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// hacer la image
function demoImagen(canvas) {
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
kind delete cluster --name=kind
cat << EOF > kind-config.yaml
kind: Cluster
apiServerAddress: ""
apiServerPort: 6443
- role: control-plane
➜ fabric-hlf cat > "connection.json" <<CONN_EOF
"address": "asset.docker:9999",
"dial_timeout": "10s",
"tls_required": false
➜ fabric-hlf rm code.tar.gz chaincode.tgz
export CHAINCODE_NAME=asset2
export CHAINCODE_LABEL=asset2
import "./App.css";
import Container from "react-bootstrap/Container";
import { Card, CardTitle, CardBody } from "react-bootstrap";
const menusDatabase = {
name: "mvp",
days: [
day: "lunes",
desa: "desa1",
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
namespace GeneracionPaginas
fin de creacion de agentes
'content-type': 'application/didcomm-envelope-enc',
accept: '*/*',
'content-length': '2726',
'user-agent': 'node-fetch/1.0 (+',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
connection: 'close',
host: 'localhost:5555'
import { AskarModule } from '@aries-framework/askar';
import {
Agent, ConsoleLogger, DidsModule, HttpOutboundTransport,
InitConfig, KeyDidResolver, LogLevel,
PeerDidResolver, WsOutboundTransport
} from "@aries-framework/core";
import { agentDependencies } from "@aries-framework/node";
import { AskarWalletPostgresStorageConfig } from "@aries-framework/askar/build/wallet";
const storageConfig: AskarWalletPostgresStorageConfig = {
import '@hyperledger/aries-askar-nodejs'
import { ariesAskar, LogLevel, Store, StoreKeyMethod } from '@hyperledger/aries-askar-shared'
const getRawKey = () => "9Lgah8ykGoxDNLxoEBKRFxrdV9JCU98w6jXz4xp3Z7kP" || Store.generateRawKey(Buffer.from('00000000000000000000000000000My1'))
export const testStoreUri = 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres' || 'sqlite://:memory:'
export const setupWallet = async () => {
const key = getRawKey()
return await Store.provision({
recreate: true,
2023-03-08T08:05:09.692Z BEGIN
2023-03-08T08:05:09.717Z BEFORE GET ARIES AGENT
2023-03-08T08:05:09.720Z Getting tenant agent for tenant '63ff1400-a8f6-480b-b510-1fa5a3f4c3b5' undefined
2023-03-08T08:05:10.024Z Getting context for session with tenant '63ff1400-a8f6-480b-b510-1fa5a3f4c3b5' undefined
2023-03-08T08:05:10.030Z Acquiring tenant session undefined
2023-03-08T08:05:10.030Z Increasing current session count to 1 (max: 100) undefined
2023-03-08T08:05:10.031Z Acquired tenant session (1 / 100) undefined
2023-03-08T08:05:10.031Z Created tenant agent context for tenant '63ff1400-a8f6-480b-b510-1fa5a3f4c3b5' undefined