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Created June 15, 2022 06:50
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Compile firmware for NanoVNA V2 Plus clone SAA-2N

The SAA-2N is a knockoff/clone of the NanoVNA V2 Plus and you should NOT buy one.

Order an official one from

However, if one for some reason falls into your hands, it might be unobvious how to find a firmware that compiles for it. I'm not sure if there are mutliple sub-versions of the SAA-2N but this one has a 4" screen.

sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi  python3-serial
git clone -recursive
cd NanoVNA2-firmware/
git checkout d9c768b298677d2fecc98fb37ec9cd4395dc781e # optional. latest version as of this writing

Now uncomment the following line in Makefile:


and then:

make -j4 BOARDNAME=board_v2_plus EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DSWEEP_POINTS_MAX=201 -DSAVEAREA_MAX=7" LDSCRIPT=./gd32f303cc_with_bootloader.ld
git checkout -- gd32f303cc_with_bootloader.ld
make -j4 BOARDNAME=board_v2_plus EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DSWEEP_POINTS_MAX=201 -DSAVEAREA_MAX=7" LDSCRIPT=./gd32f303cc_with_bootloader.ld
# yes you have to repeat that make command

Now hold the left-most button while turning on the VNA and then

python -f ./binary.bin
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