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Last active January 20, 2023 06:47
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol";
import "./ManageLife.sol";
import "./MLInvestorsNFT.sol";
* @notice An ERC-20 contract for ManageLife.
* Token Symbol: MLIFE ($MLIFE)
* This contract manages token rewards issued to ManageLife homeowners and investors.
* This contract also handles native token functions (EIP20 Token Standard).
* @author
contract Life is ERC20, Ownable, Pausable {
* @notice Mapping to get the start of staking for each NFTs.
* Start of stake data is in UNIX timestamp form.
mapping(uint256 => uint64) public startOfStakingRewards;
/// @notice Maximum token supply
uint256 public constant MAX_SUPPLY = 5000000000000000000000000000;
/// Instance of the MLIFE NFT contract
ManageLife private _manageLifeToken;
/// Instance of the NFTi contract
ManageLifeInvestorsNFT private _investorsNft;
/// Set initial token supply before deploying.
constructor() ERC20("Life", "MLIFE") {
_mint(msg.sender, 2000000000000000000000000000);
event StakingClaimed(address indexed claimaint, uint256 tokenId);
event TokensBurned(address indexed burnFrom, uint256 amount);
/// @notice Security feature to Pause smart contracts transactions
function pause() external whenNotPaused onlyOwner {
/// @notice Unpausing the Paused transactions feature.
function unpause() external whenPaused onlyOwner {
* @notice Set the MLIFE's NFT contract address.
* @dev Important to set this after deployment.
* @param manageLifeToken_ Address of the MLIFE NFT contract
function setManageLifeToken(
address manageLifeToken_
) external onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
_manageLifeToken = ManageLife(manageLifeToken_);
* @notice Set the NFTi contract address.
* @dev Important to set this after deployment.
* @param investorsNft_ Contract address of NFTi contract.
function setNftiToken(
address investorsNft_
) external onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
_investorsNft = ManageLifeInvestorsNFT(investorsNft_);
* @notice Return the MLIFE's contract address.
* @dev If set, this will return the MLIFE contract address
* @return address
function manageLifeToken() external view returns (address) {
return address(_manageLifeToken);
* @notice Return the NFTi's contract address.
* @dev If set, this will return the NFTi contract address.
* @return address .
function manageLifeInvestorsNft() external view returns (address) {
return address(_investorsNft);
* @notice Initialize the Staking for an NFT.
* @dev Reverts if the caller is not the MLIFE contract address,
* MLIFE contact address is not set and if the contract is on-paused status.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT to start stake.
function initStakingRewards(uint256 tokenId) external whenNotPaused {
address(_manageLifeToken) != address(0),
"ManageLife token is not set"
// Making sure the one who will trigger this function are only ManageLife NFT and NFTi contracts:
msg.sender == address(_manageLifeToken),
"Only ManageLife token"
startOfStakingRewards[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp);
* @notice Update the start of stake of an NFT.
* @dev Since staking reward is based on time, this function will
* reset the stake start of an NFT that just recently claimed a token reward.
* This will be also an on-demand operation where the admins needs to reset
* the start of stake of an NFT, based off UNIX time.
* @param tokenId TokenID of an NFT.
* @param newStartDate New start of stake of an NFT. This param should be based on
* UNIX timestamp and into uint64 type.
function updateStartOfStaking(
uint256 tokenId,
uint64 newStartDate
) external {
msg.sender == owner() || msg.sender == address(_manageLifeToken),
"Ony admins can execute this operation"
startOfStakingRewards[tokenId] = newStartDate;
* @notice Returns the claimable $LIFE token of an NFT.
* @dev MLIFE contract is dependent on this function in calculating
* the estimated staking rewards of an MLIFE.
* Formula in calculating the reward:
* Rewards = Current timestamp - StartOfStake timestamp * Life token issuance rate.
* @param tokenId MLIFE's tokenId.
