leg_Foot_CB == 1){
print "Foot Coming SOON \n";
warning "Must Create LOCS first";
proc MirrorLegSetup(){
string $L_RootName = "L_leg_Root";
if( `objExists $L_RootName` ){
string $LR = "R_";
string $LocNameHip = "L_leg_IK_Hip_LOC";
string $LocNameKnee = "L_leg_IK_Knee_LOC";
string $LocNameAnkle = "L_leg_IK_Ankle_LOC";
string $CTRLdistLocName = "L_leg_CTRLdist_LOC";
string $SoftBlendLocName = "L_leg_softBlend_LOC";
// Joint Sting names
string $RP_JT1 = "R_PROX_leg_IK_Hip_01";
string $RP_JT2 = "R_PROX_leg_IK_Knee_01";
string $RP_JT3 = "R_PROX_leg_IK_Ankle_01";
// Attrib Naming Strings
string $SlideName = ($LR + "leg_slideP");
string $StretchName = ($LR + "leg_stretchP");
string $SoftName = ($LR + "leg_softP");
string $PinName = ($LR + "leg_pinP");
// Misc String Names
string $R_legCtrl = "R_leg_IK_CTRL";
string $R_RootName = "R_leg_Root";
// Distance tool Name strings (-DT distance tool)
string $ControlDistDT = ($LR + "leg_controlDist");
string $SoftDistDT = ($LR + "leg_softDist");
string $HipDistDT = ($LR + "leg_HipDist");
string $KneeDistDT = ($LR + "leg_KneeDist");
string $StretchDistDT = ($LR + "leg_stretchDist");
// Node Name Strings
//Cnd Nodes
string $Cnd1 = ($LR + "leg_Cond1");
string $Cnd2 = ($LR + "leg_Cond2");
// Pin CND Nodes
string $Cnd3 = ($LR + "leg_Cond3");
string $Cnd4 = ($LR + "leg_Cond4");
// Slide CND Node
string $Cnd5 = ($LR + "leg_Cond5");
string $Cnd6 = ($LR + "leg_Cond6");
//PMA nodes
string $PMA1 = ($LR + "leg_PMA1");
string $PMA2 = ($LR + "leg_PMA2");
string $PMA3 = ($LR + "leg_PMA3");
// Pma nodes for Stretch soft IK
string $PMA4 = ($LR + "leg_PMA4");
string $PMA5 = ($LR + "leg_PMA5");
// Pma nodes for Slide
string $PMA6 = ($LR + "leg_PMA6");
string $PMA7 = ($LR + "leg_PMA7");
string $PMA8 = ($LR + "leg_PMA8");
string $PMA9 = ($LR + "leg_PMA9");
//Multiply Divide Nodes
string $MD1 = ($LR + "leg_MD1");
string $MD2 = ($LR + "leg_MD2");
string $MD3 = ($LR + "leg_MD3");
string $MD4 = ($LR + "leg_MD4");
string $MD5 = ($LR + "leg_MD5");
string $MD6 = ($LR + "leg_MD6");
//Multiply Divide Nodes for Stretch Soft IK
string $MD7 = ($LR + "leg_MD7");
string $MD8 = ($LR + "leg_MD8");
string $MD9 = ($LR + "leg_MD9");
string $MD10 = ($LR + "leg_MD10");
string $MD11 = ($LR + "leg_MD11");
string $MD12 = ($LR + "leg_MD12");
// Special MD nodes for stretch
string $MD13 = ($LR + "leg_MD_HipByChainLen");
string $MD14 = ($LR + "leg_MD_KneeByChainLen");
// Pin MD nodes
string $MD15 = ($LR + "leg_MD15");
string $MD16 = ($LR + "leg_MD16");
// Slide MD nodes
string $MD17 = ($LR + "leg_MD17");
string $MD18 = ($LR + "leg_MD18");
string $MD19 = ($LR + "leg_MD19");
string $MD20 = ($LR + "leg_MD20");
string $MD21 = ($LR + "leg_MD21");
string $MD22 = ($LR + "leg_MD22");
// Pin Blend ATTR nodes
string $B2A1 = ($LR + "leg_BL2Atr01");
string $B2A2 = ($LR + "leg_BL2Atr02");
// new mirrored Locs
string $R_LocNameHip = "R_leg_IK_Hip_LOC";
string $R_LocNameKnee = "R_leg_IK_Knee_LOC";
string $R_LocNameAnkle = "R_leg_IK_Ankle_LOC";
string $R_CTRLdistLocName = "R_leg_CTRLdist_LOC";
string $R_SoftBlendLocName = "R_leg_softBlend_LOC";
// new Joint Sting names
string $R_JT1 = "R_leg_IK_Hip_01";
string $R_JT2 = "R_leg_IK_Knee_01";
string $R_JT3 = "R_leg_IK_Ankle_01";
// New strings to apend
// Bound leg names
string $Bn1 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Hip_01");
string $Bn2 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Knee_01");
string $Bn3 = ($LR + "leg_Bound_Ankle_01");
// FK leg names
string $FK1 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Hip_01");
string $FK2 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Knee_01");
string $FK3 = ($LR + "leg_FK_Ankle_01");
float $R_Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameHip`;
float $R_Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameKnee`;
float $R_Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameAnkle`;
float $Loc1Invrs = ($R_Loc1[0] * -1);
float $Loc2Invrs = ($R_Loc2[0] * -1);
float $Loc3Invrs = ($R_Loc3[0] * -1);
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameHip -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc1Invrs $R_Loc1[1] $R_Loc1[2];
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameKnee -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc2Invrs $R_Loc2[1] $R_Loc2[2];
spaceLocator -n $R_LocNameAnkle -p 0 0 0;
xform -t $Loc3Invrs $R_Loc3[1] $R_Loc3[2];
select -r $R_LocNameHip;
select -add $R_LocNameKnee;
select -add $R_LocNameAnkle;
string $R_BoneLocs[]=`ls -sl`;
int $R_amount=`size($R_BoneLocs)`;
for ($R_n=0; $R_n<$R_amount; $R_n++) {
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleX") 5;
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleY") 5;
setAttr ($R_BoneLocs[$R_n] + ".localScaleZ") 5;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
