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Last active August 8, 2018 13:25
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Save Jwink3101/494e741f07d33edea47d369bcfc4a54a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. -- multiprocessing tool to help simplify parallel function evaluation
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
__version__ = '20180726.0'
__status__ = 'beta'
import multiprocessing as mp
import multiprocessing.dummy as mpd
from threading import Thread
import threading
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from queue import Queue
except ImportError:
from Queue import Queue
import tqdm
except ImportError:
tqdm = None
from functools import partial
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
unicode = str
xrange = range
imap = map
from itertools import imap
CPU_COUNT = mp.cpu_count()
def parmap(fun,seq,N=None,Nt=1,chunksize=1,ordered=True,\
parmap -- Simple parallel mapper that can split amongst processes (N)
and threads (Nt) (within the processes).
Does *NOT* require functions to be pickleable (unlike
Single input function. Use lambdas or functools.partial
to enable/exapnd multi-input. See example
Sequence of inputs to map in parallel
N [None] (integer or None)
Number of processes to use. If `None`, will use the CPU_COUNT
Nt [1] (integer)
Number of threads to use. See notes below on multi-threaded vs
chunksize [1] (int)
How to be break up the incoming sequence. Useful if also using threads.
Will be (re)set to max(chunksize,Nt)
ordered [True] (bool)
Whether or not to order the results. If False, will return in whatever
order they finished.
daemon [False] (bool)
Sets the multiprocessing `daemon` flag. If True, can not spawn child
processes (i.e. cannot nest parmap) but should allow for CTRL+C type
stopping. Supposedly, there may be issues with CTRL+C with it set to
False. Use at your own risk
progress [False] (bool)
Display a progress bar or counter.
Warning: Inconsistant in iPython/Jupyter notebooks and may clear
other printed content. Instead, specify as 'nb' to use a Jupyter
Widget progress
Performs SEMI-lazy iteration based on chunksize. It will exhaust the input
iterator but will yield as results are computed (This is similar to the
`multiprocessing.Pool().imap` behavior)
Explicitly wrap the parmap call in a list(...) to force immediate
Threads and/or processes:
This tool has the ability to split work amongst python processes
(via multiprocessing) and python threads (via the multiprocessing.dummy
module). Python is not very performant in multi-threaded situations
(due to the GIL) therefore, processes are the usually the best for CPU
bound tasks and threading is good for those that release the GIL (such
as IO-bound tasks). Note that many NumPy functions *do* release the GIL
and can be threaded, but many NumPy functions are, themselves, multi-
This tool allows more data types, can split with threads, has an optional
progress bar, and has fewer pickling issues, but these come at a small cost.
For simple needs, the following may be better:
>>> import multiprocessing as mp
>>> pool = mp.Pool(N) # Or mp.Pool() for N=None
>>> results = list( pool.imap(fun,seq) ) # or just
>>> pool.close()
Process Method:
This code uses iterators/generators to handle and distribute the workload.
By doing this, it is easy to have all results pass through a common
counting function for display of the progress without the use of
global (multiprocessing manager) variables and locks.
With the exception of when N == 1 (where it falls back to serial methods)
the code works as follows:
- A background thread is started the will iterate over the incoming sequence
and add items to the queue. If the incoming sequence is exhausted, the
worker sends kill signals into the queue.
- The items are also chunked and indexed (used later)
- After the background thread is started a function to pull from the OUTPUT
queue is created. This counts the number of closed processes but otherwise
yields the computed result items
- A pool of workers is created. Each worker will read from the input queue
and distribute the work amongst threads (if using). It will then
return the resuts into a queue
- Now the main work happens. It is done as chain of generators/iterators.
The background worker has already begin adding items to the queue so
now we work through the output queue. Note that this is in serial
since the work was already done in parallel
- Generator to pull from the result queue
- Generator to count and display progress (if progress=True).
- Generator to hold on to and return items in a sorted manner
if sorting is requested. This can cause itermediate results to be
stored until they can be returned in order
- The output generator chain is iterated pulling items through and then
are yielded.
- cleanup.
