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Created August 3, 2018 12:07
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I'm weird, so I made a haskell script to generate my ghci config.
#!stack runhaskell
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Printf
data ExtsHelper
= Prefixed String
| Values [String]
exts :: [ExtsHelper]
exts =
[ Prefixed "Overloaded" [Values ["Strings", "Lists"]]
, Prefixed
[ Values
[ "Functor"
, "Generic"
, "Traversable"
, "Foldable"
, "DataTypeable"
, Prefixed "Flexible" [Values ["Instances", "Contexts"]]
, Prefixed "Type" [Values ["SynonymInstances", "Operators", "Families"]]
, Values
[ "ExistentialQuantification"
, "FunctionalDependencies"
, "RankNTypes"
, "LambdaCase"
, "TupleSections"
, "MultiParamTypeClasses"
, "MultiWayIf"
, "NamedFieldPuns"
, "RecordWildCards"
, "PartialTypeSignatures"
, "QuasiQuotes"
, "TemplateHaskell"
, "ScopedTypeVariables"
, "StandaloneDeriving"
, "GADTs"
, "ViewPatterns"
flattenExts :: ExtsHelper -> [String]
flattenExts (Prefixed p vals) = vals >>= map (p <>) . flattenExts
flattenExts (Values v) = v
main :: IO ()
main =
writeFile ".ghci" $
":set %v\n:set prompt \"λ>\"\n"
(unwords $ map ("-X" <>) $ concatMap flattenExts exts)
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