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Last active July 7, 2017 09:57
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[Proposal] tg-resources ValidationError changes
# Key differences w/ the current default error parser
- Lists of errors joined by a comma
+ Lists of primitive errors joined by a space (configurable via options)
+ Lists of complex errors parsed as ListValidationErrors
+ ValidationError.asString()
+ ValidationError.toString() (proxy of asString)
+ Add iterators to ValidationErrors w/ children (so users don't have to iterate over .errors directly). Note: List/Object validationerrors should have same iteration API
const responseBody = {
statusCode: 400,
responseText: JSON.stringify({
errors: {
non_field_errors: [ // string (joined by space)
'Something is generally broken',
password: [ // string (joined by space)
'too short.',
'missing numbers.',
email: { // Nested (object) ValidationError
something: 'be wrong yo', // string
remember: false, // string
deliveryAddress: [ // Nested (list) ValidationError
{ // Nested (object) ValidationError
non_field_errors: [
'Provided address is not supported', // string (joined by space)
null, // null
{ // Nested (object) ValidationError
zip: 'Please enter a valid address', // string
country: [ // string (joined by space)
'This field is required.',
'Please select a valid country.'
undefined, // null (since no errors)
{ // null (since no errors)
non_field_errors: [],
{} // null (since no errors)
paymentMethods: [] // null
const parsedError = ValidationError({
nonFieldErrors: 'Something is generally broken',
errors: {
password: 'Too short. missing numbers.',
email: ValidationError({
nonFieldErrors: null,
errors: {
something: 'be wrong yo',
remember: 'false',
deliveryAddress: ListValidationError({
nonFieldErrors: undefined, // unused for list validation errors (e.g. always undefined)
errors: [
nonFieldErrors: 'Provided address is not supported',
errors: {},
nonFieldErrors: null,
errors: {
zip: 'Please enter a valid address',
country: 'This field is required. Please select a valid country.',
// paymentMethods is stripped since it evaluates to an empty array (those are ignored)
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simonschmidt commented Jul 7, 2017

Preserving non_field_errors as list might make it easier to display in a meaningful way so unrelated sentences don't end up looking like a paragraph (user can still join with space if they want to) => <div class="error">e</div>)

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