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Created January 20, 2023 06:47
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Burnable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./Life.sol";
import "./Marketplace.sol";
* @notice ManageLife Member NFT (ERC-721) contract for ManageLife Members.
* An NFT represents a membership or home ownership in real life.
* Properties are all being managed by ManageLife.
* NFT Symbol: MLifeNFT
* @author
contract ManageLife is ERC721, ERC721URIStorage, ERC721Burnable, Ownable {
Life public lifeToken;
Marketplace public marketplace;
* @notice This is the wallet address where all property NFTs will be
* stored as soon as the property got vacated or returned to ML.
address public PROPERTY_CUSTODIAN;
/// Mapping to get the issuance rate of a tokenId (propery).
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public lifeTokenIssuanceRate;
/// @notice Mapping to check the payment status of a tokenId.
mapping(uint256 => bool) public fullyPaid;
event FullyPaid(uint256 tokenId);
event StakingInitialized(uint256 tokenId);
event PropertyReturned(address indexed from, uint256 tokenId);
event PropertyCustodianUpdated(address newPropertyCustodian);
event TokenIssuanceRateUpdated(
uint256 token,
uint256 newLifeTokenIssuanceRate
event BaseURIUpdated(string _newURIAddress);
constructor() ERC721("ManageLife Member", "MLifeNFT") {
/// @notice Public base URI of ML's NFTs
string public baseUri = "";
function _baseURI() internal view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return baseUri;
* @notice Function to change the base URI of the NFTs.
* @dev Giving the ML Admins an options in the future to change the URI of NFTs.
* @param newBaseUri New URI string.
function setBaseURI(string memory newBaseUri) external onlyOwner {
baseUri = newBaseUri;
emit BaseURIUpdated(newBaseUri);
* @notice Function to set the Marketplace contract address.
* @dev Very important to set this after contract deployment.
* @param marketplace_ Address of the marketplace contract.
function setMarketplace(address payable marketplace_) external onlyOwner {
marketplace = Marketplace(marketplace_);
* @notice Function to set the @LIFE token contract address.
* @dev Very important to set this after contract deployment.
* @param lifeToken_ Address of the $LIFE token contract.
function setLifeToken(address lifeToken_) external onlyOwner {
lifeToken = Life(lifeToken_);
* @notice Mark an NFT or property fully paid from all mortgages at ML.
* @dev This can only be executed by the contract deployer or admin wallet.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT.
function markFullyPaid(uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwner {
fullyPaid[tokenId] = true;
/// @notice Staking for this property will be initialized if this is not owned by admin wallet.
if (owner() != ownerOf(tokenId)) {
emit FullyPaid(tokenId);
* @notice Function to mint new NFT properties.
* @dev Property ID will be the property number provided by the ML-NFT-API service.
* Life token issuance rate will be populated by the web3 admin from the portal app.
* @param propertyId Property ID of the NFT. This will be provided by the FrontEnd app.
* @param lifeTokenIssuanceRate_ Issuance rate percentage that is based on morgage payments maintained by ML.
function mint(
uint256 propertyId,
uint256 lifeTokenIssuanceRate_
) external onlyOwner {
require(address(lifeToken) != address(0), "Life token is not set");
uint256 tokenId = propertyId;
require(!_exists(tokenId), "Error: TokenId already minted");
_mint(owner(), propertyId);
lifeTokenIssuanceRate[tokenId] = lifeTokenIssuanceRate_;
* @notice Burn an NFT. Typical use case is remove an property from ML's custody.
* @dev Can only be executed by the admin/deployer wallet.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT to be burned.
function burn(uint256 tokenId) public override onlyOwner {
* @notice Admin wallet to retract a property (NFT) from a customer.
* @dev Use case is the admin wallet needs to force claim an NFT from a customer.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the property that needs to be retrackted.
function retract(uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwner {
_safeTransfer(ownerOf(tokenId), owner(), tokenId, "");
* @notice Homeowners or NFT holders to return a property to ML wallet.
* @dev This will fail if the caller is not the owner of the NFT.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT to be returned.
function returnProperty(uint256 tokenId) external {
msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId),
"Transfer failed: You are not the owner of this property"
safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, PROPERTY_CUSTODIAN, tokenId, "");
* @notice Allow homeowners/NFT holders to approve a 3rd party account
* to perform transactions on their behalf.
* @dev This works like setApprovalForAll. The owner is giving ownership wo their NFT.
* Use case of this is an ML customer who would like to give an access to anyone to
* use the home/property.
* Requirements in order to make sure this call will succeed:
* - The property should be fully paid.
* - Function caller should be the ml admin deployer wallet.
* - Receiver should be the Marketplace contract address.
* @param to Wallet address who will be granted with the above permission.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT.
function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) public override {
fullyPaid[tokenId] ||
ownerOf(tokenId) == owner() ||
to == address(marketplace),
"Approval restricted"
super.approve(to, tokenId);
* @notice Transfer hooks. The functions inside will be executed as soon as the
* concerned NFT is being trasnferred.
* @dev Operations inside this hook will be accomplished
* if either of the checks below were accomplished:
* - Customers cannot be able to transfer their NFTs if they are not yet fully paid.
* - Sender is the contract owner.
* - Receiver is the contract owner.
* - Caller of thid function is the Marketplace contract address.
* @param from Sender of the NFT.
* @param to Receiver of the NFT.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT.
function _beforeTokenTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) internal override {
fullyPaid[tokenId] ||
from == owner() ||
to == owner() ||
msg.sender == address(marketplace),
"Transfers restricted"
if (!fullyPaid[tokenId]) {
/// @dev If the sender of the NFT is contract owner, staking will be initiated.
if (from == owner()) {
/** @dev If the user will return the NFT to the contract owner,
* all the accumulated staking rewards will be claimed first.
if (to == owner() && from != address(0)) {
emit StakingInitialized(tokenId);
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);
function _burn(
uint256 tokenId
) internal override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage) {
* @notice Query the tokenURI of an NFT.
* @param tokenId TokenId of an NFT to be queried.
* @return string - API address of the NFT's metadata
function tokenURI(
uint256 tokenId
) public view override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage) returns (string memory) {
return super.tokenURI(tokenId);
* @notice Function to update the token issuance rate of an NFT
* @dev Issuance rate are being maintained by the ML admins.
* @param tokenId of an NFT
* @param newLifeTokenIssuanceRate new issuance rate of the NFT
function updateLifeTokenIssuanceRate(
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 newLifeTokenIssuanceRate
) external onlyOwner {
lifeTokenIssuanceRate[tokenId] = newLifeTokenIssuanceRate;
lifeToken.updateStartOfStaking(tokenId, uint64(block.timestamp));
emit TokenIssuanceRateUpdated(tokenId, newLifeTokenIssuanceRate);
* @notice Update the property custodian.
* @dev New address set here will be the new owner of all returned NFTs/properties.
* Will emit PropertyCustodianUpdated event.
* @param _newPropertyCustodian Wallet address of the new property custodian.
function updatePropertyCustodian(
address _newPropertyCustodian
) external onlyOwner {
PROPERTY_CUSTODIAN = _newPropertyCustodian;
emit PropertyCustodianUpdated(_newPropertyCustodian);
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