//setAttr ($BoneLocs[$n] + ".overrideColor") 17;
// creation of joins on locators
select -cl ;
float $Loc1[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameHip`;
float $Loc2[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameKnee`;
float $Loc3[] = `xform -worldSpace -q -translation $LocNameAnkle`;
joint -p $Loc1[0] $Loc1[1] $Loc1[2] ;
joint -p $Loc2[0] $Loc2[1] $Loc2[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint1;
joint -p $Loc3[0] $Loc3[1] $Loc3[2] ;
joint -e -zso -oj xyz -sao yup joint2;
rename "joint1" $RP_JT1;
rename "joint2" $RP_JT2;
rename "joint3" $RP_JT3;
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_" "R_";
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_leg_IK" "R_leg_Bound";
select -r $RP_JT1;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -sr "R_PROX_leg_IK" "R_leg_FK";
delete R_PROX_leg_IK_Hip_01;
// Creating the leg Control
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 0 -n $R_legCtrl;
// adding atributes to the leg CTRL
addAttr -ln "Ik_Controls" -at double -dv 0 -k true;
setAttr -lock true ($R_legCtrl + ".Ik_Controls");
addAttr -ln $SlideName -nn "Slide" -at double -max 1 -min -1 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $StretchName -nn "Stretch" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $SoftName -nn "Soft" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
addAttr -ln $PinName -nn "Pin" -at double -max 1 -min 0 -dv 0 -k true;
xform -ro 0 0 -90 $R_legCtrl;
setAttr ($R_legCtrl + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($R_legCtrl + ".overrideColor") 18;
// creating Ankle control dist Loc
spaceLocator -n $R_CTRLdistLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "leg_CTRLdist_LOC") $R_legCtrl;
spaceLocator -n $R_SoftBlendLocName -p 0 0 0;
parent ($LR + "leg_softBlend_LOC") $R_legCtrl;
// moving CTRL to Ankle
select -r $R_LocNameAnkle;
select -add $R_legCtrl;
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -n CTRLtoAnkleConst;
select -r CTRLtoAnkleConst;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 $R_legCtrl;
// create Root node
group -em -n $R_RootName;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($R_RootName + ".scaleY");
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($R_RootName + ".scaleZ");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($R_RootName + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($R_RootName + ".sz");
// Parenting all the things
parent $R_JT1 $R_LocNameHip;
parent $R_LocNameAnkle $R_LocNameHip;
parent $R_LocNameHip $R_RootName;
parent $R_LocNameKnee $R_RootName;
parent $R_SoftBlendLocName $R_RootName;
parent $R_legCtrl $R_RootName;
ikHandle -n ($LR + "leg_IK") -sj $R_JT1 -ee $R_JT3;
poleVectorConstraint $R_LocNameKnee ($LR + "leg_IK");
parent ($LR + "leg_IK") $R_SoftBlendLocName;
// aim constrain the Hip loc to the Hand CTRL
aimConstraint -mo -weight 1 -aimVector 0 -1 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "object" -worldUpObject $R_RootName $R_legCtrl $R_LocNameHip;
//aimConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 -aimVector -1 0 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "objectrotation" -worldUpVector 0 1 0 -worldUpObject $legCtrl $LocNameHip;
// creation of distance tools
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -100 -ep 50 0 -100 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -90 -ep 50 0 -90 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -80 -ep 50 0 -80 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -70 -ep 50 0 -70 ;
distanceDimension -sp 0 0 -60 -ep 50 0 -60 ;
rename "distanceDimension1" $ControlDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension2" $SoftDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension3" $HipDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension4" $KneeDistDT;
rename "distanceDimension5" $StretchDistDT;
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_CTRLdistLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($ControlDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameAnkle + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($SoftDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($HipDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameKnee + ".worldPosition[0]")($HipDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameKnee + ".worldPosition[0]")($KneeDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($KneeDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_LocNameHip + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.startPoint");
connectAttr -f ($R_SoftBlendLocName + ".worldPosition[0]")($StretchDistDT + "Shape.endPoint");
// This will cause problems if any of these are already in the scene.