* @return uint256
function claimableStakingRewards(
uint256 tokenId
) public view returns (uint256) {
if (uint64(block.timestamp) < startOfStakingRewards[tokenId]) {
return 0;
(uint64(block.timestamp) - startOfStakingRewards[tokenId]) *
* @notice Burns $LIFE token from a sender's account. Assuming that sender holds $LIFE tokens.
* @param amount Amount to burn.
function burnLifeTokens(uint256 amount) external {
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
* @notice Function to mint additional token supply.
* @dev Newly minted amount will be credited to the contract owner.
* Prevents minting of new tokens if 5B supply is reached.
* @param _amount Additional amount to be minted.
function mint(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner isMaxSupply(_amount) {
_mint(msg.sender, _amount);
* @notice Mint $LIFE token rewards for NFTi Investors.
* @dev NFTi contract depends on this function to mint $LIFE
* token rewards to investors. Newly minted tokens here will be
* credited directly to the investor's wallet address and NOT on the admin wallet.
* Minting new token supply if 5B LIFE token supply is reached.
* @param investorAddress Wallet address of the investor.
* @param _amount Amount to be minted on the investor's address. Amount is based on the
* calculated staking rewards from NFTi contract.
function mintInvestorsRewards(
address investorAddress,
uint256 _amount
) external isMaxSupply(_amount) {
_mint(investorAddress, _amount);
* @notice Claim $LIFE token staking rewards.
* @dev MLIFE's rewards issuance is reliant on this function.
* Once the user claim the rewards, this function will mint the
* tokens directly on the homeowner's wallet.
* Notes:
* - ML's admin or deployer wallet cannot claim $LIFE rewards.
* - Setting the MLIFE contract address is prerequisite in running this function.
* - This function can only be called by MLIFE holders.
* - A percentage of the token reward will be burned. Percentage will be determined by the ML admin.
* - Burn call will be handled separately by the frontend app.
* @param tokenId MLIFE's tokenId.
function claimStakingRewards(uint256 tokenId) public whenNotPaused {
address(_manageLifeToken) != address(0),
"ManageLife token is not set"
/// @dev Making sure that admin wallet will not own token rewards.
_manageLifeToken.ownerOf(tokenId) != owner(),
"Platform wallet cannot claim"
/// @dev Making sure that only admin and MLIFE owners will claim the rewards.
msg.sender == owner() ||
msg.sender == _manageLifeToken.ownerOf(tokenId) ||
msg.sender == address(_manageLifeToken),
/// @dev Adding require check to comply with the maximum token supply.
totalSupply() + claimableStakingRewards(tokenId) <= MAX_SUPPLY,
"$LIFE supply is maxed"
/*** @notice Variable containers that holds the claimable amounts of the user. */
uint256 rewards = claimableStakingRewards(tokenId);
* @dev If the answer on the above questions are true,
* mint new ERC20 $LIFE tokens. Claimable amount will be minted on the property owner.
* At the same time, a percentage of the claimed reward will be burned
* which will be handled separately by the frontend app.
_mint(_manageLifeToken.ownerOf(tokenId), rewards);
* @dev Resetting the startOfStakingsRewards of the token to make
* sure their claimable rewards will reset as well.
startOfStakingRewards[tokenId] = uint64(block.timestamp);
emit StakingClaimed(msg.sender, rewards);
* @notice Custom access modifier to make sure that the caller of transactions are member of ML.
* @dev This identifies if the caller is an MLIFE or NFTi holder.
* @param tokenId TokenId of the NFT that needs to be checked.
modifier onlyMembers(uint256 tokenId) {
msg.sender == _manageLifeToken.ownerOf(tokenId) ||
msg.sender == _investorsNft.ownerOf(tokenId),
"Only NFT holders can execute this"
* @notice Custom access modifier to make sure minting will not exceed.
* @dev This makes sure that the LIFE max supply is 5B.
* @param amount new amount to be minted.
modifier isMaxSupply(uint256 amount) {
require(totalSupply() + amount <= MAX_SUPPLY, "$LIFE supply is maxed");
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