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Created May 1, 2023 07:05
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import re
class Equation:
A Class for representing a single equation in a system of equations.
In the form:
`2x_0 + 3x_1 - 4x_2 = 6`
where `x_n` represents the nth index from the input variables.
def __init__(self, lhs: str, rhs: int):
self.lhs: str = lhs
self.rhs: int = rhs
def evaluate(self, values: list[int]) -> int:
assert len(self.lhs), "Cannot have empty expression for left-hand side!"
# plug in values for `x_n`'s
pattern = r"x_\d+"
def get_next_replacement(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
group =
return str(values[int(group[2:])])
replaced_lhs = re.sub(
pattern=pattern, repl=get_next_replacement, string=self.lhs
return eval(replaced_lhs)
f"Could not evaluate {self.lhs=} with expected {self.rhs=} and {replaced_lhs=}"
class SystemOfEquations:
Represents a system of equations containing multiple `evaluate`-able
Check if values satisfies system in polynomial time.
def __init__(self):
self.equations: list[Equation] = []
def add(self, eq: Equation) -> None:
def satisfies(self, values: list[int]) -> bool:
O(n * k)
where n is the number of equations in the system and
k is the number of values
return all([eq.evaluate(values) == eq.rhs for eq in self.equations])
if __name__ == "__main__":
soe = SystemOfEquations()
soe.add(Equation("x_0 + x_1 + x_2", 2))
soe.add(Equation("x_0 + x_2", 1))
soe.add(Equation("x_1 + x_2", 2))
assert soe.satisfies([0, 1, 1])
assert not soe.satisfies([2, 3, 4])
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