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Last active May 25, 2024 19:03
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  • Save JySzE/0d6417c84deceda8326e38804d31015b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JySzE/0d6417c84deceda8326e38804d31015b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
REM Pointing to System32 for broken path mitigation.
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%PATH%
cd /d "%~dp0"
echo ==========================================================
echo Version 1.7a
echo 05/25/24
echo ==========================================================
set /a num=%random% %%100
set "MPV_old_RandomNumber=MPV_old_%random%"
REM Checking if the "MPV" folder exists...
echo The "MPV" folder exists, Renamed to "%MPV_old_RandomNumber%".
echo ==========================================================
ren "%CD%\MPV" "%MPV_old_RandomNumber%"
) ELSE (
goto :continue
REM MPV builds RSS.
set "MPVRSSFeedURL="
REM Parse MPV RSS feed to get latest V3 and non-V3 MPV build links.
echo Parsing MPV RSS feed for download links.
echo ==========================================================
powershell -Command "$rss_data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '%MPVRSSFeedURL%'; $latestV3Build = $rss_data | Where-Object { $ -like '*64bit-v3*mpv-x86_64-v3*-git-*.7z/download' } | Select-Object -First 1; $latestNonV3Build = $rss_data | Where-Object { $ -like '*64bit*mpv-x86_64*-git-*.7z/download' -and $ -notlike '*-v3-*' } | Select-Object -First 1; [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText('%CD%\mpv_temp_v3.txt', $; [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText('%CD%\mpv_temp.txt', $;"
set /p LatestV3BuildLink=<"%CD%\mpv_temp_v3.txt"
set /p LatestNonV3BuildLink=<"%CD%\mpv_temp.txt"
REM echo Latest V3 Build Link: %LatestV3BuildLink%
REM echo Latest Non-V3 Build Link: %LatestNonV3BuildLink%
REM Download 7zr.exe & 7za (extras).
echo Downloading 7zr and 7za.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\7zr.exe" >nul
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\7z2301-extra.7z" >nul
"%CD%\7zr.exe" x "7z2301-extra.7z" -o"%CD%\7za" >nul
move "%CD%\7za\7za.exe" "%CD%" >nul
echo Downloading Coreinfo.
echo ==========================================================
REM Download Coreinfo.
curl -s -o "%CD%\"
REM Unzip Coreinfo.
"%CD%\7za.exe" x "%CD%\" -o"%CD%\Coreinfo" >nul
echo Parsing CPU instructions with Coreinfo.
echo ==========================================================
REM Check for AVX2 support using Coreinfo.
set "AVX2Support=false"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('"".\Coreinfo\Coreinfo.exe" /accepteula | findstr /C:"AVX2""') do (
if "%%a"=="*" (
set "AVX2Support=true"
) else if "%%a"=="-" (
set "AVX2Support=false"
REM AVX2 support ?
if "%AVX2Support%"=="true" (
echo CPU is x86_64-v3 or newer.
echo ==========================================================
echo Downloading latest x86_64-v3 MPV build...
echo ==========================================================
curl -s -L "%LatestV3BuildLink%" -o "%CD%\mpv_v3.7z"
echo Latest x86_64-v3 MPV build Download Complete.
echo ==========================================================
REM Create folder for MPV and extract files using 7zr.exe.
mkdir "%CD%\MPV"
"%CD%\7zr.exe" x "mpv_v3.7z" -o"%CD%\MPV" >nul
echo MPV_x86_64-v3 extracted to \MPV\.
echo ==========================================================
REM Create additional script folders.
mkdir "%CD%\MPV\scripts"
mkdir "%CD%\MPV\script-opts"
) else (
echo CPU is x86_64-v2 or older.
echo ==========================================================
echo Downloading latest non-v3 MPV build...
echo ==========================================================
curl -s -L "%LatestNonV3BuildLink%" -o "%CD%\mpv_non_v3.7z"
echo Latest non-v3 MPV build Download Complete.
echo ==========================================================
REM Create folder for MPV and extract files using 7zr.exe.
mkdir "%CD%\MPV"
"%CD%\7zr.exe" x "mpv_non_v3.7z" -o"%CD%\MPV" >nul
echo MPV_x86_64 extracted to \MPV\.
echo ==========================================================
REM Create additional script folders.
