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Created September 24, 2011 07:01
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for(var i=0;;){var today=new Date,a=$("div#template li a")[i],$a=$(a);i++;if(a.rel!=="nofollow"&&a.href.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)&&!$a.html().match(/^<del>.*/)){var href=a.href;$.ajax({url:href,cache:!1,success:function(c){var b=$(c),c=b.find("div.authorship time.js-relative-date").text();today-new Date(c)<2592E6&&(c='<strong style="color:blue">'+c+"</strong>");b=b.find("ul.repo-stats");b=$(b);b.prepend($("<li>").html(c));b.find(".watchers a").text()>100&&b.find(".watchers a").wrap("<strong>").css("color",
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success: function(data) {
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// if updated in last one month
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// if more than 100 people watches this repo
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// if more than 20 people forks this repo
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var tar = this.url.split('?')[0];
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error: function() {
return false;
// end
if ($a.text() === 'node-clucene') {
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