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Created December 27, 2021 15:51
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SChema For
type Alliance {
acceptmem: Boolean
acronym: String
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
aluminum: Float
All bank transactions within the last 14 days, this field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
bankrecs: [Bankrec]
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
bauxite: Float
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
coal: Float
color: String
flag: String
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
food: Float
forumlink: String
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
gasoline: Float
id: ID
irclink: String
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
iron: Float
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
lead: Float
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
money: Float
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
munitions: Float
name: String
nations: [Nation!]!
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
oil: Float
received_treaties: [Treaty!]!
score: Float
sent_treaties: [Treaty!]!
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
steel: Float
All tax records within the last 14 days, this field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
taxrecs: [Bankrec]
This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank
uranium: Float
"""A paginated list of Alliance items."""
type AlliancePaginator {
"""A list of Alliance items."""
data: [Alliance!]!
"""Pagination information about the list of items."""
paginatorInfo: PaginatorInfo!
enum AlliancePosition {
enum AttackType {
type Bankrec {
aluminum: Float
bauxite: Float
coal: Float
date: DateTime
food: Float
gasoline: Float
id: ID
iron: Float
lead: Float
money: Float
munitions: Float
note: String
oil: Float
"""ID of the Banking Nation"""
pid: ID
rid: ID
rtype: Int
sid: ID
steel: Float
stype: Int
tax_id: ID
uranium: Float
type City {
airforcebase: Int
aluminumrefinery: Int
bank: Int
barracks: Int
bauxitemine: Int
coalmine: Int
coalpower: Int
date: Date
drydock: Int
factory: Int
farm: Int
gasrefinery: Int
hospital: Int
id: ID
infrastructure: Float
ironmine: Int
land: Float
leadmine: Int
mall: Int
munitionsfactory: Int
name: String
nuclearpower: Int
oilpower: Int
oilwell: Int
policestation: Int
powered: Boolean
recyclingcenter: Int
stadium: Int
steelmill: Int
subway: Int
supermarket: Int
uramine: Int
windpower: Int
type Color {
bloc_name: String
color: String
turn_bonus: Int
"""A date string with format `Y-m-d`, e.g. `2011-05-23`."""
scalar Date
A datetime string with format `Y-m-d H:i:s`, e.g. `2018-05-23 13:43:32`.
scalar DateTime
A datetime and timezone string in ISO 8601 format `Y-m-dTH:i:sO`, e.g. `2020-04-20T13:53:12+02:00`.
scalar DateTimeTz
type Nation {
adv_city_planning: Boolean
adv_engineering_corps: Boolean
aircraft: Int
alliance: Alliance
alliance_id: ID
alliance_position: AlliancePosition
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
aluminum: Float
arable_land_agency: Boolean
armss: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
bauxite: Float
bauxitew: Boolean
beigeturns: Int
cfce: Boolean
cia: Boolean
cities: [City!]!
city_planning: Boolean
clinical_research_center: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
coal: Float
color: String
continent: String
date: DateTime
"""All defensive wars within the last 14 days"""
defensive_wars: [War!]!
dompolicy: String
egr: Boolean
espionage_available: Boolean
flag: String
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
food: Float
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
gasoline: Float
green_tech: Boolean
id: ID
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
iron: Float
irond: Boolean
ironw: Boolean
itc: Boolean
last_active: DateTime
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
lead: Float
leader_name: String
massirr: Boolean
missiles: Int
mlp: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
money: Float
moon_landing: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
munitions: Float
nation_name: String
nrf: Boolean
nukes: Int
num_cities: Int
"""All offensive wars within the last 14 days"""
offensive_wars: [War!]!
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
oil: Float
pirate_economy: Boolean
population: Int
projects: Int
propb: Boolean
"""All received bank transactions within the last 14 days"""
received_bankrecs: [Bankrec!]!
recycling_initiative: Boolean
score: Float
"""All sent bank transactions within the last 14 days"""
sent_bankrecs: [Bankrec!]!
ships: Int
soldiers: Int
space_program: Boolean
specialized_police_training: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
spies: Int
spy_satellite: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
steel: Float
tanks: Int
telecom_satellite: Boolean
treasures: [Treasure!]!
uap: Boolean
This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access
uranium: Float
vds: Boolean
vmode: Int
warpolicy: String
"""A paginated list of Nation items."""
type NationPaginator {
"""A list of Nation items."""
data: [Nation!]!
"""Pagination information about the list of items."""
paginatorInfo: PaginatorInfo!
