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Last active January 22, 2023 06:57
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Earley parser in Clojure.
(ns earley
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:require [clojure.set :as set])
(:use clojure.core.logic))
(declare nullables single-parse all-parses)
;; An Earley set is a tuple of a vector and a set.
;; This lets us iterate over them as well as keep track of seen values.
(defn- set-conj [{:keys [seen?] :as all} & xs]
(let [xs (remove seen? xs)]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (into v xs)])) all)))
;; LR(0) items in the literature are a tuple of a grammar rule, matched position, and origin.
;; In this implementation, the tuple (rule, pos) is referred to as lr0.
;; The tuple ((rule, pos), origin) is referred to as item.
(defn- next-symbol [{[_ rhs] :rule pos :pos}] (get rhs pos ::complete))
;; Labels are used for the shared pack parse forest.
;; They indicate the rule and it's match, and the section of corresponding input.
;; This function takes an item and creates a label using its origin and an inputted finish.
(defn- item->label [{{[lhs _] :rule :as lr0} :lr0 origin :origin :as item} k]
{:label (if (= ::complete (next-symbol lr0)) lhs lr0) :start origin :finish k})
;; Strings aren't indexed? even though you can call get on them.
(def ^:private indexed?* (some-fn string? indexed?))
(defn earley [grm S s & {all-parses :all-parses :or {all-parses false}}]
{:pre [(even? (count grm)) (indexed?* s) (->> grm (partition 2) (map second) (every? indexed?*))]}
(let [grm (->> grm (partition 2) (map vec))
nullable? (nullables grm)
terminal? (set/difference (->> grm (mapcat second) set) (->> grm (map first) set))
top-levels (->> grm
(filter (comp #{S} first))
(map #(hash-map :lr0 {:rule % :pos 0} :origin 0)))
parse (if all-parses earley/all-parses single-parse) ; Namespace qualify to grab function
predict (fn [state {:keys [lr0] :as input-item} k]
(let [predictions (->> grm
(filter (comp #{(next-symbol lr0)} first))
(map #(hash-map :lr0 {:rule % :pos 0} :origin k)))]
(reduce (fn [state {{[lhs _] :rule} :lr0 :as item}]
(if (nullable? lhs) ; Short circuit nullable productions.
(let [item-label (item->label input-item k)
next-label {:label (next-symbol lr0) :start k :finish k}
input-item* (update-in input-item [:lr0 :pos] inc)
input-item*-label (item->label input-item* k)]
(-> state
(update-in [:chart k] set-conj input-item* item)
(update-in [:forest input-item*-label]
(fnil conj #{})
[item-label next-label])
(update-in [:forest next-label]
(fnil conj #{})
[{:label {:rule [(next-symbol lr0) []] :pos 0}
:start k
:finish k}
{:terminal [] :start k :finish k}])))
(update-in state [:chart k] set-conj item)))
scan (fn [state {:keys [lr0] :as item} k]
(if (= (next-symbol lr0) (get s k ::eos))
(let [item-label (item->label item k)
next-label {:terminal (next-symbol lr0) :start k :finish (inc k)}
item* (update-in item [:lr0 :pos] inc)
item*-label (item->label item* (inc k))]
(-> state
(update-in [:chart (inc k)] (fnil set-conj {:seen? #{} :items []}) item*)
(update-in [:forest item*-label] (fnil conj #{}) [item-label next-label])))
complete (fn [state {{[lhs _] :rule} :lr0 origin :origin} k]
(let [completions (filter (comp #{lhs} next-symbol :lr0)
(-> state :chart (get origin) :items))]
(fn [state {:keys [lr0] :as item}]
;; Note: this origin is bound to the one in the input item.
(let [item-label (item->label item origin)
next-label {:label (next-symbol lr0) :start origin :finish k}
item* (update-in item [:lr0 :pos] inc)
item*-label (item->label item* k)]
(-> state
(update-in [:chart k] set-conj item*)
(update-in [:forest item*-label]
(fnil conj #{})
[item-label next-label]))))
;; The state is a tuple of the earley chart and the shared pack parse forest.
state (->> (range (inc (count s)))
(fn [state k]
(loop [state state i 0]
(let [items (-> state :chart (get k) :items)]
(if (= i (count items))
(let [{:keys [lr0] :as st} (items i)]
(condp apply [(next-symbol lr0)] ; Unary predicates with condp.
#{::complete} (recur (complete state st k) (inc i))
terminal? (recur (scan state st k) (inc i))
(recur (predict state st k) (inc i))))))))
{:chart (-> (count s)
(repeat {:seen? #{} :items []})
(conj {:seen? (set top-levels) :items (vec top-levels)})
:forest {}}))]
(-> state
(update :chart (partial map :items)) ; We don't need the duplicate items from the set
(assoc :parse (parse (:forest state) {:label S :start 0 :finish (count s)})))))
;; Returns all the nullable nonterminals in a grammar.
(defn- nullables [grm]
(loop [prev #{}
curr (->> grm
(filter (comp empty? second))
(map first)
(if (= prev curr)
(recur curr
(->> grm
(filter (comp (partial every? curr) second))
(map first)
(into curr))))))
;; Returns a single parse tree by walking down the left tree of the forest.
(defn- single-parse [forest label]
(letfn [(walk [label]
(loop [label label lst ()]
(when-let [[{{[lhs _] :rule pos :pos} :label :as left} right] (first (forest label))]
(if (zero? pos)
[lhs (cons right lst)]
(recur left (cons right lst))))))
(parse [label]
(let [[rule symbs] (walk label)]
(->> symbs
(map #(if (contains? % :terminal) (:terminal %) (parse %)))
(cons rule))))]
(parse label)))
;; Returns a lazy sequence of all possible parse trees.
(defn- all-parses [forest label]
(let [mapo (fn mapo [rel lst out]
(matche [lst out]
([[] []])
([[x . xs] [y . ys]]
(rel x y)
(mapo rel xs ys))))
walko (fn walko
([label out] (walko label () out))
([label acc out]
(fresh [pos lhs rhs left right]
(project [label] (membero [left right] (-> forest (get label) seq)))
(featurec left {:label {:rule [lhs rhs] :pos pos}})
(matchu [pos]
([0] (conjo [lhs] (cons right acc) out))
([_] (walko left (cons right acc) out))))))
parseo (fn parseo [label tree]
(fresh [rule symbs out]
(walko label [rule symbs])
(conso rule out tree)
(mapo #(conda
[(featurec %1 {:terminal %2})]
[(parseo %1 %2)])
(run* [q] (parseo label q))))
;; Example on Wikipedia.
(:parse (earley [:P [:S]
:S [:S \+ :M] :S [:M]
:M [:M \* :T] :M [:T]
:T "1" :T "2" :T "3" :T "4"]
;; Works with ambiguous grammars.
(:parse (earley [:S [:S :S] :S "s"]
:all-parses true))
;; Nullable grammar test. Skips production of C in parse tree.
(:parse (earley [:A [\a :B :B :B \a]
:B [:C]
:C ""]
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