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Created April 18, 2020 05:41
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<title>Anime4K Shader</title>
<canvas id="main" width="640px" height="360px"></canvas>
<img id="image" src="3.JPG"/>
<script src="main.js"></script>
import { render, createTexture, createProgramFromHook } from '@/webgl-util'
import shaders from '@/shader'
const canvas = document.querySelector('#main');
const image = document.querySelector('#image');
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2');
const textures = {};
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
const framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);
const emptyPixels = new Uint8Array(image.width * image.height * 4)
textures['HOOK'] = {
texture: createTexture(gl, emptyPixels, 4, image.width, image.height),
width: image.width,
height: image.height
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, textures['HOOK'].texture, 0)
const inputProgram = createProgramFromHook(gl, [{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 }], `
vec4 hook() {
return HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
render(gl, inputProgram, [{
texture: createTexture(gl, image),
width: image.width,
height: image.height
for (const shader of shaders) {
// if (!(shader.hook in textures)) {
// textures[shader.hook] = {
// texture: createTexture(gl, image),
// width: image.width,
// height: image.height
// }
// }
const emptyPixels = new Uint8Array(image.width * image.height * 4)
const temp = createTexture(gl, emptyPixels, 4, image.width, image.height)
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, temp, 0)
const metadatas = [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: shader.hook, id: 0 }
const inputTexture = [textures['HOOK']];
shader.bind = shader.bind || [];
const bind = shader.bind instanceof Array ? shader.bind : [shader.bind];, index) => {
if (item in textures) {
metadatas.push({ name: item, id: index + 1 });
else throw 'no such texture: ' + item;
const program = createProgramFromHook(gl, metadatas, shader.source);
render(gl, program, inputTexture); = || 'HOOK';
textures[] = {
texture: temp,
width: image.width,
height: image.height
textures[shader.hook] = {
texture: temp,
width: image.width,
height: image.height
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
const LumaDenoise = `
#define STRENGTH 0.1
#define KERNELSIZE 3
#define KERNELLEN 9
float gaussian(float x, float s, float m) {
return (1.0 / (s * sqrt(2.0 * 3.14159))) * exp(-0.5 * pow(abs(x - m) / s, 2.0));
vec4 getMode(vec4 histogram_v[KERNELLEN], float histogram_w[KERNELLEN]) {
vec4 maxv = vec4(0);
float maxw = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<KERNELLEN; i++) {
if (histogram_w[i] > maxw) {
maxw = histogram_w[i];
maxv = histogram_v[i];
return maxv;
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
float sharpval = clamp(HOOKED_size.x / 1920.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 histogram_v[KERNELLEN];
float histogram_w[KERNELLEN];
float histogram_wn[KERNELLEN];
float vc = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos).x;
float s = vc * STRENGTH + 0.0001;
float ss = SPREAD_STRENGTH * sharpval + 0.0001;
for (int i=0; i<KERNELLEN; i++) {
vec2 ipos = GETOFFSET(i);
histogram_v[i] = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + ipos * d);
histogram_w[i] = gaussian(vc - histogram_v[i].x, s, 0.0) * gaussian(distance(vec2(0), ipos), ss, 0.0);
histogram_wn[i] = 0.0;
float sr = MODE_REGULARIZATION / 255.0;
for (int i=0; i<KERNELLEN; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<KERNELLEN; j++) {
histogram_wn[j] += gaussian(histogram_v[j].x, sr, histogram_v[i].x) * histogram_w[i];
return vec4(getMode(histogram_v, histogram_wn).x, 0, 0, 0);
/* ---------------------- x2 PRESCALER ---------------------- */
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.g = 0.000000;
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const MLConv1 = `
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
float a = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y)).x;
float b = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0)).x;
float c = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y)).x;
float d = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y)).x;
float e = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0)).x;
float f = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y)).x;
float g = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y)).x;
float h = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0)).x;
float i = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y)).x;
float s = 0.06518857*a + -0.0118667185*b + -0.07614037*c + -0.46956885*d + 0.2812869*e + 0.4135128*f + -0.117597*g + -0.43488324*h + 0.33814532*i;
float o = s+0.018250784;
s = 0.004705962*a + 0.064553976*b + -0.07471142*c + -0.12856083*d + 0.15492548*e + 0.7035231*f + 0.16384916*g + -0.8741586*h + -0.012426951*i;
float p = s+0.0018347593;
s = -0.002186087*a + 0.08980697*b + -0.075706676*c + 0.21820599*d + -1.4773877*e + 0.39514637*f + -0.049297944*g + 0.3549184*h + 0.5490852*i;
float q = s+0.0019366593;
s = -0.0019400899*a + 0.02402473*b + -0.07429219*c + 0.16930206*d + -0.2798244*e + 0.08784747*f + -0.018798571*g + 0.039233245*h + 0.053139925*i;
float r = s+0.0028748403;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLConv2 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN0_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = -0.078850485*a.x + 0.008778143*b.x + 0.09409134*c.x + 0.17980288*d.x + -0.13836896*e.x + 0.041511726*f.x + 0.111073226*g.x + 0.24465907*h.x + -0.2613636*i.x;
float t = 0.04978624*a.y + -0.043356195*b.y + -0.08137738*c.y + -0.028674556*d.y + -0.0042590224*e.y + -0.06741321*f.y + 0.04029311*g.y + -0.069561794*h.y + 0.067619696*i.y;
float u = -0.0061189956*a.z + 0.051833455*b.z + -0.042832106*c.z + 0.26535267*d.z + 0.36819696*e.z + 0.03438765*f.z + 0.22989632*g.z + -0.487135*h.z + 0.15665813*i.z;
float v = -0.13148193*a.w + -0.12638648*b.w + 0.03605439*c.w + 0.0974745*d.w + -0.10980721*e.w + -0.21564873*f.w + 0.34306243*g.w + 0.69539255*h.w + -0.03078458*i.w;
float w = 0.1898412*na.x + 0.05917433*nb.x + -0.15381081*nc.x + -0.15773135*nd.x + 0.29555428*ne.x + 0.096428104*nf.x + 0.090633914*ng.x + -0.31970337*nh.x + 0.18953186*ni.x;
float x = -0.26538706*na.y + 0.13089244*nb.y + 0.16604574*nc.y + -0.5723114*nd.y + -0.16346131*ne.y + -0.014951056*nf.y + 0.09785819*ng.y + -0.017660556*nh.y + -0.09167879*ni.y;
float y = 0.009693713*na.z + 0.010756051*nb.z + 0.017140212*nc.z + -0.533805*nd.z + -0.5435189*ne.z + -0.064089194*nf.z + -0.31916615*ng.z + 0.5331712*nh.z + -0.13033615*ni.z;
float z = 0.35296175*na.w + 0.25480655*nb.w + 0.035030134*nc.w + 0.15741913*nd.w + 0.060176335*ne.w + 0.05028458*nf.w + -0.12958519*ng.w + 0.028535347*nh.w + 0.15037805*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00046534537;
s = -0.10862142*a.x + 0.23951219*b.x + 0.2839895*c.x + -0.05217377*d.x + -0.40397635*e.x + 0.049454965*f.x + 0.052400503*g.x + 0.118543915*h.x + 0.06852737*i.x;
t = 0.4241042*a.y + -0.12584575*b.y + -0.102870226*c.y + 0.28188303*d.y + 0.49546632*e.y + 0.117695816*f.y + -0.08839783*g.y + -0.14269592*h.y + -0.03292176*i.y;
u = 0.007181128*a.z + -0.40109172*b.z + -0.24221501*c.z + -0.06402019*d.z + 0.60842943*e.z + -0.10117115*f.z + -0.14966127*g.z + -0.14179903*h.z + -0.03214188*i.z;
v = 0.049681976*a.w + -0.18726541*b.w + -0.13386123*c.w + -0.43944734*d.w + -0.7732026*e.w + -0.19998854*f.w + 0.0016352575*g.w + -0.15936574*h.w + 0.11486744*i.w;
w = 0.034904238*na.x + -0.3936257*nb.x + -0.3924321*nc.x + 0.13237436*nd.x + 0.41971052*ne.x + -0.17690897*nf.x + -0.104041904*ng.x + -0.10885315*nh.x + -0.07546228*ni.x;
x = 0.19798991*na.y + 0.4755196*nb.y + 0.1685174*nc.y + -0.056067895*nd.y + -0.3281361*ne.y + -0.060975373*nf.y + 0.15498285*ng.y + 0.23860317*nh.y + 0.078440316*ni.y;