Last Updated:
if N is None:
chunksize = max(chunksize,Nt)
tot = len(seq)
except TypeError:
tot = None
if tqdm is None:
if isinstance(progress,(str,unicode))\
and progress.lower() in ['jupyter','notebook','nb']:
counter = partial(_counter_nb,tot=tot)
counter = partial(_counter,tot=tot)
if isinstance(progress,(str,unicode))\
and progress.lower() in ['jupyter','notebook','nb']\
and hasattr(tqdm,'tqdm_notebook'):
counter = partial(tqdm.tqdm_notebook,total=tot)
counter = partial(tqdm.tqdm,total=tot) # Set the total since tqdm won't be able to get it.
if N == 1:
if Nt == 1:
out = imap(fun,seq)
pool = mpd.Pool(Nt) # thread pools don't have the pickle issues
out = pool.imap(fun,seq)
if progress:
out = counter(out)
for item in out:
yield item
if Nt > 1:
q_in = mp.JoinableQueue()
q_out = mp.Queue()
# Start the workers
workers = [mp.Process(target=_worker, args=(fun, q_in, q_out,Nt))
for _ in xrange(N)]
for worker in workers:
worker.daemon = daemon
# Create a separate thread to add to the queue in the background
def add_to_queue():
for iixs in _iter_chunks(enumerate(seq),chunksize):
# Once (if ever) it is exhausted, send None to close workers
for _ in xrange(N):
add_to_queue_thread = Thread(target=add_to_queue)
# Generator we use to return
def queue_getter():
finished = 0
count = 0
while finished < N:
out = q_out.get()
if out is None:
finished += 1
yield out
# Chain generators on output
out = queue_getter()
if progress:
out = counter(out)
if ordered:
out = _sort_generator_unique_integers(out,key=lambda a:a[0])
# Return
for item in out:
yield item[1]
# Clean up
for worker in workers:
def _counter(items,tot=None):
for ii,item in enumerate(items):
if tot is not None:
txt = '{}'.format(ii+1)
print('\r%s' % txt,end='')
yield item
def _counter_nb(items,tot=None):
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress,FloatText
from IPython.display import display
if tot is not None:
f = FloatProgress(min=0,max=tot)
f = FloatText()
f.value = 0
for ii,item in enumerate(items):
f.value += 1
yield item
def _worker(fun,q_in,q_out,Nt):
""" This actually runs everything """
if Nt > 1:
pool = mpd.Pool(Nt)
_map = # thread pools don't have the pickle issues
_map = map
while True:
iixs = q_in.get()
if iixs is None:
# for ix in iixs:
def _ap(ix):
i,x = ix
q_out.put((i, fun(x)))
list(_map(_ap,iixs)) # list forces the iteration
if Nt >1:
def _iter_chunks(seq,n):
yield a len(n) tuple from seq. If not divisible, the last one would be less
than n
_n = 0;
for item in seq:
if _n == 0:
group = [item]
_n += 1
if _n == n:
yield tuple(group)
_n = 0
if _n > 0:
yield tuple(group)
def _sort_generator_unique_integers(items,start=0,key=None):
Yield from `items` in order assuming UNIQUE keys w/o any missing!
The items ( or key(item) ) MUST be an integer, without repeats, starting
at `start`
queue = dict()
for item in items:
if key is not None:
ik = key(item)
ik = item
if ik == start:
yield item
start += 1
# Get any stored items
while start in queue:
yield queue.pop(start) # average O(1), worse-case O(N)
start += 1 # but based on ref below, should be O(1)
else: # for integer keys.
queue[ik] = item # Ref:
# Exhaust the rest
while start in queue:
yield queue.pop(start)
start += 1
def _txtbar(count,N,ticks=50,text='Progress'):
Print a text-based progress bar.
count : Iteration count (start at 0)
N : Iteration size
ticks : [50] Number of ticks
text : ['Progress'] Text to display (don't include `:`)
Prints a text-based progress bar to the terminal. Obviosly
printing other things to screen will mess this up:
count = int(count+1)
ticks = min(ticks,N)
isCount = int(1.0*count%round(1.0*N/ticks)) == 0
if not (isCount or count == 1 or count == N):
Npound = int(round(1.0 * count/N*ticks));
Nspace = int(1.0*ticks - Npound);
Nprint = int(round(1.0 * count/N*100));
if count == 1:
Nprint = 0
if len(text)>0:
text +=': '
txt = '{:s}{:s}{:s} : {:3d}% '.format(text,'#'*Npound,'-'*Nspace,Nprint)
print('\r%s' % txt,end='')
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