select -r locator1 locator2 locator3 locator4 locator5 locator6 locator7 locator8 locator9 locator10 ;
select -r $ControlDistDT $SoftDistDT $HipDistDT $KneeDistDT $StretchDistDT ;
group -n ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP");
parent ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP") $R_RootName;
setAttr ($LR + "leg_DistTools_GRP" + ".visibility") 0;
// finding the chain length
float $HipDist = `getAttr ($HipDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $KneeDist = `getAttr ($KneeDistDT + "Shape.distance")`;
float $ChainLength = ($HipDist + $KneeDist);
// Creating all the nodes
Normalising the Root Scale And working that into the node network.
// Create the Fith Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD5;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD5 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD5 + ".input2X");
// Create the Sixth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD6;
setAttr ($MD6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD5 + ".outputX") ($MD6 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($ControlDistDT + "Shape.distance") ($MD6 + ".input1X");
// create the First condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd1;
setAttr ($Cnd1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".firstTerm");
// create the First plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA1;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA1 + ".input1D[0]") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($PMA1 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($Cnd1 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($Cnd1 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// create the Second condition node
createNode condition -n $Cnd2;
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($Cnd2 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
// create the Second plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA2;
setAttr ($PMA2 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD6 + ".outputX")($PMA2 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA1 + ".output1D") ($PMA2 + ".input1D[1]");
// Create the Fist Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD1;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD1 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($PMA2 + ".output1D") ($MD1 + ".input1X");
// Create the Second Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD2;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD2 + ".input1X") -1;
connectAttr -f ($MD1 + ".outputX") ($MD2 + ".input2X");
// Create the Third Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".operation") 3;
setAttr ($MD3 + ".input1X") 2.718282;
connectAttr -f ($MD2 + ".outputX")($MD3 + ".input2X");
// Create the Forth Multiply Divide Node
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD4;
setAttr ($MD4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SoftName) ($MD4 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD3 + ".outputX") ($MD4 + ".input2X");
// create the third plusMinusAverage node
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA3;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA3 + ".input1D[0]")$ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD4 + ".outputX") ($PMA3 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA3 + ".output1D") ($Cnd2 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// Finishing the nested condition nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd2 + ".outColorR") ($Cnd1 + ".colorIfTrueR");
//connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ($R_LocNameAnkle + ".translateX");
// point constraining the SoftBlend Loc to Both AnkleLOC and leg CTRL
select -cl ;
select -r $R_LocNameAnkle;
select -add $R_legCtrl;
select -add $R_SoftBlendLocName;
pointConstraint -tl -n ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01");
select -cl ;
// creating set driven keys on the Soft blend loc and Stretch vlaues
setAttr ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 1;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_LocNameAnkle + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_legCtrl + "W1") 1;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_LocNameAnkle + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_legCtrl + "W1");
setAttr ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) 0;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_LocNameAnkle + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01"+ "." + $R_legCtrl + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_LocNameAnkle + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($R_SoftBlendLocName + "PointConst01" + "." + $R_legCtrl + "W1");
// Creating the Stretch soft IK setup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD7;
setAttr ($MD1 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD7 + ".input1X") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_RootName + ".scaleX") ($MD7 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD8;
setAttr ($MD8 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD8 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($SoftDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD8 + ".input2X");
// Special Node 1
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD13;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input1X") $HipDist;
setAttr ($MD13 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
// Special Node 2
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD14;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input1X") $KneeDist;
setAttr ($MD14 + ".input2X") $ChainLength;
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD9;
setAttr ($MD9 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD9 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD10;
setAttr ($MD10 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD8 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD10 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD11;
setAttr ($MD11 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD9 + ".outputX") ($MD11 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD11 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD12;