y = 0.22032484*na.z + 0.45825586*nb.z + 0.24928105*nc.z + 0.0740922*nd.z + -0.83567154*ne.z + 0.1469111*nf.z + 0.1061305*ng.z + 0.054175954*nh.z + 0.023593672*ni.z;
z = 0.02721891*na.w + -0.40433592*nb.w + -0.20104738*nc.w + -0.090347335*nd.w + 0.32021475*ne.w + -0.2523179*nf.w + 0.18747182*ng.w + -0.042044852*nh.w + -0.28740782*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0048994347;
s = 0.03506187*a.x + -0.19858655*b.x + 0.12969843*c.x + -0.10771284*d.x + -0.09441664*e.x + 0.45179757*f.x + 0.0192464*g.x + 0.08926137*h.x + -0.06842973*i.x;
t = -0.06226018*a.y + -0.032557767*b.y + -0.16808012*c.y + -0.05757842*d.y + 0.16631629*e.y + -0.34194738*f.y + 0.005270219*g.y + 0.02339046*h.y + 0.079298474*i.y;
u = 0.125203*a.z + 0.11796023*b.z + 0.13894552*c.z + 0.122039534*d.z + 0.093743816*e.z + -0.36432076*f.z + 0.024767118*g.z + 0.05475351*h.z + 0.025071215*i.z;
v = -0.18731116*a.w + 0.12831227*b.w + -0.17373508*c.w + -0.3514785*d.w + -0.6449611*e.w + -0.13499886*f.w + 0.010178755*g.w + -0.49852073*h.w + 0.0992664*i.w;
w = -0.047569968*na.x + 0.107844934*nb.x + -0.34977105*nc.x + 0.123500414*nd.x + 0.055304836*ne.x + -0.48315105*nf.x + 0.0026811515*ng.x + -0.08091307*nh.x + 0.0610684*ni.x;
x = 0.15171343*na.y + 0.57235277*nb.y + 0.255104*nc.y + 0.031828027*nd.y + -0.07049035*ne.y + 0.40309858*nf.y + -0.027855068*ng.y + 0.033779*nh.y + -0.08337315*ni.y;
y = -0.05789993*na.z + 0.15511025*nb.z + -0.18869878*nc.z + -0.124532856*nd.z + -0.1330072*ne.z + 0.37427673*nf.z + -0.041740254*ng.z + -0.08676065*nh.z + -0.007624626*ni.z;
z = -0.040559176*na.w + -0.035778075*nb.w + 0.071473464*nc.w + 0.23743495*nd.w + -0.32282174*ne.w + 0.105933495*nf.w + 0.04571244*ng.w + 0.5551143*nh.w + -0.093935035*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0033313776;
s = 0.075606935*a.x + 0.12968872*b.x + -0.17267832*c.x + -0.017534962*d.x + -0.21092632*e.x + 0.6039601*f.x + 0.0006366408*g.x + -0.3433534*h.x + 0.4382395*i.x;
t = -0.31210127*a.y + -0.24801569*b.y + 0.14311266*c.y + 0.266147*d.y + 0.20114625*e.y + -0.40220937*f.y + -0.2854783*g.y + -0.13323757*h.y + -0.1416884*i.y;
u = -0.08245917*a.z + -0.04328727*b.z + 0.011549445*c.z + 0.03169343*d.z + 0.30852476*e.z + -0.14224593*f.z + -0.2026233*g.z + 0.49105433*h.z + -0.27598178*i.z;
v = -0.03321247*a.w + -0.18208264*b.w + 0.0034254584*c.w + 0.093554296*d.w + -0.8836113*e.w + -0.21680102*f.w + -0.27222317*g.w + -1.0443908*h.w + -0.5674947*i.w;
w = -0.01619753*na.x + -0.12963338*nb.x + 0.17563225*nc.x + 0.004585129*nd.x + -0.3158967*ne.x + -0.872042*nf.x + -0.03607397*ng.x + 0.21791828*nh.x + -0.39065713*ni.x;
x = 0.20459439*na.y + 0.14653577*nb.y + -0.20970102*nc.y + -0.22334248*nd.y + -0.1049179*ne.y + 0.4063564*nf.y + -0.004260764*ng.y + 0.0077243396*nh.y + 0.19195783*ni.y;
y = 0.14778891*na.z + 0.08660305*nb.z + 0.069295146*nc.z + 0.085611*nd.z + 0.37579855*ne.z + 0.29285663*nf.z + 0.17906432*ng.z + -0.37996793*nh.z + 0.23048665*ni.z;
z = -0.30503413*na.w + -0.008632153*nb.w + -0.03432621*nc.w + -0.6234461*nd.w + 0.2332829*ne.w + -0.15835847*nf.w + 0.17630823*ng.w + -0.004949296*nh.w + 0.10454355*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.006210959;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLConv3 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN0_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = -0.076375276*a.x + -0.16192478*b.x + -0.3435801*c.x + -0.102615885*d.x + -0.34291154*e.x + -0.3715771*f.x + -0.040065594*g.x + -0.031282134*h.x + -0.14007968*i.x;
float t = 0.0672231*a.y + -0.04764941*b.y + 0.098419875*c.y + 0.25985655*d.y + -0.38082376*e.y + 0.49276826*f.y + 0.08231613*g.y + 0.110389665*h.y + 0.12316233*i.y;
float u = 0.062234916*a.z + -0.08981316*b.z + 0.035350677*c.z + 0.3298534*d.z + -0.53112257*e.z + 0.07900975*f.z + -0.5878461*g.z + 0.3894751*h.z + 0.14318523*i.z;
float v = -0.067861155*a.w + 0.5679219*b.w + -0.20925492*c.w + -0.10364462*d.w + 0.04910827*e.w + 0.05719115*f.w + -0.030506052*g.w + 0.19142777*h.w + 0.029463196*i.w;
float w = -0.06478752*na.x + -0.35909376*nb.x + -0.049066383*nc.x + -0.06414304*nd.x + -0.13888775*ne.x + -0.059843887*nf.x + -0.076657444*ng.x + -0.20727734*nh.x + 0.037852272*ni.x;
float x = 0.0111666415*na.y + 0.11577456*nb.y + -0.07413471*nc.y + -0.020178368*nd.y + 0.16065867*ne.y + 0.114819236*nf.y + 0.102682814*ng.y + -0.026029458*nh.y + 0.09669771*ni.y;
float y = -0.07489544*na.z + -0.16045223*nb.z + -0.09865632*nc.z + 0.033090383*nd.z + -0.31668448*ne.z + -0.10984895*nf.z + 0.072489046*ng.z + -0.082067624*nh.z + -0.021043802*ni.z;
float z = 0.15612242*na.w + 0.25616717*nb.w + 0.15281045*nc.w + 0.12763329*nd.w + 0.44922253*ne.w + 0.069874264*nf.w + 0.049967453*ng.w + -0.016834527*nh.w + 0.076151155*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.004368779;
s = -0.047799945*a.x + -0.11515582*b.x + -0.40791252*c.x + 0.018251693*d.x + 0.14576633*e.x + -0.11556127*f.x + -0.03873749*g.x + 0.060810573*h.x + -0.07200133*i.x;
t = 0.16543166*a.y + 0.011941809*b.y + 0.047324877*c.y + 0.04958495*d.y + -0.1651876*e.y + 0.43078738*f.y + -0.02519319*g.y + 0.20227197*h.y + 0.025999023*i.y;
u = 0.033441387*a.z + 0.016795462*b.z + 0.057281017*c.z + 1.5043137*d.z + 0.31060156*e.z + 0.07275219*f.z + -1.1843078*g.z + -0.6761157*h.z + 0.0029731095*i.z;
v = 0.4444829*a.w + -0.42409083*b.w + -0.26248664*c.w + -0.01794927*d.w + -0.018550927*e.w + 0.017927665*f.w + -0.032345075*g.w + 0.20667751*h.w + 0.0010150699*i.w;
w = 0.099501655*na.x + -0.28775364*nb.x + 0.32228288*nc.x + -0.00772114*nd.x + -0.23449002*ne.x + -0.09296215*nf.x + -0.054157354*ng.x + -0.27360436*nh.x + -0.03951609*ni.x;
x = -0.028245373*na.y + -0.121913314*nb.y + 0.07654564*nc.y + -0.049665563*nd.y + 0.7794895*ne.y + -0.1505789*nf.y + -0.03943592*ng.y + -0.34458607*nh.y + 0.084370665*ni.y;
y = -0.08433866*na.z + 0.051757183*nb.z + -0.020638762*nc.z + -0.33128256*nd.z + -0.650777*ne.z + -0.11522274*nf.z + 0.26052502*ng.z + 0.34106*nh.z + 0.014920869*ni.z;
z = 0.04507247*na.w + -0.103196636*nb.w + 0.13806596*nc.w + 0.08855919*nd.w + 0.19656824*ne.w + 0.09237863*nf.w + 0.046644468*ng.w + -0.04016784*nh.w + 0.04972401*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.0046657724;
s = -0.056063537*a.x + 0.31379348*b.x + 0.08083433*c.x + -0.07988621*d.x + -0.28616846*e.x + -0.08654294*f.x + 0.113976635*g.x + 0.06516338*h.x + 0.018438872*i.x;
t = -0.11620833*a.y + 0.21208929*b.y + -0.11346605*c.y + -0.067703396*d.y + -0.43201342*e.y + -0.5345245*f.y + 0.07686346*g.y + 0.6436457*h.y + 0.26798856*i.y;
u = -0.06619781*a.z + -0.10010958*b.z + -0.07167439*c.z + -0.13878949*d.z + 0.0575283*e.z + -0.01815303*f.z + -0.076679595*g.z + 0.25056645*h.z + -0.030564506*i.z;
v = 0.12286161*a.w + -0.31997183*b.w + 0.4049721*c.w + -0.014453491*d.w + -0.12128047*e.w + -0.20630093*f.w + 0.064631835*g.w + 0.06505699*h.w + -0.04836569*i.w;
w = 0.030468628*na.x + -0.9605534*nb.x + 0.31949607*nc.x + -0.028109128*nd.x + 0.17402208*ne.x + 0.40973142*nf.x + -0.030756505*ng.x + -0.06860691*nh.x + 0.078861415*ni.x;
x = -0.018858679*na.y + 0.01308505*nb.y + 0.0344467*nc.y + -0.16346104*nd.y + 0.16348976*ne.y + -0.08839573*nf.y + 0.015383088*ng.y + -0.14421648*nh.y + -0.12157047*ni.y;
y = -0.2401164*na.z + 0.12919497*nb.z + -0.026884526*nc.z + 0.011329444*nd.z + -0.11406845*ne.z + -0.029941153*nf.z + 0.2084126*ng.z + -0.15498434*nh.z + 0.02121424*ni.z;
z = 0.11573471*na.w + -0.03703832*nb.w + 0.019915955*nc.w + -0.08166001*nd.w + 0.09089532*ne.w + 0.016573701*nf.w + -0.093835354*ng.w + -0.03263581*nh.w + 0.07502409*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.0028720675;
s = -0.09465834*a.x + -0.07953802*b.x + -0.17295821*c.x + -0.08021209*d.x + -0.1958469*e.x + -0.24971394*f.x + -0.12543827*g.x + -0.034206524*h.x + -0.042293545*i.x;
t = 0.017930178*a.y + -0.022108268*b.y + 0.09107495*c.y + 0.2796261*d.y + 0.26334488*e.y + 0.3403926*f.y + 0.0052007795*g.y + 0.00029919678*h.y + 0.2550915*i.y;
u = 0.026925193*a.z + -0.04275811*b.z + -0.0047453125*c.z + -0.11763906*d.z + -0.169145*e.z + 0.07742117*f.z + 0.07685529*g.z + -0.040824294*h.z + 0.07746296*i.z;
