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Created March 22, 2022 10:51
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Save JustinStitt/0e85600f2b917b6eca0d122dbc86bda2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
for a ctf. idk
from collections import defaultdict
dump = open('./dump.nasm.txt')
def where_next(amnt, _from):
return _from + amnt * 106
def calculate_paths(curr):
NORTH = -51; EAST = 1; SOUTH = 51; WEST = -1
dirs = {1: NORTH, 2: WEST, 3: EAST, 4: SOUTH}
paths = []
for (_dir, amnt) in dirs.items():
paths.append([_dir, where_next(amnt, curr)])
return paths
kSTARTING_NODE = 4313904
GOAL = 4229952
mappings = dict()
for line in dump.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if 'nop' in line: continue
colon_idx = line.find(':')
key = line[:colon_idx]
key = int(key, 16)
value = line[colon_idx+1:]
value = value.strip()
if key == GOAL:
mappings[key] = 1 # goal state
print('there exists a goal!')
elif 'xor' in value:
mappings[key] = 0 # dead end
elif 'BYTE' in value:
mappings[key] = calculate_paths(key)
mappings[key] = 0
solved = False
def dfs(address, visited, path = []):
global solved
if address in visited: return
if mappings[address] == 1: solved = True; return path
if mappings[address] == 0: return
for (direction, neighbour) in mappings[address]:
ans = dfs(neighbour, visited, path[:]+[direction])
if ans != None and len(ans) > 0: return ans
_visited = set()
answer = dfs(kSTARTING_NODE, _visited)
fa = ''
for e in answer: fa += str(e)
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