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Created January 20, 2023 06:48
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import "erc721a/contracts/ERC721A.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol";
import "./Life.sol";
* @notice ManageLife Investor (ERC-721) contract for ManageLife Investors.
* Owning this NFT represents a investment in ManageLife's properties in real life.
* NFT Symbol: MLifeNFTi
* @author
contract ManageLifeInvestorsNFT is ERC721A, Ownable {
/// Life token instance
Life public lifeToken;
/// Mapping of NFTi tokenId to their issuance rates
mapping(uint256 => uint256) private _lifeTokenIssuanceRate;
/// Mapping of NFTi tokenId to their start of staking
mapping(uint256 => uint64) public stakingRewards;
/// Mapping of NFTi tokenId to their unlock dates
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public unlockDate;
/// @notice Public base URI of ML's NFTs
string public baseUri = "";
event BaseURIUpdated(string _newURIAddress);
event StakingClaimed(address indexed claimaint, uint256 tokenId);
event TokenBurned(address indexed burnFrom, uint256 amount);
event TokenIssuanceRateUpdates(
uint256 indexed tokenId,
uint256 newLifeTokenIssuanceRate
event StakingInitiated(uint256 indexed tokenId);
event BurnedNft(uint256 tokenId);
constructor() ERC721A("ManageLife Investor", "MLifeNFTi") {}
* @notice Mint new NFTis.
* @param quantity Number of NFTis to be minted.
function mint(uint256 quantity) external onlyOwner {
_safeMint(msg.sender, quantity);
function _baseURI() internal view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return baseUri;
* @notice Function to change the base URI of the NFTs.
* @dev Giving the ML Admins an options in the future to change the URI of NFTs.
* @param newBaseUri New URI string.
function setBaseURI(string memory newBaseUri) external onlyOwner {
baseUri = newBaseUri;
emit BaseURIUpdated(newBaseUri);
* @notice Set the Life token contract address.
* @dev Important to set this after deployment in order to build integration with
* the ERC20 contract.
* @param lifeToken_ $LIFE token contract address.
function setLifeToken(address lifeToken_) external onlyOwner {
lifeToken = Life(lifeToken_);
* @notice Query the life token issuance rate of an NFTi.
* @dev Default token issuance rate of NFTi is set by admins once the NFTi is
* issued to investor. Issuance rates varies per NFTi and is maintained by ML admins.
* @param tokenId NFTi's tokenId.
* @return uint256
function lifeTokenIssuanceRate(
uint256 tokenId
) external view returns (uint256) {
return _lifeTokenIssuanceRate[tokenId];
* @notice Update life token issuance rate of an NFTi.
* @dev Updated issuance rate will be provided manually by ML admins.
* If an NFTi has an accumulated rewards already, the reward will be transferred
* first to the holder before updating the issuance rate.
* @param tokenId NFTi's tokenId.
* @param newLifeTokenIssuanceRate New issuance rate as provided by ML admins.
function updateLifeTokenIssuanceRate(
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 newLifeTokenIssuanceRate
) external onlyOwner {
/// Transfer first the exisiting reward to the NFTi holder before rate update takes place.
/// Resetting the start of stake to current time to halt the reward accumulation in the meantime.
stakingRewards[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp);
/// Once all rewards has been minted to the owner, reset the lifeTokenIssuance rate
_lifeTokenIssuanceRate[tokenId] = newLifeTokenIssuanceRate;
emit TokenIssuanceRateUpdates(tokenId, newLifeTokenIssuanceRate);
* @notice Initialize the staking reward for an NFTi.
* @dev This will be triggered by the transfer hook and requires that
* the MLIFE contract should be set.
* @param tokenId TokenId of NFTi to be set.
function initStakingRewards(uint256 tokenId) internal onlyOwner {
address(lifeToken) != address(0),
"ManageLife Token is not set"
stakingRewards[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp);
emit StakingInitiated(tokenId);
* @notice Function to issue an NFT to investors for the first time. Should be used by ML admins only.
* @dev Admins will be able to set an initial issuance rate for the NFT and initiate their staking.
* If the NFT has already an accumulated rewards, admins will not be able to transfer it to other address.
* Once this has been issued to an investor, the NFTi will be locked up by default for 1 year. At this period,
* the NFTi will not be able to be transfer to any contract or wallet address. Lock up period can be updated
* by admin wallet.
* @param to Address to issue the NFT
* @param tokenId TokenId to be issued.