v = -0.345795*a.w + 0.43350878*b.w + -0.3304852*c.w + -0.06460919*d.w + 0.029501494*e.w + 0.088321574*f.w + -0.03855111*g.w + 0.14674814*h.w + 0.08218873*i.w;
w = -0.051307168*na.x + -0.19062272*nb.x + -0.385643*nc.x + -0.059386916*nd.x + -0.32816103*ne.x + -0.039611306*nf.x + 0.02802185*ng.x + -0.12741719*nh.x + -0.03717902*ni.x;
x = 0.047177624*na.y + 0.09041485*nb.y + -0.051103875*nc.y + 0.1100884*nd.y + -0.19083166*ne.y + 0.2213158*nf.y + 0.07442079*ng.y + 0.3593766*nh.y + -0.24011746*ni.y;
y = -0.076973915*na.z + -0.19071229*nb.z + -0.055816684*nc.z + -0.11463048*nd.z + -0.07194704*ne.z + -0.14436463*nf.z + -0.35647246*ng.z + 0.14373139*nh.z + 0.08208823*ni.z;
z = 0.16350232*na.w + 0.24001768*nb.w + 0.1772575*nc.w + 0.08607296*nd.w + -0.08327933*ne.w + 0.33616975*nf.w + 0.09244664*ng.w + -0.026265353*nh.w + 0.04598941*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.00076911174;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLConv4 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN0_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = 0.07986198*a.x + 0.11342182*b.x + -0.0030975514*c.x + -0.19796455*d.x + 0.013101459*e.x + -0.04200098*f.x + 0.017225444*g.x + -0.0014372912*h.x + 0.008370759*i.x;
float t = 0.014841376*a.y + -0.041046176*b.y + 0.03788454*c.y + 0.054837294*d.y + 0.13426651*e.y + -0.0080451695*f.y + -0.029857455*g.y + -0.012871764*h.y + -0.03441029*i.y;
float u = 0.06245403*a.z + -0.012831481*b.z + 0.061856076*c.z + 0.064062476*d.z + -0.066138364*e.z + -0.0026366066*f.z + 0.011879*g.z + -0.011122004*h.z + 0.0017384114*i.z;
float v = -0.05975413*a.w + -0.17485596*b.w + 0.025911752*c.w + 0.118029304*d.w + 0.04408629*e.w + 0.008907612*f.w + 0.01642477*g.w + -0.0092969695*h.w + -0.000769117*i.w;
float w = 0.051101964*na.x + -0.18510687*nb.x + 0.028513199*nc.x + 0.14805903*nd.x + -0.20142192*ne.x + 0.056813676*nf.x + 0.0017134928*ng.x + 0.054168973*nh.x + -0.021714801*ni.x;
float x = -0.020875074*na.y + 0.0048777545*nb.y + -0.06269994*nc.y + -0.03472058*nd.y + 0.048265714*ne.y + 0.0035236937*nf.y + 0.005227413*ng.y + -0.027124068*nh.y + 0.018154047*ni.y;
float y = -0.01159801*na.z + 0.033479054*nb.z + -0.038438387*nc.z + -0.052317906*nd.z + -0.17036878*ne.z + 0.030379958*nf.z + 0.00838193*ng.z + 0.056501616*nh.z + 0.012519291*ni.z;
float z = -0.09538882*na.w + 0.26771805*nb.w + -0.043541078*nc.w + -0.032106128*nd.w + 0.0934046*ne.w + -0.01805561*nf.w + -0.04645964*ng.w + -0.0036514637*nh.w + 0.008913154*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00044684345;
s = -0.011545017*a.x + -0.014384322*b.x + 0.017081236*c.x + -0.08324924*d.x + 0.21428387*e.x + -0.013944155*f.x + -0.02362489*g.x + -0.048795808*h.x + -0.028883195*i.x;
t = 0.018386116*a.y + -0.026253551*b.y + 0.0118806455*c.y + 0.037654113*d.y + -0.06835073*e.y + 0.032385923*f.y + 0.0026887117*g.y + 0.10095452*h.y + 0.0022080252*i.y;
u = 0.007332604*a.z + -0.093728594*b.z + -0.0092954915*c.z + 0.10711502*d.z + 0.067041464*e.z + 0.029980924*f.z + 0.018776521*g.z + -0.010771681*h.z + 0.010082272*i.z;
v = 0.08082619*a.w + -0.049494464*b.w + -0.002847315*c.w + -0.032200564*d.w + -0.106779605*e.w + -0.00017057461*f.w + 0.046220686*g.w + -0.010086206*h.w + 0.014189474*i.w;
w = 0.01763419*na.x + -0.07704289*nb.x + 0.014544706*nc.x + 0.26217622*nd.x + -0.27793178*ne.x + 0.049043182*nf.x + -0.032387003*ng.x + -0.00079001323*nh.x + 0.021493236*ni.x;
x = -0.006099039*na.y + 0.07619911*nb.y + -0.004682871*nc.y + -0.039725974*nd.y + -0.0956842*ne.y + -0.047193985*nf.y + 0.012972832*ng.y + -0.029965244*nh.y + 0.01117153*ni.y;
y = -0.0047858395*na.z + 0.009432101*nb.z + -0.00970283*nc.z + -0.050967053*nd.z + 0.0416414*ne.z + 0.006567818*nf.z + -0.019049477*ng.z + -0.055457648*nh.z + -0.0084786*ni.z;
z = -0.020594368*na.w + 0.119097516*nb.w + -0.026706293*nc.w + -0.26399305*nd.w + 0.24297448*ne.w + -0.02357126*nf.w + 0.055582974*ng.w + 0.026176132*nh.w + -0.0049385377*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0005098261;
s = 0.007989906*a.x + 0.16948476*b.x + -0.020900989*c.x + 0.047029756*d.x + -0.3106828*e.x + 0.044901974*f.x + -0.022907237*g.x + 0.05710629*h.x + 0.052065603*i.x;
t = -0.017990815*a.y + 0.017270472*b.y + 0.010282366*c.y + -0.011884632*d.y + 0.23191552*e.y + -0.043236367*f.y + 0.0016425329*g.y + -0.055511087*h.y + -0.026324613*i.y;
u = 0.0019120462*a.z + 0.08208013*b.z + 0.034132402*c.z + -0.018370727*d.z + 0.07797786*e.z + -0.060526185*f.z + -0.0018448521*g.z + -0.00033979217*h.z + 0.00335727*i.z;
v = -0.07492346*a.w + -0.12594028*b.w + 0.014072716*c.w + 0.08883091*d.w + 0.10869792*e.w + -0.008024153*f.w + -0.0085559655*g.w + -0.026130557*h.w + -0.038244307*i.w;
w = -0.043121733*na.x + 0.03908438*nb.x + -0.04203372*nc.x + -0.06984061*nd.x + 0.22654058*ne.x + -0.0677497*nf.x + 0.023323534*ng.x + -0.007752401*nh.x + -0.04204327*ni.x;
x = 0.0063822027*na.y + -0.06692327*nb.y + -0.024546446*nc.y + 0.011857771*nd.y + -0.10809846*ne.y + 0.10203533*nf.y + 0.00044697413*ng.y + 0.00013562286*nh.y + 0.0015593648*ni.y;
y = -0.0045949556*na.z + 0.0020794072*nb.z + -0.01384561*nc.z + -0.028907942*nd.z + -0.1312241*ne.z + -0.021974247*nf.z + 0.016818015*ng.z + 0.048700895*nh.z + 0.013344767*ni.z;
z = 0.09069866*na.w + -0.07002809*nb.w + 0.024288913*nc.w + 0.03665063*nd.w + -0.04747613*ne.w + 0.025434596*nf.w + -0.040272254*ng.w + -0.007083052*nh.w + 0.033061597*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-5.6695724e-05;
s = -0.030995423*a.x + 0.016910668*b.x + 0.016467795*c.x + 0.0036362244*d.x + 0.06715467*e.x + 0.034928087*f.x + 0.00294668*g.x + -0.08859904*h.x + 0.019238671*i.x;
t = -0.0014795385*a.y + 0.007169236*b.y + -0.003910267*c.y + -0.013714315*d.y + 0.047127932*e.y + -0.032306857*f.y + 0.009032661*g.y + 0.07451486*h.y + 0.011209902*i.y;
u = -0.028070455*a.z + -0.056255367*b.z + -0.01941142*c.z + -0.014563226*d.z + 0.23374811*e.z + -0.005298336*f.z + -0.0015773315*g.z + 0.010755963*h.z + 0.010304858*i.z;
v = 0.010758766*a.w + -0.0016641767*b.w + -0.0072932625*c.w + 0.04894674*d.w + -0.13094418*e.w + -0.013401469*f.w + 0.011060128*g.w + 0.0017654237*h.w + -0.007799787*i.w;
w = -0.0068978816*na.x + -0.011936246*nb.x + -0.04713535*nc.x + -0.02783707*nd.x + 0.24141848*ne.x + -0.07389717*nf.x + -0.013193195*ng.x + 0.0112745045*nh.x + -0.01864954*ni.x;
x = 0.0038846259*na.y + 0.033482198*nb.y + 0.02776248*nc.y + 0.02706673*nd.y + -0.22279294*ne.y + 0.009941126*nf.y + 0.009544681*ng.y + -0.025446441*nh.y + 0.011225284*ni.y;
y = 0.002453317*na.z + -0.0026645362*nb.z + -0.0037308321*nc.z + -0.026038155*nd.z + 0.027270524*ne.z + 0.009217475*nf.z + -0.015977709*ng.z + -0.023630898*nh.z + -0.03964392*ni.z;
z = 0.0229635*na.w + 0.0007620235*nb.w + 0.03816787*nc.w + 0.012008527*nd.w + -0.16997801*ne.w + 0.048762847*nf.w + 0.0011025064*ng.w + 0.064071506*nh.w + 0.0049902974*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00035512418;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLPixelShuffle = `
vec4 hook() {
vec2 f = fract(LUMAN0_pos * LUMAN0_size);
ivec2 i = ivec2(f * vec2(2));
vec4 residual = LUMAN0_tex((vec2(0.5) - f) * LUMAN0_pt + LUMAN0_pos);
return vec4(residual[i.y * 2 + i.x], 0, 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ChromaUpscale = `
/* ---------------------- BILATERAL FILTERING SETTINGS ---------------------- */
#define STRENGTH 0.1
#define KERNELSIZE 3
#define KERNELLEN 9
float gaussian(float x, float s, float m) {
return (1.0 / (s * sqrt(2.0 * 3.14159))) * exp(-0.5 * pow(abs(x - m) / s, 2.0));
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
float vc = LUMA_tex(HOOKED_pos).x;
float s = vc * STRENGTH + 0.0001;
float ss = SPREAD_STRENGTH + 0.0001;
vec4 valsum = vec4(0);
float normsum = 0.000001; //Avoid divide by zero
for (int i=0; i<KERNELLEN; i++) {
float l = LUMA_tex(HOOKED_pos + ipos * d).x;
float w = gaussian(vc - l, s, 0.0) * gaussian(distance(vec2(0), ipos), ss, 0.0);
