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K4thos/Color.lua Secret

Last active March 20, 2023 03:07
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---@module 'common.Class'
---Color object class.
---@class Color : Class
---@operator add(Color): Color
---@operator sub(Color): Color
---@operator mul(Color): Color
---@field r number @Red value in RGB color model. (int: 0:255)
---@field g number @Green value in RGB color model. (int: 0:255)
---@field b number @Blue value in RGB color model. (int: 0:255)
---@field src number @Source alpha. (int: 0:255)
---@field dst number @Destination alpha. (int: 0:255)
Color = Class:new('Color')
Color.r = 255
Color.g = 255
Color.b = 255
Color.src = 255
Color.dst = 255
---Constructor for creating new object instance.
---@param t table<string, number> @Table storing data for object creation.
---@return Color @New object instance.
function Color:new(t)
t = t or {}
setmetatable(t, self)
return t
---Add operator overloading. Adds RGB. (color + color)
---@param colorA Color @First arg.
---@param colorB Color @Second arg.
---@return Color @New object instance.
function Color.__add(colorA, colorB)
local r = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.r + colorB.r, 255))
local g = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.g + colorB.g, 255))
local b = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.b + colorB.b, 255))
return Color:new({r = r, g = g, b = b, src = colorA.src, dst = colorA.dst})
---Sub operator overloading. Subtracts RGB. (color - color)
---@param colorA Color @First arg.
---@param colorB Color @Second arg.
---@return Color @New object instance.
function Color.__sub(colorA, colorB)
local r = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.r - colorB.r, 255))
local g = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.g - colorB.g, 255))
local b = math.max(0, math.min(colorA.b - colorB.b, 255))
return Color:new({r = r, g = g, b = b, src = colorA.src, dst = colorA.dst})
---Mul operator overloading. Multiplies RGB. (color * color)
---@param colorA Color @First arg.
---@param colorB Color @Second arg.
---@return Color @New object instance.
function Color.__mul(colorA, colorB)
local r = (colorA.r / 255) * (colorB.r / 255) * 255
local g = (colorA.g / 255) * (colorB.g / 255) * 255
local b = (colorA.b / 255) * (colorB.b / 255) * 255
return Color:new({r = r, g = g, b = b, src = colorA.src, dst = colorA.dst})
---Eq operator overloading. Compares r, g, b, src, and dst (color == color)
---@param colorA Color @First arg.
---@param colorB Color @Second arg.
---@return boolean @True if objects are the same.
function Color.__eq(colorA, colorB)
if colorA.r == colorB.r and colorA.g == colorB.g and colorA.b == colorB.b and colorA.src == colorB.src and colorA.dst == colorB.dst then
return true
return false
---Creates a new object instance from *hex* value.
---@param hex string @Color values as hex string.
---@return Color @New object instance.
function Color:fromHex(hex)
hex = tostring(hex)
if hex:sub(0, 1) == "#" then hex = hex:sub(2, -1) end
if hex:sub(0, 2) == "0x" then hex = hex:sub(3, -1) end
local r = tonumber(hex:sub(1, 2), 16)
local g = tonumber(hex:sub(3, 4), 16)
local b = tonumber(hex:sub(5, 6), 16)
local src = tonumber(hex:sub(7, 8), 16) or 255
local dst = tonumber(hex:sub(9, 10), 16) or 0
return Color:new({r = r, g = g, b = b, src = src, dst = dst})
---Creates string of *Color* converted to hex.
---@return string @Color values as hex string.
function Color:toHex()
local r = string.format("%x", self.r)
local g = string.format("%x", self.g)
local b = string.format("%x", self.b)
local src = string.format("%x", self.src)
local dst = string.format("%x", self.dst)
local hex = tostring((r:len() < 2 and "0") .. r .. (g:len() < 2 and "0") .. g .. (b:len() < 2 and "0") .. b .. (src:len() < 2 and "0") .. src .. (dst:len() < 2 and "0") .. dst)
return hex
---Returns RGB and alpha values stored in Color object.
---@return number, number, number, number, number @Red, Green, Blue values in RGB color model, source and destination alpha.
function Color:unpack()
return tonumber(self.r) or 255, tonumber(self.g) or 255, tonumber(self.b) or 255, tonumber(self.src) or 255, tonumber(self.dst) or 255
return Color
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