概要 リープモーションがキャプチャする1フレームのJSONフォーマットのデータからいくつかのプロパティを表示する。
- フレーム
- 手
- 指やツール
- ジェスチャ
<title>Leap JavaScript Sample</title>
<script src="http://js.leapmotion.com/leap-0.5.0.js"></script>
<script>// JavaScript code goes here</script>
<h1>Leap JavaScript Sample</h1>
<div id="main">
<h3>Frame data:</h3>
<div id="frameData"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<h3>Hand data:</h3>
<div id="handData"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<h3>Finger and tool data:</h3>
<div id="pointableData"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<h3>Gesture data:</h3>
<div id="gestureData"></div>
5行目の<script></script>の間の// JavaScript code goes hereを消してコードを追加
var controllerOptions = {enableGestures: true};
Leap.loop(controllerOptions, function(frame) {
// Body of callback function
7行目の// Body of callback function を消してコードを追加
var frameString = "Frame ID: " + frame.id + "<br />"
+ "Timestamp: " + frame.timestamp + " µs<br />"
+ "Hands: " + frame.hands.length + "<br />"
+ "Fingers: " + frame.fingers.length + "<br />"
+ "Tools: " + frame.tools.length + "<br />"
+ "Gestures: " + frame.gestures.length + "<br />";
// <div id="frameData">を書き換え
document.getElementById('frameData').innerHTML = frameString;
var previousFrame;
14行目で改行してコードを追加(document.getElementById.. の手前)
// Frame motion factors
if (previousFrame) {
var translation = frame.translation(previousFrame);
frameString += "Translation: " + vectorToString(translation) + " mm <br />";
var rotationAxis = frame.rotationAxis(previousFrame);
var rotationAngle = frame.rotationAngle(previousFrame);
frameString += "Rotation axis: " + vectorToString(rotationAxis, 2) + "<br />";
frameString += "Rotation angle: " + rotationAngle.toFixed(2) + " radians<br />";
var scaleFactor = frame.scaleFactor(previousFrame);
frameString += "Scale factor: " + scaleFactor.toFixed(2) + "<br />";
previousFrame = frame;
function vectorToString(data){
var array = Array.prototype.slice.call(data);
return array.toString();
イベントループの内側(Leap.loop(controllerOptions, function(frame))にコードを追加
// Display Hand object data
var handString = "";
if (frame.hands.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < frame.hands.length; i++) {
var hand = frame.hands[i];
handString += "Hand ID: " + hand.id + "<br />";
handString += "Direction: " + vectorToString(hand.direction, 2) + "<br />";
handString += "Palm normal: " + vectorToString(hand.palmNormal, 2) + "<br />";
handString += "Palm position: " + vectorToString(hand.palmPosition) + " mm<br />";
handString += "Palm velocity: " + vectorToString(hand.palmVelocity) + " mm/s<br />";
handString += "Sphere center: " + vectorToString(hand.sphereCenter) + " mm<br />";
handString += "Sphere radius: " + hand.sphereRadius.toFixed(1) + " mm<br />";
// And so on...
document.getElementById('handData').innerHTML = handString;
// Display Pointable (finger and tool) object data
var pointableString = "";
if (frame.pointables.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < frame.pointables.length; i++) {
var pointable = frame.pointables[i];
pointableString += "Pointable ID: " + pointable.id + "<br />";
pointableString += "Belongs to hand with ID: " + pointable.handId + "<br />";
if (pointable.tool) {
pointableString += "Classified as a tool <br />";
pointableString += "Length: " + pointable.length.toFixed(1) + " mm<br />";
pointableString += "Width: " + pointable.width.toFixed(1) + " mm<br />";
else {
pointableString += "Classified as a finger<br />";
pointableString += "Length: " + pointable.length.toFixed(1) + " mm<br />";
pointableString += "Direction: " + vectorToString(pointable.direction, 2) + "<br />";
pointableString += "Tip position: " + vectorToString(pointable.tipPosition) + " mm<br />";
pointableString += "Tip velocity: " + vectorToString(pointable.tipVelocity) + " mm/s<br />";
document.getElementById('pointableData').innerHTML = pointableString;
// Display Gesture object data
var gestureString = "";
if (frame.gestures.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < frame.gestures.length; i++) {
var gesture = frame.gestures[i];
gestureString += "Gesture ID: " + gesture.id + ", "
+ "type: " + gesture.type + ", "
+ "state: " + gesture.state + ", "
+ "hand IDs: " + gesture.handIds.join(", ") + ", "
+ "pointable IDs: " + gesture.pointableIds.join(", ") + ", "
+ "duration: " + gesture.duration + " µs, ";
switch (gesture.type) {
case "circle":
gestureString += "center: " + vectorToString(gesture.center) + " mm, "
+ "normal: " + vectorToString(gesture.normal, 2) + ", "
+ "radius: " + gesture.radius.toFixed(1) + " mm, "
+ "progress: " + gesture.progress.toFixed(2) + " rotations";
case "swipe":
gestureString += "start position: " + vectorToString(gesture.startPosition) + " mm, "
+ "current position: " + vectorToString(gesture.position) + " mm, "
+ "direction: " + vectorToString(gesture.direction, 2) + ", "
+ "speed: " + gesture.speed.toFixed(1) + " mm/s";
case "screenTap":
case "keyTap":
gestureString += "position: " + vectorToString(gesture.position) + " mm, "
+ "direction: " + vectorToString(gesture.direction, 2);
gestureString += "unkown gesture type";
gestureString += "<br />";
document.getElementById('gestureData').innerHTML = gestureString;
- Frame ID
- Timestamp
- Hands
- Fingers
- Tools
- Gestures
- Translation フレーム間のミリメートル単位での動きの大きさと方向
- Rotation axis フレーム間の手の動きに由来する回転軸の変化
- Rotation angle フレーム間の手の動きに由来する回転角度の変化
- Scale factor フレーム間の手の動きに由来する倍率の変化
- Hand ID
- Direction
- Palm normal 法線方向のベクトル
- Palm position The center position of the palm in millimeters from the Leap origin.
- Palm velocity The rate of change of the palm position in millimeters/second.
- Sphere center The center of a sphere fit to the curvature of this hand.
- Sphere radius The radius of a sphere fit to the curvature of this hand, in millimeters.
- Pointable ID
- Belongs to hand with ID
- Length
- Width
- Direction
- Tip position
- Tip velocity
- Gesture ID
- type
- state
- hand IDs
- pointable IDs
- duration
- circle
- center
- normal
- radius
- progress
- swipe
- start position
- current position
- direction
- speed
- screenTap
- keyTap
- position
- direction