valsum += HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + ipos * d) * w;
normsum += w;
return valsum / normsum;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const MLUpscalex2 = `
vec4 hook() {
return vec4(LUMANE_tex(HOOKED_pos).x + HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos).x, HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos).yz, 0);
/* ---------------------- x4 PRESCALER ---------------------- */
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ChromaUpscalex2 = `
#define STRENGTH 0.1
#define KERNELSIZE 3
#define KERNELLEN 9
float gaussian(float x, float s, float m) {
return (1.0 / (s * sqrt(2.0 * 3.14159))) * exp(-0.5 * pow(abs(x - m) / s, 2.0));
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 vc = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos);
float s = vc.x * STRENGTH + 0.0001;
float ss = SPREAD_STRENGTH + 0.0001;
vec4 valsum = vec4(0);
float normsum = 0.000001; //Avoid divide by zero
for (int i=0; i<KERNELLEN; i++) {
vec4 l = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + ipos * d);
float w = gaussian(vc.x - l.x, s, 0.0) * gaussian(distance(vec2(0), ipos), ss, 0.0);
valsum += l * w;
normsum += w;
return vec4(vc.x, (valsum / normsum).yz, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const MLConv2_2 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN1_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = -0.078850485*a.x + 0.008778143*b.x + 0.09409134*c.x + 0.17980288*d.x + -0.13836896*e.x + 0.041511726*f.x + 0.111073226*g.x + 0.24465907*h.x + -0.2613636*i.x;
float t = 0.04978624*a.y + -0.043356195*b.y + -0.08137738*c.y + -0.028674556*d.y + -0.0042590224*e.y + -0.06741321*f.y + 0.04029311*g.y + -0.069561794*h.y + 0.067619696*i.y;
float u = -0.0061189956*a.z + 0.051833455*b.z + -0.042832106*c.z + 0.26535267*d.z + 0.36819696*e.z + 0.03438765*f.z + 0.22989632*g.z + -0.487135*h.z + 0.15665813*i.z;
float v = -0.13148193*a.w + -0.12638648*b.w + 0.03605439*c.w + 0.0974745*d.w + -0.10980721*e.w + -0.21564873*f.w + 0.34306243*g.w + 0.69539255*h.w + -0.03078458*i.w;
float w = 0.1898412*na.x + 0.05917433*nb.x + -0.15381081*nc.x + -0.15773135*nd.x + 0.29555428*ne.x + 0.096428104*nf.x + 0.090633914*ng.x + -0.31970337*nh.x + 0.18953186*ni.x;
float x = -0.26538706*na.y + 0.13089244*nb.y + 0.16604574*nc.y + -0.5723114*nd.y + -0.16346131*ne.y + -0.014951056*nf.y + 0.09785819*ng.y + -0.017660556*nh.y + -0.09167879*ni.y;
float y = 0.009693713*na.z + 0.010756051*nb.z + 0.017140212*nc.z + -0.533805*nd.z + -0.5435189*ne.z + -0.064089194*nf.z + -0.31916615*ng.z + 0.5331712*nh.z + -0.13033615*ni.z;
float z = 0.35296175*na.w + 0.25480655*nb.w + 0.035030134*nc.w + 0.15741913*nd.w + 0.060176335*ne.w + 0.05028458*nf.w + -0.12958519*ng.w + 0.028535347*nh.w + 0.15037805*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00046534537;
s = -0.10862142*a.x + 0.23951219*b.x + 0.2839895*c.x + -0.05217377*d.x + -0.40397635*e.x + 0.049454965*f.x + 0.052400503*g.x + 0.118543915*h.x + 0.06852737*i.x;
t = 0.4241042*a.y + -0.12584575*b.y + -0.102870226*c.y + 0.28188303*d.y + 0.49546632*e.y + 0.117695816*f.y + -0.08839783*g.y + -0.14269592*h.y + -0.03292176*i.y;
u = 0.007181128*a.z + -0.40109172*b.z + -0.24221501*c.z + -0.06402019*d.z + 0.60842943*e.z + -0.10117115*f.z + -0.14966127*g.z + -0.14179903*h.z + -0.03214188*i.z;
v = 0.049681976*a.w + -0.18726541*b.w + -0.13386123*c.w + -0.43944734*d.w + -0.7732026*e.w + -0.19998854*f.w + 0.0016352575*g.w + -0.15936574*h.w + 0.11486744*i.w;
w = 0.034904238*na.x + -0.3936257*nb.x + -0.3924321*nc.x + 0.13237436*nd.x + 0.41971052*ne.x + -0.17690897*nf.x + -0.104041904*ng.x + -0.10885315*nh.x + -0.07546228*ni.x;
x = 0.19798991*na.y + 0.4755196*nb.y + 0.1685174*nc.y + -0.056067895*nd.y + -0.3281361*ne.y + -0.060975373*nf.y + 0.15498285*ng.y + 0.23860317*nh.y + 0.078440316*ni.y;
y = 0.22032484*na.z + 0.45825586*nb.z + 0.24928105*nc.z + 0.0740922*nd.z + -0.83567154*ne.z + 0.1469111*nf.z + 0.1061305*ng.z + 0.054175954*nh.z + 0.023593672*ni.z;
z = 0.02721891*na.w + -0.40433592*nb.w + -0.20104738*nc.w + -0.090347335*nd.w + 0.32021475*ne.w + -0.2523179*nf.w + 0.18747182*ng.w + -0.042044852*nh.w + -0.28740782*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0048994347;
s = 0.03506187*a.x + -0.19858655*b.x + 0.12969843*c.x + -0.10771284*d.x + -0.09441664*e.x + 0.45179757*f.x + 0.0192464*g.x + 0.08926137*h.x + -0.06842973*i.x;
t = -0.06226018*a.y + -0.032557767*b.y + -0.16808012*c.y + -0.05757842*d.y + 0.16631629*e.y + -0.34194738*f.y + 0.005270219*g.y + 0.02339046*h.y + 0.079298474*i.y;
u = 0.125203*a.z + 0.11796023*b.z + 0.13894552*c.z + 0.122039534*d.z + 0.093743816*e.z + -0.36432076*f.z + 0.024767118*g.z + 0.05475351*h.z + 0.025071215*i.z;
v = -0.18731116*a.w + 0.12831227*b.w + -0.17373508*c.w + -0.3514785*d.w + -0.6449611*e.w + -0.13499886*f.w + 0.010178755*g.w + -0.49852073*h.w + 0.0992664*i.w;
w = -0.047569968*na.x + 0.107844934*nb.x + -0.34977105*nc.x + 0.123500414*nd.x + 0.055304836*ne.x + -0.48315105*nf.x + 0.0026811515*ng.x + -0.08091307*nh.x + 0.0610684*ni.x;
x = 0.15171343*na.y + 0.57235277*nb.y + 0.255104*nc.y + 0.031828027*nd.y + -0.07049035*ne.y + 0.40309858*nf.y + -0.027855068*ng.y + 0.033779*nh.y + -0.08337315*ni.y;
y = -0.05789993*na.z + 0.15511025*nb.z + -0.18869878*nc.z + -0.124532856*nd.z + -0.1330072*ne.z + 0.37427673*nf.z + -0.041740254*ng.z + -0.08676065*nh.z + -0.007624626*ni.z;
z = -0.040559176*na.w + -0.035778075*nb.w + 0.071473464*nc.w + 0.23743495*nd.w + -0.32282174*ne.w + 0.105933495*nf.w + 0.04571244*ng.w + 0.5551143*nh.w + -0.093935035*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0033313776;
s = 0.075606935*a.x + 0.12968872*b.x + -0.17267832*c.x + -0.017534962*d.x + -0.21092632*e.x + 0.6039601*f.x + 0.0006366408*g.x + -0.3433534*h.x + 0.4382395*i.x;
t = -0.31210127*a.y + -0.24801569*b.y + 0.14311266*c.y + 0.266147*d.y + 0.20114625*e.y + -0.40220937*f.y + -0.2854783*g.y + -0.13323757*h.y + -0.1416884*i.y;
u = -0.08245917*a.z + -0.04328727*b.z + 0.011549445*c.z + 0.03169343*d.z + 0.30852476*e.z + -0.14224593*f.z + -0.2026233*g.z + 0.49105433*h.z + -0.27598178*i.z;
v = -0.03321247*a.w + -0.18208264*b.w + 0.0034254584*c.w + 0.093554296*d.w + -0.8836113*e.w + -0.21680102*f.w + -0.27222317*g.w + -1.0443908*h.w + -0.5674947*i.w;
w = -0.01619753*na.x + -0.12963338*nb.x + 0.17563225*nc.x + 0.004585129*nd.x + -0.3158967*ne.x + -0.872042*nf.x + -0.03607397*ng.x + 0.21791828*nh.x + -0.39065713*ni.x;
x = 0.20459439*na.y + 0.14653577*nb.y + -0.20970102*nc.y + -0.22334248*nd.y + -0.1049179*ne.y + 0.4063564*nf.y + -0.004260764*ng.y + 0.0077243396*nh.y + 0.19195783*ni.y;
y = 0.14778891*na.z + 0.08660305*nb.z + 0.069295146*nc.z + 0.085611*nd.z + 0.37579855*ne.z + 0.29285663*nf.z + 0.17906432*ng.z + -0.37996793*nh.z + 0.23048665*ni.z;
z = -0.30503413*na.w + -0.008632153*nb.w + -0.03432621*nc.w + -0.6234461*nd.w + 0.2332829*ne.w + -0.15835847*nf.w + 0.17630823*ng.w + -0.004949296*nh.w + 0.10454355*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.006210959;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLConv3_2 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN1_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = -0.076375276*a.x + -0.16192478*b.x + -0.3435801*c.x + -0.102615885*d.x + -0.34291154*e.x + -0.3715771*f.x + -0.040065594*g.x + -0.031282134*h.x + -0.14007968*i.x;
float t = 0.0672231*a.y + -0.04764941*b.y + 0.098419875*c.y + 0.25985655*d.y + -0.38082376*e.y + 0.49276826*f.y + 0.08231613*g.y + 0.110389665*h.y + 0.12316233*i.y;
float u = 0.062234916*a.z + -0.08981316*b.z + 0.035350677*c.z + 0.3298534*d.z + -0.53112257*e.z + 0.07900975*f.z + -0.5878461*g.z + 0.3894751*h.z + 0.14318523*i.z;
float v = -0.067861155*a.w + 0.5679219*b.w + -0.20925492*c.w + -0.10364462*d.w + 0.04910827*e.w + 0.05719115*f.w + -0.030506052*g.w + 0.19142777*h.w + 0.029463196*i.w;
float w = -0.06478752*na.x + -0.35909376*nb.x + -0.049066383*nc.x + -0.06414304*nd.x + -0.13888775*ne.x + -0.059843887*nf.x + -0.076657444*ng.x + -0.20727734*nh.x + 0.037852272*ni.x;
