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Created June 1, 2021 22:22
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import maya.cmds as cmds
# Capture the user selection
user_selection =
# Create a duplicate of it
new_geo = cmds.duplicate(user_selection[0])
# Create a twist deformed and two bend deformers.
twist_def, twist_handle = cmds.nonLinear(new_geo[0], type='twist')
bend_def_01, bend_handle_01 = cmds.nonLinear(new_geo[0], type='bend')
bend_def_02, bend_handle_02 = cmds.nonLinear(new_geo[0], type='bend')
NOTE: The nonLinear cmd will return a list of 2 items so
we capture them here like this. The handles are what you
will move around and the defs are what you can use to add
some twist or bend before you start.
eg: cmds.setAttr('{}.startAngle'.format(twist_def), 45.0)
# Rotating the second bend deformer
cmds.rotate(0, 90, 0, bend_handle_02, relative=True)
NOTE: If you would like to rotate any of the other
deformers you can do that here too. Rotations given as X, Y, Z
eg: cmds.rotate(0, 90, 0, twist_handle, relative=True)
# Grouping the deformers and the duplicated Geo
all_transforms = [new_geo[0],
final_grp =
NOTE: If you want to name the group you can pass it to the name flag
like this: final_grp =, name='hair_grp')
# The group should already be selected once its created but
# for sake of example you can select it like this., replace=True)
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