setAttr ($MD12 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD10 + ".outputX") ($MD12 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $StretchName) ($MD12 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA4;
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD11 + ".outputX") ($PMA4 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA4 + ".input1D[1]")$HipDist;
// $B2A1 is later connected to $R_JT2
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($R_JT2 + ".translateX");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA5;
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD12 + ".outputX") ($PMA5 + ".input1D[0]");
setAttr ($PMA5 + ".input1D[1]")$KneeDist;
// Connected to $B2A2 Later
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($R_JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Pin atribute
//Pin setup for upper leg
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD15;
setAttr ($MD15 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD15 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($HipDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD15 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd3;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD15 + ".outputX") ($Cnd3 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm") $HipDist;
setAttr ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR") $HipDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A1;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd3 + ".outColorR") ($B2A1 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A1 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A1 + ".output") ($R_JT2 + ".translateX");
// pin setup for lowwer leg
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD16;
setAttr ($MD16 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD16 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($KneeDistDT + "Shape" + ".distance") ($MD16 + ".input1X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd4;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($MD16 + ".outputX") ($Cnd4 + ".firstTerm");
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm") $KneeDist;
setAttr ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR") $KneeDist;
shadingNode -asUtility blendTwoAttr -n $B2A2;
//connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd4 + ".outColorR") ($B2A2 + ".input[1]");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $PinName) ($B2A2 + ".attributesBlender");
connectAttr -f ($B2A2 + ".output") ($R_JT3 + ".translateX");
// setting up the Slide atribute
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD17;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD17 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD14 + ".outputX") ($MD17 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD18;
setAttr ($MD18 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD18 + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ($MD17 + ".outputX") ($MD18 + ".input1X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD19;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($MD19 + ".input1X") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD13 + ".outputX") ($MD19 + ".input2X");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD20;
setAttr ($MD20 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($MD19 + ".outputX") ($MD20 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($MD20 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd5;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".operation") 4;
setAttr ($Cnd5 + ".secondTerm") 0;
connectAttr -f ($MD18 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfFalseR");
connectAttr -f ($MD20 + ".outputX") ($Cnd5 + ".colorIfTrueR");
connectAttr -f ($R_legCtrl + "." + $SlideName) ($Cnd5 + ".firstTerm");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA6;
setAttr ($PMA6 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($PMA4 + ".output1D") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA6 + ".input1D[1]");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA7;
setAttr ($PMA7 + ".operation") 2;
connectAttr -f ($PMA5 + ".output1D") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[0]");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA7 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA6 + ".output1D") ($B2A1 + ".input[0]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA7 + ".output1D") ($B2A2 + ".input[0]");
// Cleanup
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $MD21;
setAttr ($MD21 + ".operation") 1;
connectAttr -f ($StretchDistDT + "Shape"+ "." + "distance") ($MD21 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($MD7 + ".outputX") ($MD21 + ".input2X");
createNode condition -n $Cnd6;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".secondTerm") $ChainLength;
setAttr ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfFalseR") $ChainLength;
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".firstTerm");
connectAttr -f ($MD21 + ".outputX") ($Cnd6 + ".colorIfTrueR");
// connecting cond 6 to other mult nodes
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD17 + ".input1X");
connectAttr -f ($Cnd6 + ".outColorR") ($MD19 + ".input1X");
// making so that slide works with pinning
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA8;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".operation") 1;
setAttr ($PMA8 + ".input1D[0]") $KneeDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA8 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA8 + ".output1D") ($Cnd4 + ".colorIfFalseR");
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -n $PMA9;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".operation") 2;
setAttr ($PMA9 + ".input1D[0]") $HipDist;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd5 + ".outColorR") ($PMA9 + ".input1D[1]");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".secondTerm");
connectAttr -f ($PMA9 + ".output1D") ($Cnd3 + ".colorIfFalseR");
// Adding a last MD node so that mirroring works
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n R_leg_MD_MirrorResult;
setAttr "R_leg_MD_MirrorResult.input1X" -1;
connectAttr -f ($Cnd1 + ".outColorR") ("R_leg_MD_MirrorResult" + ".input2X");
connectAttr -f ("R_leg_MD_MirrorResult" + ".outputX") ($R_LocNameAnkle + ".translateY");