float x = 0.0111666415*na.y + 0.11577456*nb.y + -0.07413471*nc.y + -0.020178368*nd.y + 0.16065867*ne.y + 0.114819236*nf.y + 0.102682814*ng.y + -0.026029458*nh.y + 0.09669771*ni.y;
float y = -0.07489544*na.z + -0.16045223*nb.z + -0.09865632*nc.z + 0.033090383*nd.z + -0.31668448*ne.z + -0.10984895*nf.z + 0.072489046*ng.z + -0.082067624*nh.z + -0.021043802*ni.z;
float z = 0.15612242*na.w + 0.25616717*nb.w + 0.15281045*nc.w + 0.12763329*nd.w + 0.44922253*ne.w + 0.069874264*nf.w + 0.049967453*ng.w + -0.016834527*nh.w + 0.076151155*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.004368779;
s = -0.047799945*a.x + -0.11515582*b.x + -0.40791252*c.x + 0.018251693*d.x + 0.14576633*e.x + -0.11556127*f.x + -0.03873749*g.x + 0.060810573*h.x + -0.07200133*i.x;
t = 0.16543166*a.y + 0.011941809*b.y + 0.047324877*c.y + 0.04958495*d.y + -0.1651876*e.y + 0.43078738*f.y + -0.02519319*g.y + 0.20227197*h.y + 0.025999023*i.y;
u = 0.033441387*a.z + 0.016795462*b.z + 0.057281017*c.z + 1.5043137*d.z + 0.31060156*e.z + 0.07275219*f.z + -1.1843078*g.z + -0.6761157*h.z + 0.0029731095*i.z;
v = 0.4444829*a.w + -0.42409083*b.w + -0.26248664*c.w + -0.01794927*d.w + -0.018550927*e.w + 0.017927665*f.w + -0.032345075*g.w + 0.20667751*h.w + 0.0010150699*i.w;
w = 0.099501655*na.x + -0.28775364*nb.x + 0.32228288*nc.x + -0.00772114*nd.x + -0.23449002*ne.x + -0.09296215*nf.x + -0.054157354*ng.x + -0.27360436*nh.x + -0.03951609*ni.x;
x = -0.028245373*na.y + -0.121913314*nb.y + 0.07654564*nc.y + -0.049665563*nd.y + 0.7794895*ne.y + -0.1505789*nf.y + -0.03943592*ng.y + -0.34458607*nh.y + 0.084370665*ni.y;
y = -0.08433866*na.z + 0.051757183*nb.z + -0.020638762*nc.z + -0.33128256*nd.z + -0.650777*ne.z + -0.11522274*nf.z + 0.26052502*ng.z + 0.34106*nh.z + 0.014920869*ni.z;
z = 0.04507247*na.w + -0.103196636*nb.w + 0.13806596*nc.w + 0.08855919*nd.w + 0.19656824*ne.w + 0.09237863*nf.w + 0.046644468*ng.w + -0.04016784*nh.w + 0.04972401*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.0046657724;
s = -0.056063537*a.x + 0.31379348*b.x + 0.08083433*c.x + -0.07988621*d.x + -0.28616846*e.x + -0.08654294*f.x + 0.113976635*g.x + 0.06516338*h.x + 0.018438872*i.x;
t = -0.11620833*a.y + 0.21208929*b.y + -0.11346605*c.y + -0.067703396*d.y + -0.43201342*e.y + -0.5345245*f.y + 0.07686346*g.y + 0.6436457*h.y + 0.26798856*i.y;
u = -0.06619781*a.z + -0.10010958*b.z + -0.07167439*c.z + -0.13878949*d.z + 0.0575283*e.z + -0.01815303*f.z + -0.076679595*g.z + 0.25056645*h.z + -0.030564506*i.z;
v = 0.12286161*a.w + -0.31997183*b.w + 0.4049721*c.w + -0.014453491*d.w + -0.12128047*e.w + -0.20630093*f.w + 0.064631835*g.w + 0.06505699*h.w + -0.04836569*i.w;
w = 0.030468628*na.x + -0.9605534*nb.x + 0.31949607*nc.x + -0.028109128*nd.x + 0.17402208*ne.x + 0.40973142*nf.x + -0.030756505*ng.x + -0.06860691*nh.x + 0.078861415*ni.x;
x = -0.018858679*na.y + 0.01308505*nb.y + 0.0344467*nc.y + -0.16346104*nd.y + 0.16348976*ne.y + -0.08839573*nf.y + 0.015383088*ng.y + -0.14421648*nh.y + -0.12157047*ni.y;
y = -0.2401164*na.z + 0.12919497*nb.z + -0.026884526*nc.z + 0.011329444*nd.z + -0.11406845*ne.z + -0.029941153*nf.z + 0.2084126*ng.z + -0.15498434*nh.z + 0.02121424*ni.z;
z = 0.11573471*na.w + -0.03703832*nb.w + 0.019915955*nc.w + -0.08166001*nd.w + 0.09089532*ne.w + 0.016573701*nf.w + -0.093835354*ng.w + -0.03263581*nh.w + 0.07502409*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.0028720675;
s = -0.09465834*a.x + -0.07953802*b.x + -0.17295821*c.x + -0.08021209*d.x + -0.1958469*e.x + -0.24971394*f.x + -0.12543827*g.x + -0.034206524*h.x + -0.042293545*i.x;
t = 0.017930178*a.y + -0.022108268*b.y + 0.09107495*c.y + 0.2796261*d.y + 0.26334488*e.y + 0.3403926*f.y + 0.0052007795*g.y + 0.00029919678*h.y + 0.2550915*i.y;
u = 0.026925193*a.z + -0.04275811*b.z + -0.0047453125*c.z + -0.11763906*d.z + -0.169145*e.z + 0.07742117*f.z + 0.07685529*g.z + -0.040824294*h.z + 0.07746296*i.z;
v = -0.345795*a.w + 0.43350878*b.w + -0.3304852*c.w + -0.06460919*d.w + 0.029501494*e.w + 0.088321574*f.w + -0.03855111*g.w + 0.14674814*h.w + 0.08218873*i.w;
w = -0.051307168*na.x + -0.19062272*nb.x + -0.385643*nc.x + -0.059386916*nd.x + -0.32816103*ne.x + -0.039611306*nf.x + 0.02802185*ng.x + -0.12741719*nh.x + -0.03717902*ni.x;
x = 0.047177624*na.y + 0.09041485*nb.y + -0.051103875*nc.y + 0.1100884*nd.y + -0.19083166*ne.y + 0.2213158*nf.y + 0.07442079*ng.y + 0.3593766*nh.y + -0.24011746*ni.y;
y = -0.076973915*na.z + -0.19071229*nb.z + -0.055816684*nc.z + -0.11463048*nd.z + -0.07194704*ne.z + -0.14436463*nf.z + -0.35647246*ng.z + 0.14373139*nh.z + 0.08208823*ni.z;
z = 0.16350232*na.w + 0.24001768*nb.w + 0.1772575*nc.w + 0.08607296*nd.w + -0.08327933*ne.w + 0.33616975*nf.w + 0.09244664*ng.w + -0.026265353*nh.w + 0.04598941*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+0.00076911174;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const MLConv4_2 = `
#define L_tex LUMAN1_tex
vec4 hook() {
vec2 dp = HOOKED_pt;
vec4 a = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 b = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, 0));
vec4 c = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 d = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -dp.y));
vec4 e = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, 0));
vec4 f = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, dp.y));
vec4 g = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, -dp.y));
vec4 h = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, 0));
vec4 i = L_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(dp.x, dp.y));
vec4 na = -min(a, 0.0);
vec4 nb = -min(b, 0.0);
vec4 nc = -min(c, 0.0);
vec4 nd = -min(d, 0.0);
vec4 ne = -min(e, 0.0);
vec4 nf = -min(f, 0.0);
vec4 ng = -min(g, 0.0);
vec4 nh = -min(h, 0.0);
vec4 ni = -min(i, 0.0);
a = max(a, 0.0);
b = max(b, 0.0);
c = max(c, 0.0);
d = max(d, 0.0);
e = max(e, 0.0);
f = max(f, 0.0);
g = max(g, 0.0);
h = max(h, 0.0);
i = max(i, 0.0);
float s = 0.07986198*a.x + 0.11342182*b.x + -0.0030975514*c.x + -0.19796455*d.x + 0.013101459*e.x + -0.04200098*f.x + 0.017225444*g.x + -0.0014372912*h.x + 0.008370759*i.x;
float t = 0.014841376*a.y + -0.041046176*b.y + 0.03788454*c.y + 0.054837294*d.y + 0.13426651*e.y + -0.0080451695*f.y + -0.029857455*g.y + -0.012871764*h.y + -0.03441029*i.y;
float u = 0.06245403*a.z + -0.012831481*b.z + 0.061856076*c.z + 0.064062476*d.z + -0.066138364*e.z + -0.0026366066*f.z + 0.011879*g.z + -0.011122004*h.z + 0.0017384114*i.z;
float v = -0.05975413*a.w + -0.17485596*b.w + 0.025911752*c.w + 0.118029304*d.w + 0.04408629*e.w + 0.008907612*f.w + 0.01642477*g.w + -0.0092969695*h.w + -0.000769117*i.w;
float w = 0.051101964*na.x + -0.18510687*nb.x + 0.028513199*nc.x + 0.14805903*nd.x + -0.20142192*ne.x + 0.056813676*nf.x + 0.0017134928*ng.x + 0.054168973*nh.x + -0.021714801*ni.x;
float x = -0.020875074*na.y + 0.0048777545*nb.y + -0.06269994*nc.y + -0.03472058*nd.y + 0.048265714*ne.y + 0.0035236937*nf.y + 0.005227413*ng.y + -0.027124068*nh.y + 0.018154047*ni.y;
float y = -0.01159801*na.z + 0.033479054*nb.z + -0.038438387*nc.z + -0.052317906*nd.z + -0.17036878*ne.z + 0.030379958*nf.z + 0.00838193*ng.z + 0.056501616*nh.z + 0.012519291*ni.z;
float z = -0.09538882*na.w + 0.26771805*nb.w + -0.043541078*nc.w + -0.032106128*nd.w + 0.0934046*ne.w + -0.01805561*nf.w + -0.04645964*ng.w + -0.0036514637*nh.w + 0.008913154*ni.w;
float o = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00044684345;
s = -0.011545017*a.x + -0.014384322*b.x + 0.017081236*c.x + -0.08324924*d.x + 0.21428387*e.x + -0.013944155*f.x + -0.02362489*g.x + -0.048795808*h.x + -0.028883195*i.x;
t = 0.018386116*a.y + -0.026253551*b.y + 0.0118806455*c.y + 0.037654113*d.y + -0.06835073*e.y + 0.032385923*f.y + 0.0026887117*g.y + 0.10095452*h.y + 0.0022080252*i.y;
u = 0.007332604*a.z + -0.093728594*b.z + -0.0092954915*c.z + 0.10711502*d.z + 0.067041464*e.z + 0.029980924*f.z + 0.018776521*g.z + -0.010771681*h.z + 0.010082272*i.z;
