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Last active January 6, 2022 17:39
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Custom (React Bootstrap 2) Modal
import { useStyleModules } from 'helpers/functions';
import { FC, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Modal } from 'react-bootstrap';
import ModalStyles from 'styles/modules/modal.module.sass';
type CustomModalProps = {
show: boolean;
title?: string;
buttons?: JSX.Element[];
onModalClose?: () => void;
const CustomModal: FC<CustomModalProps> = (props) => {
const { show, title = String(), buttons = [], onModalClose, children } = props;
const [currentShow, setCurrentShow] = useState<boolean>(show);
const handleHide = () => {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [show]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!currentShow && onModalClose) {
}, [currentShow]);
return (
<Modal show={currentShow} className={useStyleModules(ModalStyles.customModal)} onHide={handleHide}>
<Modal.Header className={useStyleModules(ModalStyles.customModalHeader)} closeButton>
<Modal.Body className={useStyleModules(ModalStyles.customModalBody)}>
buttons?.length > 0
? <Modal.Footer className={useStyleModules(ModalStyles.customModalFooter)}>
{ => button)
: null
export default CustomModal;
export const useStyleModules = (...classes: string[]): string => classes.join(' ');
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