//Checking if user wants to create an FK chain
int $Leg_IKFK_CB = `checkBox -q -v Leg_IKFK_Check`;
if ($Leg_IKFK_CB == 1){
// creation of Bound Chain on Position of Locs
// Creating the IKFK Grear
/// Creat GEAR control
curve -d 1 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954337 -p 1.341144 0 -9.938909 -p 1.780851 0 -7.269811 -p 3.678533 0 -6.513824 -p 5.961923 0 -8.079797 -p 7.890462 0 -6.197544 -p 6.30906 0 -4.022152 -p 7.203902 0 -2.078185 -p 9.880714 0 -1.599907 -p 9.993845 0 1.032165 -p 7.353172 0 1.453142 -p 6.553317 0 3.642221 -p 8.128883 0 5.924288 -p 6.369816 0 7.795225 -p 4.211166 0 6.221865 -p 1.945528 0 7.247696 -p 1.442053 0 9.953875 -p -1.094204 0 9.985343 -p -1.496984 0 7.367271 -p -3.901078 0 6.416962 -p -6.135249 0 7.958855 -p -7.92888 0 6.184105 -p -6.349226 0 4.006574 -p -7.305829 0 1.671708 -p -9.961661 0 1.1997 -p -9.936487 0 -1.38061 -p -7.280655 0 -1.802271 -p -6.361813 0 -3.967214 -p -7.878532 0 -6.188799 -p -6.028261 0 -8.032777 -p -3.819263 0 -6.44683 -p -1.811656 0 -7.25239 -p -1.327953 0 -9.954336 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -n ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
//rename "curveShape1" ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL_shape");
addAttr -ln "IK_FK" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
setAttr -e-keyable true ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL.IK_FK");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// F
curve -d 1 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 -2.4 -p -3.6 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 2.4 -p -2.8 0 0.4 -p -1 0 0.4 -p -1 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -0.4 -p -2.8 0 -1.6 -p -0.8 0 -1.6 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -n ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
// I
curve -d 1 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 -2.4 -p -1.6 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 2.4 -p -2.4 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -n ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
// K
curve -d 1 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -2.4 -p 1.4 0 -0.2 -p 3.2 0 -2.4 -p 4.2 0 -2.4 -p 2.2 0 0 -p 4.2 0 2.4 -p 3.2 0 2.4 -p 1.4 0 0.2 -p 1.4 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 2.4 -p 0.6 0 -2.4 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -n ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve");
setAttr ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".overrideColor") 17;
parent ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve") ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 1;
setAttr ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".visibility");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "K_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "I_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ty");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".tz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".ry");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".rz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sx");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sy");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".sz");
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false ($LR + "F_leg_CTRL_Curve" + ".v");
xform -r -t -30 0 30 -s 0.5 0.5 0.5 ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL");
// creating FK leg CTRLs
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK1 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK1 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK1 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK1;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK1 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK2 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK2 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK2 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK2;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK2 + "CTRL");
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 4 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n ($FK3 + "CTRL");
xform -ro 0 0 -90 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1 ($FK3 + "CTRL");
select -r ($FK3 + "CTRL" + "Shape");
select -add $FK3;
parent -r -s;
delete ($FK3 + "CTRL");
// Parenting the Bound to IK and FK leg;
select -r $R_JT1 $FK1 $Bn1;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn1 + "ParConst");
select -r $R_JT2 $FK2 $Bn2;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn2 + "ParConst");
select -r $R_JT3 $FK3 $Bn3;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -n ($Bn3 + "ParConst");
// SDK IK FK mode
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
setAttr ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") 0;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1") 0;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0") 1;
setAttr ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1") 0;
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT1 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn1 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK1 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT2 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn2 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK2 + "W1");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $R_JT3 + "W0");
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL" + ".IK_FK") ($Bn3 + "ParConst" + "." + $FK3 + "W1");
select -cl;
//Cleanup of IK FK arm setup
parent $Bn1 $R_RootName ;
parent $FK1 $R_RootName ;
parent ($LR + "leg_GEAR_CTRL") $R_RootName ;
delete $Bn1;
delete $FK1;
warning "Must Create Leg Before Mirroring";
proc DeleteSetupLeg(){
string $DeleteConfirm = `confirmDialog -title "Delete Leg" -message "Are you sure?"
-button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes"
-cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
if ($DeleteConfirm == "Yes"){
string $R_RootName = "R_leg_Root";
if( `objExists $R_RootName` ) {
select -r $R_RootName;
select -cl;
string $L_RootName = "L_leg_Root";
if( `objExists $L_RootName` ) {
select -r $L_RootName;
select -cl;
} else {
warning("Leg Setup Does not Exist");
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