v = 0.08082619*a.w + -0.049494464*b.w + -0.002847315*c.w + -0.032200564*d.w + -0.106779605*e.w + -0.00017057461*f.w + 0.046220686*g.w + -0.010086206*h.w + 0.014189474*i.w;
w = 0.01763419*na.x + -0.07704289*nb.x + 0.014544706*nc.x + 0.26217622*nd.x + -0.27793178*ne.x + 0.049043182*nf.x + -0.032387003*ng.x + -0.00079001323*nh.x + 0.021493236*ni.x;
x = -0.006099039*na.y + 0.07619911*nb.y + -0.004682871*nc.y + -0.039725974*nd.y + -0.0956842*ne.y + -0.047193985*nf.y + 0.012972832*ng.y + -0.029965244*nh.y + 0.01117153*ni.y;
y = -0.0047858395*na.z + 0.009432101*nb.z + -0.00970283*nc.z + -0.050967053*nd.z + 0.0416414*ne.z + 0.006567818*nf.z + -0.019049477*ng.z + -0.055457648*nh.z + -0.0084786*ni.z;
z = -0.020594368*na.w + 0.119097516*nb.w + -0.026706293*nc.w + -0.26399305*nd.w + 0.24297448*ne.w + -0.02357126*nf.w + 0.055582974*ng.w + 0.026176132*nh.w + -0.0049385377*ni.w;
float p = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.0005098261;
s = 0.007989906*a.x + 0.16948476*b.x + -0.020900989*c.x + 0.047029756*d.x + -0.3106828*e.x + 0.044901974*f.x + -0.022907237*g.x + 0.05710629*h.x + 0.052065603*i.x;
t = -0.017990815*a.y + 0.017270472*b.y + 0.010282366*c.y + -0.011884632*d.y + 0.23191552*e.y + -0.043236367*f.y + 0.0016425329*g.y + -0.055511087*h.y + -0.026324613*i.y;
u = 0.0019120462*a.z + 0.08208013*b.z + 0.034132402*c.z + -0.018370727*d.z + 0.07797786*e.z + -0.060526185*f.z + -0.0018448521*g.z + -0.00033979217*h.z + 0.00335727*i.z;
v = -0.07492346*a.w + -0.12594028*b.w + 0.014072716*c.w + 0.08883091*d.w + 0.10869792*e.w + -0.008024153*f.w + -0.0085559655*g.w + -0.026130557*h.w + -0.038244307*i.w;
w = -0.043121733*na.x + 0.03908438*nb.x + -0.04203372*nc.x + -0.06984061*nd.x + 0.22654058*ne.x + -0.0677497*nf.x + 0.023323534*ng.x + -0.007752401*nh.x + -0.04204327*ni.x;
x = 0.0063822027*na.y + -0.06692327*nb.y + -0.024546446*nc.y + 0.011857771*nd.y + -0.10809846*ne.y + 0.10203533*nf.y + 0.00044697413*ng.y + 0.00013562286*nh.y + 0.0015593648*ni.y;
y = -0.0045949556*na.z + 0.0020794072*nb.z + -0.01384561*nc.z + -0.028907942*nd.z + -0.1312241*ne.z + -0.021974247*nf.z + 0.016818015*ng.z + 0.048700895*nh.z + 0.013344767*ni.z;
z = 0.09069866*na.w + -0.07002809*nb.w + 0.024288913*nc.w + 0.03665063*nd.w + -0.04747613*ne.w + 0.025434596*nf.w + -0.040272254*ng.w + -0.007083052*nh.w + 0.033061597*ni.w;
float q = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-5.6695724e-05;
s = -0.030995423*a.x + 0.016910668*b.x + 0.016467795*c.x + 0.0036362244*d.x + 0.06715467*e.x + 0.034928087*f.x + 0.00294668*g.x + -0.08859904*h.x + 0.019238671*i.x;
t = -0.0014795385*a.y + 0.007169236*b.y + -0.003910267*c.y + -0.013714315*d.y + 0.047127932*e.y + -0.032306857*f.y + 0.009032661*g.y + 0.07451486*h.y + 0.011209902*i.y;
u = -0.028070455*a.z + -0.056255367*b.z + -0.01941142*c.z + -0.014563226*d.z + 0.23374811*e.z + -0.005298336*f.z + -0.0015773315*g.z + 0.010755963*h.z + 0.010304858*i.z;
v = 0.010758766*a.w + -0.0016641767*b.w + -0.0072932625*c.w + 0.04894674*d.w + -0.13094418*e.w + -0.013401469*f.w + 0.011060128*g.w + 0.0017654237*h.w + -0.007799787*i.w;
w = -0.0068978816*na.x + -0.011936246*nb.x + -0.04713535*nc.x + -0.02783707*nd.x + 0.24141848*ne.x + -0.07389717*nf.x + -0.013193195*ng.x + 0.0112745045*nh.x + -0.01864954*ni.x;
x = 0.0038846259*na.y + 0.033482198*nb.y + 0.02776248*nc.y + 0.02706673*nd.y + -0.22279294*ne.y + 0.009941126*nf.y + 0.009544681*ng.y + -0.025446441*nh.y + 0.011225284*ni.y;
y = 0.002453317*na.z + -0.0026645362*nb.z + -0.0037308321*nc.z + -0.026038155*nd.z + 0.027270524*ne.z + 0.009217475*nf.z + -0.015977709*ng.z + -0.023630898*nh.z + -0.03964392*ni.z;
z = 0.0229635*na.w + 0.0007620235*nb.w + 0.03816787*nc.w + 0.012008527*nd.w + -0.16997801*ne.w + 0.048762847*nf.w + 0.0011025064*ng.w + 0.064071506*nh.w + 0.0049902974*ni.w;
float r = s+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+-0.00035512418;
return vec4(o, p, q, r);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
out_color = color;
const PixelShuffle = `
vec4 hook() {
vec2 f = fract(LUMAN1_pos * LUMAN1_size);
ivec2 i = ivec2(f * vec2(2));
vec4 residual = LUMAN1_tex((vec2(0.5) - f) * LUMAN1_pt + LUMAN1_pos);
return vec4(LUMANE_tex(LUMANE_pos).x, residual[i.y * 2 + i.x], 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const MLUpscalex4 = `
vec4 hook() {
return vec4(LUMANE_tex(HOOKED_pos).y + HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos).x, HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos).yz, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ComputeGradientX = `
float getLum(vec4 rgb) {
return 0.299*rgb.r + 0.587*rgb.g + 0.114*rgb.b;
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
//[tl t tr]
//[ l c r]
//[bl b br]
float l = getLum(HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-d.x, 0)));
float c = getLum(HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos));
float r = getLum(HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(d.x, 0)));
//Horizontal Gradient
//[-1 0 1]
//[-2 0 2]
//[-1 0 1]
float xgrad = (-l + r);
//Vertical Gradient
//[-1 -2 -1]
//[ 0 0 0]
//[ 1 2 1]
float ygrad = (l + c + c + r);
//Computes the luminance's gradient
return vec4(xgrad, ygrad, 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ComputeGradientY = `
/* --------------------- SETTINGS --------------------- */
//Strength of edge refinement, good values are between 0.2 and 4
//Bias of the refinement function, good values are between 0 and 1
#define REFINE_BIAS 0.0
//Polynomial fit obtained by minimizing MSE error on image
#define P5 ( 11.68129591)
#define P4 (-42.46906057)
#define P3 ( 60.28286266)
#define P2 (-41.84451327)
#define P1 ( 14.05517353)
#define P0 (-1.081521930)
//Power curve used to ease in upscaling smaller than 2x upscaling factors.
/* ----------------- END OF SETTINGS ----------------- */
float power_function(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
float x3 = x2 * x;
float x4 = x2 * x2;
float x5 = x2 * x3;
return P5*x5 + P4*x4 + P3*x3 + P2*x2 + P1*x + P0;
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
//[tl t tr]
//[ l cc r]
//[bl b br]
float tx = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -d.y)).x;
float cx = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).x;
float bx = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, d.y)).x;
float ty = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -d.y)).y;
//float cy = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).y;
float by = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, d.y)).y;
//Horizontal Gradient
//[-1 0 1]
//[-2 0 2]
//[-1 0 1]
float xgrad = (tx + cx + cx + bx);
//Vertical Gradient
//[-1 -2 -1]
//[ 0 0 0]
//[ 1 2 1]
float ygrad = (-ty + by);
//Computes the luminance's gradient
float sobel_norm = clamp(sqrt(xgrad * xgrad + ygrad * ygrad), 0.0, 1.0);
float upratio = clamp(SCALED_size.x / LUMA_size.x - 1.0, 0.0, 6.0);
float dval = clamp(
power_function(clamp(sobel_norm * max(pow(upratio, UPSCALE_RATIO_HYSTERESIS), 1.0), 0.0, 1.0)) * REFINE_STRENGTH + REFINE_BIAS
, 0.0, 1.0);
if (upratio < 1.0) {
dval = dval * pow(upratio, UPSCALE_RATIO_HYSTERESIS);
return vec4(sobel_norm, dval, 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ComputeSecondGradientX = `
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
if (LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).y < 0.1) {
return vec4(0);
//[tl t tr]
//[ l c r]
//[bl b br]
float l = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(-d.x, 0)).x;
float c = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).x;
float r = LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(d.x, 0)).x;
//Horizontal Gradient
//[-1 0 1]
//[-2 0 2]
//[-1 0 1]
float xgrad = (-l + r);
//Vertical Gradient
//[-1 -2 -1]
//[ 0 0 0]
//[ 1 2 1]
float ygrad = (l + c + c + r);
return vec4(xgrad, ygrad, 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const ComputeSecondGradientY = `
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
if (LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).y < 0.1) {
