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Last active June 4, 2024 16:08
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  • Save K4R7IK/3d61ac593c812646b72cf44678841eeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save K4R7IK/3d61ac593c812646b72cf44678841eeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Startship prompt configuration.
# Left prompt
format = """
# Right prompt
right_format = """
scan_timeout = 10
add_newline = true
vimcmd_symbol = '[](bright-yellow)'
success_symbol = '[❯](bright-green)'
error_symbol = '[✗](bright-red)'
min_time_to_notify = 60_000
min_time = 2_000
format = ' [$duration](bold yellow)'
truncation_length = 5
format = '[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style)'
read_only = ' '
'~/Downloads' = ' '
'~/Documents' = ' '
'~/Music' = ' '
'~/Pictures' = ' '
'~/Videos' = ' '
'~/Desktop' = ' '
'~/Projects' = ' '
'~/Games' = ' '
symbol = ' '
disabled = true
symbol=' '
disabled = false
format = ':[$symbol$branch]($style)'
symbol = ' '
style = '#a8b2fc bold'
format = '\(:[$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\)'
format = '(:[$all_status$ahead_behind]($style)) '
conflicted = '\[ [$count](bright-white bold)\]'
ahead = '\[[﯁ ](bright-blue)[$count](bright-white bold)\]'
behind = '\[[﮾ ](white)[$count](bright-white bold)\]'
diverged = '\[[ ](purple)|[ ﯁ ](bright-blue)[$ahead_count](bright-white bold)[ ﮾ ](white)[$behind_count](bright-white)\]'
untracked = '\[ [$count](bright-white bold)\]'
stashed = '\[[](yellow) [$count](bright-white bold)\]'
modified = '\[[ ](bright-yellow)[$count](bright-white bold)\]'
staged = '\[[ ](bright-green)[$count](bright-white bold)\]'
renamed = '\[[ ](bright-cyan) [$count](bright-white bold)\]'
deleted = '\[ [$count](bright-white bold)\]'
format = 'via [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )(\($virtualenv\) )]($style)'
command = """
URL=$(command git ls-remote --get-url 2> /dev/null)
if [[ "$URL" =~ "github" ]]; then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "gitlab" ]]; then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "bitbucket" ]];then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "kernel" ]];then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "archlinux" ]];then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "gnu" ]];then
ICON=" "
elif [[ "$URL" =~ "git" ]];then
ICON=" "
ICON=" "
for PATTERN in "https" "http" "git" "://" "@"; do
[[ "$URL" == "$PATTERN"* ]] && URL="${URL##$PATTERN}"
for PATTERN in "/" ".git"; do
[[ "$URL" == *"$PATTERN" ]] && URL="${URL%%$PATTERN}"
printf "%s%s" "$ICON" "$URL"
directories = [".git"]
when = 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null'
shell = ["bash","--norc","--noprofile"]
style = "#f08080 bold"
format = ' at [$output]($style)'
description = 'Display last commit hash and message'
command = "git show -s --format='%h \"%s\"'"
when = "git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null"
style = '#fd9f9f bold'
format = '[$output]($style) '
command = "df -h --output=avail '$PWD' | tail -n 1"
when = 'true'
shell = ['bash', '--noprofile', '--norc']
symbol = ''
format = '[$symbol ($output)]($style) '
style = 'bright-blue'
disabled = true
disabled = true
command = "find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '.DS_Store' | wc -l"
when = 'exit 0' # run always
symbol = ' '
description = 'Number of files in the current working directory'
format = '[$symbol$output]($style) '
style = 'bright-blue'
disabled = true
command = "find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '.git' -not -name '.' | wc -l"
when = 'exit 0'
symbol = ' '
description = 'Number of folders in the current working directory'
format = '[$symbol$output]($style) '
style = 'bright-blue'
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