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Last active April 20, 2018 01:13
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  • Save JustinSDK/734dec3b60aa691b76ee85d6f9c548bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JustinSDK/734dec3b60aa691b76ee85d6f9c548bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class List {
constructor(array) {
this.array = array;
get first() {
return this.array[0];
get tail() {
return new List(this.array.slice(1));
get init() {
return new List(this.array.slice(0, -1));
get last() {
return this.array[this.array.length - 1];
prepend(elem) {
return new List([elem].concat(this.array));
append(elem) {
return new List(this.array.concat([elem]));
isEmpty() {
return this.array.length === 0;
toString() {
return this.array.join(' ');
class Head {
constructor(left, current, right) {
this.left = left;
this.current = current;
this.right = right;
moveLeft(n = 1, head = this) {
if(n === 0) {
return head;
else {
let h = new Head(
head.left.last || 0,
return this.moveLeft(n - 1, h);
moveRight(n = 1, head = this) {
if(n === 0) {
return head;
else {
let h = new Head(
head.right.first || 0,
return this.moveRight(n - 1, h);
write(data) {
return new Head(this.left, data, this.right, this.defaultValue);
toString() {
let l = this.left.toString();
let r = this.right.toString();
return `[${l}](${this.current})[${r}]`;
class CommandState {
constructor(head) {
this.head = head;
// idx 是指令索引,不是指陣列索引
get idx() {
return this.head.current;
// 取得目前的指令
get current() {
return this.head.moveRight(this.idx + 1).current;
// 磁頭在指令區前進 n 個位置
step(n = 1) {
return new CommandState(
this.head.write(this.idx + n)
// 移動至最近的 ] 指令
rightBracket() {
function bracket(commandState) {
if(commandState.current === ']') {
return commandState.idx;
} else {
return bracket(commandState.step());
return new CommandState(
// 移動至最近的 [ 指令
leftBracket() {
function bracket(commandState) {
if(commandState.current === '[') {
return commandState.idx;
} else {
return bracket(commandState.step(-1));
return new CommandState(
// 將磁頭停靠在「指令索引」位置
park(head = this.head) {
return head.left.isEmpty() ?
new CommandState(head) : this.park(head.moveLeft());
isRunnable() {
return this.current !== '\0';
class DataState {
constructor(head) {
this.head = head;
// idx 是資料索引,不是指陣列索引
get idx() {
return this.head.current;
// 取得目前磁頭下的資料
get current() {
return this.head.moveRight(this.idx + 1).current;
// 磁頭在資料區前進 n 個位置
step(n = 1) {
return new DataState(
this.head.write(this.idx + n)
// 在目前位置寫入指定的資料
writeCurrent(x) {
let head = this.head.moveRight(this.idx + 1);
return new DataState(
head.write(x).moveLeft(this.idx + 1)
// 將磁頭停靠在「資料索引」位置
park(head = this.head) {
return head.current === '\0' ? new DataState(head.moveRight()) : this.park(head.moveRight());
class Context {
constructor(head) {
this.state = new CommandState(head);
isRunnable() {
return this.state.isRunnable();
get data() {
let head = this.state.head;
// 呼叫 park 轉移狀態
let dataState = new DataState(head).park();
return dataState.head.right.array;
class Manual {
constructor() {
this.rules = new Map([
['+', addOne],
['-', minusOne],
['>', moveHeadRight],
['<', moveHeadLeft],
['[', leftBracket],
[']', rightBracket],
['.', convertToChar],
[',', convertToNumber]
function head(dataState) {
return dataState.current;
function writeCurrent(dataState, x) {
// 轉移至指令狀態
let commandState = new CommandState(dataState.writeCurrent(x).head)
return new Context(commandState.head);
// +
function addOne(dataState) {
return writeCurrent(dataState, head(dataState) + 1);
// -
function minusOne(dataState) {
return writeCurrent(dataState, head(dataState) - 1);
// <
function moveHeadLeft(dataState) {
// 轉移至指令狀態
let commandState = new CommandState(dataState.step(-1).head).park().step();
return new Context(commandState.head);
// >
function moveHeadRight(dataState) {
// 轉移至指令狀態
let commandState = new CommandState(dataState.step().head).park().step();
return new Context(commandState.head);
// .
function convertToChar(dataState) {
return writeCurrent(dataState, String.fromCharCode(head(dataState)));
// ,
function convertToNumber(dataState) {
return writeCurrent(dataState, head(dataState).charCodeAt(0));
// [
function leftBracket(dataState) {
// 轉移至指令狀態
let commandState = new CommandState(dataState.head).park();
if(head(dataState) === 0) {
return new Context(commandState.rightBracket().head);
else {
return new Context(commandState.step().head);
// ]
function rightBracket(dataState) {
// 轉移至指令狀態
let commandState = new CommandState(dataState.head).park();
if(head(dataState) === 0) {
return new Context(commandState.step().head);
else {
return new Context(commandState.leftBracket().head);
next_context(context) {
let commandState = context.state;
let cmd = commandState.current;
// 轉移至資料狀態
let dataState = new DataState(commandState.head).park();
return this.rules.get(cmd)(dataState);
class Brainfuck {
constructor(code) {
this.context = new Context(
new Head(new List([]), 0, new List(Array.from(code + '\0')))
this.manual = new Manual();
execute() {
return this.runUntilHalt(this.context).data;
runUntilHalt(context) {
return context.isRunnable() ?
this.runUntilHalt(this.manual.next_context(context)) :
function println(v) {
let code = '++++++++[>+++++++++<-]>.<+++++++[>>++++++++++<<-]>>-.<<+++++++[>>>++++++++++<<<-]>>>++++++.<<<+++++++[>>>>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>>++++++.<<<<++++++++[>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<-]>>>>>-.<<<<<++++[>>>>>>+++++++++++<<<<<<-]>>>>>>.<<<<<<+++++++++[>>>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>---.<<<<<<<++++++++[>>>>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>-.<<<<<<<<++++++++[>>>>>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>++.<<<<<<<<<++++++++[>>>>>>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>>----.<<<<<<<<<<+++++++[>>>>>>>>>>>++++++++++<<<<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>>>--.<<<<<<<<<<<';
let result = new Brainfuck(code).execute();
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