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Last active July 26, 2023 06:16
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πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Favourite non-obvious TS tricks

Record<string, x | undefined>

Represent maps

// rather than 
const map: {[ key: string ]: string} = {
  foo: 'bar',

// do
const map: Record<string, string|undefined> = {
  foo: 'bar',

// ... or just do a Map
const map = new Map<string, string>()
const map = new Map([['foo', 'bar']])


  validate={(values) => {
    const errors: Partial<typeof values> = {};
    if (
      values.contactEmail &&
    ) {
      errors.contactEmail = 'Invalid email address';
    return errors;
  // [..]


type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>

ReturnType<typeof fn>

Typecast return value of function


Unwrap the value of a promise.

export type ThenArg<TPromise> = TPromise extends PromiseLike<infer TValue>
  ? ThenArg<TValue>
  : TPromise;

inferAsyncReturnType<typeof myFn>

export type inferAsyncReturnType<TFunction extends (...args: any) => any> =

React.ComponentProps<typeof Component>

When making a wrapper of another react fn

export type MuiCreatableSelectProps = React.ComponentProps<
  typeof CreatableSelect
> & {
  label: string;

Combining with Omit if a value is not needed in wrapper

type OtherComponentProps = React.ComponentProps<
  typeof OtherComponent
export type MyComponentProps = Omit<OtherComponentProps, 'value' | 'otherValueNotNeeded'>;

export function MyComponent(props: MyComponent) {
  // [..]


type Post = NonNullable<PostByIdQuery['Post_by_pk']>;

Avoiding export default

// Makes autocompletion works more reliably if you always do
export const MyComponent = () => { /* ... */ }

// instead of

export default () => { /* ... */ }

Options object over fn arguments

// bad
const fn = (arg1: string, arg2: string) => { /* ... */ }

// good
const fn = ({arg1, arg2}: {arg1: string, arg2: string}) => { /* ... */ }

Explicit state

type UseRemoteData =
  | {
      status: 'loading';
  | {
      status: 'error';
      error: Error;
  | {
      status: 'ok';
      result: RemoteDataResponse;
function useRemoteData(token: string): UseRemoteData {
  const [result, setResult] = useState<UseRemoteData>({
    status: 'loading',

  useEffect(() => {
    function load() {
        .then((res) => {
            status: 'ok',
            result: res,
        .catch((error) => {
            status: 'error',

  }, [token]);

  return result;
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bennidi commented Nov 24, 2022

I am currently enjoying to carry type information around using arrays with null values casted to the desired type.
They are basically only there to carry type information. I use these methods as sugar for something like [ null as unknown as DesiredType] as const
These are the utilitypes I use for this.

/** @summary Sugar to construct type information from null value */
export const Type = <T>():T => null as unknown as T

export function TypeTuple<T>(id:string): readonly [string, T ]{
  return [ id, Type<T>() ] as const
export function TypeTag<T>(): readonly [ T ]{
  return [ Type<T>() ] as const

export type InferElement<T> = T extends readonly [infer Element] ? Element : never;

export type MappedArrayTypeHolder<Arrays> = {
  [I in keyof Arrays]: InferElement<Arrays[I]>

Then I can define typetags like this const SessionManagerTag = TypeTag<SessionManager>() and use this as the key for deploying and resolving this object with correct typings like this registry.deploy( [ [ SessionManagerTag, new SessionManager(eventbus, stores) ] ] as const) and const [manager, session] =[SessionManagerTag, UserSessionTag] as const)

The registry is very simple wrapper around a standard Map and is only there to resolve the typings correctly.

export class Registry {

  private registry = new Map()

  constructor(initial?:[string, any][]){
    initial?.forEach(([key, value]) => this.registry[key] = value)

  discover = <T extends ReadonlyArray<readonly [any]>>(args: T): MappedArrayTypeHolder<T> => 
    // the type inference is not strong enough here, so the case is needed => this.registry.get(key)) as unknown as MappedArrayTypeHolder<T>

  deploy = <T extends ReadonlyArray<readonly [any, any]>>(args: T): MappedTuples<T>  =>[key, value]) => {
      this.registry.set(key, value)
      return value
    }) as unknown as MappedTuples<T>



// And somewhere else in the code

// ... returns the deployed values with correct typings
const [manager] = registry.deploy( [ [ SessionManager.TAG, new SessionManager(eventbus, stores) ] ] as const)

// Resolve multiple deployed values by their type tags 
const [config, session] =[ConfigTag, UserSessionTag] as const)

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