"""Pagination information about the corresponding list of items."""
type PageInfo {
"""Count of nodes in current request."""
count: Int
"""Current page of request."""
currentPage: Int
"""When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."""
endCursor: String
"""When paginating forwards, are there more items?"""
hasNextPage: Boolean!
"""When paginating backwards, are there more items?"""
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
"""Last page in connection."""
lastPage: Int
"""When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."""
startCursor: String
"""Total number of node in connection."""
total: Int
"""Pagination information about the corresponding list of items."""
type PaginatorInfo {
"""Total count of available items in the page."""
count: Int!
"""Current pagination page."""
currentPage: Int!
"""Index of first item in the current page."""
firstItem: Int
"""If collection has more pages."""
hasMorePages: Boolean!
"""Index of last item in the current page."""
lastItem: Int
"""Last page number of the collection."""
lastPage: Int!
"""Number of items per page in the collection."""
perPage: Int!
"""Total items available in the collection."""
total: Int!
type Query {
"""Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 50."""
first: Int!
id: [Int]
"""The offset from which elements are returned."""
page: Int
): AlliancePaginator
colors: [Color]
alliance_id: [Int]
alliance_position: Int
cities: Int
color: String
created_after: Date
"""Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 500."""
first: Int!
id: [Int]
leader_name: [String]
max_cities: Int
max_score: Float
min_cities: Int
min_score: Float
name: String
nation_name: [String]
"""The offset from which elements are returned."""
page: Int
vmode: Boolean
): NationPaginator
tradeprices(limit: Int = 30): [Tradeprice]
trades(accepted: Boolean, buy_or_sell: String, id: [Int], limit: Int = 1000, nation_id: [ID], offer_resource: String, type: TradeType): [Trade]
treasures: [Treasure]
By default, will return only active wars. Pass this as false to return all wars.
active: Boolean = true
alliance_id: [ID]
Max is 14 days ago. Set to 0 to disable time limit if you want to query by war IDs.
days_ago: Int = 1
id: [Int]
nation_id: [ID]
): [War]
type Trade {
accepted: Boolean
buy_or_sell: String
date: DateTime
date_accepted: DateTime
id: ID
offer_amount: Int
offer_resource: String
receiver: Nation
"""ID of the Nation Buying"""
rid: ID
sender: Nation
"""ID of the Nation Selling"""
sid: ID
"""Total in $ for the Trade"""
total: Int
type: TradeType
enum TradeType {
type Tradeprice {
aluminum: Float
bauxite: Float
coal: Float
credits: Float
date: Date
food: Float
gasoline: Float
id: ID
iron: Float
lead: Float
munitions: Float
oil: Float
steel: Float
uranium: Float
type Treasure {
bonus: Int
color: String
continent: String
name: String
nation: Nation
spawndate: Date
type Treaty {
alliance1: Alliance
alliance2: Alliance
date: Date
id: ID
treaty_type: String
turns_left: Int
type War {
airsuperiority: ID
att_aircraft_killed: Int
att_alliance_id: ID
att_alum_used: Int
att_fortify: Boolean
att_gas_used: Float
att_infra_destroyed: Float
att_infra_destroyed_value: Float
att_missiles_used: Int
att_money_looted: Float
att_mun_used: Float
att_nukes_used: Int
att_resistance: Int
att_ships_killed: Int
att_soldiers_killed: Int
att_steel_used: Int
att_tanks_killed: Int
attacker: Nation
attacks: [WarAttack!]!
attid: ID
attpeace: Boolean
attpoints: Int
date: DateTime
def_aircraft_killed: Int
def_alliance_id: ID
def_alum_used: Int
def_fortify: Boolean
def_gas_used: Float
def_infra_destroyed: Float
def_infra_destroyed_value: Float
def_missiles_used: Int
def_money_looted: Float
def_mun_used: Float
def_nukes_used: Int
def_resistance: Int
def_ships_killed: Int
def_soldiers_killed: Int
def_steel_used: Int
def_tanks_killed: Int
defender: Nation
defid: ID
defpeace: Boolean
defpoints: Int
groundcontrol: ID
id: ID
navalblockade: ID
reason: String
turnsleft: Int
war_type: WarType
winner: ID
type WarAttack {
att_gas_used: Float
att_mun_used: Float
attcas1: Int
attcas2: Int
city_infra_before: Float
cityid: ID
date: DateTime
def_gas_used: Float
def_mun_used: Float
defcas1: Int
defcas2: Int
id: ID
improvementslost: Int
infra_destroyed_value: Float
infradestroyed: Float
loot_info: String
moneystolen: Float
resistance_eliminated: Int
success: Int
type: AttackType
victor: ID
enum WarType {
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