* @param lifeTokenIssuanceRate_ Token issuance rate. Will be based on ML's mortgrage payment book.
function issueNftToInvestor(
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 lifeTokenIssuanceRate_
) external onlyOwner {
_lifeTokenIssuanceRate[tokenId] = lifeTokenIssuanceRate_;
safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, to, tokenId);
/// Setting lock up dates to 365 days (12 months) as default.
unlockDate[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp) + 365 days;
/// Initialiaze Staking.
/// @notice Function to check the claimable staking reward of an NFT
function checkClaimableStakingRewards(
uint256 tokenId
) public view returns (uint256) {
(uint64(block.timestamp) - stakingRewards[tokenId]) *
* @notice Claim $LIFE token staking rewards.
* @dev The rewards will be directly minted on the caller address.
* Once success, the timestamp of _stakingRewards for that tokenId will be reset.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT.
function claimStakingRewards(uint256 tokenId) public onlyInvestor(tokenId) {
/// Making sure that ML wallet will not claim the reward
require(msg.sender != owner(), "Platform wallet cannot claim");
uint256 rewards = checkClaimableStakingRewards(tokenId);
/// Mint the claimable $LIFE reward to the investor address.
lifeToken.mintInvestorsRewards(msg.sender, rewards);
/// @notice Record new timestamp data to reset the staking rewards data
stakingRewards[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp);
emit StakingClaimed(msg.sender, tokenId);
* @notice Burn $LIFE token rewards from an NFTi holder.
* @dev Burn percentage if being managed from the frontend app.
* @param amount Calculated amount to be burned.
function burnTokens(uint256 amount) external {
emit TokenBurned(msg.sender, amount);
* @notice Transfer NFTi function
* @dev This transfer operation checks for some requirements before it
* successfully proceed.
* Requirements:
* - Sender must be the NFTi owner
* - NFTi should have no or have finished the locked up period.
* @param to Receiver of NFTi
* @param tokenId NFTi tokenId to be sent.
function transferNft(address to, uint256 tokenId) external {
msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId),
"Error: You must be the owner of this NFT"
if (msg.sender == owner()) {
safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, to, tokenId);
} else {
// Before transferring the NFT to new owner, make sure that NFT has finished it's locked up period
block.timestamp >= unlockDate[tokenId],
"Error: NFT hasn't finished locked up period"
/// @dev If the NFT has a pending reward greater than 100 $LIFE tokens, it should be claimed first before transferring
checkClaimableStakingRewards(tokenId) > 100,
"Has claimable reward"
safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, to, tokenId);
/// If the locked up period has been completed, reset the time to unlock of the said NFT to default 365 days
unlockDate[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp) + 365 days;
* @notice Return the NFTi to ML wallet.
* @dev Use case - The investment period has been completed for a specificc NFTi
* and the asset needs to be returned. The investor should also clear the lockup
* period of the NFT so that the admins can transfer it to anyone at anytime. In
* an event that the NFTi has a claimable reward during the execution of this
* operation, the reward will be transferred first to the investor.
* @param tokenId NFTi's tokenId.
function returnNftToML(uint256 tokenId) external {
msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId),
"Error: You must be the owner of this NFT"
/// If the NFT has a pending reward, it should be claimed first before transferring
if (checkClaimableStakingRewards(tokenId) >= 0) {
/// Resetting the unlock date to remove the lock up period
unlockDate[tokenId] = block.timestamp;
safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, owner(), tokenId);
* @notice Function to update the lockdate of an NFT
* @param tokenId TokenId of an NFT
* @param _newLockDate Unix timestamp of the new lock date
function setLockDate(
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 _newLockDate
) external onlyOwner {
unlockDate[tokenId] = _newLockDate;
* @notice Function to burn an NFTi.
* @dev Use case of this is if the investor failed to return the NFTi to ML for
* certain period of time and circumstances, ML admin will burn the NFTi and replace it in circulation.
* Another use-case is if the property has exited the ManageLife program.
* @param tokenId TokenId of an NFT
function burnNFt(uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwner {
emit BurnedNft(tokenId);
* @notice Function to brute force retrieving the NFTi from a holder
* @param tokenId TokenId of an NFT
* Requirements:
* - The holder of an NFT should give an approval for all (setApprovalForAll()) to the contract address,
* in order for the function below to run successfully. This will be implemented on the frontend app.
function forceClaimNft(uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwner {
super.transferFrom(ownerOf(tokenId), msg.sender, tokenId);
/// @dev Modifier checks to see if the token holder is an NFTi investor
modifier onlyInvestor(uint256 tokenId) {
require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId), "Only for NFTIs owner");
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