mkdir "%CD%\MPV\scripts"
mkdir "%CD%\MPV\script-opts"
REM Conf files, updater and lua scripts.
echo Downloading mpv.conf and input.conf to \MPV\mpv\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\mpv\mpv.conf"
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\mpv\input.conf"
echo Downloading mpv_conf_updater.bat to \MPV\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\mpv_conf_updater.bat"
echo Downloading mpv-menu-plugin by tsl0922 to \MPV\scripts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s -L "" -o "%CD%\"
"%CD%\7za.exe" x "%CD%\" -o"%CD%" >nul
move "%CD%\menu\*.*" "%CD%\MPV\scripts" >nul
echo Downloading autoload by MPV to \MPV\scripts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\scripts\autoload.lua"
echo Downloading thumbfast by po5 to \MPV\scripts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\scripts\thumbfast.lua"
echo Downloading osc.lua for thumbfast to \MPV\scripts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\scripts\osc.lua"
echo Downloading thumbfast.conf to \MPV\script-opts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\script-opts\thumbfast.conf"
echo Editing thumbfast.conf "tone_mapping=no, direct_io=yes".
echo ==========================================================
curl -s -L "" -o "%CD%\"
"%CD%\7za.exe" x "%CD%\" -o"%CD%\sed" >nul
curl -s -L "" -o "%CD%\"
"%CD%\7za.exe" x "%CD%\" -o"%CD%\sed_dep" >nul
move "%CD%\sed_dep\bin\*.*" "%CD%\sed\bin\" >nul
set "file=%CD%\MPV\script-opts\thumbfast.conf"
set "tempfile=%CD%\MPV\script-opts\thumbfast.tmp"
REM Perform the replacements using sed.
"%CD%\sed\bin\sed.exe" "s/tone_mapping=auto/tone_mapping=no/g; s/direct_io=no/direct_io=yes/g" "%file%" > "%tempfile%"
REM Replace the original file with the modified one.
move /Y "%tempfile%" "%file%" >nul
echo Downloading persist-properties.lua to \MPV\scripts\.
echo ==========================================================
curl -s "" -o "%CD%\MPV\scripts\persist-properties.lua"
echo Downloading Gandhi Sans Font to \MPV\fonts\.
echo ==========================================================
mkdir "%CD%\MPV\fonts"
curl -sk "" -o "%CD%\"
"%CD%\7za.exe" x "%CD%\" -o"%CD%\" >nul
move "%CD%\TipografiaGandhi\GandhiSans-*.*" "%CD%\MPV\fonts\" >nul
REM Clean up temporary files.
echo Deleting temp files.
echo ==========================================================
del "%CD%\mpv_temp*.txt" /F /Q
del "%CD%\" /F /Q
rd /s /q "%CD%\Coreinfo"
del "%CD%\mpv_*.7z" /F /Q
rd /s /q "%CD%\MPV\doc"
del "%CD%\" /F /Q
rd /s /q "%CD%\menu"
del "%CD%\sed-4.2.1-*.zip" /F /Q
rd /s /q "%CD%\sed"
rd /s /q "%CD%\sed_dep"
rd /s /q "%CD%\7za"
rd /s /q "%CD%\TipografiaGandhi"
del "%CD%\" /F /Q
del "%CD%\7z2301-extra.7z" /F /Q
del "%CD%\7z*.exe" /F /Q
REM Checking for APPDATA MPV folder because it reads conf files from here first.
echo Checking for APPDATA MPV folder...
set "folder=%APPDATA%/mpv"
set "backup_folder=mpv_bak"
set "backup_suffix=1"
IF EXIST "%folder%" (
echo ==========================================================
echo The APPDATA MPV folder exists.
echo ==========================================================
echo Renaming APPDATA "mpv" folder to "mpv_bak"
rem Increment the backup_suffix if mpv_bak folder already exists
if exist "%APPDATA%\%backup_folder%_%backup_suffix%" (
set /a "backup_suffix+=1"
goto :check_backup_folder
move "%APPDATA%\mpv" "%APPDATA%\%backup_folder%_%backup_suffix%" >nul
) ELSE (
echo ==========================================================
echo The APPDATA MPV folder does not exist. This is good.
echo ==========================================================
echo All done enjoy!
echo ==========================================================
(goto) 2>nul & del "%~dp0\SoM_MPV_Builder.bat"
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