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Last active June 23, 2021 06:05
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A look into object_id
# Date Created: 17 June 2021
# Ruby Version 3.0.0p
def object_id_of_str obj_1, obj_2
# The argument has same object_id as original object because..
# refers to same object, it doesn't copy objects' value but it points..
# original objects' memory, hence holding objects' reference ID in the memory
puts "Before modification, object 1 ID: #{obj_1.object_id}" # => 60
puts "Before modification, object 2 ID: #{obj_2.object_id}" # => 80
# << operator changes value in the same memory location, modifying original obj
obj_1 << " there"
# same id
puts "After modification, object 1 ID: #{obj_1.object_id}" # => 60
# = operator creates new object in memory
obj_2 = "TADA"
# since location is different in memory, id will be too
puts "After modification, object 2 ID: #{obj_2.object_id}" # => 100
str_1 = "Hi"
str_2 = "Bye"
puts "Object ID of #{str_1}: #{str_1.object_id}" # => 60
puts "Object ID of #{str_2}: #{str_2.object_id}" # => 80
# calling function and passing above strings as arguments
object_id_of_str(str_1, str_2)
# AFTER Function call----
# The modification of object in function happened to original object..
# .. hence its value is now changed
puts "String 1 = #{str_1}" # => Hi there
# the original object does not get modified hence same value
puts "String 2 = #{str_2}" # => Bye
def object_id_of_array obj
# original object id
puts "#{obj} = #{obj.object_id}" # => [1, 2, 3] = 60
# .dup creates new objectwith different memeory address with same value as original obj
obj = obj.dup
# hence different id
puts "Duplicate object #{obj} = #{obj.object_id}" # => [1, 2, 3] = 80
# appends new value
obj << "Extra"
puts "Duplicate object :#{obj}" # => [1, 2, 3, "Extra"]
# = operator cannot modify original obj because we are refering to different object and not original objects' id
obj = ["new value"]
puts "Duplicate object :#{obj}" # => ["new value"]
a = [1,2,3]
# calling function
# original object isn't modified
puts "Original object: #{a}" # => [1, 2, 3]
a = [1,2,3]
puts "Original array id:#{a.object_id}" # => 60
# an array within an array
nest = [a]
puts "nested array value:#{nest}" # => [[1, 2, 3]]
# different array ID
puts "nested array id:#{nest.object_id}" # => 80
# inner array has same ID as Original array
puts "Inner array id:#{nest[0].object_id}" # => 60
# duplicating nest array, which will give same value but different object_id
nest_dup = nest.dup
# different array ID
puts "duplicate array id:#{nest_dup.object_id}" # => 100
# but not for inner array
puts "Inner duplicate array id:#{nest_dup[0].object_id}" # => 60
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