return vec4(0);
//[tl t tr]
//[ l cc r]
//[bl b br]
float tx = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -d.y)).x;
float cx = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos).x;
float bx = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, d.y)).x;
float ty = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, -d.y)).y;
//float cy = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos).y;
float by = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, d.y)).y;
//Horizontal Gradient
//[-1 0 1]
//[-2 0 2]
//[-1 0 1]
float xgrad = (tx + cx + cx + bx);
//Vertical Gradient
//[-1 -2 -1]
//[ 0 0 0]
//[ 1 2 1]
float ygrad = (-ty + by);
float norm = sqrt(xgrad * xgrad + ygrad * ygrad);
if (norm <= 0.001) {
xgrad = 0.0;
ygrad = 0.0;
norm = 1.0;
return vec4(xgrad/norm, ygrad/norm, 0, 0);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.b = 0.000000;
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
const Refine = `
#define ML_SENSITIVITY 0.4 //Sensitivity for not applying refine step on pixels already refined by prior steps
vec4 hook() {
vec2 d = HOOKED_pt;
float dval = (1.0 - clamp(abs(LUMANE_tex(HOOKED_pos).x + LUMANE_tex(HOOKED_pos).y) / ML_SENSITIVITY, 0.0, 1.0)) * LUMAD_tex(HOOKED_pos).y;
if (dval < 0.1) {
return SCALED_tex(HOOKED_pos);
vec4 dc = LUMAMM_tex(HOOKED_pos);
if (abs(dc.x + dc.y) <= 0.0001) {return SCALED_tex(HOOKED_pos);
float xpos = -sign(dc.x);
float ypos = -sign(dc.y);
vec4 xval = SCALED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(d.x * xpos, 0));
vec4 yval = SCALED_tex(HOOKED_pos + vec2(0, d.y * ypos));
float xyratio = abs(dc.x) / (abs(dc.x) + abs(dc.y));
vec4 avg = xyratio * xval + (1.0 - xyratio) * yval;
return avg * dval + SCALED_tex(HOOKED_pos) * (1.0 - dval);
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
color = hook();
color.a = 1.000000;
out_color = color;
export default [
source: LumaDenoise,
hook: 'LUMA',
components: 2
source: MLConv1,
hook: 'LUMA',
save: 'LUMAN0',
components: 4
source: MLConv2,
hook: 'LUMA',
bind: 'LUMAN0',
save: 'LUMAN0',
components: 4
source: MLConv3,
hook: 'LUMA',
bind: 'LUMAN0',
save: 'LUMAN0',
components: 4
source: MLConv4,
hook: 'LUMA',
bind: 'LUMAN0',
save: 'LUMAN0',
components: 4
{ // 5
source: MLPixelShuffle,
hook: 'LUMA',
bind: 'LUMAN0',
save: 'LUMANE',
scaled: 2,
components: 2
source: ChromaUpscale,
hook: 'CHROMA',
bind: 'LUMA',
scaled: 2,
components: 2
source: MLUpscalex2,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: 'LUMANE',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 3
source: ChromaUpscalex2,
hook: 'NATIVE',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 3
source: MLConv1,
hook: 'NATIVE',
save: 'LUMAN1',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 4
{ // 10
source: MLConv2_2,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: 'LUMAN1',
save: 'LUMAN1',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 4
source: MLConv3_2,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: 'LUMAN1',
save: 'LUMAN1',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 4
source: MLConv4_2,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: 'LUMAN1',
save: 'LUMAN1',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 2 },
components: 4
source: PixelShuffle,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: ['LUMAN1', 'LUMANE'],
save: 'LUMANE',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 4 },
components: 2
source: MLUpscalex4,
hook: 'NATIVE',
bind: 'LUMANE',
scaled: { texture: 'LUMA', size: 4 },
components: 3
{ // 15
source: ComputeGradientX,
hook: 'SCALED',
save: 'LUMAD',
components: 2
source: ComputeGradientY,
hook: 'SCALED',
bind: ['LUMA', 'LUMAD'],
save: 'LUMAD',
components: 2
source: ComputeSecondGradientX,
hook: 'SCALED',
bind: 'LUMAD',
save: 'LUMAMM',
components: 2
source: ComputeSecondGradientY,
hook: 'SCALED',
bind: ['LUMAD', 'LUMAMM'],
save: 'LUMAMM',
components: 2
source: Refine,
hook: 'SCALED',
bind: ['LUMA', 'LUMAD', 'LUMAMM', 'LUMANE'],
components: 3
import { render, createTexture, createProgramFromHook, createProgramFromSource } from '@/webgl-util'
import shaders from '@/shader'
const canvas = document.querySelector('#main');
const image = document.querySelector('#image');
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2');
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
const framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);
let temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, image.width, image.height);
let inputTex = createTexture(gl, image)
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
let program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 }
], shaders[0].source);
render(gl, program, [{
texture: inputTex,
width: image.width,
height: image.height
let LUMA = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 }
], shaders[1].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA])
let LUMAN0 = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN0', id: 1 }
], shaders[2].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA, LUMAN0])
LUMAN0 = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN0', id: 1 }
], shaders[3].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA, LUMAN0])
LUMAN0 = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN0', id: 1 }
], shaders[4].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA, LUMAN0])
LUMAN0 = temp;
temp.width *= 2;
temp.height *= 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN0', id: 1 }
], shaders[5].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA, LUMAN0])
let LUMANE = temp;
temp.width *= 2;
temp.height *= 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'CHROMA', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 1 }
], shaders[6].source);
render(gl, program, [LUMA, LUMA])
let CHROMA = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMANE', id: 1 }
], shaders[7].source);
render(gl, program, [CHROMA, LUMANE])
let NATIVE = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 }
], shaders[8].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE])
NATIVE = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 }
], shaders[9].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE])
let LUMAN1 = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN1', id: 1 }
], shaders[10].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE, LUMAN1])
LUMAN1 = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN1', id: 1 }
], shaders[11].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE, LUMAN1])
LUMAN1 = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 2;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 2;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN1', id: 1 }
], shaders[12].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE, LUMAN1])
LUMAN1 = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 4;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 4;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAN1', id: 1 },
{ name: 'LUMANE', id: 2 }
], shaders[13].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE, LUMAN1, LUMANE])
LUMANE = temp;
temp.width = LUMA.width * 4;
temp.height = LUMA.height * 4;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'NATIVE', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMANE', id: 1 }
], shaders[14].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE, LUMANE])
NATIVE = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'SCALED', id: 0 }
], shaders[15].source);
render(gl, program, [NATIVE])
let SCALED = temp;
let LUMAD = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'SCALED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 1 },
{ name: 'LUMAD', id: 2 }
], shaders[16].source);
render(gl, program, [SCALED, LUMA, LUMAD])
LUMAD = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'SCALED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAD', id: 1 }
], shaders[17].source);
render(gl, program, [SCALED, LUMAD])
let LUMAMM = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'SCALED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMAD', id: 1 },
{ name: 'LUMAMM', id: 2 }
], shaders[18].source);
render(gl, program, [SCALED, LUMAD, LUMAMM])
LUMAMM = temp;
temp = createEmptyTexture(gl, temp.width, temp.height);
bindFramebuffer(gl, temp.texture);
program = createProgramFromHook(gl, [
{ name: 'HOOKED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'SCALED', id: 0 },
{ name: 'LUMA', id: 1 },
{ name: 'LUMAD', id: 2 },
{ name: 'LUMAMM', id: 3 },
{ name: 'LUMANE', id: 4 }
], shaders[19].source);
render(gl, program, [SCALED, LUMA, LUMAD, LUMAMM, LUMANE])
// draw shader
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
program = createProgramFromSource(gl, `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
uniform sampler2D u_textureOrig;
out vec4 out_color;
in vec2 texcoord0;
void main() {
vec4 color = texture(u_texture, 1.0 - texcoord0);
vec4 colorOrig = texture(u_textureOrig, vec2(1.0 - texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y));
out_color = vec4(color.rgb, colorOrig.a);
const positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "vertex_position");
const positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
const u_texture = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_texture");
gl.uniform1i(u_texture, 0);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, temp.texture);
const u_textureOrig = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_textureOrig");
gl.uniform1i(u_textureOrig, 1);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, inputTex);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
function createEmptyTexture(gl, width, height) {
const emptyPixels = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4)
return { texture: createTexture(gl, emptyPixels, 4, width, height), width, height }
function bindFramebuffer(gl, texture) {
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0)
* Creates and compiles a shader.
* @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} gl The WebGL Context.
* @param {string} shaderSource The GLSL source code for the shader.
* @param {number} shaderType shaderType The type of shader, VERTEX_SHADER or
* @return {!WebGLShader} The shader。
export function compileShader(gl, shaderSource, shaderType) {
var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSource);
var success = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
if (!success) {
throw "could not compile shader:" + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
return shader;
* Creates a program from 2 shaders.
* @param {!WebGLRenderingContext) gl WebGL context.
* @param {!WebGLShader} vertexShader A vertex shader.
* @param {!WebGLShader} fragmentShader A fragment shader.
* @return {!WebGLProgram} A program.
export function createProgram(gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader) {
var program = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
var success = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
if (!success) {
throw ("program failed to link:" + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program));
return program;
export function generateSource(metadatas, mainSource) {
let header = '';
// generate in vec2 texcoord
let ids = =>;
ids = new Set(ids);
// for (const id of ids) {
// header += `in vec2 texcoord${id};\n`;
// }
// generate uniform
for (const id of ids) {
header += `
uniform sampler2D texture${id};
uniform vec2 texture_size${id};
uniform vec2 pixel_size${id};`;
// generate Macro definition
for (const { name, id } of metadatas) {
header += `
#define ${name}_raw texture${id}
#define ${name}_pos texcoord0
#define ${name}_size texture_size${id}
#define ${name}_pt pixel_size${id}
#define ${name}_map texmap${id}
#define ${name}_mul 1.000000
#define ${name}_tex(pos) (${name}_mul * vec4(texture(${name}_raw, pos)).rgba)
#define ${name}_texOff(off) ${name}_tex(${name}_pos + ${name}_pt * vec2(off))`
return `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out vec4 out_color;
in vec2 texcoord0;
export function render(gl, program, textures) {
const positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "vertex_position");
const positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
for (const [id, { texture, width, height }] of textures.entries()) {
const u_texture = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "texture" + id);
const u_texture_size = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "texture_size" + id);
const u_pixel_size = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pixel_size" + id);
gl.uniform1i(u_texture, id);
gl.uniform2f(u_texture_size, width, height);
gl.uniform2f(u_pixel_size, 1.0 / width, 1.0 / height);
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + id);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
export function createTexture(gl, data, components = 4, width=0, height=0) {
const texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
const format = ({
3: gl.RGB,
4: gl.RGBA
if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data)
} else {
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, format, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
return texture;
export function createProgramFromSource(gl, fs) {
const vs = `#version 300 es
in vec2 vertex_position;
out vec2 texcoord0;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(2.0 * vertex_position.x - 1.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * vertex_position.y, 0, 1);
texcoord0 = vertex_position;
return createProgram(gl, compileShader(gl, vs, gl.VERTEX_SHADER), compileShader(gl, fs, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER));
export function createProgramFromHook(gl, metadatas, mainSource) {
const fs = generateSource(metadatas, mainSource);
const vs = `#version 300 es
in vec2 vertex_position;
out vec2 texcoord0;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(2.0 * vertex_position.x - 1.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * vertex_position.y, 0, 1);
//gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
texcoord0 = vertex_position;
return createProgram(gl, compileShader(gl, vs, gl.VERTEX_SHADER), compileShader(gl, fs, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER));
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If I'm not mistaken, the order is like this

  • first mpv uses YCrCb
  • then Anime4k gets executed
  • then mpv converts YCrCb to RGB

To do that in WebGL, you have to convert the input from RGB to YCrCb and back. Here are some functions that might do the trick.

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Juszoe commented Apr 24, 2020

If I'm not mistaken, the order is like this

  • first mpv uses YCrCb
  • then Anime4k gets executed
  • then mpv converts YCrCb to RGB

To do that in WebGL, you have to convert the input from RGB to YCrCb and back. Here are some functions that might do the trick.

Thank you! I will try it

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Out of curiosity, did you have any success with it?

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Juszoe commented May 24, 2020

@stefnotch Thanks for your attention. Now code can work with none bug, but bad effect and failed to meet expectation which Anime4K show us. I suspended development. (π__π)

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I see, that's a shame. From experience, I'd say it's a tiny bug somewhere that makes the entire result look significantly worse than it should look.

Also, you ported Anime4k 2.1, is that correct? I'm asking, because Anime4k 3.0 has been released and it looks quite interesting.

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Juszoe commented May 24, 2020

@stefnotch yah, Anime4k 2.1. I will try 3.0 if I have time.

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Please do ping me if you get around to trying it out!

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